The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 370: The number of clowns

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Annan said calmly: “Dmitri’s birthday is September 9th, and the key number is nine; I am a ritualist and have had two lives, and the mysterious lady’s guardian month is two…

“…These are all numbers that Kaifni may choose and will ring in her mind, but will definitely be eliminated in the end.

“Because Salvatore did not know Dmitri’s birthday, and Kafni’s understanding of me as a ritualist was not clear enough – and when she realized that ‘I as a ritualist’ and ‘ When seeing the two images of Dmitry, she would immediately think of Maria watching the nightmare outside.

“From Maria, she will think of my three-color scepter and our three brothers and sisters.

“Therefore, there can only be one number that comes to Kaifni’s mind at this time.

“That’s three.”

Annan replied forcefully: “Correct, or not?”

“…correct answer.”

Looking at Fufu, whose expression suddenly turned ugly, Annan couldn’t help laughing.

He leaned on the chair and said with a smile: “Have you seen the situation clearly, a rootless thing?

“Do you think you trapped me? Do you think you can kill me?”

Annan’s expression suddenly changed.

He whispered: “Then the number of executions is-eleven.”

Appreciating Fufu’s wailing again, Annan said with a smile: “Then, let’s continue talking.

“The next number will indeed cause me some trouble. I might guess wrong at this time…”

Hearing Annan’s words, Fufu immediately suppressed his screams.

It’s not that he can’t bear the pain, it’s just that there is no need to “hold on for the sake of face.”

But after hearing Annan’s words… Fu Fu immediately tried his best to endure the tremendous pain of the death penalty, closed his mouth, and concentrated on listening to Annan’s answer.

“After Kafni guesses wrong twice in a row, she will realize the seriousness of the problem. Because she has already guessed a number correctly, there is no possibility of retreating – she wants to lose next, The only way is to ‘guess another correct number’.

“Because Kafni still has two chances.

“For Kafni, it is not necessary to choose all three numbers correctly. She needs to increase her probability of winning.

“After guessing twice wrongly using ‘Annan’ as the key word, Kaifni will begin to realize one thing – that is, the three numbers I selected are not related to myself. Relevant.

“In other words, Kaifuni will be aware. When I ‘randomly’ selected three numbers, I was already aware of the game content she might face. So the numbers I selected must be something she can Guessed.

“According to Kafni’s character of worrying about gains and losses, she will start to hesitate and self-doubt at this time…Did I recognize her?

“Because she plays Dmitri, and Kafni thinks her performance will be good. But she doesn’t understand Senior Salvatore – although Senior will protect me, he doesn’t No disrespect to Fufu.

“Yes, even if it is an evil **** like you, the tragedian, or the Skeleton King, Senior Sal will give him a minimum of respect. Because the education he received since childhood told him to fear gods.

“He won’t interrupt me. The senior will also protect me, but he won’t stop in front of me… He is better at supporting me behind me.

“This is because the senior has known his own weakness from a long time ago. Being able to know one’s own weakness is a valuable talent… He can prevent the weak from overestimating their capabilities and challenging him that is impossible. Great thing to fight against.”

Anan said, squinting at Fu Fu: “Senior is much smarter than you.

“But Kafni is more proud and inferior than Senior Sal. She has already paid the price of giving up her life, and she no longer has any doubts about the path she is on. But because of this, she also knows She is weak, but what she thinks about is ‘Can I reach the end?’

“Of the two of them, one looked at his feet and the other looked ahead. These are completely different personalities.

“Therefore, when there are still two chances, Kafni will definitely not choose ‘her own side’. This is a kind of cowardice… but it is actually a kind of determination.

“This is Kaifuni’s determination to ‘fight for her life when she is at the end of the road’ so far – she will definitely put the number related to herself to the end. As the decisive sword .

“So, her penultimate number will be related to Salvatore.

“The numbers related to Salvatore are the ‘one’ represented by Salvatore’s birthday, January 1st, and the ‘two’ related to the duality of senior and senior sister.

“In the previous number, Kaifni chose three. But the number two does not rule out… Faced with the choice between ‘one’ and ‘two’, it is not surprising which number she will choose. Right?”

Annan said with a smile: “The time is coming, it’s time for me to play my cards – the answer is ‘two’.”

“There is no chance of you guessing wrong——!”

Before the execution was imposed, Fufu screamed very fast.

Annan said with a smile: “Yes. I lied to you.

“Otherwise, how could you endure the pain of death and concentrate on listening to my story?

“Let’s accept the ‘thirteen’ deaths first.”

Annan’s voice was dark and deep, as if coming from the abyss: “I will quietly watch you suffer.”

After thirteen streams of light flashed through, Annan let out an even happier laugh.

Through “Ritual: Sacred Sacrifice”, Annan used the rotten husband as a sacrifice to fill his soul with nutrients. He clearly felt that his soul became warm and bright, like filling a large amount of firewood into a stove.

Annan feels that if he could open the attribute panel now, he should be able to see… that the awakening level of many of his factors has increased rapidly.

At least his three elements of [wisdom], [strictness], and [understanding] must have been significantly strengthened.

When Fufu became dying again, the aura on his body had obviously become weaker. He couldn’t even sit still in the chair, and he knelt on the ground like a sinner – with him as the center, blood spread to all sides; on his fair skin, there were blood marks on his body like spider webs.

The brilliance on Annan became even brighter.

The two **** of fire that lit up in his eyes made the throne he was sitting on become brilliant.

“Then, there is no need to say more about the last number.”

Annan said leisurely: “Why did you choose eight instead of four?

“Because from the bottom of her heart, she resisted the possibility of “four”. She did not want to be close to Annan because she was the “daughter of the fourth prince”, and she even hated Philip, who was closely related to the fourth.

“But the bigger reason is that she will never forget the sea of ​​silver and purple flowers on August 8th.”

Annan said slowly: “That was when she first met me.

“If it existed, the decisive battle that cost one’s life in the end… could only be this number.

“——Because she hopes that I can choose this number. This number is the most memorable to her and to us.”

Watching the number eight turn into a blue light point and disappear.

The restraints on Annan completely disappeared.

He stood up from the high throne and looked down at Fu Fu who was kneeling on the ground.

Annan sighed and slowly walked down from the throne.

“Do you know why I left Fourteen for last?”

When passing Fufu, Annan stopped behind Fufu.

He said without looking back: “Because this card is the most suitable for you.


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