The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 357: The Faceless Poet

Although I don’t know what plan Old Crow wants to use “Kafni” to accomplish.

But Kafni’s own power and cards are limited.

Her use value is nothing more than “the fourth prince’s only daughter”, “Nicholas Flamel’s student”, and “Annan Lingdong’s friend”. And no matter which angle she is involved in the plan, the next step will be a puddle of muddy water.

As Kafni’s friend, Annan cannot allow this.

Kafni trusted herself and left all issues regarding her teacher, mother, and her curse to be handled by herself… As long as there was a problem in one link, Annan would have no problem, but she herself might be beyond redemption.

Annan cannot allow it to fall on his hands.

And Annan’s words lightly threw away the pressure.

If Old Crow admits Annan’s words, it means that they must act for this and assassinate Kaifuni’s mother. Otherwise it would mean “the king is trying to abandon Sir Silver’s command and act alone.”

And if the old crow claims not to know about this, it means that they are no longer trusted by the king. The intelligence gathering capabilities and political status of the Crow family are no longer enough to intervene in what happens next.

As a result, they could not continue to ask Annan for other information about this matter, nor could they ask Annan for help in this regard. If he chooses to remain silent, the result will be the same.

As long as he refuses to admit it, the one-eyed crow will also carry out the task of monitoring, capturing and even assassinating the prince and concubine. Then Annan has the right to refuse all his requests – this is a task assigned by Sir Silver. You want to resist if you stop me. Righteous?

There is only one answer left for Old Crow.

The old man smiled bitterly: “Why are you doing this… She doesn’t want to return to the capital for the time being, so she won’t come.

“The plan to assassinate Margaret is already being laid out. After the fourth prince returned to the royal capital, he talked to us, allowed us to carry out the plan, and left behind documents and evidence before erasing the relevant memories. ”

But this affects only after the fact.

His memory must have been deleted, so when he assassinated Margaret, the fourth prince was not allowed to have access to or learn about it.

Nolan continued.

“In order to prevent the ‘Dream Stealer’ Denton from jumping over the wall and posing a threat to His Majesty or His Royal Highness Albert… Denton must be lured out.

“At least lead him away from His Highness Albert.”

“…I understand.”

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly: “You are planning to use Kafni as bait.”

The Crow family knows everything.

He knew everything the fourth prince himself didn’t know.

I’m afraid Denton has already been exposed.

However, it cannot be eliminated.

A gold-level transcendent—especially a soul-stealing wizard.

As long as you have a conversation with him, your memory will be easily read and modified. Even if he can control the contact between the extraordinary person and His Majesty the King, if he jumps over the wall in a hurry, who knows he will kill or drive several people crazy.

As long as the memories of several ministers are wiped clean – the secrets buried deep in their hearts are erased, the entire Noah may be in turmoil.

A gold-level transcendent who has broken into the palace is far more dangerous than a bomb. So even though the crow had seen everything, he didn’t dare to take action.

Because there is only one chance to stop him.

Once it fails… the results are devastating.

During the conversation, Nolan had taken Annan into the basement and closed the door.

“Please feel free to find a place to sit… You also know that there is only one ‘Dream Stealer’. No one knows how far he can do it. The only thing that is certain is that he cannot modify people he has not come into contact with. memory.”

Nolan sat on the sofa, put his hands on his knees, and said calmly: “The safety of the fourth prince, the safety of His Majesty, and the safety of the kingdom’s senior officials are always more important than the safety of his daughter.”

After hearing this, Annan sat on the sofa beside him, and Eugene Geraint sat next to him.

Anan was not angry at all with such indifferent words.

From Nolan’s point of view, he did exactly the right thing.

As long as the dismantling fails, a disaster that will at least cause chaos in the entire kingdom, if a little girl with no special skills is used as a bait, it can be eliminated… Even if this little girl is the king’s relative There’s nothing he can’t do for his granddaughter.

But right is right.

“In this world, not everything has to be done in the most correct way.”

Annan smiled gently: “Just being correct is not enough. I strive to achieve…perfection.”

His face was plain but full of confidence.

The dull green pupils reflected the light, giving people such a bright feeling.

“…As expected of you.”

After a moment of silence, Nolan sighed: “It would be great if an outstanding young man like you could be born in Noah.”

“It’s not impossible…”

At this moment, Eugene on the side suddenly spoke.

Nolan suddenly looked stunned when he heard this, and showed a searching gaze: “That’s right.

“In this case, it seems that you and Your Highness Kafni…”


Annan was silent for a moment.


Is there another pitfall here?

…Some miscalculation.

As expected of the old crow…it is simply a plan at all levels.

He didn’t believe that this was Eugene’s quick wit – if Nolan didn’t allow him to speak, how could a smart man like him dare to turn the topic to such a strange topic when Annan was talking about business with his father? place?

As long as Annan retaliates against what he said before, forcing Old Crow to take sides immediately, and expose their plan… Nolan’s question will come out sooner or later.

——Because the position of “friend” does not seem to be enough to explain that Annan would do so many things for Kaifni.

It is in their interest to use a girl as bait to abduct the unstable bomb or the fourth prince himself; on the other hand, it is also in their interest to use this girl to kidnap the only heir to the Winter Principality and the future. The old grandmother’s subordinate **** was tied to Noah’s chariot, which seemed to be a good profit?

His Majesty the King has always dreamed of unifying the five countries and rebuilding the Great Barrier.

If you can get married to Winter, it seems that this goal can be regarded as a quarter in advance…

Lin Dong is a “traditional place”, and its customs are different from those in other countries. Even if you are a prince, you can only have one husband and one wife.

…Although Kaifuni is indeed cute.

But he must not give in in front of the old crow – it is different from Annan’s previous “declaration of weakness” If he really admits this, it means that a huge weakness of his has been grasped at this end In the old crow’s paw.

Annan just replied calmly: “This is just an agreement between me and her.

“You don’t know this.”

“…an agreement?”

Hearing this, Old Crow was stunned for a moment.

Annan nodded seriously: “When she asks for help, I will rescue her – this is my promise as a man.”

“That’s it…”

Old Crow was silent for a while and nodded slightly: “I understand.

“Did it happen when you and His Highness Dmitry visited?”

The old man asked curiously.

He obviously didn’t know much about the content of this agreement.

——But it’s normal that he doesn’t know.

Because there is no such agreement.

This is compiled by Annan.

Annan asked back: “I’m actually very curious… I’ve never heard of ‘that old crow is actually a cardinal of a certain god’.

“I have answered so many of your questions, can you satisfy my curiosity – I just want to know which **** a big man like you will serve?”

“It’s not that hard to say. If you ask Merlin Manning’s biological brother, he will tell you directly.”

Nolan smiled gently and replied: “I am the **** of Lady Silence – the **** of records and confidentiality, a believer of the ‘Faceless Poet’.”

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