The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 346: The Secret of Sui Father

Reading on mobile phone

“Hermetic School?”

Hearing Annan’s inquiry, Bishop Daryl touched his bald head with some distress, “Annan, you may not know that I left the royal capital quite early. What you said, I actually didn’t Heard it.

“Or… the ‘Hermetic School’ I know may not be the one you asked about. Maybe it’s just the same name.”

“What about Nicholas Flamel?”

Annan asked.

Hearing this name, Daryl frowned slightly.

His expression gradually became serious. He supported his belly and struggled to sit up from the sofa, no longer maintaining the leisurely posture of Fat Man lying happily.

“Where did you hear this name?”

“That’s the Hermetic School. Their leader and initiator is a man who calls himself ‘Nicholas Flamel’.”

“You also said…”

Daryl repeated, “‘Self-proclaimed.'”

“It is indeed just a self-proclaimed name. But that Nicholas has long white curly hair, dark green eyes, and is a gold-level wizard of the Transformation School.”

Annan said slowly.

He looked into Daryl’s eyes.

So Annan quickly saw that after hearing his words, Daryl’s face quickly became a little ugly.


Darryl frowned immediately.

He rubbed his smooth and reflective head vigorously and sighed.

The fat bishop stood up from the sofa, touched his belly, and walked around the room.

He thought for a long time, frowned, and whispered to Annan

“…If it’s really him, you’d better be prepared.”

“I have no choice but to go,” Annan shrugged and poured himself a cup of black tea. “Sir Silver personally appointed me to go…your tea is pretty good.”

“So I just told you to be prepared, and I didn’t tell you not to go.”

Daryl glanced at it and said casually, “I still have two cans over there, just take them when you leave. I rarely drink…

“No, the point is Nicholas – how well do you know him?”

“Senior Thrall and I suspect that he may be the master of the Jade Tower in Denisoya Kingdom more than a hundred years ago.”

Annan rubbed his brows and said with some distress, “I speculate that he may have developed the Philosopher’s Stone of the Hermetic School. Then he used the Philosopher’s Stone to offset the consumption of his soul, thus gaining eternal life. .”


Daryl replied without hesitation, “Absolutely impossible.”


“He is indeed the discoverer and improver of ancient Philosopher’s Stone technology, and he is indeed able to refine the Philosopher’s Stone alone. But that is not the final version of the Philosopher’s Stone… but a simplified version. ”

The fat bishop shook his head, “Do you know the panacea? It’s the same principle as the transformation product. The complete version of the panacea requires rare golden mistletoe fruits, and the cost is too high. So the transformation Wizards will work hard to reduce costs and create a low-end version of the panacea.

“The Philosopher’s Stone he ‘improved’ actually has the same idea.”

…In other words, is it a beggar’s version of getting the Philosopher’s Stone?

Annan suddenly understood.

No wonder Salvatore, a bronze-level transformation wizard, can also produce usable semi-finished products…

It turns out that Nicholas deliberately lowered the production cost and difficulty.

Annan couldn’t help but ask, “The Philosopher’s Stone he improved is called the Philosopher’s Stone of the Hermetic School?”

Daryl nodded, “Yes. Because he has always regarded himself as the ‘second Hermes’, he claimed that the Philosopher’s Stone he developed is called the Philosopher’s Stone of the Hermetic School. .

“He never gave the Philosopher’s Stone to anyone, so no one knew in what way his Philosopher’s Stone was defective.

“But what he created is definitely not the real Philosopher’s Stone.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“——Because even gods cannot artificially create the Philosopher’s Stone.”

Daryl answered with great conviction in a tone that left no room for doubt.

“…Even if it’s Silver Jazz?”

“Not even the mysterious lady. It’s not a matter of difficulty, it’s simply impossible.”


Hearing Daryl’s tone of voice so certain, Annan was a little confused.

Daryl hesitated for a moment and stopped, “I can tell you…but you can’t tell me.”

“Is it related to Yinjue?”

“It has something to do with Zhengshen. It may even have something to do with this world.”

Daryl replied seriously, “Do you want to listen?”


Annan hesitated for a moment, but still obeyed his desire for knowledge and answered.

Even for safety reasons, it is better to know more than to know less.

After all, Senior Salvatore is still researching the Philosopher’s Stone, and Annan can’t help him. He can only try his best to help him collect some information that he can’t get.

The secrets directly related to the True God are something that even the Wizard Tower cannot collect.

But then again…

Grandpa Daryl, what is your identity…

“You have a special status, so I won’t let you swear to keep it secret… Although this secret is very important, it is actually very brief.”

Daryl took a deep breath and slowly said, “The Philosopher’s Stone is not a product of this world.”.


“Not from the beginning. The Philosopher’s Stone can replace the elements of any perfect form… Do you think such a thing is really possible in nature? The reason why the Philosopher’s Stone cannot be copied is simple… because of its The main raw material does not exist in this world.”

Daryl replied solemnly, “Do you know Father Sui, His Highness Annan?”

“…the **** of fire and creation?”

“Yes. The reason why Suifu is called Suifu is because he burned flint before becoming a god. But do you think that such achievements alone are enough to become a righteous god? ”

As soon as Daryl said this, Annan noticed something.

“You mean…”

“You guessed it right. What Sui Fu burned was not the world’s first flint… but the world’s first ‘Philosopher’s Stone’.”

Daryl said slowly, “From now on – this world will have the power of elements.

“Can you understand? In other words, the purpose of trying to copy the Philosopher’s Stone is not as simple as ‘getting eternal life’ or ‘resurrecting the dead’… What he wants is to create a world. A world of its own.

“In fact, Nicholas did not die naturally because of ‘excessive use of the power of elements’, but was murdered. This matter was more or less known to the big shots in the world at the time. But this was a case of justice The murder…because Nicholas did something taboo that is absolutely not allowed.”

“…artificial human?”

Annan blurted out.

He felt that he was becoming more and more familiar with this plot…

Daryl looked at him in surprise, staring for a long time before slowly nodding.


“Strictly speaking, it is an ‘artificial human made independently without relying on samples from any parent or mother generation’, or to be more precise, it is ‘not a copy of anyone, nor a descendant of anyone. ‘. That is…creating people out of thin air.”

…not using any human genetic samples at all?

Annan was suddenly in a daze.

How did he do it?

“So he failed in the end? Created a monster?”

“—No, he succeeded.”

Darry paused and replied in a deep voice.

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