The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 293: ?A win-win means winning twice

The young people working in the cold winter from all over the world gradually obtained information and realized what was happening in their hometowns.

Although there are still some people who have not left yet due to job handover, waiting for salary, etc… but their hearts have returned to the Principality of Winter along with other fellow countrymen.

With a large influx of labor, the reconstruction work of the Winter Principality is in full swing after the beginning of spring.

Farms, forest farms, hunting grounds, mines – after the heavy snowstorm cleared, wealth and money were almost everywhere.

These decades of winter have not frozen these resources into desolation… After all, it is not the real eternal winter, but the breath of the Mother of Dragons.

After the frost and snow dissipated, the winter soil became more fertile; the animals transformed from the frost beasts that regained their bodies have become real “warcraft”; The trees that regenerated after the frost breath also became the best hard wood and ritual materials that did not contain curses.

Houses built with this wood… even need only a layer of flooring to keep the room cool in the hot summer.

Because it has a very faint trace of dragon power, this wood can also make insects and snakes instinctively afraid to approach. In the humid south, such as the United Kingdom, and in the dark underground cities, pest control is necessary.

They usually use beast urine or rituals to get rid of insects, but this is definitely not as high-end and convenient as the wood that exudes the fragrance of wood.

After all, the wood will not be damaged by insects and will last for a long time.

Similarly, the ore material in metal veins soaked in frost will also be alienated. Weapons made from this kind of ore are “cold iron weapons”, which are hard in texture and also have some special effects.

Although Lundong has lost the specialties of frost beast blood and frost beast fur, Lundong still has a lot of these items in stock. And with the frost beasts temporarily disappearing, the prices of these frost beast products will only continue to skyrocket.

At the same time, Warcraft blood will also become a new export product.

Although the blood of these cursed creatures is less effective than the blood of frost beasts, it is more commonly used in rituals. Therefore, it can be exported in large quantities.

A few hundred years ago, there were quite a few World of Warcraft. These beasts, whose scientific name is “low-intensity erosion-type cursed creatures”, have higher intelligence than ordinary beasts and supernatural abilities that are somewhat close to extraordinary beings. They are difficult for ordinary people to fight against unless they use traps.

Their increased intelligence is mainly reflected in “obeying the instructions of the elves”, just like domestic pets. Because they know that this is a being that is superior to themselves, a being that they can never defeat and cannot be hurt.

——But if you are an ordinary Yaseran, you can beat it in most cases.

So after the end of the Elf Age, many Warcraft gradually became bolder. They even dare to attack humans.

…So, where there are still Warcraft today, there are only underground cities. That is the territory protected by the black widow, and she is the protector of all poisonous creatures and arthropods. There are still many monsters living in places that humans have not yet touched.

Because of these abundant materials, it can be said here in Winter… Whether it is miners, farmers, fishermen, hunters, or loggers, their incomes are much higher than similar types of work in other countries and regions.

According to previous years at the beginning of spring, the reaction of people in winter should be to dig, chop and claw to death. In just a few decades, by investing in these “renewable resources”, we can accumulate astronomical wealth that other countries have been unable to obtain for hundreds of years – and then become a nouveau riche, able to make and buy with great enthusiasm.

In the cold of spring and winter, even an old farmer might be richer than Noah’s knight. Because he may have several sets of Warcraft furs stored in his home, and he can even use frost breath wood to make furniture and handicrafts.

But because of Annan’s existence, this spring is different from previous years.

According to the newly added legal provisions of Grand Duke Annan, even in the spring, the amount of cold iron ore and frost-breathing wood allowed to be mined each year is quite limited.

This is not because these resources are valuable enough, but to control the share flowing into the market and ensure that it remains scarce, thereby raising prices.

And Warcraft is no longer the simple, unrestricted hunting it was in the past.

These magical beasts transformed from wild frost beasts are very valuable assets – because they can be bred normally!

The previous thoughts of Princess Noah also inspired Annan.

Annan directly dispatched two legions, which were stationed for a long time in the northern territory near the Amber Sea and the southeastern dense forest near the Theocracy. The main responsibility is to try to capture, tame and breed monsters while defending neighboring areas.

In the past, Warcraft would directly obey the elves without being domesticated. This level of IQ can be said to be quite conducive to domestication… and the various ancillary products of Warcraft are also of extremely high value.

But people at that time thought that because of the fact that “warcraft obeying elves attacked humans in large numbers”, they believed that this was the warcraft’s revenge on humans – after all, in the history textbooks of the Yaselan people, elves were “called by people” “Down”, Winter is no exception, and the textbooks on Underground City and the United Kingdom were the most outrageously changed.

Only the Theocracy’s textbooks mention a little bit of the truth… just the sentence “Elves destroy themselves.” However, there is no mention of curses, worms and great-level curses at all.

Because the history here has changed, people’s logic naturally made mistakes.

——Since the elves were defeated and the monsters were naturally tame to the elves, people would think that these monsters took revenge on people because the elves empire was overthrown by humans… which is also very reasonable.

So for them, these monsters have changed from neutral units to “remnants of the previous dynasty” – although we have not experienced the war that overthrew the Elf Empire, it is still no problem to wipe out these miscellaneous soldiers, right?

Thinking about this, the local legions in various countries, which lacked culture and whose history had been rewritten, became extremely excited and launched a retaliatory and targeted campaign against the Warcraft.

It was not hunting or killing, it was just pure killing. From the very beginning, they thought this was “the last army of the Elf Empire.”

After the Warcraft was almost completely wiped out, it was also when the Principality of Winter experienced a phase change from winter to spring under human that scholars could pass the transition from Frost Beast to Warcraft. Through phase transformation, we can infer the nature of the monsters that tamed elves and attacked humans at that time.

But it’s too late.

Warcraft has become an endangered protected animal – and it is still in urgent need!

Because they are extremely valuable, every time winter turns to spring, the winter people will hunt them and sell them. This sales volume is quite large, and can even dilute the price of Warcraft products on the market to one-tenth or even one-twentieth.

Because the Winter people have another set of logic.

They believe that when winter enters next time, these monsters will die and turn into frost beasts.

Since it is a frost beast, it is an evil beast that attacks humans.

——Then the money earned at this time can also reduce the probability of one’s descendants being attacked!

It’s a win-win!

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