The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 26: War games

Soon, the four minutes of public chatting time was over.

Delicious Wind Goose pressed the “8” key without hesitation.

The other party also answered the phone quickly:

“Who are you? What is your identity?”

Delicious Wind Goose asked immediately.

“I am Dove, from the School of Incapacity, not a prophet,” Dove quickly responded, “You are the captain, time is tight, if you have anything to say, please speak quickly. I will convey your order to Andersen.”

There was not much time left for Delicious Wind Goose to think, but he had almost the same idea: “They wear civilian clothes in order to stay on the defensive. As long as no one dies by the second night, then the innocent have won. .”

When he said this, his thinking gradually became clear: “But they can’t defend all the time, because three people will definitely be thrown out. Then the next day, someone will definitely use skills on eight, nine, ten, and eleven. ”

And… there is also the idol wizard who is a troublemaker.

The Idol Wizard needs to make sure that two people die, and the others cannot let the Idol Wizard win. So if the idol wizard changes his identity the next day and declares it, in order to prevent him from winning, others must let the “survival target” he named die; at the same time, they cannot execute the “death target” he announced.

——Or just kill the idol wizard directly.

But no matter what, the idol wizard will definitely cause death as long as he uses his skills.

Then the idol wizard will almost certainly kill people on the first night to switch sides. If the switch fails, he may not jump out but start to defend.

However, as long as the idol wizard succeeds in killing people on the first or second night…at the latest on the third night, there will be at least two nights where someone kills someone.

——It is absolutely impossible to guard against.

“If we go with the innocent lineup, then we can’t fight back and kill people. Once a civilian is really killed, we can’t kill someone who already has a head to stop the opponent, which means changing sides…

“I don’t know whether the seven ‘civilians’ in this game are true or not. My suggestion is, if Andersen is a wizard, kill No. 1 and No. 6 tonight. As long as we can eat one civilian, we will kill ourselves on the third night to others Head…finished.”

Time is almost running out.

Dove did not hesitate and made the call on the 12th.

Delicious Wind Goose realized that the biggest difficulty in this game… is time. Time is so tight that it is almost impossible to do complex logical thinking, and it is impossible to talk to other people because time is tight and no one will listen.

…Then how will you invest in people during the day tomorrow?

But at this time, Delicious Wind Goose saw the lights of No. 8 and No. 12 coming on.

A sudden chill ran down his spine.

Looking at the dim runes of others, he seemed to see others looking down at him indifferently.

Delicious Wind Goose realized something——

Among the twelve people, it seems that… only three of them have had private chats.

This means that if someone died tonight… he might have been exposed!

But there is no way, murderers cannot communicate with each other at night.

Delicious Wind Goose can’t modify its plan temporarily.

He could only wait for dawn.

Soon, the first night was over.

“Then it will be dawn.”

Ike’s voice sounded: “The one who died last night was No. 1, he was murdered.

“Speak in the order of actions last night: No. 12, No. 9, No. 8, No. 11, No. 6; others did not take action last night, starting from No. 2, speak in numerical order.”


It was different from what he thought at the beginning… Will the person who did not take action be announced?

Delicious Feng Goose’s heart sank.

Does this mean that on the first day during the day… the identities of all three of our own people were exposed?

Longjing Tea watched the live broadcast and sighed.

“——Old Goose’s brain is still not good…”

Annan couldn’t help but shook his head and said to himself:

“It’s not like you can’t fight…it depends on the operation.”

Delicious Wind Goose seems to have realized something.

But he still didn’t find the key to the problem.

The outcome of this game…

Not in the “Wizard”.

It’s about “civilians”.

No. 12 was obviously stunned for a few seconds.

He didn’t seem to expect that he would be the first to act.

He hesitated.

Suddenly began to speak: “I am a prophet wizard, and my identity was not revealed on the first day. I took the No. 7 test yesterday. He is indeed a destroyer wizard, not an idol wizard. Over.”


The delicious wind goose was startled for a moment.


Although this speech is still not very good, it can save a little bit…

Then No. 9: “I am the prophet wizard! I tested No. 8 last night. He is an incapacitated wizard. They have agreed! Let’s vote out the fake No. 12 today, and then vote again tomorrow. No. 8! I saw that No. 3 and No. 8 also had a conversation. I will vote for No. 3 on the fourth day. I have already made arrangements for you, go ahead!”

Following this is Dove.

She said methodically: “No. 9 was wrong, I am not an incapacitated wizard… Of course, I am not a prophet wizard either.

“——I am a civilian.”

The corners of Annan’s mouth rose.

Dove was the first to react.

Dove said calmly: “From the 1st to the 6th, the civilians of the Sixth Company are on guard against killing. I, a lone civilian, might be killed, so I told the prophet wizard. There was no prophet wizard at that time. Obviously, I was wearing clothes and at the same time naming the real prophet wizard No. 7 for verification to prevent him from pretending to be an idol wizard who destroyed the wizard to return votes.

“And No. 9 jumped against me when I signed up as a prophet wizard, but instead of voting for me, he voted for the real prophet wizard No. 12 first. I suspect that he plans to kill me, a real civilian, tonight. Now I’m cheating on my identity. I suggest you vote for No. 9 today, that’s it.”

The corners of Annan’s mouth raised slightly.

Although Dove’s speech still has many problems… it seems that because she has never played Werewolf, her sensitivity is stronger than that of Delicious Wind Goose.

Dove successfully disrupted all the first three speeches, no matter who it was, no one could completely believe it. Then the person who speaks later must step aside and provide new information and ideas, otherwise it will be a deadlock.

There is one obvious difference between this rule and Werewolf.

That’s because civilians cannot easily kill people and cannot act… So it can basically be regarded that civilians are most likely innocent.

In other words.

——The status of civilians without skills is higher than that of wizards with skills.

Because this is not actually a [killing game] that hides identity and pays attention to logic.

It is a [war game] that uses a killing game as a disguise and appearance… and pays attention to the incitement.

There will be a clear dividing line – before the second corpse dies, everyone tends to be defensive; and after the second corpse appears, everyone else will start to tend to kill.

Under strategic deterrence, no one will act rashly. Whoever acts first will be the target of public criticism.

But if everyone starts taking action, then those who haven’t taken action will become “sheep”. At that time, everyone will have to change sides with blood on their hands in order not to be persecuted, and the situation will immediately become chaotic.

In order to prevent the “wolves” from eating more “sheep” and becoming fat, civilians must be protected. At this time, civilians have the highest status; but after the war begins, the sheep will become fatter in the shortest time. The inside is eaten up, and at this time, civilians are the most dangerous card.

The victory condition of this game does not lie in how to hide one’s identity or how to see through the identity of others.

It depends on how those with ulterior motives can make others unstable, and how those who want to maintain order can persuade everyone to stay rational.

How to control people’s hearts and how to set off a trend——

——In other words, how to incite and prevent war.

So…this is a ceremony about “war”.

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