The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 24: The dying person

Master Hugo Tower finally succeeded in convincing Annan.

If he did not want to imprison Salvatore in the Black Tower, but to allow him to recharge his energy and sublime himself into a god…

Annan had no reason to refuse such a good thing for Salvatore.

Although after the Holy Fire is given to Salvatore, he will temporarily stay in the Black Tower for a while. But this is not long-term… nor is he a prisoner of the Black Tower. He will not be locked in the Wizard Tower for the rest of his life like other tower owners.

With the blessing of the Holy Fire, he can eventually become a god.

And such a future is not far away… In three or four years at most, Salvatore, who no longer endures the “long-term insomnia” debuff, will be able to digest the gains after becoming a gold-level transcendent.

With his quality, he will definitely be able to obtain the Book of Truth.

When Salvatore uses the power of the holy fire to sublimate into a god, he can graduate from the status of “Lord of the Tower”.

When the time comes, Salvatore will leave a portion of the sacred fire for Zedi Black Tower, and the inheritance of Zedi Black Tower will not be cut off.

As long as the holy fire is burning, the Zedi Black Tower can operate normally even without the protection of the tower owner. Just like Maria, she doesn’t need to look at the Storm Tower all the time. As long as she can regularly absorb the uncontrollable violent power of the Storm Tower, the rest of her time will be very free.

Of course, the Storm Tower is also very special among all wizard towers.

The Storm Tower has not recruited new apprentices for a long time.

After all, strictly speaking… this place is no longer a teaching institution for training wizard apprentices, but a “frontline” against large-scale natural disasters.

The environment here is too dangerous, so parents dare not send their children here. The wizards who work in the Tower of Storms don’t want to recruit unruly kids at all.

Every time we accept new products here, they have to go through thousands of selections. In most cases, they are the successors of a certain wizard or tower master… so they will experience the extremely high treatment of “many tutors only teaching one student” that is difficult to see in other wizard towers.

This is why Maria grew up so quickly.

As a native transcendent in this world, she also maintains the attitude of “if you can avoid nightmares, don’t enter them.” She was able to get promoted to gold at the age of sixteen or seventeen without getting any experience from killing people and basically not clearing nightmare copies… Part of the reason was her talent, and part of it was the ultra-high-standard education she received.

And if the concept of the Storm Tower is a “storm”, the concept of the Howling White Tower is the “door” formed by two symmetrical white towers linked to each other at a high place. The azure diamond tower is based on the shining Wall tiles highlight the “brilliance”.

Then, the core concept of Zedi Black Tower is the burning fire.

And that’s the case with fire – the hottest fire, the brightest light, is not the oldest, nor the most sacred.

It is just like the flames worshiped by those sacred fire towers in the past. Those flames, both in size and power, are much stronger than the original fire guarded by the Zedi Black Tower.

The primordial fire preserved in the Black Tower of the Zeland only has some sacredness in concept.

The radius of the Holy Fire placed on the Holy Fire Platform can cover up to twenty kilometers; but the Holy Fire preserved in the Black Tower in the Zedi only has a radius of one-tenth.

Fire is fair and not authoritative. Only places with the most fuel and the strongest winds will have the most violent fires.

Fire is always burning and always new. The fire after each change of fuel can be said to be the previous one, or a new fire.

—Just like Salvatore.

But Annan is also a little curious…

With the senior’s character and talent, what type of Book of Truth will he get? Or was he directly targeted by the Masterless Holy Skeleton before that?

“Did you call me here specifically so that I could keep Salvatore’s secret for you?”

“That’s just incidental. The most important purpose is to hope that Your Majesty Annan will not interfere in causing trouble.”

The tall and thin ghost figure controlled by Hugo Tower Master shrugged: “I once read this sentence in a book, it is called ‘Destiny is a rut in the sky’. Probably every move you make will have some consequences.” Fate’s bonus. I don’t think I can fight against fate.”

“So, what’s the truth?”

Annan was not satisfied with this answer and continued to ask.

Of course he won’t believe this kind of nonsense – just like he won’t believe those big guys who call themselves “cute newbies”. This is probably just a self-effacing remark that is not humorous enough.

If the tower owners think that they are vulnerable to the so-called “destiny”, most of them will not be able to advance to the gold level.

The master of Hugo Tower just smiled in a low voice.

Seeing that Annan also had a dismissive attitude towards “fate”, he became much friendlier: “Then it’s no joke, Your Majesty.

“To put it simply, I just lost my spirit.”

This is a more prosaic, but also truer statement.

“If I were still Even if I were one or two times older than you now, I’m afraid I wouldn’t bother to explain to others, let alone win over allies in such a humble way – even in the cold winter What about the Grand Duke? I am not from Winter, I don’t have to make money from Winter, and I don’t have any relatives or friends in the Principality of Winter.

“But it’s different now. I’m old and about to die… My remaining days can be seen at a glance. Any unexpected situation will disrupt my plans and leave me with things I can’t complete.”

Hugo’s voice was so calm that it was almost humble: “If we fight, no matter whether we win or lose, the time I can stay in this world will be greatly shortened. Rather than having a heart-to-heart talk after a meaningless battle, I would rather Use conversation to resolve a dispute before it starts.

“Just like the conversation we are having now, it does have an effect, doesn’t it?”


Annan nodded in agreement.

He has understood the thinking of Hugo Tower Master – this may also be a kind of “a dying person, his words are also good”.

Hugo Tower Master has about two months left in his life, but this is the remaining time if he does not engage in any high-level battles and does not use the power of elements at all.

He is indeed a proud man.

Just like Hugo defeated a certain generation of tower master “Issac” of the Jade Tower who was subdued by the Spirit-bearing Monk. Even though Isaac was the founder of the modern transformation wizard profession, Hugo did not have the slightest fear and fought with him with his chest raised and his head raised.

But now, when facing a grand duke like himself who is only fifteen years old and has not yet advanced to the gold level, he uses honorifics from beginning to end.

But Annan does not really think that this is because Hugo is about to die and his heart is weak. Being able to calmly put aside dignity and pride in front of the mission may be another kind of greatness.

Also worthy of respect.

(End of this chapter)

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