The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 188: Saltpeter Ranch and Devil Breeding

With Henry Warden’s perceptual attributes, he can certainly hear what they are saying.

But although he could understand every word, he couldn’t understand them at all when they were connected… There were even many transliterated words that he had never heard of that were similar to terms.

For a saint, he accidentally discovered that there was knowledge that he didn’t understand at all.

This is undoubtedly a very novel and rare experience.

Seeing Saint Henry again, the players suddenly became serious and stopped joking with each other, but bowed respectfully to him.

“About this…”

Lin Yiyi is also very confused.

She wasn’t very sure how to explain this to the saint.

It feels like explaining game terminology to an amiable teacher who is already a grandparent…

Maybe this is called the generation gap.

At this moment, Jiuer was the first to talk to him:

“——Can we touch his body?”

“…touch the body? Jacob’s?”

The saint was stunned for a moment: “But…does he have a body?”

Afterwards, Henry Worden quickly responded: “Oh… do you want the trophies?

“That’s no problem. I can confirm that there are no other gold-level fallen ones in their hometown. Just be a little more careful and alert when searching. With your strength, there shouldn’t be any big problems. .”

He was actually not that interested in what the players were talking about before.

Now that the topic has been diverted, he is too lazy to go back to it.

He just patiently introduced the players: “You follow this road until you reach the entrance of a barber shop. Then turn into the alley on the left, and when you reach the end, turn right. You will arrive at the ‘Saltpeter Ranch’ The backyard.”

“Speaking of…”

Si Anqi asked curiously: “Why is this place called Saltpeter Ranch?”

Smelling the increasingly obvious smell of sulfur and seeing such a destructive wizard approaching him, Henry subconsciously took a half step back and pursed his lips in fear.

This actually surprised Si Anqi.

…So his deterrence is also effective against such an immortal saint?

It is indeed a school of destruction, it just has cards!

“This has something to do with your destruction of the school.”

The saint spoke slowly: “You may not know that the gunpowder used in firearms contains a certain proportion of nitrate.”

“…Well, I know.”

Si Anqi’s expression was a little complicated.

He never imagined that one day he would be taught about science and chemistry seriously by people from other worlds.

It was not easy for him to resist his urge to start talking about potassium nitrate on this issue – after all, he was still a working college student and had not forgotten the contents of the college entrance examination.

But after thinking about it, if he wanted to pretend to be a time traveler, he should try to pretend to be one of his own.

“One of the main sources of saltpeter is saltpeter. However, saltpeter must be processed before it can be used to make leather, gunpowder powder, dyes, transformation mixtures and the like.”

The saint said solemnly: “But, the blood of the fallen – or in other words, the blood of the fallen that has been completely corroded by the curse and turned into a demon. If it is fresh enough, use it to add to the fermented urine. By neutralizing and mixing, then throwing in explosives or directly using magic to explode, you can directly produce saltpeter powder with a very high purity that can be directly used to make gunpowder. This was an accidental discovery by a destruction wizard. After several generations, Human optimization becomes the available formula.

“In other words, if the devil is controllable enough, it is actually valuable for breeding… As far as I know, there are several underground cities that are used to make saltpeter, and they generally use this method.

“After all, compared with purification from saltpeter ore, urine and blood are cheaper and inexhaustible… The so-called saltpeter ranch actually means breeding demons.”

“…That’s it.”

Si Anke nodded.

Because there were so many flaws in this conversation, he felt like he had nothing to say.

“Then I’ll leave,” the scarred young man saw everyone was silent for a moment, and didn’t find another topic. He just smiled at everyone and nodded, “See you soon, everyone.”

Then he walked in another direction.

Si Anke, along with the other three, remained silent and watched his back disappear.

“I feel like you are choked by something…”

Lin Yiyi complained softly.

Si An nodded silently.

He was actually a little wary of this saint.

Although it seems very friendly now…

But what if the position changes in the future?

In that case, all the bragging he does with this big brother now will lead to an increase in the difficulty of the dungeon in the future. If he accidentally becomes enlightened and creates something sick, he will still be the one to blame in the end.

Unlike his sister, Si Anqi has always been wary and distant from others.

At this point, an idea suddenly came to him.

Although I am not sure whether the knowledge of this world and the earth are universal…for example, there is no oil or crude oil in this world at all. And no matter whether it was the records of this world or the exploration they went to various places after they dispersed, no trace of crude oil was ever found…

Coal and natural gas are both available. Moreover, the level of development and awareness in Chengdu is not low.

Even the value of coal areas and gas fields is greater than the value of mining areas – even if they already have clean alternative resources like “crude oil” such as black fire and green fire, the strategic reserves of coal mines are still very important .

And one of the raw materials for the conversion of Black Fire is stored natural gas – there is a very precious gas well at the bottom of the Black Tower in Zedi. It’s so highly regarded that players can’t even enter it. Green fire is much simpler… It is a safe energy source that uses black fire for secondary transformation. The black fire used to transform into green fire will be specially treated and mixed with stabilizers to prevent it from exploding.

Although they look similar, some players who know about this have already tested them. Black fire and green fire are not crude oil or natural gas liquids at all. Their combustion efficiency is simply not something that civilization at this stage can apply.

It can be said that without the two transformation products of black fire and green fire, the civilization of this steam age should not exist at all.

The transformation into black fire and green fire is how the wizards in this world use natural gas – I don’t know what method they use, but they can use special formulas and transformation processes to make natural gas into relatively stable, Black fire and green fire with ridiculous burning efficiency.

The former contains higher energy and is more intense, while the latter is more gentle and controllable. Because the green fire is a flame that “will never explode” and the temperature is very low, it will not easily burn children.

Its price is also quite low – this is the decision of Hugo Tower owner, who decided to make the formula of green fire public. A bronze-level transformation wizard can stably produce enough green fire for a town; and the green fire used to supply the whole city for cooking only consumes three to four barrels of black fire every day.

Afterwards, Master Benjamin further optimized the formula: as long as three apprentice-level wizard apprentices come together, they can complete the transformation from black fire to green fire, and the amount of black fire spent is directly reduced to three one part. If there is no black fire, coal or charcoal can also be used for alternative conversion, which is much more efficient than using coal and charcoal directly.

This price, including the labor cost and distributed to each household, is almost the same as purchasing firewood directly. However, the quality of the flame is much higher than that of firewood, and you only need to insert a coin to release the flame. There is no need to carry firewood and burning wood for heating in winter and store it carefully, which saves a lot of money. Benjamin has indeed fulfilled the promise he made to Evelyn – he has made every household affordable to light lights and cook meals.

Even the urban residents of the Kingdom of Noah gradually developed the custom of drinking hot water… This was also newly born because the burning cost was getting lower and lower.

Before this, drinking boiled water was actually a luxury thought in this world.

Let’s not mention the black fire… but the “green fire” technology is even more advanced than the earth. And there is no crude oil in this world, which makes people doubt whether the knowledge on earth can be used normally here.

If they casually propose a recipe for their world and then find that it cannot be used in this world, or it already exists, or it is too inefficient – it will waste Annan’s time too much.

But after Annan succeeds to the throne, this will not be a big problem.

They only need to propose a direction and ask His Majesty Annan to send scholars to try it.

Don’t ask how you came up with it. If you ask, it’s stolen. Don’t ask and get to work quickly.

Thinking of this, Si Anke suddenly felt something in his heart.

He realized that as a destruction wizard, he seemed to have too few dangerous items prepared…

“You go first, take my luggage with you,” he told his companions, “I’m going to purchase some casting materials… I’ll travel lightly and I’ll be able to follow you soon.”

“Okay, come quickly.”

Lin Yiyi quickly responded.

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