The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 187: Philosopher’s Stone

Did you do this? ”

Annan turned around and asked.

This kind of thing seems to be a good mission reward prop to be given to players…

Restore full health directly – isn’t it powerful?

“This is a panacea, very easy to use. But it is very troublesome to make,”

Salvatore took a look and explained casually: “It can be used to treat external and internal injuries. It is mainly used to treat injuries of unknown origin. You see, you also have ones that treat burns and adhesive wounds. , treating fractures, relieving snake venom, resisting negative energy… Generally, the appropriate medicine is prescribed after judging the wound.”

Annan suddenly realized.

It seems that the panacea should be used to treat injuries like “I don’t know what happened, but I lost blood”.

“The shelf life of panacea is very short. I made these a few days ago.”

Salvatore added: “It has to be stored undisturbed and not shaken. If it shakes, which it almost certainly will if you take it out, it will expire after three days. And it must be stored in ‘early spring’ ‘Only by receiving appropriate light at a certain temperature can the activity be maintained, but it can only be stored for a month at most…

“Actually, at the beginning, I thought to myself: How about making some panacea? I just happened to have the materials. I made the panacea for one day and made three batches, but at that time I I suddenly reacted.

“If we encounter difficulties that require a large amount of panacea to solve… then I’m afraid that doing more will not help.”

Salvatore sighed.

He walked over, gently raised a tube of panacea, slowly flattened it, and pointed it at the burning torches on the four walls.

“Look, Don Juan. For a panacea that is still within its validity period, you can see these transparent lines like hair when you look at the light. If it fails, these transparent lines will become like that It’s a turbid suspension… Basically, it can be said that the turbider the panacea is, the shorter its validity period will be.”

“That’s it.”

Annan nodded, indicating that he had learned.

He immediately asked: “So what did you do after you were busy for several days?”

“This is it.”

Salvatore pointed with his chin at the barrier emitting billowing heat waves.

A ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg is tied with a brass chain and floating in the air. The four chains are all stretched straight, and the positions where they are in contact with the table are four red jade plates, and there are twists and turns like circuits engraved on the table.

In the middle, there are eight brass walls like mahjong standing up. The four walls inside were combined with each other, but the four walls outside were all disconnected. However, the red liquid did not overflow at all, but continued to rotate counterclockwise around the center.

“What is this?”

Annan asked.

Salvatore replied: “The Philosopher’s Stone.”


Annan was suddenly shocked.

Seeing this, Salvatore quickly added:

“–a semi-finished product. I can only do it to this extent, but it can already be used normally.”

Annan blinked.

He looked at the red liquid carefully.

“…What is it used for?”

Annan asked.

Although the name “Philosopher’s Stone” is very big… Annan still wanted to confirm whether it was the same thing as what he knew.

“‘The movement of four wheels’, ‘the work of creation’, ‘the supreme crown’, ‘the prototype of truth’, and ‘the perfect essence of elements’. I think the teacher should have told you that the five major components of the sublimation ceremony Ingredient…something that every transcendent has pursued.”

Salvatore said slowly: “As for the Philosopher’s Stone, it is the highest treasure in nature and can serve as the perfect essence of all elements. Therefore, it can also be said that it is the blood of the true god, leading to the path to becoming a god. The key to the shortcut.

“Therefore, it can transform some imperfect things into their own perfect form. For example, it can turn sand into gems, copper into gold…people can become gods. If they are not extraordinary people, they will not be able to do anything at all. The Philosopher’s Stone cannot be seen or touched; but not even the gods can destroy it.

“In other words, the power of any element cannot destroy it. It will neither be burned nor frozen, nor cut nor broken… This is one of the very few substances in the world that can completely resist the power of gods.

“Before the era of the ‘Wizard War’, that is, the ‘Great Unification War’, when we transformed wizards were still called alchemists, artificially creating the Philosopher’s Stone was our ultimate goal. So far, all Transformation wizards who can refine the Philosopher’s Stone have become gods. But the strange thing is that none of them left a clear method of making the Philosopher’s Stone…”

Looking at the endless flow of red liquid, Salvatore had a complex expression: “I actually never thought that I could succeed.”

“…Then how dare you do it?”

“It was when I was sleeping – I mean, when I was dreaming, dreaming.”

Salvatore replied subconsciously, but before he could say anything, he reacted and changed his words: “I dreamed about part of the refining method. Although it is incomplete, I feel… it seems possible. Give it a try.”

Annan glanced at Salvatore suspiciously.

He felt very clearly that this was not the truth.

But Annan is not a fool.

Since Salvatore wanted to work hard to hide this fact, he naturally would not ask him openly.

He just changed the topic: “So, how to use it? What are its specific effects?”

“It’s very simple——”

Salvatore breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: “What I made is only a semi-finished product of the Philosopher’s Stone, which can only be effective when dissolved in blood.

“The Philosopher’s Stone is a living thing, and it will automatically move towards the sun. So I used this ‘Crimson Blood’ gemstone to create a powerful constant temperature barrier, transforming it into the concept of ‘sun’, and plated it with gold on one side. The brass replaces the concept of ‘the earth receiving sunlight’ and absorbs it. Otherwise, I can’t control it…

“As for the effect…”

The corners of Salvatore’s mouth naturally raised, showing a confident and happy look.

He pretended to be nonchalant and tried his best to suppress his happy and complacent and replied calmly: “For us, it can be used as a powerful soul fuel.

“After advancing to gold, the soul will begin to burn, bursting out the power of its own elements. While the lifespan is greatly shortened, it also immediately has all kinds of weird methods to get close to the gods.

“But in our black tower in the Zeland, there is a theory that the power of the elements of the extraordinary beings with golden souls only comes from this ‘sublimated soul that can burn’, not necessarily You have to burn your soul to get the ashes of the elements. In other words…

“After using the Philosopher’s Stone, we can temporarily upgrade our soul level to the gold level. Therefore, it is possible to directly obtain the power of the fully awakened elements…but I am not sure about this.”

Salvatore looked at the liquid Philosopher’s Stone that was constantly flowing on the table, and said slowly: “In short, with the strength of our souls, these can be used about three times. Each time is about three minutes.

“This should be enough.”

(End of this chapter)

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