The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 139: He is full of determination

Shisanxiang looked at Husky: “Do you understand?”

Husky shook his head honestly.

“What do you think?”

“I feel like you understand but not quite.”

“Almost. But I understand the most important part anyway.”

Husky replied confidently.


Shisanxiang asked curiously: “Which part did you understand?”

“——In short, it’s the old man in gray who is causing trouble. The other named brothers are all miserable, right?”

Husky said matter-of-factly. There was no hesitation on his face.

Shi Sanxiang’s expression stiffened.

“Hey, did I understand it wrong?”

“…No, no. Quite correct.”

Shi Sanxiang sighed.

Should I say that I am worthy of being a Husky?

Even if he skips everything he doesn’t understand, he can still leave something behind with his keen intuition…

“What is your main mission?”

“I don’t know.”

Husky answered honestly: “Just one line. [You decide]…and then it’s gone.”

“…I see. It seems that my guess is correct.”

Shisanxiang pondered for a moment, faced Husky’s puzzled gaze and explained: “I have not received any main quests here.

“Maybe the nightmare on this floor only has the main quest on your side.”

Although this nightmare has three levels.

But in fact, they have been circulating in the second level of nightmare.

The first level of nightmare, which is the “Frey’s nightmare” that Justus first saw, is the world in which Ingrid did not die and killed Frederick more than ten years later.

At the end of that world, a flag was planted. You can set it to CP1, which is the first save point.

But this is a dead end.

Justus then “went back in time” and entered the second level of nightmare.

They are teenagers again, this time Ingrid dies, and they live into adulthood, arriving in the Cinder Barrens. Then “Justus the Enlightened” kills them.

After his death, Justus lost his memory and returned to CP1 due to the “re-enactment nature” of nightmares. That is, the end of the first level of nightmare, and directly enters the beginning of the second level of nightmare… It is also the time when Ingrid will die when she was a teenager.

Justus has had the “second level” nightmare repeated countless times.

Every time he is killed by his other self, he starts over as a teenager. After more than ten years of nightmare, reaching the Cinder Barrens, and then being killed by another self.

…until he completely realized that he was dreaming. There is a BUG in the infinitely repeated story.

It was only as a Purifier that Justus realized he was being used. Only then did he realize that the house where he had lived for a long time had been transformed into a ceremony venue.

The way to break the ritual is to enter Room 206 with Frederick.

After that, Justus will keep the “memory of clearing the level”, return to his youth, and return to where they are now more than ten years later.

A “peopled” cinder barren.

It seems that the prerequisites for the true ending have been met.

Why is there anyone here?

——Because “The Enlightened One” Justus has not invaded this world yet.

——Because he is the future enlightened person.

“Just like you trust me.”

Shisanxiang said to Husky: “If Justus realizes that this is a nightmare, and passes through the exit of Room 206 with Frederick once…and returns here again.

“Then Justus will definitely tell Frederick everything he knows.”

What Husky experienced has actually happened once.

Frederick trusted his friend.

With his wisdom, he could realize very clearly that… his friend was trapped in his own nightmare.

Then Frederick, as the master of the nightmare, will tell Justus how to get rid of this nightmare.

“…Kill Frederick. Kill all Fredericks.”

Using the face of “Frederick”, Shisanxiang replied to the husky who had the face of “Justus”.

Just like history has repeated itself countless times, the situation when tragedy first reached this point… is exactly the same.


Shi Sanxiang vaguely understood the weight of this word.

But this time is definitely different.

Because he is not Frederick.

And Huskies are not Justus.

“This is a dream within a dream. So you have to kill me twice.”

He looked at Husky and said calmly to him: “Kill me for the first time, and Justus will no longer exist [in this world]. You can take your memory and return to the gray scene at the end of the first episode. In front of the professor.

“This is your CP2 – the second save point.

“At that time, the ‘enlightened one’ Justus had probably killed Professor Gray in anger. He had realized that this was his nightmare, and he was able to do it… The most important thing is, Professor Gray will not resist.

“Then, he used the ritual master knowledge taught to him by Professor Gray to take over Professor Gray’s rituals. Returning to the second episode, he tried to kill the ‘Frederick’ in all the dreams. When After all the ‘Fredericks’ in this nightmare die, Justus can escape from this nightmare.”

Just like in Steins;Gate, all text messages sent to the past are withdrawn.

But the only information that Awakened Justus lacks…

It was in the deserted Cinder Barrens that both Justus and Frederick were killed by a mysterious man.

——This mysterious man is the “Awakened One Justus” who is still unscrupulous in order to clear the nightmare.

If Justus knew this, he would have been resurrected from the first save point. But just because he was an enlightened person… he and Frederick did not go outside at all, but went directly to Room 206.

So he was the only one who didn’t know about it.

“In other words, the first and third levels of nightmares only appeared once in total. The content of the first level nightmare was fabricated by Professor Gray, and it was just a primer; while the third level nightmare created the awakened Jia Stace.

“The moment the enlightened Justus entered the second level of nightmare and killed Frederick, he was already stuck. Yes, the awakened person only acted once in total, and this nightmare was stuck. Dead.”

An infinite paradox loop is generated.

Why does dying in this nightmare not increase erosion?

Because this is by design.

If you don’t do this, I’m afraid Justus will have died in the nightmare when he enters the second level of infinite loop.

When an extraordinary person dies in a nightmare, he will become a part of the nightmare.

In fact, as long as he murders Justus in the nightmare, Professor Gray’s most basic purpose has been achieved – that is, to resurrect the body of “Frederick” to use for the split of his own identity.

But as a sacrifice to the tragedian, he went in a big circle, leaving Justus in a state of neither death nor life.

That is, the paradoxical cycle of being “killed by your future self”.

Like an ouroboros.

There is always only one first and third layer, but the “copies” of the second layer are constantly increasing. It multiplies like a virus. Frederick will never be done killing. Justus can never be separated.

Although his erosion level has not increased at all, he has repeated hundreds, thousands, and countless reincarnations in just one night’s nightmare – his spirit has been completely lost.

[A brief moment of anger. Never-ending regret. 】

It was never-ending torture.

After Justus died, his soul was trapped in this nightmare. Because he was not completely dead – so his soul did not become the nourishment for this nightmare; but he was not considered alive, so he gave birth to a new nightmare.

Frederick’s soul and nightmares were stuffed into Justus’ body.

Frederick’s body was stolen by Professor Gray.

“I understand this time.”

Husky said solemnly.

“So…what should I do?”

Shi Sanxiang was silent.

He didn’t dare to be sure… nor did he dare to make this bet.

He is also afraid – he is afraid that he will also be stuck in this nightmare.

But at this moment, Annan’s calm voice suddenly came to his ears.

“——After letting the Husky kill you, commit suicide from the first level of nightmare and prevent the generation of the enlightened Justus. According to the rules of this nightmare, the ‘Justus’ in the first level of nightmare is already All die’…so you can be resurrected.”

…Is this off-field assistance?

Shi Sanxiang was stunned for a moment, and quickly shared Annan’s words with Husky.

They have no other choice.

So they quickly made up their minds.

“I actually want to kill you once…”

When things came to a close, Husky hesitated.

Finally, looking at Shisanxiang with his eyes closed, he slowly clenched his fists.

——Huskies are full of determination.

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