The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 117: Reverse General 1 Army

But Xue Mei Niang can also realize it.

The forty or so of them, including a “ten-finger” like her, are actually just a cover.

Although she certainly didn’t think of it immediately, Longjing Tea and Dove’s analysis on the forum had already made the players understand Annan’s general plan.

The real key is Cecilia, whose true identity is concealed in the name of “Annan’s Guards”!

There are more than 40 Silver-level Transcendents in their group – they are all the intelligence department of the Principality of Winter. Suddenly having to gather together for a “state visit” will inevitably make the other party panic.

Rejection is absolutely unacceptable.

The Principality of Winter is the weakest country – and they are “almost” the strongest!

Why do you say “almost”?

Because their number of gold-level extraordinary beings is the largest in the world.

Each tower has a tower master. In addition, there are some official gold-level extraordinary beings.

The reason why I say besides that…

That’s because none of these tower masters will obey King Denisoya’s orders.

In Noah, the wizard tower still has to give King Noah face; in the cold winter, even the owner of the tower cannot prevent the hands of winter from arresting the wizard. There is only the United Kingdom. Due to its special political system, the ruler is weak and unable to restrain the tower owner.

You must know that the owner of the tower is the gold level with the most moisture.

Because the tower owner’s scope of activities is severely limited and he has a large number of “connected people”. There are also some who are trying to overthrow their talents, using divine bones and professional inheritance to forcibly obtain the gold level, but their strength may not be as strong as the wild gold level extraordinary people.

But the United Kingdom has no control over them. Not to mention, there are several votes in the advisory meeting that belong to the tower owners…such as the Zhuoya family.

——Because no matter how the “Advisory Council” of the Privy Council voted, it was decided to target a certain wizard tower.

Someone among them – even some of them, will definitely plan to sell their colleagues and become friends with the Wizard Tower.

There is also competition among advisory committees, and it is very fierce. Being able to bring down someone means being able to annex a large amount of interests and directly obtain a part of the market and power out of thin air.

As for the oath, it is even more impossible. The relationship between them is equal, why should they make an oath to you?

Maybe the thirteen big guys here have just voted, and nine or even ten votes have agreed to sanction a certain wizard tower – then eight or nine “advisors” sent a message to the wizard tower to inform them of this matter. .

If you are delivering a letter, you might meet the courier on the way.

At least two tables of mahjong can be played.

Maybe we can have another table to fight Landlords.

But these tower owners will not obey the orders of King Denisoya and the Denisoja Privy Council.

But if Denisoya is invaded, they will suddenly emerge from all the nooks and crannies of the Field Islands.

In other words, Danny Sawyer’s high-end combat power is of the type that “can defend but cannot attack”.

This is very similar to winter.

Although the Principality of Winter is quite large in area, it is all covered with frozen soil. It doesn’t have much strategic value.

The entire Principality of Winter is now subordinate to the official high-end combat power. Before Annan advanced to gold, Maria was the only one.

Other than that, there are only the Lord of the Twin Towers, the Pope of the old grandmother, and the dragon “Barber”. Nowadays, Dmitry is only a cardinal and has not yet taken over the position of pope. These are the types who will not obey the orders of Archduke Winter.

Excluding Annan, the total combined strength is only four gold levels at most. Moreover, except for the old grandmother, there are no good gods, false gods, or evil gods in the territory, let alone their churches and popes.

That is because the blizzard barrier of the Principality of Winter blocked ships and airships, the frost beasts blocked the army, and the Hand of Winter blocked spies.

Otherwise, the Principality of Winter would probably have collapsed long ago…

Now the wave of Hands of Winter transferred by Annan is almost two-fifths of the current Hands of Winter in the Principality of Winter.

Denisoya could not stop them from entering.

Because they were summoned by Annan personally after he submitted the “poisonous hand”.

——The leader of a country traveling alone met a wanted Silver-level transcendent, and the police detective was unable to fight against him. Therefore, Grand Duke Annan believed that Denisoya was not in good order and decided to call his own bodyguards over.

Is this reasonable?

That makes perfect sense.

Our Grand Duke is here with you; he is a transcendent being, and he has not been able to leave by means other than the subway. How dare we do anything wrong? What reason do you have for driving us away?

Do you want to take action against our Grand Duke?

If you are not allowed to enter, then you are deliberately looking for trouble.

At that time, even the Theocracy may take action and carry out “just sanctions.” Of course, the main thing is to find an opportunity to attack the United Kingdom.

After they enter, the list of these Hands of Winter will definitely enter the “Advisory Committee”. And it must be one for each person.

People without special intelligence will definitely not realize anything when they see the name Selicia. After all, there are too many people with the same name.

They are even less likely to guess that “‘Captain in the Stone’ Selicia, who was still in public a few months ago,” has been knocked back to the Silver level. Moreover, he sold himself to the Duke of Winter and became the restrained Hand of Winter.

But two people realized that this was the “Annan Guards”.

They will definitely be able to identify who this Hand of Winter, who doesn’t even have a surname, called “Selicia” is.

That is…

Arthur Burntang.

And Orpheus Denisoa.

The Zhuoya family has a quota for the advisory council. Danny Sawyer is the royal family of Danny Sawyer.

Of the two of them, one is a genius of the Zhuoya family, a lustful person who was determined to “definitely enter the gold level” when he was twelve years old.

The other one is the sixth prince of Denisoya Kingdom. At the same time, he is the one who is loved by Yaweng’s god, the **** of minstrels – “Two Songser”, and has the qualifications to at least become a cardinal of Two Songs.

At the beginning, after the Silver Brigade was disbanded.

Arthur Burning Tooth and Euphemia Melvin travel around the world following the new **** “The Pardoner”, hoping to become the Cardinal or the Pope of the Pardoner. According to the intelligence collected by Annan, it seems that Arthur Burning Fang has returned to Denisoya.

The centaur girl Lucia and Orpheus Denisoya stayed on the treasure ship Silver. But they are still waiting for their “captain” Selicia, hoping that she will return one day.

So they did not restart “Silver”, but parked it underground in the winter and hid it. Then they left.

As a star of the Burning Tooth family, Arthur could easily learn about the fact that “Selicia is about to arrive in Denisoa”.

And if Lucia and Offeishi had not separated, Offeishi would definitely have learned this information from Miss Centaur. And if they have been separated, Orpheus can also obtain information from the Denisaw family or the Two Songsers.

The former Silver Brigade will be reunited here soon.

——But this time they will no longer be companions, but opponents.

The four people on the Silver Brigade can be said to be love rivals for each other – they all love “Celicia” to varying degrees. When Selicia was the only gold-level person among them, Selicia’s philandering could only be tolerated… But now, the position has been reversed.

The four of them all have the potential to become gold-level. The experience they have accumulated during their long journeys has probably made them reach that threshold.

On the contrary, Selicia returned to the Silver level.

She is different from Hugo. Because her previous desires were destroyed and new desires were not born… it was difficult for her to return to the gold level. Now that the Winter Defender is dead, Selicia’s intelligence value has been used up by Annan.

In other words, she no longer has the value of “having to stay in the winter”.

——With their current status, they may be able to persuade Annan to marry this “Hand of Winter” who has no teachers, no friends, no father and no mother, and is essentially the servant of the Grand Duke of Winter. This can also be regarded as a kind of cross-border marriage, and Annan has no need to refuse – and Annan specially brought her here, which is obviously what he meant.

This makes perfect sense.

She is indeed in a relationship with “them”. This love has not been separated because of their separation, and Annan has no hobby of being a tauren. This is just a matter of “lovers becoming lovers”.

For Celicia, Annan is her father.

…At most, there will only be one knockout round.

In other words, this will become a battle for “Selicia”.

Annan will definitely not sell her directly to someone. In the end, Selicia must make her own decision.

However, who wins the beauty in the end and who she marries… it doesn’t matter at all.

The key is that the existence of the five of them will directly confuse the situation. Afterwards, the situation became chaotic, and it can only be said that it was their fault.

Because they were the only ones who started making trouble in the sun.

At this time, those players who “flew over” through the teleportation array and have no entry records at all can come here to cause a scene.

The main purpose is to completely destroy the invention fair of “Damastes Burning Fang” and find out who he is.

Secondly, it is to paralyze the nobles who obey Ingrid.

Annan and his Hands of Winter can instead play a positive role in “maintaining order.”

Because the players and the Hand of Winter are originally on the same team, Annan’s effect on maintaining order must be much better than that of the police detectives. This way no one will doubt Annan.

——In the web of conspiracy compiled by Ingrid, who secretly controls Denis Sawyer in “In the Name of Love”.

Annan also called four people who longed for love, and let the war between them burn the net.

The only thing Ingrid can’t interfere with is the four of them…or rather the five of them.

Just like she can’t interfere with Annan and Kaifni. Because the element of “love” cannot distort love itself – for people who already have love in their hearts, this love will not be distorted by the element of “love”.

So she can only exclude it, but cannot fight for it.

Moreover, this is also the army of Annan’s counter-general Ingrid.

From these five “Silver Rank” lovers…

Will a “madman” and a “crane that only belongs to him” be born?

In any case, Ingrid must immediately stop her current ritual and come to check. Use her “love” element to see for yourself… just how deep the messy love between them is.

As a result, Denisawia became Annan’s home court.

In order to complete this plan, Annan must first meet and talk to Yaweng.


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