The Portal of Wonderland Chapter 180: Engulfing

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On the Dead Spirit World side, the sky is always gloomy, the wind screams, and the sounds of ghosts crying.

Although this interface is a world of death, it is not how to stay silent. What is never lacking here is battle.

Under a huge mountain, two large-scale necromancers are fighting each other. The two sides are equal in number, each with more than 100.

Not far away, there is an acre of water with a size of acres. Under the reflection of eleven rounds of blood moons in the sky, there is a faint splash of blood.

There are piles of bones of different sizes scattered around the waterhole. It seems that there are a lot of bones. It seems that the battle of already has been going on for a while.

One of the two sides of the fight is mainly a skeleton. The leader is a slightly slender body wearing a bone armor and a huge white bone knife. The soul fire shows a dark blue color, which can be seen faintly. A touch of blue light is Yan Luo.

Fighting with the Yan Luo legion, but some beast skeleton organism, bone tiger, bone snake, bone scorpion and so on.

The beast necrosis organism forms a line of defense beside the Mingshui Pond to resist the impact of the Yan Luo Legion.

Yan Luo rushed to the forefront, the figure was light and flexible, and a thin layer of white light appeared on the bone knife. In the blink of the knife, an enemy was cut in half, and there was no unified enemy in front of her. .

The soul fire in its eyes looks much more agile than before. It is no longer the feeling of hollowness. It is obviously more Wisp of Soul, and looks at the dark water pool in front of it with perseverance.


The sound of the wind sounded, and a huge tiger with a long bone swooped up. The blue soul fire flashed in his eyes. There was no flesh and blood in his body, only the grisly white bones, but the momentum exuded was better than the real tiger .

The giant bone tiger seems to have a high status in the opposing legion. Seeing each one die under the Yan Luo knife, there was a roar in his mouth. Suddenly rushed over, the fierce claw suddenly grabbed Yan Luo head.

Yan Luo did not look at the bone tiger. The huge bone knife in his hand greeted him, flashing into four or five dense shadows.

If Shi Mu is here, I would be surprised to find that He Ran is exactly the prototype of the Feng Chi knife method he is good at.


One of the bone tiger’s front paws was shrouded in light by a knife, and it instantly broke into several pieces.

Yan Luo has a vague figure, with a string of afterimage appearing behind the bone tiger, the backhand falls again.

Bone Tiger’s huge head flew out of the body, and the bone fell to the ground. The huge body shook twice and fell to the ground without moving.

Yan Luo turned over and fell, suddenly raised his head and sucked in his mouth.

Suddenly, an invisible suction came out of his mouth, and the soul fire of the necrotic organism, which was beheaded within a few feet, all flew out of the body. Converged towards Yan Luo and was swallowed by it.

The soul fire in Yan Luo‘s eyes slightly fluctuated, the brightness increased again, and the body suddenly exuded a violent pressure.

The beast skeletons of the hostile legion in front look at Yan Luo, one by one showing fear, and recede towards the back.

The Yan Luo swayed and walked forward. His eyes are always looking forward to the Mingshui Pond.

With Yan Luo as the tip. Soon, the opposing legion was divided into two sections, and the two sides were evenly matched. But at the moment Yan Luo‘s army immediately prevailed.

When white light flashed, Yan Luo waved and beheaded a bone eagle that came from midair, and finally came to the Mingshui Lake.

Yan Luo looked at the waterhole with a light bloody glow in front of him. The fire in his eyes suddenly ignited, and he ignored the fight behind him. His body suddenly rose and jumped into the waterhole.

At this very moment, the deep water surface of the Mingshui water suddenly rolled, and a thick white shadow separated from the water, and it was drawn to Yan Luo like lightning.

In the eyes of Yan Luo, there was a flash of soul fire, without any panic. The bone knife waved out in his hand and collided with Bai Ying.

With a loud noise, Yan Luo‘s body was shaken out and landed on the shore.


The Netherwater Pool rolled over, and a huge white-bone crocodile emerged slowly after breaking through the water.

This white crocodile has a length of four or five feet, and its height is similar to that of Yan Luo. Its skeleton is thick and strong, and it emits a crystal luster, which is indestructible at a glance.

The bone crocodile ’s tail was just beaten by Yan Luo. It is two feet long and gently flicked. It looks very flexible.

Bone crocodile both eyes flashes two groups of teal soul fires, some of which are mixed with some blue light.

Compared to Yan Luo ’s Soul Fire with only a hint of blue, the bone crocodile is better than many, and the whole body exudes a huge breath.

As soon as the bone crocodile appeared, the bone skeletons such as bone tigers and bone snakes all leaned towards the bone crocodile and nodded. Obviously, the leader of the legion was the giant bone crocodile in front of him.

The giant bone crocodile looked at the skeleton in front of him, which was dozens of times smaller than himself. The soul fire flashed for a moment, and he did not immediately attack.

It’s wisdom is not very high, but the intuition tells it that this skeleton is not as weak as it looks.

Yan Luo looked at the undead organism, which was much bigger than it, and suddenly rays of light was released, and his body also exuded a strong momentum.

The two breaths slammed together, and a thin lightning glow appeared in the surrounding void, and some weak and necrotic organism bodies nearby were directly flicked out of the body, not to fight each other, and even ran to far away.

At this moment, Yan Luo stepped a little under his feet and rushed towards the bone crocodile.

Bone crocodile flashed with anger in his eyes, a big mouth, showing two rows of white Sensen, huge fangs like a blade, biting towards Yan Luo.

Looking at the situation, if Yan Luo is bitten at once, it will definitely be more and more fierce.

Suddenly, Yan Luo flickered and disappeared from the spot, and the bone crocodile bite empty.

The figure above its head flashed, and the figure of Yan Luo emerged like a ghost. The bone knife waved suddenly in his hand, turning into a half-moon-shaped knife lightly splitting on a thick bone above the bone crocodile’s head.

“Click … ya!”

The bone on the top of the bone crocodile ’s head made a crisp sound, and a crack appeared on the surface, which quickly expanded and then shattered into pieces.

The bone crocodile gave a roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and his eyes gleamed like rays of light. Obviously extremely angry, the tail flicked and made a sharp howling, pulling towards Yan Luo and flashing to Yan Luo.

The Yan Luo‘s soul fired, holding the knife in its backhand to meet the tail of the bone crocodile, and I didn’t see how it moved. The tip of the knife was pointed on the side of the thick bone tail, and it was brought to the side and twisted, rubbing the body Fly over.

The body of Yan Luo followed the power from the tip of the knife, and the figure jumped with a slight bow.

In midair, holding the knife in both hands, the body was charged, and then both hands were suddenly slashed, and a knife that was more magnificent than just cut on the other thick bone on top of the bone crocodile’s head.


This bone was also severely cut.

The two bones were split, and the bone crocodile ’s head immediately revealed a large hole. Through the hole, he could clearly see a group of cyan soul fires in the skull, exuding a burst of strong soul power. fluctuation.

The Yan Luo figure rolled over in the midair and landed steadily on the shore not far away. Looking at the huge soul fire in the bone of the crocodile head in front, the soul fire flashed in the eye socket, revealing a trace greedy.

A long-lost fear suddenly appeared in the bone crocodile ’s heart, but was immediately overwhelmed by rage, his body twisted madly, and his tail turned flexibly, hitting again towards the Yan Luo, and at the same time, his head swung, his mouth wide open. Bite towards Yan Luo.

In the eyes of Yan Luo, there was a flash of soul fire. In the face of the giant tail and big mouth, he did not immediately dodge or resist. A sudden mouth, the black hair of the mouth gave a suction, and the air was acting on the soul of the bone crocodile. Above the fire.

The teal-sized soul fire in the bone of the bone crocodile’s skull seems to be blown by the wind and shaken violently.

The bone crocodile stiffened for a moment.

In this moment, the Yan Luo swayed, carrying a series of afterimages, and suddenly drilled into the bone of the bone crocodile from the hole above the bone crocodile’s head.

Bone crocodile was shocked, with a roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering in his mouth. The huge body immediately rolled over and fell to the ground. His tail and paws waved wildly, bombarding the nearby ground and hitting big pits.

The bone crocodile rolled twice, and the huge body rolled into the water pool of the dark water, but it did not enter the water pool. The water splashed, and soon no shadow could be seen.

At the same time, the two undead legions on the shore lost their leaders at the same time.

But soon, they remembered their respective responsibilities, and they were fighting in one place again.

The battle situation gradually became clearer. The bone crocodile ’s legion was killed by Yan Luo in a burst. Several powerful characters were killed by Yan Luo and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The Skeleton Corps of Yan Luo became more and more courageous. The fighting continued for half an hour. The Bone Crocodile Corps was finally defeated. Most of them were beheaded, and a few fled towards the distance.

The Skeleton Legion did not catch up, looking at the direction of the Mingshui Lake one by one.

At this moment, the tumbling water suddenly rolled up, and a huge body figure emerged, which was the previous giant bone crocodile.

But at the moment, its two eyes are empty, and already has no flash of soul fire rays of light.

At the bottom of the Mingshui Pond, Yan Luo stood quietly here. At the moment, it was holding a mass of dark blue soul fire in his hands, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Yan Luo directly swallowed the bone crocodile soul fire and merged into his own soul fire.

The dark blue soul fire in its eye sockets doubled and suddenly jumped like crazy, as if the heart was beating.

In the teal of the teal, more and more blue rays of light.

Suddenly, Yan Luo ’s Soul Fire shrank suddenly, and then a surging Soul Power spewed out. Its Soul Fire color changed from dark blue to light blue.

A powerful force poured out of the blue soul fire and quickly flowed into the whole body of Yan Luo.

The body of Yan Luo was instantly flooded with a powerful force, and could not help but send a silent long roar with its soul power to the sky.

A powerful wave of soul power emanates from its body and spreads in all directions.

A circle of waves appeared on the deep water surface of the water, and a giant vortex with a diameter of more than ten feet was formed. The void buzzed and trembled.

In the eyes of the nearby Skeleton Legion, the soul fire was beating, and they fell to the ground in a crooked manner. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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