The Portal of Wonderland Chapter 122: Second woman (third)

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At the same time, Tianqing Mountain, Qingzhou, Daqi, thousands of miles away.

The mountain is extremely steep and towering into the clouds.

A palace building sits on top of the peak. From time to time, various figures come in and out of the palace, and it looks very busy.

This is where the headquarters of the seven alliances of the three countries are located.

In the deepest part of the building complex, a majestic palace stands imposingly. It looks completely different from the surrounding buildings, and it feels like standing tall.

The hall is backed by a cliff, and there are no disciples around. There is a faint voice in the hall, it seems to be arguing fiercely about something.

The sound of “ping pong” sounded like a cup breaking in the hall.

At this moment, the back door of the hall quietly opened a slit that allowed one person to pass, and then two Qianying flew out of their bodies, and quickly walked toward a place near the cliff without looking back. Walk towards bamboo forest.

Everyone wears a white shirt, with a beautiful figure, fluttering and not like a world woman, it is a girl in the sky.

The other woman is wearing a golden dress, which is slightly inferior to the sky, but her body is extremely plump, and every move exudes a voluptuous charm, but it is Black Demon Sect‘s gold Xiaochai.

“The old things have to be noisy every time they discuss things, and there has been no result for a long time. To put it bluntly is not to worry about the gains and losses, it is really boring.” Jin Xiaochai mouth corner slightly said.

“Do n’t ask for so much, if the invasion of Barbarian Tribe is so fierce, the Seven Major Sects are not just as simple as fighting with the mouth.” The Tianyin girl said with a smile, a taunt. meaning. .

“Hey, that’s right! Thank you to these barbarians. Now you and my sister can meet each other often.” Jin Xiaochai turned to look at the Tianyin girl, her face full of sorrow.

“You are not small anymore, how can you say such insignificant words. The invasion of Barbarian Tribe is not a trivial matter, and if we are not careful, our seven factions, several hundred years, may be ruined by the disaster!” Tianyin girl Daimei frowned. , Said with a little lesson.

“It’s just a group of barbarians, how serious is it that you said!” Jin Xiaochai sneered, some disapproving.

The two talk while walking. Soon came to that piece of bamboo forest.

The gentle breeze caresses and the green bamboo swaying, adding a bit of tranquility and calmness, more and more setting off the unparalleled figure of the two women.

“I just learned about it not long ago. The body of Profound Cold Sword Shangheng was found in Yueyang Mountain, Fuzhou, is it your hand?” Jin Xiaochai suddenly asked.

“This person is extremely cunning and treacherous, and I do n’t know how Yuner was deceived by his words and words in those years! He has been incognito in Fuzhou in recent years. Fortunately, this Barbarian Tribe invasion drove him out again. Otherwise, he will be found. It’s not easy. “Tianyin girl’s eyes were cold and she said noncommittally.

“Huh, the man is very fortunate, it ’s not a good thing! It ’s really cheap for him, and he should be thrown into his black snake cup with thousands of swords and souls, and he will endure the pain of venom. Sigh Yuner actually died for this person! “Jin Xiaochai complexion Rumen Bingshuang, said suddenly.

The girl in Tianyin heard the words, her eyes flashed, and a pair of warm and stubborn eyes appeared in her mind. Suddenly in my heart.

Jin Xiaochai did n’t notice the change of the Tianyin girl, and continued:

“I heard that Yuner’s only disciple is still fighting Barbarian Tribe on the front line. I have seen Xuan’er once. Her temperament is similar to that of Yun’er. Why don’t you transfer her to a safe place.”

“I also wanted to transfer it back to Sect, but her stubborn character is not under Lan Yun, and she insists on sharpening strength in the life and death fight.” Tianyin girl resigned helplessly.

Jin Xiaochai heard this, and could only sigh quietly.

“That ’s fine. If you do n’t pass the test of life and death, how can you improve strength. In the past two years, you have been fighting with Barbarian Tribe, and some young disciples in the seven-party alliance, cultivation base, are advancing at a rapid rate. All the schools have produced some good seeds. “The Tianyin girl said slowly.

“It ’s not unreasonable to say that. You ’ve been more enthusiastic about customary affairs than before. I have n’t seen you care about the situation of those young disciples before.” Jin Xiaochai narrowed his eyes and said again.

“Master is injured by Mang Shang. It has not been recovered so far, I naturally have to share some common duties for her.” Tianyin girl said lightly.

“Oh, if that’s the case, Xueer, your eyes are always higher than the top. I’m a little curious about which disciples of the Seven Schools can get into your eyes, and tell me one or two.” Jin Xiaochai seems to be casual I asked:

“Probably more than half of years ago. Xuan’er participated in a sneak attack on the Barbarian Tribe stronghold on the front line. I can’t rest assured that I followed him. There is a disciple of your Sect named Shi Mu. Whether strength or courage is good.” After a long while, the girl Yinyue returned slowly.

Shi Mu? It seems to have heard of this name, what does he look like?” Kim Xiaochai showed interest in expression.

“The body is quite tall, the skin color is slightly dark, the appearance is correct, and the knife technique is good. By the way, he seems to be still an Talisman Master.” Tianyin girl Wen Yanxiu moved her eyebrows.

“Oh, it turned out to be him. I remembered it, and I was really impressed with this disciple named Shi Mu. Speaking of which, he can worship under our Black Demon Sect and still be blessed by me. Xueer, you seem to care a little bit That Shi Mu, otherwise how can I remember the appearance of an ordinary disciple so clearly. “Jin Xiaochai thought about it and clapped his hands lightly, but immediately frowned, not knowing what he thought, and a suspicious look appeared in his eyes. Tianyin girl.

“” I just think that the potential of this child is good, and you are among Black Demon Sect, so I kindly remind you. “The girl in Tianyin ignored the strangeness in Jin Xiaochai‘s speech, and said her tone unchanged.

A silhouette of a flower, the figure of Jin Xiaochai appeared in front of Tianyin girl:

“Xue’er, you promised me when you were young, and you will always be with me in the future and never like other people?”

Jin Xiaochai said, his eyes became hot, and he reached out and stroked the face of Tianyin’s girl who was whiter and more flawless than Xue.

“That was all a joke from childhood, but it shouldn’t be true! Don’t mention it again in the future.”

“I still have some things to deal with, so I will leave first.”

The girl in Tianyin took a step toward retreat, gently blocked the palm of Jin Xiaochai, and the expression was slightly cold, and then she floated away.

Jin Xiaochai looked at the back of Tianyin’s girl away, motionless, and stomped violently after a while, towering two peaks undulating, charming eyes flashing a hint of dangerous rays of light.

After a while, she looked completely calm. Seeing no trace of anger just now, he turned to the opposite side with a smile on his face again.


Shi Mu only took a remote path all the way until it was late at night three days later, supporting and returning to a hidden cave in the heart of the mountain.

This is much larger than the underground mine base that Shi Mu has been to before. It is one of the alliance’s important strongholds in Ruizhou. It has gathered more than 100 disciples from seven ancestors. The first one is the Houtian Great Perfection warrior of Wonderful Sound Sect.

The fame of Shi Mu “Fireblade” and his special status of Talisman Master make almost everyone here recognize him, and many people see him as a result of being injured. They all looked surprised, but they didn’t ask anything.

Shi Mu and others were a team of 20 people when they started, but now he is the only one who has returned from a serious injury, which naturally means nothing.

“What happened?”

Soon afterwards, a loud voice sounded in a stone room deep in the cave, with a bit of shock and anger in his tone.

The speaker’s surname is Jin Mingchen. He looks like he is in his thirties. He is tall and burly, and his muscles swell. Compared with those Barbarian Tribe, standing in front of Shi Mu is a head taller than him.

“I will report to the league faithfully on this matter. In addition, Shi Junior Brother can bring back this news is also a credit, should be able to get ten more credits on the basis of the original task reward. This time do not need to go out, now Get well here. “

Shi Mu agreed, and took over the identity token handed back by the other party, then got up and retreated.

After a while.

In the other stone chamber of the cave, Shi Mu was naked and sitting cross-legged above stone bed.

The wound on his body is no longer bleeding. However, the pink traces that criss-crossed each other looked daunting.

He picked up a golden soft armor from the pile of bloody, ragged clothes in front of him, and a flicker of flesh pained in his eyes.

In the past two years of logging at the border. Large and small have experienced more than 100 battles. Thanks to this close-fitting soft armor, they have resolved several attacks that would have caused serious injuries, but the gold silk armor has already been damaged in many places.

Today ’s battle is not as good as the one that attacked the granary on the same day as Zeng Yuan, the Xiantian strongman, but it is also one of the most dangerous.

This inner armor was hit by several barbarians from the opponent. It has also been damaged so much that it can’t be used again.

Shi Mu smiled bitterly, threw the damaged gold armor aside, took out a bottle of cyan ointment, and began to apply it to the wound on his body. After a while, the wound began to feel cool.

This was specially reserved for Ke’er when he received the order from Zong to separate from himself. It is quite effective for sword trauma, but if it is compared with this woman ’s wood treatment, it is far from Not as good.

He ca n’t help but miss the days when this woman was fighting side by side. If there is Ke’er here, these traumas can be cured quickly, and there is no need to use these medicines.

Shi Mu sighed, shook his head, and began to slowly move True Qi in the body, in conjunction with drug therapy.

Since he had taken the Xuanxuan blood pill from the Yinyin **** that day, his bloodstream has been unblocked a little, not only for the cultivation Pang Ruo Heavenly Elephant Cultivation, but also for the recovery of trauma. .

In addition to his own terrifying recovery power, but in just four or five days, his injuries have been restored.

During this period, he didn’t do nothing. He refined a batch of Low-level Talisman in his free time. The Talisman before him was used up in the ambush breakout a few days ago. already was exhausted.

As for the special machete required for refining Moonlight Sea Urchin, he also asked Zhao Ping to remake a batch, but now that the fighting is tense, he has never had a chance to return to Sect.

(Tomorrow is the March 8th Women ’s Day. Hello everyone, female book friends. You must remember to prepare a small gift for yourself. Male book friends must take care of the women around them. The ratio of men and women in China is imbalanced. We Among her book friends, the female book friends seem to be more cherished. In addition, I forgot to state here that the content of this chapter is not particularly related to the March 8 Women’s Day!) (To be continued.)

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