The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 9: The rebellion of giant mechas

On the other day in the galaxy outside the fog, General Li was seriously injured by Xilai with the “Shadow of Death”, and was eventually shot to death by Jing Jiu using himself as a cannon.

His last words are to keep his remains and the trace of “One Thing” remaining inside. Logically speaking, his remains should be in the laboratory of the Union Academy of Sciences or the military laboratory he is familiar with at this time. Who would have thought that Chen Ya was taken by him.

General Li’s corpse has unimaginable value, and it has a symbolic meaning beyond value. I don’t know why Chen Ya did this, and I don’t know if those who ascended have any opinions. The question is, why did he take out General Li’s corpse at this time?

Of course, Cao Yuan knew who the real person Chunyang was, but he didn’t expect that the first time he saw the legendary fairy, he would have died.

Chen Ya looked at the remains of General Li in the coffin and said blankly: “According to the time of Chaotian Continent, I have soared for nine thousand years. He is my junior, but in fact I always regard him as My teacher, or spiritual leader, I even thought he would never make mistakes and never die.”

Cao Yuan understood what he was going to say, and announced the Buddha’s name.

“Even he is dead, why can’t Jing Jiu die?” Chen Ya looked at him blankly and said, “Even if he is still alive, it is no different from death.”

Cao Yuan said: “I don’t agree with this view. In my opinion, even if we are all dead, Jingyang will not die, but this is not important. What are you going to say to me?”

Chen Ya pointed to General Li in the coffin and said: “Do you know how he died? Do you know what he said before he died?”



The contemporaries of Chaotian Continent and Jing Jiu, as well as those younger generations, have an inexplicable confidence in him.

——Don’t say anything about the same life as the world, even if the world is gone, he will still live.

This is strange to say, but it’s actually easy to understand, but it’s just that I have seen too many legendary deeds of him, but have never seen him defeated once, and all know how he cherishes his life.

Cao Yuan’s Lone Blade Town has been windy and snowy for many years, and he knows Xue Ji’s strength better than anyone else, but if he is asked to judge whether Xue Ji or Jing Jiu will survive to the end, he will definitely choose the latter, because the latter is certain Will regard the former as a favorable condition for their survival.

He didn’t believe that Jing Jiu would die. Of course, Zhao Layue was the same, and it seemed that he had never thought about this issue.

She put the logbook in the storage box, opened the light screen and searched for several signals to automatically connect, and she saw herself on the news screen, to be precise, she saw the Thor mecha on the news screen .

In the dark cosmic background, the surface of Thor’s mecha is covered with a faint frost, as if it is shining with starlight, it is very beautiful, and it has an extremely compelling aura-that is not true Frost gas, but the particles after passing through the torsion channel bombard the coating.

The Thor mecha is in front of the Seamark Nebula at this time, and after passing through a few twisting air links, it will reach the star field where the main star is located. For some reason, the military did not block the news of the Thor mecha. The TV stations of the various star regions of the Galaxy Alliance are watching this giant mecha and constantly broadcasting relevant news.

In the beginning, the news media thought this was a terrorist hijacking of mechas. However, it is puzzling whether it was near the Stargate base or the stars that Thor mecha passed by. In the field, the military’s warships have not launched an offensive, but have maintained a surveillance posture.

As time goes by, the Thor mecha is getting closer and closer to the main star, and the tone of the news media reports becomes more and more peaceful, and the people following this incident are more and more shocked, and more and more speculations are born. Is there an important person on the giant mech that was taken hostage? Or is there no one on it? Does the mech have artificial intelligence? On many forums of Star Controls, many users began to create themes based on this story, and the brains opened were even more bizarre than the real situation, and the entire series of stories was named-the rebellion of the giant mecha.



The cockpit was very quiet, with only a low electromagnetic buzzing and a deeper cat purring, until Zhong Lizi’s voice rang.

“The wreckage in front… was left over from that time.”

Zhao Layue looked at the universe outside the window and saw the wreckage of the battleship, as if seeing countless nuclear bombs exploding, Jing Jiu turned into a scene of sword light flying over.

The traces of that battle have long since disappeared in space, but Ran Handong made a simulation screen for her.

She retracted her gaze, watched two more news reports, and then continued to study a certain star chart.

The star in that star chart is very special, with a high-quality companion star, which pulls the star out of an extremely long tail.

There is a very famous vacation star in this galaxy. There was an extremely violent explosion many days ago.

According to the information provided by Ran Handong, Jing Jiu had been with the person named Shen Yunbu during that time, and the person named Shen Yunbu disappeared after the explosion.

Zhao Layue wants to find Shen Yunbu, but now it seems that this is indeed a difficult thing.

As long as that black warship sever all contact with the outside world, it will become a black coffin floating in the universe.

The universe is so vast that neither a beast like Ah Da or the seemingly ubiquitous surveillance network can find it.

Similarly, if the Thor mecha sever all contact with the outside world, it will disappear into the vast universe. Doing so will increase a lot of risks and reduce the risks on the other side. But Zhao Layue didn’t do anything, and the Thor was always under continuous monitoring by the other party. There are several warships following the Thor in the distant universe. I don’t know when they will attack suddenly. Even if they don’t exist now, will the opponent watch the Thor arrive at the main star under the gaze of the whole world?

Zhong Lizi didn’t know what Zhao Layue thought, and was a little worried.

The snore suddenly became louder, and Ah Da was comforting her: It’s okay, even if the broken copper and iron are destroyed, I can take you everywhere.

Zhong Lizi remembered many scenes in that book, thinking that you basically never made a move, but if you make a move, you will lose, and I can’t help but worry more.



At least tens of billions of people in the Galaxy Alliance watched the giant mecha called Thor through the TV light screen.

As the Thor gets closer and closer to the main star, many people in the star field are more and more enthusiastic about watching the excitement, and the main star people are getting more and more nervous. The management committee and the administration have received many questions. In addition to the usual concerns, the most content is-when will the warships made with our taxes fire?

People with a little bit of common sense can know that the Thor mecha cannot bring a devastating blow to the main star. The problem is the unresponsiveness of the military and the government, and this strange silence, which is really a little heart-stirring. It’s like watching the sunset keep sinking, and the shadow of the night is about to swallow everything. When will the street lights turn on?

Ran Handong didn’t know what the girl named Zhao Layue was going to do, and why she rushed over in such a fair manner. She looked at the Thor on the light screen of the TV and listened to the intense discussion between the host and two so-called military experts. She felt very boring, and turned off the TV before going to bed.

At this time, there was a loud bang from the door, and dozens of special soldiers in light armor rushed in and surrounded her bed, and her brother was the leader.

Ran Handong looked at him and said seriously: “If I have insomnia tonight, you will never sleep in your life.”

Major General Ran looked at her with an ugly face and said, “You have always been in contact with Thor?”

Ran Handong said with no expression on his face: “It was Jing Jiu on the Thunder God. If I remember correctly, our family is an ally with him.”

After the Helicopter Nebula Rebellion, although the big figures in the upper class of the Galaxy Alliance did not fully understand the truth of the whole matter, they already knew the truth-this world has always been ruled by those who break the cocoon, and they Only rely on the priest to maintain the current position. Naturally, the loyalty of the aristocratic families headed by the Ran family and the big politicians to that person is stronger and has not been purged in any way. Then it is also natural that some former allies have become enemies.

Major General Ran stared into his sister’s eyes and said: “He is dead.”

“I didn’t see the will, then I would still be his secretary.”

Ran Handong got up and put on his military uniform and fastened the buttons meticulously.

She knew that she was facing arrest and secret trial. For the family, the future and even life and death of the children were far less important than the fate of the family.

When she died, her father might shed some tears just right, nothing more.

At this moment, Major General Ran suddenly received a message, a little shocked but also a little relieved. He looked at his sister and said, “Someone wants you to pick her up.”



Of course, it is impossible for the Galaxy Alliance to allow the Thor’s giant mecha to actually reach the main star, otherwise the people will definitely be scared to death by the dark night.

The space passage through the Sea Seal Nebula is the military’s turning base.

The weapon systems of dozens of black warships have been activated, locking the Thor mecha, watched vigilantly and nervously as the huge fuselage slowly entered the base.

With the sputtering sound of the airflow, the cockpit door was opened, and Zhong Lizi walked out of it carrying a black backpack.

Ran Handong walked to her and looked at her with a smile.

Zhong Lizi spread his hands and said innocently: “I’m sorry, I’m back again.”

Ran Handong looked behind her and said, “Just you?”

There was no one in the cockpit.

There are no cats either.



Qingshan Nine Swords, Buer Sword is the fastest, Fusi Sword is the fastest.

Everyone knows the difference between these two fast words.

How fast is Firth Sword?

When Zhao Layue ascended to become an immortal, even the most advanced surveillance satellites could hardly find traces of it, and only a red light could be seen in the atmosphere.

The red light spreads as the sword speed slows down, blending with the sky full of sunrise, and it is difficult to distinguish each other.

The gate of the castle slowly opened, welcoming Zhaoxia and the people in Zhaoxia.

The sunflower in the painting was awakened by the morning light, as if it had added a bit of spirit.

Zhao Layue stood in front of the painting with the white cat in her arms and looked at it carefully, wondering what exactly does Jing Jiu like?

The sound of footsteps that are extremely rhythmic and stable enough to exceed the mechanical sense ~ The girl walked to her side, looked at the sunflower in the painting and said: “This is a copy of the original picture. In a banker’s house, the little guy was about the same age as you when he copied it.”

Not at the hot spring today, she is still wearing that floral bathrobe.

She turned her head to look at Zhao Layue, and said, “I’m talking about appearance.”

Zhao Layue asked: “Are you the computer left by the ancient civilization?”

The girl was slightly startled. For countless years, even if someone faintly guessed her identity, they would definitely be respected and dare not to ask bluntly. Even Jing Jiu just played a riddle with her. No one has been as direct as Zhao Layue.

“It’s really different. I’ve seen some female breakers, but it’s really rare to be as reckless as you or tyrannical. Where does your confidence come from?”

Zhao Layue said: “I have a cat, do you have one?”

The girl looked at the white cat in her arms, smiled and said, “It’s just a transforming beast.”

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