The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 49: 9 black suns

Only intelligent life can think about the meaning of existence, and it will only happen after wisdom has developed to a certain stage.

The ascendants of Chaotian Continent, whether they are immortals or gods and Buddhas, are people with great wisdom. When they are still in that world, they will inevitably begin to think about this issue when they have just embarked on the path of spiritual practice. Found my own answer.

In the long road that follows, as the knowledge increases, this answer may be revised, but the foundation will not change much. It is not until the last moment of their existence that they will take this answer out to reflect on it for a moment, in order to get real peace and joy.

Monk Huanxi saw the sword of Jing Jiu, the death wing from the west, and the departure of General Li in the galaxy outside the fog. He has already determined his own thoughts and gained true peace before he named himself. Change from great compassion to joy.

At this time, on this planet named Mochizuki, the sky full of stars is obscured by clouds. He has a clear sense. Some things may happen afterwards, and he may even see the last moment of existence, but he doesn’t need to Think about it again, just do it calmly, waiting for those things to happen.

The Great Nirvana floated in the night sky, and he scattered the light of Buddha in the sky, condensing into a high tower, suppressing the crack in space.

The invisible and intangible dark energy gushes from the cracks in the space, constantly bombarding the formation and his Zen mind.

That is the will of a universe that is vaster and greater than the universe he is in.

The Buddha array and Zen mind can block each other for several hours, which is already very remarkable.

More and more dark energy engulfed the Buddha’s light, shook the tower, and spread around the surface of the planet. Two hours ago, the space cracks exploded, triggering a strong earthquake, tearing apart the edge of the Buddha array, and making this trend irreversible.

The Huanxi Monk stood on the Nirvana, raised his eyes and looked around. I saw the farms in the distance, the fields and the deserted mountains in the distance, and extremely tiny sparks burst out from time to time, looking like fireflies. Shine, then die.

It was an infected cockroach that blew itself up after sending out an early warning signal.

Humans in the Galaxy Alliance have always used this method to observe and determine the boundaries of dark energy.

Looking from the high altitude where he was, the sparks on the ground looked like a big circle with a diameter of tens of kilometers, very clearly.

In this big circle, the weeds and seemingly dead trees under the remnant snow have been slowly soaked by dark energy, and the color goes toward the gray and black, and the branches are swaying in the wind, as if they are about to come back to life.

I don’t know how many monsters are walking under the ground. Everywhere you can hear the panicked screams of life, the rubbing noises when running away, the ground is arched from time to time, and many voles and insects came out and fled in all directions. .

A gray rabbit was infected by the spores, and fell heavily on the ground shortly after jumping out of the ground. After a while, he slowly stood up. There was no fear in his eyes, and there was no luster. It was just dead. His gray hair also fell with the wind, and with a swish, it turned into a black lightning, exuding a cold and terrifying breath, and ran towards the distant city, much faster than when he was alive.

The Huanxi Monk was a little tired, his eyelids were a little heavy, and he retracted his gaze to look into the distance, and then naturally looked at the space crack below.

A generation sequence is trying to crawl out of the space crack, with thin arms like dead wood on the edge, the surface of the body is like leather coated with charcoal, the whole person is like a monkey without hair, giving people a gloomy and gloomy look. Feeling evil.

The light of the Buddha fell from the tower and shone on the body of the dynasty, as if it burned, it gave birth to blue smoke.

I don’t know if there is pain and fear of disappearance of the generation sequence, I saw it grinned its lips, exposing gray gums and sharp teeth, and howled silently at the joyful monk in the night sky, with gray eyes. There is no emotion in the pupil.

With a soft buzzing sound, the generation sequence jumped directly from the crack and rushed towards the happy monk high above, but couldn’t get close to the body of the happy monk at all, and was turned into nothingness by the light of the sky full of Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, there were hundreds of Chronicles pouring out from the cracks in the space, rushing to jump up, against the suppression of the Buddha’s light, wanting to bite the joyful monk, there are several Chronicles that jumped the highest and the fastest. , Even almost touching his broken monk clothes.

Through the concealment of these generations, more half-tails flew out from the cracks in the space like lightning. I don’t know if it was based on instinct or under command to accurately find the gap in the Buddha’s light array and ran out instantly. The scope of the factory ruins disappeared into the fields under the night.

Such things have happened twice. The generation sequence that human beings have been immersed into has no wisdom, but it is obviously organized and more planned. It turned out that through frantic attacks and self-sacrifice on the joyful monk, they found a chance to escape for those half-tails.

When those half-tails disappeared in the field, a larger number of blood thumbs floated out of the cracks in the space. These microbes turned into monsters are difficult to see with the naked eye, but when there are too many and gathered together, they seem to change. It became a real black smoke.

The monk Huanxi sat down on the Nirvana with no expression on his face, closed his eyes, gently turned the rosary with his right hand, his thin lips opened slightly, and the mantra came out.

The light of the Buddha instantly flourished, and the tower shone like glass, illuminating the large fields in the north of Wushan City and the space telescope on the top of the mountain.

In the sound of scoffing, the black smoke fades at a speed visible to the naked eye, and I don’t know how many blood thumbs have been purified.

Those who leaped into the sky gave out silent but screaming shouts, which disintegrated into black charcoal-like flesh, and then turned into smaller spores, but the spores did not float away. , Directly crushed by Foguang into extremely tiny powder.

Whether it is the purified black smoke or those tiny powders, they all float up on their own and enter Nirvana one after another.

There are many metal grids on the surface of the Great Nirvana, and one of the small grids has been filled in the sea of ​​dark objects and turned into two colors of black and gold. At this time, another grid was slowly filled, but the material seemed to be colored glaze and graphite.

Whether it’s the generation sequence or the half-tail, or the blood thumbs, there is only the consciousness of killing and destruction, but its own existence is extremely difficult to be wiped out. This war with the bottom of the sea has continued until now, and the joyful monk has consumed a lot. The spirit, especially troublesome, is that the black smoke, the spores of the monsters after death, the invisible dark energy overflowing from the space, are constantly depleting the Buddha’s light, and the extremely vigorous Buddha’s light is once again thinned by layers.

The tower formed by the Buddha’s light trembled again, and might collapse at any time.

If the tower collapses, those black and gray monsters will gush out of the space cracks like a tide, and will occupy the planet for countless times faster than now, turning all life on the planet into one of them. , When the time comes, mankind can only abandon this planet.

The monk Huanxi was extremely capable of making decisions and changed his combat strategy before the tower collapsed.

The tower disappeared from the ground in an instant, and was taken into the Nirvana.

The Great Nirvana was supplemented by Buddha’s light and became brighter, looking like a full moon in the night sky.

The broken monk’s clothes are light and fluttering, like a banner of unwillingness to give up.

The Huanxi Monk fell in front of the space crack, and the Buddha’s light converged in his body, making his face glow with a golden light. The original soft lines became much harder, and the handsome boy seemed to have become a real golden Buddha. .

He raised his right hand blankly.

In the night sky behind him, a huge golden Buddha faintly appeared.

The Golden Buddha also raised his right hand following his movements, and then fell.

Major mudra!

With a loud bang, the ruins of the factory were made shorter by the huge impact.

The huge palm of the Golden Buddha fell on the ground, covering the entire space.

Extremely thin turbulence overflowed from the edge of the palm, making a piercing sound.

I don’t know how many monsters from the Sea of ​​Dark Things smashed into this huge palm and turned into powder.

The unimaginable, tide-like impact made the palm of the Golden Buddha tremble constantly, as if it might be shaken at any time.

Monk Huanxi closed his eyes.

In the Buddha’s light, the long eyelashes are trembling slightly.

The power of the sea of ​​dark things, neither the Nirvana nor the pagoda can stop it.

Even if his golden body is extremely stable and strong, how long can he withstand it?

Time passed slowly.

The face of Huanxi Monk was as pale as paper in the sea of ​​dark things, and it is no more than that now.

But I don’t know when, his eyelashes fell a bit.

It seems that the golden hair coated with Buddha light is not really golden.

Or it is for this reason that the monks in Guocheng Temple have to lose their hair?

The Huanxi Monk is not afraid of the impact of those monsters, nor the infiltration of spores, but it will still be eroded by the purest, invisible and intangible dark energy.

The Zen mind is still set like a rock, transparent and unobstructed, but the golden body is slightly ill.

The huge palm of the golden Buddha fell, and the little finger on the edge began to appear defective, showing some signs of rupture.

The tail finger of Huanxi Monk’s right hand is slightly black.

The night is getting darker, and the stars are getting darker. Correspondingly, the Buddha’s light in the ruins of the factory is getting weaker and weaker.

I don’t know how much time passed before the intensity of light and shadow changed again. That was because the morning light came through from under the distant clouds, gradually illuminating everything in the mountains.

The monk Huanxi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the crack in the space covered by the big handprints of the Golden Buddha. There was an extremely harsh killing intent in his eyes.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi.

Countless black tentacles, with an evil and terrifying aura, emerged from the extremely narrow position between the palm of the Golden Buddha and the space crack.

Monk Huanxi’s right hand is still against the void, and his left hand is grasping from the air. With this simple movement, countless arms stretch out from behind him, grabbing at the tentacles one after another, seeming clumsy, but accurate It’s unimaginable fast.

There was an extremely unpleasant cracking sound from the ruins of the factory, countless golden hands grabbed countless tentacles, and savagely ripped them, slapped, snapped, those tentacles did not last long, they broke into several pieces, fractured. Li burst out black smoke and dust, full of spores.

The monk Huanxi took a deep breath, sucking all the black smoke into his abdomen.

The next moment, his body shook slightly, his chest and abdomen suddenly bulged, and then he returned to the original state.

Several golden flames protruded from his nose, gradually extinguished, turning into plumes of blue smoke.

Those spores that he inhaled in his abdomen were all burned by the Buddha’s fire.

The black tentacles were torn off like octopus feet, but the broods were still there.

I only heard the rumbling sound, and the space cracks inflated again. I don’t know how many broodstocks chose to explode at the same time, forming an extremely huge force that directly shattered the big handprints of the Golden Buddha.

The Huanxi Monk was shocked again and walked along the deep pit before the evening yesterday to more than 40 kilometers away.

It’s just that this time he was prepared. He walked backwards on Nirvana and turned back in an instant. Before there was any movement on the space crack, he directly reached out and grabbed a brood from inside with his left hand. Turn it over and cut it down with Nirvana as a knife.

Cao Yuan is his descendant in Guocheng Temple, and is known as the saint of swordsman by the world.

The sword technique of the ancestor of Zen is not at all weaker than him.

I saw the golden knife wind blow away the morning light, and more than 30,000 knives were released in an instant, and the two nests were cut into the finest fragments without resistance.

More and more broods are pouring out of the cracks in the space that have expanded to hundreds of meters.

The Huanxi monk remained expressionless, but raised his eyebrows, flew high into the sky and began to travel at high speed.

Those black broods just came into this world, and they didn’t have time to do anything, and they shattered in an instant.

At this time, the distant stars are already some distance from the horizon, but they are just covered by the gloomy clouds, and the sky and the earth have become much colder.

The Huanxi Monk walked between the mother’s nests on Nirvana, bringing out countless bright rays of light.

He still uses the sword technique, but he uses the sword technique.

Many years ago, at the beginning of his cultivation, he had been to Qingshan, and Qingshan’s sword repairman gave him an introductory swordsmanship. That introductory sword art is naturally not powerful, let alone advanced, but in the hands of such a great figure as him, it is enough to cultivate a very sophisticated sword control technique.

The brood and all kinds of monsters rushed out of the cracks in the space, and they were chopped to pieces by him and turned into black smoke.

It is the cold sun and the dark clouds, all covered by black smoke, and no scene can be seen.

The light from the Great Nirvana suddenly converged into a spot of light at a certain moment.

The monk Huanxi looked into the depths of the sky full of black smoke, looking at the location of the crack in the space, his eyes were slightly cold.

An extremely powerful breath appeared there.

It’s as cold as the sky.

It’s as substantial as black smoke.

It seems that death has become a concrete picture, just like this, falling on the surface of Mochizuki planet.

The black smoke gradually dispersed, the space was distorted, and a huge brood appeared above the ruins of the factory.

The dark man in this place is still so ugly and ugly, countless tentacles are still hidden under the leather-like body surface, like weeds about to emerge from the muddy ground, there are faint fluctuations in the mud, and the places passing by are slightly protruding. Some resemble facial features, and some resemble swallowed lives.

——It’s the head of a giant on the sea again.

The Huanxi Monk thought of Jing Jiu’s book. No wonder that there is only one mentally retarded offspring of the Giants in Chaotian Continent. They are all retribution.

He took out a black stone vajra from the Nirvana, and prepared to kill the brood as soon as possible at the expense of half of his magical powers.

The dark man is different from an ordinary brood, and can even affect the consciousness environment of the entire planet. The most direct threat is that the underground base set up by the Galactic Alliance government on an ordinary resident star like Mochizuki does not exist at all. Considered fighting against monsters of this level. Those alloy doors in the underground base cooperate with the gravitational field generator, which can block the erosion of ordinary broodstock and even dark energy, but it is absolutely impossible to block this kind of thing.

If this huge black mother nest is allowed to roam the planet, it will only take half a day, and all life will die.

But at the next moment, that cold and deadly breath… suddenly became stronger.

That breath is already powerful and unimaginable, how could it be stronger?

In the few observation reports of human beings, this phenomenon has never happened.

It is already the highest-order brood and cannot evolve again.

The Huanxi Monk does not believe that the dark-handler can evolve into a more powerful existence, otherwise, what is the need for this war?

Then there is only one explanation. The Dark One who came to Mochizuki is not a single one.

Sure enough, behind the darker from the giant head, another darker slowly floated out.

The dark man is not a standard brood shape. There are only a dozen weak tentacles on the surface, but there are two wing-like protrusions on the underside.

It’s still extremely ugly.

The Huanxi Monk confirmed that in all the observation reports, even in the girl’s database, there was no such high-level brood.

What kind of monster is this?

Thinking about these questions, he has put away the vajra, and walked on Nirvana to a mountain two hundred kilometers northwest of the ruins of the factory.

The strongest human being can’t defeat the two highest-order broods at the same time. Just like in the sea of ​​dark things a few days ago, the only thing he can do is to run away, and it’s getting farther and farther away, maybe later You can only go into the universe.

Standing on the edge of the big mountain, he looked at the ruins of the factory in the distance, and suddenly even his escape was lowered a lot.

Because another…dark man came out of the crack in that space.

Then another one came.



Some dark people look like birds that are too fat but have no legs. Some people in the dark are like square stones wrapped in mud. Some dark people are just a head. Some dark people are just like ordinary broods. The common features are roughly spherical, the surface is black and gray, some places are slumped, some places are protruding, and there seems to be something flowing inside, giving people a disgusting feeling.

Of course, they make people feel disgusting, except because they are ugly, they are more of the breath of death that they carry.

Countless generation sequences, half-tails, and strange monsters gush out from the cracks in space, spread out like waterfalls, and rush toward the surface of the planet.

The Huanxi Monk did not try to do anything to stop this.

In order to resist the cold and cold aura of those in the dark, he has already worked a little bit, his face pale like new paper, and the Buddha’s light emitted by the Great Nirvana is extremely dim.

There are nine dark people floating out from the cracks in the They dispelled the previous black smoke, dispelled the dark clouds in the sky, and came to the very high part of the atmosphere, looking down on this like an emperor. world.

The unimaginable cold air, scattered from their ugly bodies, condensed the mechanical well in the agricultural machinery factory on the ground, and frozen several rocks.

The black smoke and the clouds are all gone, logically speaking, you should be able to see the rising sun.

Unfortunately, I can’t see it.

The nine black suns in the sky took away all the light.

The Huanxi monk stood on the edge of the cliff, his tattered monk’s clothes fluttered lightly, like a flag of a defeated army about to fall.

He looked at the nine huge nests high in the sky, wondering what the **** was going on here?


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