The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 47: Start vacation

Shen Yunbui learned to praise.

Jing Jiu learned to agree.

They will find other things beautiful.

These three items are all rare things.

The officers and soldiers on thousands of warships heard these two brief conversations, a little surprised, some inexplicable, and some at a loss.

The galaxy has been swallowed by the sea of ​​dark matter, and now there is only an endless dark void over there, which looks like a piece of opaque black paper. Where is the beauty?

Are the two young leaders with the highest military authority both lunatics?

This is because they don’t understand that for people like Jing Jiu and Shen Yunbu, there is no more beautiful scenery in the world than a civilization or the birth and disappearance of a world.

The star may have existed in the universe for more than 10 billion years, and it just disappeared into the sea of ​​dark matter.

Judging from the existing scientific deduction, unless humans find a weapon that the **** once used, the star will never appear in front of anyone again.

How magnificent is such a scenery, how can you hold back a sigh?

More importantly, in the eyes of Jing Jiu and Shen Yunbu, the universe ahead is not a piece of black paper, there are still some traces on it.

Those are all kinds of invisible rays, and the particle beams excited by the magnetic field are distorted. They are doing the final bloom in their eyes, and then gradually wither.

No matter what generation of human society has a similar saying-the location and height of the station are different, the scenery you see is also different.

Shen Yunbuy’s body has been modified, his eyes are more powerful than the warship’s wide-area detector, and he can naturally see countless scenery that ordinary people can’t see.

Not to mention Jing Jiu.

The description that has been repeated many times in that sentence is that they are humans standing at the highest point, or even non-humans, and they are countless times richer and magnificent in their eyes than other humans.

When sailing in space on a battleship, they all like to stand in front of the window and look out.

When the battleship stops, they all like to come to space just to look at them more.

“This picture is actually similar to the world that ordinary people see after taking drugs.” Shen Yunjian said suddenly.

Jing Jiu said, “Huh?”

Shen Yunjian turned to look at him, and said, “I will take you to a place.”



The long-footed galaxy is more beautiful to be swallowed by the sea of ​​dark matter. Shen Yunbui is a good tour guide. In view of this, Jing Jiu agreed to his proposal.

The two warships left the fleet and began their return journey, accelerated by the gravity of the Big Aries black hole, and then passed through more than a dozen torsion holes in a row.

The Big Aram Black Hole is like an invisible but omnipresent **** who ignores everything in the universe at all. It doesn’t care where these ants are going, even if it dismisses the dark ocean.

Countless holes of twisting rate travel through the space far away from it, like holes drilled by ants.

The two battleships are like grains of rice walking in a cave.

For the people on the battleship, this is another feeling.

This is more like the feeling of a high-speed suspension train passing through a tunnel in the mountains to the north of the main star, but unfortunately no one can see the scenery outside the window.

Jing Jiu stood in front of the window, looking at the black composite material that blocked his vision, and thought of something again. What are the black particles that block the light of the star? What is the twist rate hole? Is it impossible to observe because of the observer effect, or some other reason? Can you pretend to be blind with a black cloth? So if you don’t wear a cosmic mech, just close your eyes and shield your perception and enter the torsion hole, can you also complete the space travel of this galaxy group? Is this kind of thinking a hooligan?

“Actually, I always think that the name Dimensional Space is wrong. It is possible that the real main space is over there.”

Hua Xi took the iron kettle from the stove and poured a cup of tea into the glass.

Jing Jiu understands what she means.

There is the world of dark matter. Whether it is a gravitational field or a torsion hole, it is essentially the folding and distortion of space, and the use of the original folding and distortion of space. This kind of development and utilization frequency is too high, and may cause the collapse of space, just like the space crack he saw on Topaz III.

The world of dark matter never wanted to come to this world, but humans and other intelligent beings touched them first, so they flowed over like sea water.

This is not a novel statement. Since ancient civilizations, no one knows how many scholars and experts have put forward various hypotheses based on this. The question is, even if those hypotheses are proved, what meaning will they have for the current dilemma facing human civilization? Is it still thinking of negotiating with the Sea of ​​Dark Objects, first apologize, and then take the initiative to withdraw?

The universe will not be angry, and there will be no extra emotions. It just exists quietly, so how can it be reasonable with you?

With a soft noise, the black composite partition covering the battleship was closed, and the sea of ​​different shades formed by the sky full of stars entered the window and entered Jing Jiu’s eyes.

There is a black circular area in the ocean, it is so silent, there is no movement, it is like a tomb.

Yeah, what can I do? After all, human beings must exist.



The space cracks on the planet Topaz III were eroded, the monsters on the planet were cleared, and the rare element minerals began to be shipped to all parts of the Galaxy Alliance.

There is no doubt that this is the greatest victory that mankind has achieved in the war against the Sea of ​​Dark Things in the last five years. Relevant awards were quickly issued to the participating troops, and the nuclear power furnace development team in the 857 Research Institute won a very high honor and a rare vacation opportunity.

Shen Yunbu returned to the base and replaced it with a new nuclear-powered furnace, leaving the parameters behind and taking away the professors and scholars who were on vacation.

The battleship Lieyang and Jiaowei set off again and flew towards the turbidity star system.

The star has a very distant high-quality companion star, which has been pulled out with a 90,000 light-year-long tail. It looks like a turbid stream of light from a distance. It has such a special A name. Such stars are often unstable, and few planets suitable for human life can be found in galaxies. What’s interesting is that on the opposite side of the high-quality companion star, humans have discovered a planet. The environment is very good, and it can be inhabited with little modification.

In fact, this planet was originally a spare star that was transformed by the ancient civilization in the marginal zone.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the star is in its calmest period, at least for hundreds of thousands of years.

The two warships deliberately circled to the back of the star, allowing the professors and scholars in Jing Jiu, Huaxi and 857 base who came here for the first time to visit the light stream. It is indeed a very magnificent and even some magical picture that is visible to the naked eye in the universe. The professors and scholars sighed with emotion and habitually began to do physical calculations in their hearts.

Shen Yunjian ordered the officers to send these professors to the vacation star.



Because of the gravitational action of the star and the distant high-quality companion star, the planet entered the stellar synchronization phase very early. The so-called stellar synchronization means that the planet no longer rotates, and it can also be understood as a one-sided rotation of the planet. In short, the planet is divided into two parts, one is always day and the other is always night.

Genetically optimized humans are no longer afraid of carcinogenic ultraviolet rays. The particle storm caused by the disappearance of the magnetic field will also be blocked by the protective cover. The problem of extreme cold and extreme heat is also solved by the atmospheric turbulence system. As a result, this planet was left with only spectacles and no other problems. It naturally became a very popular holiday planet.

There are a few white lines faintly in the distance, and the sea near the shore is quiet as if frozen. The still blazing sunlight through the protective cover engraved the shadows of coconut trees and palm trees very deep.

Jing Jiu was lying on a white beach chair, wearing those silver-rimmed glasses, and looking blankly at the tourists walking in the artificial waves and the naked girl basking in the sun. He still didn’t understand what’s popular here. reason.

“The most beautiful beach, the most attractive girl, as long as you want, you can keep watching here, the sun is shining, there is no shadow.”

“Similarly, if you want, you can go to the night hemisphere, enter the best casino, and the most shabby secret enjoyment. There will never be a broad daylight feeling.”

“Artists like sunrise and sunset, they can go back and forth on the boundary line, and they can also sign up for the optical flow tour group and take the latest curvature spacecraft to see the universe there.”

“Perverted people like day and night, and can practice **** that snow mountain.”

“This planet can meet all the needs of different people, and of course it is very popular.”

Huaxi walked to him and sat down with a glass of colorful cocktails.

The style of her swimsuit is very conservative, and she still can’t conceal the overflow of youthful vitality.

Jing Jiu asked: “What do you like?”

Hua Xi smiled shyly and said softly: “I like you.”

Jing Jiu said, “I am not that god.”

Hua Xi put out her tongue mischievously and said, “But people say you will be a new god.”

Jing Jiu said: “No.”

No matter the question or the answer is actually like a joke, but I don’t know why, there is a look of regret and disappointment in Huaxi’s waves in the distance are gradually approaching the shore with the permission of the administration. The waves gradually became clear, and the voice gradually became louder.

A naked woman walked out of the waves.

This woman is in good shape, with a bronze complexion, looks extremely healthy and beautiful.

She whispered: “I don’t know if I have this honor, please go and see at night?”

Hua Xi held the bartender, looked at the white line in the distant sea, and ignored her.

Naturally, Jing Jiu would ignore her.

The scene was a bit awkward. The beach that has been beaten by the sea is a bit salty and wet. Shen Yunbu poked his head out of the sand, took a couple of mouthfuls, scolded a few times, saw this woman, and said: “Is what I want ready?”

The woman whispered: “Waiting for you in the hotel.”

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