The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 33: Down Town Demon Prison

Gong Lu is ready.

He reported the matter to His Majesty the Emperor of God, determined to become the most diligent official from today, sitting in Taichang Temple drinking tea every day.

At the same time, he asked his son Luming for an errand in Nanhe Prefecture for a three-year term.

Three years later, if there is no problem and Jing Jiu returns, then Luming will be able to return to Chaoge City, otherwise he will directly go to Qingshan through Gu’s relationship.

Gong Lu picked up the tea bowl again and glanced outside without a trace.

The black-covered car has disappeared.

He sighed in his heart, hoping that everything is well.

The black cloth-covered car came to the depths of Taichang Temple, passed through a bamboo forest, and continued on the straight road.

The straight road is paved with pebbles, and there is a special sound of wheels rolling on it.

The sound gradually became louder, because the straight was gradually inclined, turning into a gentle slope, and finally entering the ground.

The officials here are wearing black official uniforms with a dragon claw painted on them. They look quite powerful and obviously do not belong to Taichang Temple.

Several officials locked the car in front of a rock wall with iron chains.

There are exquisite fairy flowing clouds carved on the stone wall, and I don’t know which sect’s patriarch.

The light suddenly dimmed, and the surrounding area became dark.

The car sank slowly into the ground, like an animal trapped in the mud, silent, but thrilling.

The more you go underground, the surrounding air is getting colder and colder, and you can no longer see any light, and it’s dark.

About dozens of breaths later, the wheel fell on the ground with a soft crack.

Sitting in the car, Jing Jiu felt the cold atmosphere and endless darkness around him, silently calculating the position and distance.

If he needs to escape from here in the future, he must remember all the things and all the details of today’s life.

There was a sound outside the car. It should be the wheels crushing the ground. The ground seemed to be covered with a layer of gravel, but the weight carried by the wheels seemed a little too heavy.

With several soft sounds, the formation attached to the car was lifted, and the locked car door was opened.

Even in absolute darkness, Jing Jiu’s sword eyes can still help him see enough pictures.

Two puppets appeared in front of the car door.

Under the puppet’s body is a flat plate composed of eight small wheels. The body is made of the hardest black gold, with an extremely complicated array drawn on it. No wonder it is so heavy.

It’s like the Green Mountain Sword Prison. The atmosphere is dark and filthy, and even more vigorous. Even the decent and strong people with firm Taoism living here will be infested. It is possible to be directly controlled by those dark and filthy auras. So just like the Green Mountain Sword Prison, there are no humans here either.

There are corpse dogs in Qingshan Sword Prison.

There are puppet guards here.

What exactly is this place?

There is a place dedicated to imprisoning evil sect masters, underworld monsters, and snow country monsters in Chaotianda 6, and that is the well-known devil prison.

Everyone knows the existence of the Demon Suppression Prison, even mortals, even three-year-old children, but very few people know where the Demon Suppression Prison is.

Even in the righteous cultivating sect and the court, few people know this secret.

Zhen Devil Prison is Taichang Temple.

The specific location is under the ground of Taichang Temple.

Lu Guogong served as Taichang Temple clerk for many years. Many people only think of Qinggui. How do you know that this means that the emperor has absolute trust in him.



Jing Jiu was thinking about what method should be used to leave these two mysterious golden puppets to be like a prisoner.

Suddenly, he felt a terrible pressure coming from somewhere far away.

Such a terrible pressure must come from an extremely powerful soul. Once it falls, it can easily crush or destroy all non-substantial spiritual existence.

Even if this soul is not as good as the one in the depths of the snowy field, the level is not far away.

Jing Jiu did not look at the place where the pressure began, and did not respond, because he had already learned a lesson in the snowy field-he is now only a low-level young Qingshan disciple, no matter how strong his mental power is, he can’t face it. Existence, so you must not let the other party show your own existence.

He closed his eyes and kept his mind, letting the coercion fall.

Large waves arose from the sea of ​​consciousness, violently rushing towards the surroundings, he became a small boat in the ocean, and all his consciousness sank to the bottom of the sea,

The coercion quickly turned into a hurricane sweeping the world, so he became the weak and silent leaf in the wind, and all the breath went away with the wind.

He is like a normal ascetic, shocked by this coercion to a coma.

The coercion gradually moved away, and the existence no longer paid attention to it.

Jing Jiu knew that the other party did not discover himself, nor did he test himself, but that every prisoner who entered the Demon Suppression Prison would undergo this coercive baptism.

Whether you are a demon of the Underworld or a master of the evil faction, you will basically be abolished after this level, and you will have a direct mental breakdown, and it will take a long time to wake up.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the prison escape or suicide that these prisoners are most likely to have when they are first locked up.

This method is very rude, even cruel, but thinking about the person who has been in Chaoge City for so many years…

In a sense, it is worse than a corpse dog, so Jing Jiu can understand.

Two mysterious golden puppets dragged Jing Jiu out of the car in a “coma” and flew in the dark for a long time until he heard a lot of noises.

Jing Jiu was imprisoned in a cell.

He opened his eyes, did not perceive the surrounding environment of the cell, and looked directly at the outside world.

There is no ray of light in the dark Summon Prison, but there are countless voices ringing in the world like a cliff.

There are dense caves all over the cliffs, and there are extremely dangerous formations everywhere. I don’t know how many prisoners are being held.

This is the first floor of the Suppression Demon Prison. The prisoners are either powerful officials, the assassins of the old forest, or the evil elders. After enduring the impact of that coercive force, some people slowly regained consciousness over time, but many others were still immersed in the shattered spiritual world.

Those people said things that no one understood, sang songs that no one understood, and rapped for many years.

Listening to the fine sounds of tens of thousands of insects gnawing at the leaves in the night, prisoners with weaker willpower might be scared to pass out.

Jing Jiu stood in front of the cell door, listening to those voices, feeling calm.

Every prisoner in the Demon Suppression Prison wears a vitality lock, and there is a formation in the cell, and the spirit is shaken by the coercion, and there is no possibility of escape.

But none of this is a problem for Jing Jiu, because he is carrying two keys, and he already knows how to understand the formation in this cell.

He took out the key to unlock the vitality lock, unlocked the formation, opened the door of the room, and walked into the darkness.

The devil town prison is now managed by Lord Lu, and he can’t be trapped here, just like the Qingshan Sword Prison.

His luck has always been good, both in the past and in this life.

But he still has to be cautious, because the deer is not the largest in the town of magic prison, and the emperor is not the largest.

He didn’t make any sound, no breathing, no breath, no heartbeat, just like a ghost walking in the demon prison.

Neither the prisoners who have awakened nor the profound golden puppets with extremely sensitive perceptions can show his existence.

The deepest part of the darkness is a cliff with black old vines hanging down the cliff. Jing Jiu did not follow the vines, but jumped directly.

If someone can see the picture in the dark, he can see his white clothes rising with the wind, like a flower.

In fact, his clothes and movements didn’t even bring a sound of wind.

It turned out not to be a flower, but a cloud.

Under the cliff is the second floor of the Suppression Prison.


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