The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 14: You go here, I go there

(Yesterday, the real person in Guangyuan talked about the meeting at Guocheng Temple. Jing Jiu thought he was familiar with him. He went. I deleted those two sentences when I revised it. In this chapter, Jing Jiu will only go down because of the lotus problem in Yin San. Determined to go to Guocheng Temple, but I forgot to change it in the draft box. I deleted it today. It is just a small detail, but it is more important. I will report it to you.)



After writing the letter, Liu Shisui didn’t fold it up or put it in an envelope, so he threw it out the window.

The letter paper rises with the wind, as if giving birth to two wings, flying towards the southwest at a very fast speed. This letter is attached to the rune of Yimaozhai. If someone intercepts this letter on the road, the letter will be destroyed in the shortest time, and the rune inside will attack the opponent. Only the owner of the breath in the rune can read this letter.

Liu Shisui is a good place to find the breath of Jing Jiu, such as jasmine, such as Buerjian.

A few days later, this letter came outside the green hills, but could not pass through the green hills.

Yuan Qijing walked outside the cave, looked blankly into the sky, and saw the letter.

With his eyesight, he should be able to easily see the content on the letter paper, but I don’t know if the mana of Guancheng pen is still the function of runes, only a few fuzzy ink **** can be seen. It was precisely because of this that he knew that this was a letter from Yimaozhai, which opened a passage for the Qingshan Great Array.

The letter passed through the tunnel and drifted towards the peak of God.

Yuan Qijing’s gaze fell on the Shenmo Peak following the letter, remembering the conversation between Jing Jiu and Bu Qiuxiao in Chaoge City, and suddenly realized that it seemed good to let him be the head. Until today, no one knows the true content of that conversation. People only know that after that day, Yi Mao Zhai no longer supports Prince Jing Xin.

Jing Jiu saw the letter paper floating in front of the bamboo chair, stretched out his hand to take it down, and threw it back into the air after reading it.

The letter paper ignited without fire, and instantly turned into ashes, scattered in the deep grass under the cliff.

Zhao Layue turned her head and asked: “What did the ten-year-old letter say?”

Jing Jiu picked up the yin wooden comb and continued, “The man went to Yimaozhai to get some lotus flowers.”

Zhao Layue said: “Is there a problem?”

Jing Jiu said, “I’m not sure, but I feel…somewhat bad.”

Zhao Layue reached out and took the yin wood comb, and said, “Then hurry up.”

Jing Jiu got up and wrote a list in the cave, and handed it to the three people of Gu Qing who were called out by Zhao Layue, and said: “In one day, get all these things on top.”

Ping Yongjia didn’t know what those things were, and answered honestly. Gu Qing only recognized that two of them were extremely rare Taoism materials. He wanted to come to the dozens of other things that were almost the same level of treasures, and said: “I’m afraid that there are not necessarily in Jiufeng.”

The Yuanqu family learned about the origins, knowing more treasures than him, and shook his head and said: “Don’t say Jiufeng, there are a few things I am afraid that the entire Chaotian Continent will be difficult to find.”

After the three of them memorized the names, Jing Jiu kneaded the paper into powder and burned it into blue smoke with sword fire, and then said: “These things are in Tianguang Peak, Shangde Peak and Shiyue Peak. , You can pick them up separately.”

Those Taoist materials are indeed very rare. He spent several decades in the past. If he starts collecting now, I am afraid that he will not be able to find all of them in hundreds of years.

However, he collected four sets at once, and only used one set when he soared. Now there are still three sets in Qingshan.

In addition to the rare materials written on paper, more common auxiliary materials are needed, such as spar, rehmannia powder and the like.

Shen Mofeng began to receive things continuously, and the monkeys rarely had specific escorts, yelling, and moving up and down, which was very lively. Yuan Qijing knew what was going on there, and it was easy to find out the types and quantities of the auxiliary materials. I was very puzzled. I wondered if you started to set up at this time? Is it too early to want to ascend?

Dozens of rare Dao Fa materials and other things were sent to the cave on the top of Shenmo Peak. The stone gate was closed tightly, and there was no sound.

No one knows what Jing Jiu is doing inside, time just goes by slowly, and summer soon arrives.



Ice floes are floating everywhere on the vast sea, and a treasure ship is breaking through the ice waves.

Yin Feng squatted on the top of the sail, looking at the waves coming in from the front and the ice blocks with no end in sight, with a solemn expression.

It doesn’t seem to have changed in any way from before, but if you look closely, you can find that its tail feathers are missing, and the feathers on its body are much lighter.

The treasure ship went all the way to the north, the weather was getting colder and colder, and the frost hanging on Yinfeng’s body became thicker and thicker, but it didn’t mean to come down, and it still stood in the cold wind like a knife.

In the Battle of the West Sea, it was struck by two swords by Nan Qi, and now it has lost a thousand years of cultivation base. It is in its weakest time, but the more so, the more arrogant it is.

Any life practice is a struggle against the heavens. Pain is an inevitable price, and it is also the best spiritual energy.

With a few muffled noises, the speed of the treasure ship suddenly dropped, and it should have hit an iceberg on the bottom of the sea.

The ancestor Xuanyin walked out of the cabin, checked the spar furnace that powered the treasure ship, confirmed that there was no problem, walked to the bow of the ship and looked at the endless ice floes ahead, and said after a moment of silence: “It should be No one can chase here, right?”

Yin Feng looked at him condescendingly, with a look of contempt in his eyes, thinking that he was really outside the evil spirit, and he was cowardly and pitiful.

A year ago, they went to Penglai God Island, half-sold and half-robbed this special treasure ship from the treasure ship king, sailed into the West Sea and headed north.

The righteous sects of Chaotian Continent searched for their tracks everywhere, and no one knew that they had come to the breezy and bitter North Sea.

The cold wind howled, blowing the sparse hair of the ancestor Xuanyin into more than a hundred thin straight lines.

The ice sea scenery was too monotonous, and he didn’t want his hair to fall off so early, he turned around and went into the cabin.

This treasure ship is very big, with many rooms in it.

In the deepest room, there are several formations arranged, and there are several instruments of different shapes and sizes according to the star positions.

All kinds of strange aromas and spiritual meanings are exuded in those utensils.

The ancestor knew that the smallest porcelain cup contained the bone marrow of the blue dragon, the scales of the fire carp were placed in the wooden lacquered round box, and the cartilage of the flying whale was placed in the armor box.

The longest Nanfei bamboo is hiding the most important phoenix feather.

Yin San sat among these rare and precious treasures, gently tapping the bone flute in his hand, quietly looking at the lotus in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

The lotus is very magical, not in the tank, or even in the water, as if it had grown out of nothingness.

Until now, the ancestor Xuanyin didn’t know why the real person took the risk of going to the Qianlifeng Gallery to get this lotus.

No matter how you look at it, this lotus is an ordinary lotus.

Yin San stopped the movement in his hand, put the bone flute into his sleeve, and asked: “How?”

The ancestor said: “The spar furnace is not damaged, but the temperature it can provide is not enough to meet your requirements.”

While Jing Jiu was thinking about how to ascend, Yin San was thinking about how to emerge.

He has prepared all the spare materials according to the records in that ancient book and his own deduction. What he needs now is to start the sacrifice.

Whether it is making swords or making alchemy, a furnace with extremely high temperature and pure flames is required.

The furnace he needs is much hotter than ordinary sword furnaces and pill furnaces.

The reason why he went to Penglai God Island to grab this ship was because he had fancyed the spar furnace designed by the treasure ship king himself, but he didn’t expect it to be enough.

When he went to Lengshan to grab the scales of the fire carp, he had also thought about this issue, but it was a pity that there was no fragment of the Lieyang flag.

Those fragments can’t go away with the wind, nor can they be burned to ashes by the ground fire, so they should always be there.

There are few things that I can hide from Bu Lao Lin.

“Not a member of the imperial court, nor a member of the wind knife.”

Yin San looked at the ancestor Xuan Yin and said: “I think it should be Su Ziye, let him send it over.”

The ancestor Xuan Yin said: “That kid once sold us once, can it still be used?”

Yin San smiled and said: “Lonely ghosts, I will feel very grateful if I can be used by others.”



Before the first thunderstorm arrived, the stone gate of the cave mansion opened and Jing Jiu walked out.

He picked up Ah Da and went to Bihu Peak.

Countless heavenly thunders fell from the night sky, blasting on the top of Bihu Peak, and many of them poured into his body.

Afterwards, he took a bath in Bihu, and the excess lightning that his body could not hold dispersed into the lake.

With the dense crackling sound, tens of thousands of fish just passed out and floated to the surface, their belly turned up to the sky, looking like tens of thousands of silver coins. (Again to be more vulgar and general)

The poor fish didn’t wake up until the next day, but some died, and some got into the gull’s belly.

Jing Jiu didn’t see these miserable went to Shangdefeng overnight.

“What on earth do you want to do?”

The frost on Yuan Qijing’s eyebrows is like the icy edge of the eaves’ corners, which seems to fall at any time, but it never falls.

The temperature in Shangdefeng Dongfu was too low, and Xueshuang made her own. From spring to summer, he kept frowning because of Jing Jiu.

Jing Jiu said, “There is a problem with that formation, I want to change it.”

Yuan Qijing naturally knew what he was talking about was disappearing, and asked: “Success?”

Jing Jiu said: “No, maybe I have to think of a new method.”

Yuan Qijing said blankly, “So you have problems that you can’t solve.”

Jing Jiu ignored him and said, “I will go to Guocheng Temple in autumn.”

Yuan Qijing raised his eyebrows, and the snow gradually fell, thinking what’s wrong with you?

Jing Jiu didn’t explain, it was because the man picked a lotus in the Qianli Wind Corridor.

Lotus in Zen means reincarnation.

And there happened to be a reincarnated person in Guocheng Temple.

He walked into the well and accompanied the sky to the dark ground.

The corpse dog opened his eyes and bowed his head in salute.

Jing Jiu flew to its eyes, reached out and touched the top of its head, and said, “What are you doing now?”

The scene is like a cat trying to stretch its front paws, trying to comfort a certain big boy.

This question naturally won’t get an answer from the corpse dog.

He walked through the dark and filthy passage to the depths of the sword prison, and looked at the lonely cell again.

Snow Ji sensed his arrival and turned to look at the stone gate of the cell.

The eyes met again.

(End of this chapter)

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