The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 13: The yearning life


   Huaxi ran out of the kitchen all the way, looked at him and asked: “What is meaningless?”

   She holds a kitchen knife in her right hand, and her left hand is holding the half-cut bracts, her face is slightly red, and she doesn’t know if she was roasted by the fire or in a hurry.

   I want to make it clear that the kitchen in this suite is in the living room, and the living room for watching TV is actually a relatively larger bedroom, with windows on both sides of the mountain, the chill seeps in, and it’s a bit cold.

   Huaxi didn’t understand what Jing Jiu meant because she really didn’t understand anything now. The problem is that Xue Ji doesn’t understand either. She looked at Jing Jiu, her black eyes filled with frustration and anger. She was as knowledgeable and wise as her, and she knew many languages, but she didn’t know what he meant by saying this.

   Jing Jiu ignored Huaxi’s problem and Xue Ji’s eyes.

  As an autistic, he now has ample reasons to ignore this world and not be disturbed by it.

   Huaxi pouted her lips and walked out with a knife and bracts.

   Xue Ji stretched out her round little hand, snatched the remote control from Jing Jiu’s hand, and tuned back to the cartoon channel.

   It didn’t take long for dinner to be ready, a pot of nutrient cubes, a plate of hot and sour white buds, and a plate of pickles made of unknown ingredients.

   “It’s all the dishes sent out on the street. I secretly listened to those aunts saying that the quality is better than what they bought before, and it doesn’t cost money.” Huaxi smirked and said, “I also secretly took one. Jars of pickled vegetables, I really don’t understand what the people here think. Nutritional food with relief is enough. Why do you want to eat green vegetables?”

   Jing Jiu sat at the table and thought about it for a long time before speaking in a low voice, “It seems to be… vitamins.”

   Huaxi handed him the chopsticks and said, “You can receive multivitamins.”

   Jing Jiu took the chopsticks and started eating.

   Yes, now he is also starting to eat, not because his physical condition is too bad, but because he has forgotten that he does not need to eat. Huaxi didn’t know this, and Xue Ji wouldn’t remind him. As for Hanchan…When Xue Ji wanted to fix Jing Jiu, it had always been silent.

   Jing Jiu eats very slowly, but fortunately he doesn’t eat much, it’s more like a kind of ritual, and there are very few dishes.

   Dinner soon ended. He slowly cleaned up the dishes, and then went to the kitchen to wash them carefully. The hot water in residential areas is collectively supplied. In the past, some money was paid as a token. Now this special moment is even more casual, so many families use it extremely wastefully, especially when there are many people washing dishes and bathing before and after dinner, so the water pressure There are some shortcomings. The hot water coming out of the faucet is as thin as a hairspring. Fortunately, his dishwashing action is also horribly slow, and the coordination is not bad.

   Huaxi returned to the soft chair to continue watching TV. Xue Ji stretched out her round little hand and slapped a silent finger. I don’t know what it meant, and the window became brighter. The birch trees as high as three or four floors shone, mixed with the snowflakes. Difficult to distinguish.

   There is no internet in this room, only TV. The entertainment seems a bit monotonous, but Xue Ji is very satisfied. When she discovered that this was an information society, she felt it was difficult to avoid the eyes of the central computer, so she was afraid to be like that and only dared to hide in the underground waterway. Now she understands that as long as she is not online, inquiring, and not curious, it is not difficult to cut off the connection with the world, even as simple as just living like most ordinary people on this planet.

  When you stare at the abyss, the abyss will stare at you. If you don’t look at it, how can the abyss see you, who are you?

   There is an entertainment show on TV. Two young idol stars who are famous in the Helicopter Nebula are floating in space at a distance of more than ten feet in space, trying to make the other party guess that they are seeing through the explanation The words, there is no air in the universe, and naturally there is no sound transmission. The two are desperately making gestures, which is particularly ridiculous.

   Huaxi smiles with trembling flowers, Xue Ji smiles with curled eyelashes, Jing Jiu is washing the dishes, the picture is so warm.

   At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly.

   Jing Jiu was washing the dishes and did not open the door. Of course, even if he did nothing, he would not open the door, nor would Xue Ji.

   These days, there have been enthusiastic neighbors from other buildings who came to visit with potatoes and the like. They ignored them, and got the indifferent and weird comments and quietness of the residents of the community. They don’t want this quiet life to be broken by any accident, not because they yearn for this so-called quiet life, but because they are afraid of death.

   Huaxi is a little curious about the outside world and people, but now IQ is like a child, she only listens to them completely.

   The door bell disappeared, and it rang again within a short time. There were knocks and apologetic words outside the frosty balcony window.

  ”Sorry to bother you. My name is Eve. I am a life management staff member in District 7. I am working at the Education Department. I am currently undergoing secondary registration. I need to fill in the form in advance… I heard your harmonica today, I I think it’s very good. There is a special training class in the activity center. Are you interested in participating? I left the registration materials and introduction at the door. If you are interested, just take a look.”

   The lady left after saying this. The sound of snow stepping on the sole of the boot can be heard very clearly, and the sound of the car door closing is also very clear.

   Now the thickness of the snow is about three to four centimeters. Her height is about 1.64 meters and her left foot is slightly larger.

   Jing Jiu also confirmed a lot of other information, but didn’t know why he knew it.

   Huaxi glanced at Xue Ji, then went out to glance at Jing Jiu, and found that they didn’t stop themselves, opened the door happily, and brought in a file bag.

   In addition to the form for secondary identification, there are also several brightly colored leaflets and three registration instructions.

   Department of Education Activity Center has many interest classes, set up for different age groups and levels. With the extension of the closure period, these activities are not affected, but are getting better and better. In fact, most of the mining complex has stopped work now, workers do not need to go to work, and many industries are also affected. With the support of the government, people’s lives are not too problematic, so the next problem must be solved-leisure. What are you doing?

   There are many kinds of interest classes, there are many sports, there are some very partial courses such as the fast-track novel technology, and there are many common courses such as music and art. Jing Jiu looked at those propaganda pages, a little curious and a little uncertain, and asked, “…can…can you?”

   Xue Ji looked at this scene blankly, confirming that he was really crazy, not pretending to be stupid.

   Jingyang actually fell in love with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, isn’t it crazy?



   After the variety show called “The Silent Cry” ended, Huaxi went to sleep in her bedroom, which had a single camp bed.

   Jing Jiu sat on the chair and took Xue Ji into his arms.

   Xue Ji stretched out her small round hand and snapped her fingers silently.

   The lights in the house gradually dimmed, and the light outside the window shining on the heights of the birch forest also faded in the following time.

   Just like there is no need to eat, Jing Jiu does not need to sleep, but now he forgot all the Taoism, can not meditate, feels that he needs to sleep, actually learned to sleep. It’s just that the feeling of not knowing anything when sleeping makes him a little uneasy and scared, so he has to hold Xue Ji to fall asleep. As for why he is no longer afraid when holding Xue Ji, it should be because he still remembers it in his subconscious mind. Xue Ji is the strongest existence in this world.

   Xue Ji didn’t like being held to sleep by him, and didn’t want to turn into melatonin by herself, but thinking about his subconscious respect for herself, she did not refuse.

   Chilling flew up and fell to the window, staring at the silent falling snow outside the window, very vigilant.

   Xue Ji’s hair spreads out, really like the little girl preparing before going to bed.

   In the middle of the night, Jing Jiu suddenly started to have a headache, his face was extremely pale, and his eyebrows were even a little distorted.

   Xue Ji stretched out her small round hand and landed on the center of his eyebrows.

   An unimaginable chill spread.

   Jing Jiu’s expression gradually relaxed, and his breathing became more stable.

  Drinking hot water can’t solve this is not the principle of using ice cubes to relieve pain, but using extreme low temperatures to reduce the activity of particles and completely suppress the brain’s electrical discharge.

  Because of the chill, the room was as cold as an ice cellar, and the frost on the windows stained from the inside to the outside.

   The water droplets on the hot water pipe condensed into ice, connected into a string, hanging down into a column, looking like a row of sharp swords.

   Jing Jiu fell asleep again, his face still pale.

   Xue Ji looked at him, her black eyes filled with pity and sympathy.

   A strong person like Jing Yang is still so pitiful in this world.

   If you become like him, how pitiful it would be?

   Her gaze fell on Jing Jiu’s wrist, looking at the green rope, she didn’t know what she was thinking.



   The next morning, before dawn, Huaxi got up wrapped in a quilt, shivering and saying: “Brother…brother…warm…gas…bad…bad…broken .”

   Jing Jiu didn’t know what had happened, so he thought about it seriously, looked at Xue Ji and said, “Thank you for fixing it.”

   Xue Ji has no expression on her face, thinking that even if I am omnipotent, should I still be a plumber?

   Huaxi took a hot bath and finally got warmer.

  While Jing Jiu was washing his face, he saw the sword-like icy edges on the hot water pipe and wondered why he was so familiar?

   Today’s breakfast is even more shabby than yesterday’s dinner, with two loaves of bread.

   Jing Jiu looked at the color pages at the table, was silent for a while, and suddenly said: “I want to learn piano.”



   (I like life flow the most, I want to shoot a variety show!)

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