The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 13: I see where you go

The realm test of Xinshi Academy is being carried out more and more frequently, I don’t know if it is related to the upcoming graded evaluation. It may be a student who made breakthrough progress in the test. Cheers sounded around the tester in the distance of the grass, mixed with a few discordant words.

Someone faintly mentioned Zhong Lizi, mocking and contemptuously, but fortunately, he was quickly stopped by his classmates.

Jing Jiu doesn’t care about these things, just thinks these children are noisy.

He spilled the last bit of silver ash from his hands, clapped his hands, walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped off.

The terrain here is lower than the entire grassland, and it happens to be blocked by a row of trees, making it difficult to be seen, so the students in the college never knew that Zhong Lizi lived below. It doesn’t matter if he sees it, no one thinks he is committing suicide.

He needs to think about something today, and he just floats in the air without speeding up.

The wind below fell on his face and lifted the sweatshirt hat.

A little bird flew not far away and almost hit the cliff.

If that data stream finds him, and even carries his body through the data cable, he will really be in some trouble. No one’s mental power is stronger than him, and that data stream is even more unlikely to cause any harm to him. But what if someone in this world can attack with the vastness of the data in the star network?

His feet landed on the ground with a soft snap.

During the time he was floating in the air, he had already thought about it and decided to get a computer as a safety valve.



Of course, there are many computers in Xinshi College. There is also a terminal in the library. The configuration is good, but the gap with Jing Jiu’s needs is not even a little bit. The computer he needs must be able to take on the heavy responsibility of the safety valve, and the hardware requirements are quite high, and the more important hardware architecture has to be greatly changed, so he can only assemble it himself.

The most troublesome thing about setting up a computer is to buy a lot of hardware, especially for him, it is necessary to divide those hardware systems into more detail, and the workload will be much larger. If you go to the black market to get only I’m afraid I will find it for a long time.

So naturally, he went to the Internet cafe called the game hall again.

He took out the necessary hardware from those computers, searched the warehouse again, and returned home contentedly.

The tall and fat game hall owner was furious again, and then felt extreme fear.

The gold coins in the safe were not lost this time, but all the computers were off, and there were a lot of things missing in the warehouse.

Know that it was daytime, but neither the subordinates in the shop nor the surveillance were able to photograph the thief. Is it really haunted?



Back home, Jing Jiu began to assemble the computer.

His fingers can be simulated as various tools, and the power must be much higher. It didn’t take long to assemble two computers.

In the words of Zhong Lizi, he has completed two works, because the two silver computers are so beautiful and unreasonable.

Jing Jiu started the test, and confirmed that one was nearly perfect, so he handed the other one to her.

Zhong Lizi took the computer and asked in surprise: “Is this for me?”

Jing Jiu gave a hum. Zhong Lizi let out a happy shout, ran back to the bedroom holding the silver computer, threw herself on the soft bed, turned on the computer and started to set the initial password and iris authentication. Not long after, there was another exclamation in the bedroom, and she rushed out holding the computer again, looked at Jing Jiu incredulously, and said, “You…you…this computer…can be connected to…Star Controls. ?”

Jing Jiu reminded: “Don’t take it to school, don’t let people know.”

Zhong Lizi yelled again, sat down on the soft chair, turned on the computer happily, and started to browse the things on Star

Jing Jiu did a lot of tricks on the computer. I didn’t worry that ordinary network monitoring could find this place. I only felt that she was a little crowded when she sat down, moved to the other end, and continued to set up falsehoods in the upper network of the Stargate Base. Digital sign and information jump bridge.

This time he has made quite sufficient preparations, designing more than 30 information transmission loops and thousands of false digital signs.

Waiting for him to finish these tasks, a long time has passed, Zhong Lizi is still leaning on the soft chair, staring at the computer light screen with a smirk.

“What are you looking at?”

He wants to know what ordinary people here will learn the first time they can see the bigger world.

Zhong Lizi looked up at him, not knowing how to answer.

Jing Jiu glanced at the light curtain, and found that some fashion videos had some tricks to lose weight, and he frowned.

Zhong Lizi grimaced his face cutely, rubbing his hands together, expressing his begging for mercy.

Jing Jiu knocked on the desktop and said blankly, “This is for you to learn.”

Zhong Lizi reluctantly entered the third floor of the Liu University library and began to search for materials related to his thesis. Jing Jiu nodded in satisfaction, walked to the study and took out a financial book, and began to learn about the stock market. After looking at it for a long time, he found that it was messy, and it didn’t make any sense at all.



The reason I assembled my own computer and went online in the library of Xinshi College is because the database here has a dedicated information channel, which is much better than the wireless information channel in that block.

Jing Jiu entered the reading room, still using the Green Mountain Sword Array to shield the inside and outside, connecting the data optical cable to the silver computer, and then inserting his finger into the computer’s data output port. He closed his eyes and began to search for and contact the digital signs and information bridges he had set up in advance on the upper network of the Stargate Base.

It was just such a simple operation, and the silver computer became extremely hot, and he probably understood how fast he should think.

Soon he connected to the star network from the base network, and then easily entered the hidden network again.

If you change to another Yungui, you will definitely become extremely cautious when you are almost discovered the true location, and will not take risks again for at least a period of time.

Jing Jiu will face the catastrophe, not to mention just a small data stream.

But why did he turn around and leave immediately that day?



Jing Jiu’s consciousness entered the hidden net, saw a large number of snowflakes, and then floated in along a certain passage.

At the end of the passage, there is a room-like existence, and there is already someone inside.

“A newcomer came?”

A line of writing clearly appeared in the snow dancing in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, another line of writing appeared next to it: “Who introduced this?”

Soon, another line of writing came to Jing Jiu like a rabbit jumping out of the snow.

“Is it you? Is it you? It was you yesterday? How dare you show up in front of me?”

Jing Jiu knew that this man should have been the ghost cloud master who followed him yesterday, and his consciousness appeared in the snowflakes: “Why not dare.”

The person asked a question that had already appeared before: “Then why did you run when you saw me yesterday? Faster than a rabbit! Hahahaha!”

From the words and exclamation marks he chose, he can clearly feel his contempt and mockery of Jing Jiu.

“The first time, no experience, subconscious reaction.”

The text Jing Jiu entered was as boring as his people.

Of course, the man didn’t believe his explanation, he continued to laugh in words, and said: “Then you don’t run too slow today, I will let you go for three seconds!”

The rest of the people in the room realized that the two had already met yesterday. They were surprised to hear the content of the conversation, wondering who this newcomer is? This newcomer can actually find the room with the deepest hidden net, and even get rid of the “hare” tracking, which is not an ordinary technical level.

“No, it’s your turn to run today.”

After Jing Jiu said this, he rushed to the data stream.

The data stream disappeared.

Before disappearing, he left a big question mark in the room.

He didn’t seem to think this newcomer was so arrogant.

Jing Jiu also left the room.



In the invisible network, a chase is taking place.

Those who stayed in the room, it took a long time to react.

“I’m not dazzled…he wants to check the location of the hare?”

“Impossible, the hare is so cunning, how could that newcomer be his opponent, he will definitely touch the nest by him.”

“That newcomer…I feel a little strange, don’t make your conclusion too early.”

It didn’t take long for the door of the room to be opened again from the outside.

It was not the Yungui master named “Hare” who came back, but Jing Jiu.

There was dead silence in the room.

After a while, someone finally couldn’t help but ask: “Did you find him?”

Jing Jiu gave a hum.

“Where is he?”

“Is it the planet Dal?”

“No, he must be Mo Chong from the Star Nuclear Base Laboratory!”

Obviously, the Galaxy Alliance cloud ghost masters gathered in this room are also very interested in the true identity of “Hare”.

Jing Jiu had no idea of ​​keeping secrets for the kid, and said, “He is on the battleship.”

The room became quiet again.

After a while, snowflakes in the sky seemed to explode, and it was scattered everywhere. It was the shock and anger of these cloud ghost masters~ Isn’t this cheating! No wonder no one has ever been able to find him. “

“When will the military network and the star field network be unimpeded? If he uses his authority without authorization, he is not afraid of being thrown into the stars after being tried by a military court?”

“It’s shameless, which battleship is it? If it is the 7th Star Region Military Region, I will find someone to kill him!”

There is a lot of information hidden in these words. For example, some of these Yungui masters have great influence in the Galaxy Alliance.

Jing Jiu knew about the regulations of the Galaxy Alliance on the demarcation of networks, and after thinking about it, he did not report the specific location of the warship.

The people in the room suddenly remembered another shocking fact that the “hare” was hidden in the battleship and could be found by the newcomer, which meant that he completely ignored the isolation between the military and civilian networks…This Who the **** is it?



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