The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 104: Think about the world

   “Do you need to worry about the anger?”

  ”The power difference is too big, so don’t worry, unless the world changes drastically.”

   “What is a big change in the world?”

  ”The Chaotian Continent has no spiritual veins, and the Yuan Qi is scattered.”

   “Is it possible?”

   “Maybe one day, but not now.”

   “What about now?”

  ”The real threat to the human race is Snow Country.”

   Jing Jiu said: “So the only big change that needs to be worried about is the snow country going south.”

   When the Snow Country Monster went south, the ascetics who did not choose to escape were killed and wounded. The cultivation sects of the northern continent were almost destroyed regardless of righteousness and evil, and there was no order in the world. The people were displaced and became bandits. Some people got the wealth of those sects and masterless spirit weapons.

   “So there is a continuous March of flames.” Zhao Layue said.

   Jing Jiu said, “Not bad.”

   Zhao Layue suddenly thought of someone.

   “If there is no Sword Sage, and I don’t know how many mortals will die, he is also a practitioner, don’t mortals have any gratitude except for resentment and anger?”

  ”Cao Yuan is not an ordinary practitioner, but a Buddha. Few practitioners can become a Buddha.”

   Zhao Layue said: “But in order to resist the snow country and suppress the underworld, people in the spiritual world are dying constantly. Can they not get the gratitude of mortals?”

   Jing Jiu looked into her eyes and said, “Are they fighting for mortals or for their own teachers?”

   Zhao Layue said: “I don’t think there is a difference.”

   “Of course there is a difference, because when things come to the end, there is always a sequence of life and death.”

   Jing Jiu said: “As long as they can keep the morality of their teachers, do they really care about the lives of mortals?”

   Zhao Layue thought of the same people on Liangwang Peak, such as passing Nanshan, such as Gu Han, and found that he could not give an answer.

   Jing Jiu continued: “And even if every practitioner is like Cao Yuan, the resentment and anger of mortals will not disappear.”

   Zhao Layue was puzzled, and asked: “Why?”

   Jing Jiu said: “Because of jealousy.”

   Zhao Layue imagined that if she could not practice, she would be an ordinary aristocratic lady in Chaoge City… Those scenery above the clouds, those feelings that are indescribable in the words of the world, and those inaccessible insights, calm and generous without being affected. Controlled monastic life. Yeah, how can you not be jealous?

   There will be millions of reasons for being the lower class people who are struggling to survive and work hard.

   Jing Jiu stood up and walked to the corridor to look at a cluster of green bamboos.

  ”The most unsolvable question is, why can you live hundreds of years, thousands of years or even longer, but we can only exist for just a few decades?”

   Yes, this is the real unsolvable problem.

   The corridor is quiet.

   “It’s like everyone will be jealous of the real longevity.”

  Zhao Layue looked at his back and said, “That’s why the uncle Jingyang had an accident, right?”

   Jing Jiu didn’t turn around, didn’t answer her question, as if he didn’t hear it.

   He closed his eyes and his eyelashes were very long.

   The sunlight passed through the bamboo branches in front of the porch, and fell on his face, leaving mottled shadow marks on the bamboo leaves.

  Zhao Layue walked to his side and was silent for a while and said: “You are not like a person who wants to think about these things.”

  ”When I come from the world, I always think about the world.”

   Jing Jiu opened his eyes and said, “But just thinking about it is enough.”

   Zhao Layue looked at his face and asked, “Why is it enough to think about it?”

   Jing Jiu said: “Because you can know after thinking about it, no one can come up with a solution.”

   Zhao Layue raised her eyebrows and said, “That’s it?”

   “What else?”

   Jing Jiu said: “Go back to the mountain first. Practice is important. When you no longer think about these issues, you may come back to the world.”

   Zhao Layue looked at his profile and asked seriously: “Have you found the person you are looking for?”

   Jing Jiu shook his head and said, “But I feel that he has appeared, and has seen me in some way.”

  Zhao Layue thought for a while, and said: “Well, be careful during the road warfare.”

   Jing Jiu was a little surprised, and said, “Why should I participate in the Taoist war?”

   Zhao Layue was even more surprised, and said: “Why?”

   Jing Jiu said: “I told you that it’s too dangerous to step on blood to find plum blossoms, and I rarely take risks.”

   Zhao Layue opened her eyes wide, looked at his eyes, and asked: “Why?”

   Jing Jiu said, “Because I am afraid of death.”

  On the way to Chaoge City, the fake cave of the real Jingyang opened. He observed in the dark, but was discovered by Fang Jingtian, the former peak master, and the other party even moved the killing mind.

   At that moment he felt great danger.

   This is the first time after many years, he once again experienced this feeling.

   Fang Jingtian didn’t make a sword that night, but later in the old plum garden, Tian Jinren still made one.

   Then he realized that it was not the same year.

   Back then, he was used to that no one could kill him, so he could walk freely, including doing things, but now it’s different. Many people can try to kill him.

   I heard that Zhao Layue was assassinated that day. It seems that he still has some emotions in his heart, which is also related to this. He didn’t like this emotion, so he decided that he should be more cautious and safe in his future actions. Don’t always think about walking in the world to induce the other person to show up. It is safest to return to Qingshan.

   Zhao Layue did not expect that he would give such an answer, saying: “You always want to wait for him to come to you, why not take the initiative to find him?”

   Jing Jiu looked at the sky above the eaves and said, “I always feel that he just wants me to participate in the Taoist war, and then see something.”

   Zhao Layue looked at him seriously and said, “If you believe you are right, why don’t you go and see?”

   Jing Jiu thoughtfully, reached out and touched her head, and said, “It makes sense.”



The final conclusion of the case of   Shi Fengchen was suicide, but many skeptical eyes were cast on the Green Mountain Sect.

  Some forces want to make some waves, but Chaoge City is still so peaceful.

   There seems to be a secret force in the court to suppress everything. This makes many people feel more awe. You must know that this is Chaoge City, not Tiannan. Who would have thought that the Qingshan Sect still has such a powerful influence here, and it is not inferior to the Zhongzhou faction.

  The deeper this awe, the more sad the life of Concubine Hu, because almost everyone thinks that she is the mastermind in the assassination of Zhao Layue.

   For Concubine Hu, these days are really exciting. She was just allowed to have a child by her Majesty and loved Wushuang, but then she fell into this predicament.

   “Am I so stupid, or so stout? I’m not even San Yue’s apprentice! How can I mess around at this time?”

   Hu Guifei’s face was not covered with powder, she looked a little haggard, and said angrily: “That Shi Fengchen really killed me!”

Grandma    said with a bitter expression: “You shouldn’t send that money. Isn’t this a grant?”

  ”One thing belongs to one thing, Shi Fengchen helped me to do is dead, so I have to do my best.”

   Hu Guifei said in a stern face: “Knowing the Enlightenment Picture Report, to settle the cause and effect, this is what Chan Zi taught me back then.”

  Grandma thought that cause and effect is such a simple thing, and said anxiously: “Then what should I do now?”

  Hu Guifei is also very worried.

   His Majesty the Emperor has not visited her for a few days.

   There was no change in her life on the surface, but the air around her seemed to become more and more viscous, making it difficult to breathe.

  She suddenly asked: “Zhanzi still refuses to see me?”

   “Yes, I even feel…”

Grandma    took a look at her, and cautiously said: “Maybe and Guo Gong didn’t pass the words to Jingjue Temple at all.”

  Hu Guifei frowned and said: “I want to see Zhao Layue in person, is it possible?”

Grandma    said: “She is seriously injured and is recuperating. She will definitely not see guests, and I heard that she is preparing to return to Qingshan for healing.”

  Hu Guifei was silent for a while, and said, “What about Jing Jiu?”

Grandma    had a slightly different expression, and said: “Of course he is going to participate in the Taoist war.”




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