The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 1: Speaking of Well 9, why is Well 9?

Thousands of Years·Living to Stay for the Jinling History

Song Dynasty: Xin Qiji

Sen Yuan Qiucao, and reported peace and good. Come on, heroes. Jin Tang gives birth to the weather, and Zhu Yu Fei Tan Xiao. As the spring approaches, the plum blossoms seem to be difficult to grow old.

Mo Xi Jinzun fell. Feng Zhao saw it. Can’t keep it, Jiangdong is small. Go calmly and rectify the world. Thousands of years, from now on, it’s all in the middle school exams.



From having rituals to holding gods, from knowing and communicating to keeping one, and then from inheriting intention to incomprehensibility, and then traveling through the sea and reaching the sky, the realm of Qingshanzong is such a first-order and first-order. For Rusui and the names that often appear in this story, this is a very natural process. It seems very simple, but it is definitely not the case.

Practicing is a very difficult thing. Each realm will probably stop half of the practitioners. From Zhitong to breaking the sea, it takes five times to break through the realm. It is easy to calculate the real practitioner who can reach that point. It can be said to be one in a thousand.

Some practitioners are not talented enough, but they are extremely strong-willed. They want to use the years to overcome the threshold. But the question is, how many years can you have if your realm is not enough?

So most practitioners will determine very early that they have nothing to do with the ascension, and then determine that they will stagnate in a certain realm, knowing that they will live here, and then die here.

This is really a desperate thing.

But just like the attitude of mortals toward death, desperate things happen more often, and they will naturally become accustomed to it.

This can be called numbness, but it’s just not thinking about it.

Ming Guoxing was such a Qingshan disciple. He had entered the Beginning of Wuzhang many years ago, and then…there was no more.

In the past few years, he was responsible for registering visitors at the gate of the mountain. He had the name of an immortal teacher and worked as a deacon. Until the past two years, he finally became the educated immortal teacher of Nansong Pavilion with his qualifications. The essence remained unchanged. , There is no hope.

He didn’t expect that he could be as lucky as Senior Brother Lu, and when he met such a few apprentices, he could return to Jiufeng to be given a pill to break the realm.

However, the days in Nansong Pavilion are quite comfortable. The worship in the eyes of these young people is really pleasant.

Because of these worshipful eyes, Ming Guoxing decided to say more today, raising his eyebrows and saying: “You know about the Suspension Bell Sect, right?”

Those young outer disciples nodded repeatedly and waited excitedly for the following, some of them couldn’t help shouting.

“It’s Master Jing Jiu!”

“Little Master Uncle is amazing!”

Ming Guoxing smiled and said: “You know that he also walked out from Nansong Pavilion, but you probably don’t know that I connected him to Qingshan back then.”

If you ask for your name and make notes at the gate of the mountain, it would be considered a quote… He thought in his heart that Senior Brother Lu would not come to Nansong Pavilion anyway.

Listening to these words, these outer disciples were very surprised. They looked at Ming Guoxing and their eyes became more fierce, and they asked what kind of person Jing Jiu Shishu really was. Ming Guoxing stroked his beard and squinted his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the scene at that time: “That boy was fluttering in white, beautiful beyond words, and he was extraordinary at a glance…”

His voice suddenly stopped.

The outer disciples were a little puzzled, wondering what happened to this?

Ming Guoxing walked to the window and looked between the distant peaks, his expression becoming solemn.



The twilight illuminates the Xijian Creek, like a golden whip held by the gods, which may rise from the ground at any time and draw it everywhere in the mainland.

The young disciples by the Xijian Creek have not yet inherited the sword and are not qualified to go to Tianguang Peak. However, compared with the outer disciples in Nansong Pavilion and other places, they at least know the big event that is happening. How can they be in the mood? After watching the beautiful scenery for several years, his eyes fell on the distant Tianguang Peak, whispering about who the new head is.

Some people even thought of something more distant. After hundreds of years, who among the three generations of disciples might become the head of the future?

Guo Nanshan is the first disciple of the Qingshan Mountain, and Zhuo Rusui is the closed disciple of the real master. It seems that there is great hope, and several names have been mentioned at the same time.

Then, a very intelligent disciple only used one sentence to deny the possibility of these people.

“Don’t forget, Shigu and Uncle Jing are still very young.”

Yes, Zhao Layue and Jing Jiu are teachers, but they are younger than Nanshan, Zhuo Rusui and others.

How can the disciple compete with the elders for leadership?

The two elders are so young that they can’t do it if they want to die.

Looking at it this way, in a few hundred years, it is really possible for Xiaoshushu to be in charge?



The twilight envelopes the peaks.

The top of the sky light peak carries the last sky light, still bright, and the picture is very clear.

No one spoke because of shock.

Countless eyes fell on that chair.

That represents the position of the head of Qingshan.

What’s wrong with this?

What happened?

Why would Jing Jiu sit there?

Do people think they are dazzled or blind?

Yuangui was very slow, the Chengtian Sword had been taken away, and it reacted with an ouch.

This ouch woke everyone up.

People sighed in their hearts, remembering the three words Jing Jiu said just now.

“Let me come.”



Why are you here?

The wind or the rain?

Wait for the rice or the dishes?

Come to rest or play?

It can never be…you will be the head?



Sitting in the chair, Jing Jiu looked down at the scabbard of Chengtian, obviously having no intention of getting up.

The eyes that people looked at him gradually changed from being at a loss to being astonished, then to anger, and finally back to being at a loss.

Are you going to be the head of Qingshan?

This is ridiculous!

Yes, this thing is so absurd that the peak masters and elders don’t know whether they should be angry or laugh.

Nan forgot to raise his eyebrows, thinking it was so interesting, and said, “This is all right?”

Mr. Guangyuan tilted his head slightly and looked at Jing Jiu curiously.

Since it is a ridiculous thing, it must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise, how can the face of the Qingshan Sect remain?

Yuan Qijing kept a strange silence, but there was always someone getting angry faster.

“Are you crazy!”

Bai Rujing walked out of the crowd, looked at Jing Jiu and shouted sharply.

No one thinks that Elder Bai has lost his temper, because many people think Jing Jiu is crazy. If today is not a special occasion, people actually want to say to Jing Jiu that Qingshan mantra-how it is to choose Qingshan as the head Important events, even if you are Jing Jiu, you can’t be so foolish!

Yao Songshan, Lei Yijing, and other young disciples who worship Jing Jiu so much on weekdays, also felt embarrassed at this time, and turned away subconsciously.

Even a thick-skinned guy like Zhuo Rusui felt a little bashful and fanned.

The people of Shenmofeng were naturally even more nervous. Gu Qing’s face was a little pale. Although Yuanqu and Ping Yongjia were not really hugging each other, they trembled together.

Only Zhao Layue looked calm, as if she didn’t know how serious this matter was.



Jing Jiu was also very calm, as if he was not the person involved. It was not that he stepped on Yuangui’s back and took down the Chengtian Sword. It was not that he sat in that chair and said, let me come.

He retracted his gaze to look at the Celestial Sword Sheath, looked at the disciples on the top of the mountain and in the sky, and met hundreds of sights.

“What are you doing so looking at me?”

He said: “This master is not what I want to do.”

After saying these words, he patted the scabbard of the sky, neither light nor heavy, as if there was no special emotion.

It’s not like those poets shooting the railing upstairs, it’s more like a fisherman singing and singing.

A sword intent floated from the mouth of the sheath.

The peak masters and elders have a very clear perception that this sword intent is the sword intent of the real master, and no one can forge it.

The sword intent encountered the fog remaining on the top of Tianguang Peak, condensing countless tiny drops of water, illuminated by the setting sun, gradually showing its shape.

Everyone was surprised, wondering if this is the legacy left by the real head?

As the water drops become denser and the words become clearer, people’s emotions become more and more tense.

Whose name is actually written in the will by the real head?

Fang Jingtian is still a real person in Guangyuan, or is it a peak master that no one has thought of, such as Nan Wang?

Looking at the words that became clearer and clearer, Nan Wang felt a little heavy.

She has no ambitions for the position of the head, but if the brother spoils her so, of course she will continue.

Finally, those words appeared completely.

The content of Liu Ci’s final edict is very simple, only five characters.

“Qingshan returns to Jingjiu.”



There is no possibility of any misreading of these five words and forcible interpretation of other meanings.

Liu Ci’s legacy is very clear. The next Qingshan head is Jing Jiu.

Everyone in Qingshan looked at the chair in shock again, but their eyes were no longer the same as before.

Just now they thought Jing Jiu who was sitting on the chair was crazy.

Now they think the world is crazy.

It’s really Jing Jiu?

How could it be Jing Jiu?



The details of Qingshan disciples will be cleared before they get started.

Jing Jiu’s origin is very clear. Shang Defeng has already concluded that there is no problem.

He is the second son of the Jing family in Chaoge City. He has been to Dao since he was a child, and he left home when he was young, seeking immortality. He was discovered and brought back by Shangdefeng disciple Lu in a certain mountain village. After that, he experienced four competitions of sword-taking, sword-testing, plum meeting, and questioning. He learned about the sword and became the strongest young generation in Qingshan and even the entire practice world.

There are many Qingshan disciples like Yao Songshan and Lei Yijing, who admire him so much. The three words “Little Shishu” have long become his exclusive term in Qingshan.

His talent has long surpassed the category of ordinary genius, and the speed of realm improvement may even rank first in the entire history of Qingshan.

After the Battle of Xihai, many people secretly guessed his true identity due to some things, and even suspected that he was a descendant of the real Jingyang.

But no matter what, Jing Jiu is just a young man.

He has only entered Qingshan to learn swords for more than 30 years, and his realm is far from the real strong.

Why would Liu Cizheng give Qingshan into his hands?

The top of Tianguang Peak is silent.

People don’t know what to do.

How can it be accepted that the leader’s edict is so absurd?

But that is a will after all.

At this time, someone finally stepped forward.

“I object!”

The person who dared to stand up against the willow decree of Liu Ci is not Yuan Qijing, who did not want to read the will just now, nor is it the highest realm of Guangyuan other than him, not even a second-generation elder, but a young three-generation Disciple, his name is Jian Ruyun.

Jian Ruyun was born in Yunxingfeng, ranked fourth in Liangwangfeng, and had the title of genius, but on this occasion, he was just an ordinary young disciple. No one thought he had the courage to be the first stand out.

Many Qingshan disciples were surprised, but those who knew those past events took it for granted.

Jian Ruyun’s own brother was killed by a demon from the underworld because of the investigation of the Bihu Peak Zuoyi case. He has been keeping this account on Jing Jiu and Liu Shisui.

How could he see Jing Jiu becoming the head of Qingshan?

No, he wouldn’t agree even if he died.

Jing Jiu counted that someone would definitely stand up against it.

He didn’t care who stood up, he just glanced at Yuan Qijing.

According to the Qingshan gate rules, this is a problem that should be solved by the law of swords.

“The position of the head is designated by the edict. This is the rule of the door.”

Yuan Qijing looked at Jian Ruyun and said, “Do you know what you are doing?”

It’s enough to have a At least this is what the rules say.

“As a disciple of Qingshan, not obeying the edict of the head is naturally a capital crime.”

Jian Ruyun fell on the top of the peak, saluting Yuan Qijing, and said in a deep voice: “I will apologize with death afterwards, but I still object.”

This is what I mean by my blood.

Even in the face of Qingshan Jianru, he still has no fear on his face and no retreat.

Yes, not even afraid of death, what else would make him afraid?

Such a tragic statement has really moved many people.

Few ascetics are willing to give their lives to accomplish one thing, let alone stop one thing.

Yuan Qijing said: “Your opposition is not important.”

In fact, Jian Ruyun’s life and death are not important to the Green Mountain Sect.

He stood on the top of the mountain, a little lonely.

Suddenly there was a breaking wind.

A fat green mountain disciple fell on the top of the peak and stood beside Jian Ruyun.

Yuan Qijing and the peak owners don’t know him. If Jian Ruyun still has some weight, who is this fat guy?

Zhao Layue knew that his name was Ma Hua, he had an ordinary talent, but his thoughts were extremely complicated. Some unexpectedly, this person also stood up.

There are many people who worship Jing Jiu in Qingshan, and naturally there are also people who are jealous, hate and even hate him.

For various reasons, more than ten Qingshan disciples fell on the top of the peak and stood behind Jian Ruyun.

Yuan Qijing said that Jian Ruyun’s life is not important. What about the lives of more than ten Qingshan disciples?

(End of this chapter)

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