The Original Seeker Chapter 548: Stele

“And then there is this.” Bai Mo used his right hand to draw a phantom cross on his chest.

Immediately, his body began to emit a pale white light, and the center of the cross drawn just now slowly cracked open.

At first, this road was just a crack like a cross star, and with the support of white light, it continued to expand outward, eroding the projection of white ink.

Soon, the crack was near the heart of the projection, creating a void the size of a human head.

Looking into the cavity from the outside, except for the white light, there is still white light, nothing else can be observed.

The extreme light is no different from darkness at this moment.


It happened a bit unexpectedly, and they didn’t guess why Bai Mo’s projection was about self-harm.

The power contained in the projection is pouring into the void at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was only a short half-minute time. In the perception of everyone, the original power level should be about 6-8 projections, and it suddenly shrank to the 6-1 level equivalent to their clones.

The magnitude of this decline is extremely astonishing. Tier 6 is an extremely long accumulation period for each system. For cultivators at levels 6-8, the psionic energy/mana in the body is at least 6-1 ten times higher. the above.

In other words, in less than 30 seconds, this projection output 90% of its power into a bottomless pit.


If you follow the most widely spread on the market, the original version of “The Book of Ten Thousand Shadows”, the limit of the clone will be one level lower than the body.

But many of the people present are self-developed geniuses, who will more or less aim at the Wanying Tianjing and make some improvements in line with their actual conditions, so that they can be at the middle of the sixth stage. Just create a 6-0, or even a 6-1 clone walking around.

“This is…spatial teleportation?!” Several people who have studied this direction said in unison.

“The hollow in his chest is actually a portal!”

“In other words, he made the ultra-long-distance portal into a clone.”

“He already has the ability to teleport across planets?”

“But it seems that this kind of distance transmission is very costly, and we don’t need to worry about being airborne by the cluster for the time being.”


In half a second, more than a dozen congressmen exchanged a lot of information, and they couldn’t sit still looking at each other.

They are far more vigilant than curious about the things on the other end of the portal.

“Do you need to turn on the sky track?”

Even before the meeting, they had prepared for the worst, and opened the preparation module of the moon’s overall defense system sky orbit just in case.

This system, which was designed with reference to the Huaya Federation Psi Network at the time, serves as the foundation for humans to control the moon and then transform the moon. It is widely laid on hundreds of nodes on the moon, and nearly a hundred thermonuclear fusion stations are This service.

Relying on the helium-3 contained in the lunar soil, which is large enough to propel the planet forward, the Human Federation has started some projects that were unimaginable before.

They are not only to deal with the threat from the earth, but also the inevitable demand for expedition to alien stars.

According to the data returned from Explorer 12 to Explorer 42, the explosion of aura makes intelligent life miraculously born on every planet that the aircraft can inspect on the spot.

“This is no longer the dark forest, this is the Galaxy Death Arena.” The astronomer who presided over the exploration project wrote in the report submitted.

“If every planet in the Milky Way galaxy is catalyzed by spiritual energy to give birth to civilization, then humans may need to experience endless death and war before being completely destroyed or overwhelming the galaxy.”


“Wait, I can’t feel his malice. The man is strange, he has neither goodwill nor malice.” Molly, the psychic archmage who is best at capturing the emotions of others, stopped others.

The cavity in Bai Mo’s chest continues to expand, and most of his clone has been swallowed by the cavity.

The three most sensitive people on the scene began to vaguely perceive what was coming.

After hard work, the gray-white corner finally appeared in front of everyone.


The stone stele, which looks like a white marble, is unremarkable, but no one would believe that Baimo spent so much thought to transmit something worthless.

“Psionic reaction.”

“This is a stone tablet I found in a different space layer. If you agree to change the calendar, I can give it to you.” After the transmission was completed, the figure became a little illusory, Baimo said.

This clone of him, now barely maintained at a 6-0 energy level, seems to be shaky.

“Different space layers? Is it the theory of Silders Lab?”

“Jie Jie Jie, those lunatics are actually right?” Tiqi, who laughed strangely every day, stretched her waist.

“Unexpectedly, they really found another world.”

“The crazy group of Columbus.”


“Why don’t you keep it?”

“What is it for?”

“You will know.” Bai Mo answered ambiguously.

“So, what is your choice?” A slightly weak projection, while playing with the rotating stone tablet on the tip of his index finger, he asked the councillors.

“Deal.” After a long silence, the eighteen congressmen approved the deal with twelve people in favor, four against, and two abstaining.

The decisive factor is still Molly, she can’t see any malice.

“I can say now, what is the use of this stuff?”

“Xu, the eighteenth day, open!” Bai Mo didn’t answer immediately, instead he said something that no one understood.

Before the voice fell, the original smooth surface of the wordless stele suddenly appeared rows of runes.

“In the early days of ancient times, who preached the Tao. Today, I am a teacher of heaven and earth, and established the way of five immortals, one is heavenly immortals, secondly earth immortals, thirdly human immortals, fourth immortals, and fifth ghosts and immortals.

The fairy, lifts the form to the virtual, not limited to the form.

The immortal of the earth is in the form of ten thousand forms and one mind.

People and immortals, King Kong is not bad, and he is reborn from a drop of blood.

A fairy, where the heart is, the form and spirit are immortal.

A ghost and a fairy, a hundred reincarnations, a true spirit.


Yunjian, who is fluent in ancient Chinese, read the entire passage without much effort.

“Isn’t this the ancient Chinese characters?!”

“ is Old Anglo!”

“How do I see hieroglyphs…”

In the eyes of people of different native languages, these runes are expressed in different languages.


“Just stand within a mile radius of the unknown stele, recall the runes on the stele, and then say’Xu, the eighteenth day, open’, and you can wander into the inheritance world carried by the unknown stele.”

“But everyone has only three chances to gain pure fate… No wonder he is willing to take out the monument, in fact, he has no way to go in again!”

After listening to the imprint on the tablet, all my doubts were answered.

“Anyone has a chance? Including ordinary people?”

Bai Mo spread out his hands, looking unclear.

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