The Night Adorer Chapter 176: The Giant’s Palace

  Chapter 179 Giant Palace

  DaDaDa, Sulman walked up the steps and gradually approached the entrance of the Giant’s Palace.

  At the same time, in his heart, he recalled the plot events related to the top of the Cangxue Mountain Range in this restricted area blocked by the Silver Moon Church in his previous life.

  In the last life, there was no exposure about the quest of “Children of Gold”, the players did not know the inside story, and there was no chronicle of the plot on the forum. In this regard, Sulman guessed that it was the reserve saint of the Silver Moon Church, who arrived on the mountain and put an end to this ‘golden trial’.

  Unsurprisingly, the golden sons of the previous life all encountered the poisonous hands of the Silver Moon Church.

  Sulman was able to know the holy son of the reserve because of later riots in the entire restricted area, the Silver Moon Church sent a large number of personnel to blockade the restricted area in preparation to quell the disaster.

  In that process, the players participated in the incident. They witnessed the quasi-sage child’s shot, but what surprised all the players was that.

  ——The target of the prospective son is not the restricted area, but the Silver Moon Church that cultivated him!

  Under the sudden change, the Silver Moon Church suffered heavy losses. At the same time, the quasi-saint son used a lot of sacrifices to further unblock the Black Abyss Secret Code.

  Yes, there is another way to deepen the unblocking of the Black Abyss Secret Tome. In addition to hunting down other heirs of the Secret Tome, there is another way, and that is to hold a grand soul ceremony.

  The quasi-saint son took advantage of his identity, and before he rebelled out of the Silver Moon Church, he took a decisive blow, and with the help of the power of the soul ritual, he greatly unlocked the seal on the Black Abyss Secret Scriptures.

   To be precise, it should have made his ‘anchor point’ more stable.

  Through this, the quasi-saint son has also obtained a lot of benefits from the hands of the Great Duke of the Black Abyss, even if he has betrayed the Silver Moon Church and is fully wanted by the northern cold soil. But with the support of Grand Duke Heiyuan, the quasi-saint son still grew extremely fast. In just a few years, he stepped into the realm above dawn and truly became a great figure in the mysterious world.

  The actions of the quasi-saint son are like a fuse. One after another, the secret code holders have appeared in the northern cold soil. They all set off disasters to unlock the secrets. The main goal is to seal (the anchor of the stable world).

  This is the beginning of the World Plot·Secret Code Controversy (Golden Epic). However, players cannot become the holders of the Black Abyss Secret Code, and cannot obtain the golden epic mission. They can only be spectators and rub the world. The edge of the plot.

  Even so, as a world plot sweeping the entire northern cold soil, it can get to the edge, and the rewards are also very rich, so that every player is eager for it

  Nowadays, Sulman has a complete golden mission, and as the holder of the mystery, he personally participates in this world plot. This is a treatment that the players of the previous life could not imagine.

  ”I have to be promoted to Tier 3 as soon as possible, so that I am qualified to hunt that prospective son” Suhlman meditated. According to the situation of the previous life, the opponent is about to reach the Cangxue Mountain Range, or is already at the foot of the mountain. .

  There is not much time left for him.

  Sulman came to the Cangxue Mountains in advance, intending to use the monsters in the restricted area to complete the promotion to the third rank, and at the same time set up an ambush here, using his familiarity with the environment to catch the opponent by surprise.

  This is the one that he is most sure to deal with after searching the memories of previous lives. Others are either far away on the edge of the cold northern soil, a few months away, or more powerful. Strong, it is not easy to deal with at present.

  Speaking of which, Ibis was also incognito in her previous life, and she only showed up later, and she did not perform soul rituals. She had always hunted down other secret tome holders, similar to Sulman’s behavior.

  Sinflame also likes this. According to him, only the weak will think about slaughtering the weak. The real strong should be proud of hunting other strong ones. He also praised Sulman’s character and growth The potential of being a world powerhouse.

  At that time, Sulman kept his lips secretly, this blatant Duke of Sinflame.

  This is simply because he was fooled.

  Thinking, Sulman had already arrived at the entrance of the palace. At this moment, there were footsteps behind him, and the familiar shouts of young people——

  ”Du Bonner, it is too dangerous for you to act alone.”

  ”We need to work together to explore the palace together, which can guarantee your safety”

   Accompanied by the sound of words, James pushed aside the fog and hurriedly came to his side, seeing that ‘Du Bonner’ had not yet stepped into the giant’s palace, the former could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  Sure enough, Sulman guessed that James would catch up, so he didn’t persuade the opponent to avoid revealing the flaws in his identity. Now that the opponent catches up, the rest is easy.

  ”Be careful to keep up.”

  Sulman interrupted the other party’s explanation and walked towards the palace. Such a swift action made James, who wanted to persuade him, look uncomfortable, as if Rukun was in his throat, so he could only be forced to follow.

  The gate of the giant’s hall was not closed, but half open. The door on the left had collapsed, revealing a hollow, leaving only a dim gray-white mist. The only left door on the right is carved with towering mountains and above the peaks, a pair of vertical pupils staring quietly at the earth, without the slightest emotion, silent and eternal.

  Jaime followed Sulman and saw the pattern on the right door. Even if he was from the Golden Clan, he didn’t understand the meaning of these eyes. He just looked at it curiously and hurriedly followed. .

  This is the symbol of the Mist Giant. Sulman knows better than James, that pair of vertical pupils are characteristic of the Mist Giant.

  It is said that the mist giants active in the second era have different eyes from normal people, similar to the vertical pupils of beasts. Not only that, some geniuses of the mist giants, even in the center of their eyebrows, will have a third eye, which is their’eye of nightmare’-it is said that the mist giant believes in the’lord of the mist’ , He has the largest nightmare eye in the world, and he can pull others into dreams at will.

  From the gap in the gate of the palace, the two stepped inside. Behind the gate, there were gray and white stone pillars standing on both sides of the promenade. Between the stone pillars, there were a large number of petrified statues.

  The stone statues are in human form, with their hands raised above their eyebrows, they seem to be offering something, and their behavior looks very strange and absurd.

  Sulman knows their origins. It is the ancient tradition of the Mist Giants. They like to model and worship statues to express their worship of the’Lord of the Mist’. Whether it is gestures or posture, there is a profound meaning. .

  Jaime seemed to be frightened by the stone statue and hesitated a bit, but he followed ‘Du Bonner’ and he didn’t dare to turn back alone, so he could only bite the bullet and follow the other side.

  The two walked on the dimly lit promenade, and the surrounding stone statues were fascinated, like distorted figures.

  Suddenly, Sulman’s footsteps paused, and the action attracted James’ attention. He couldn’t help asking: “What’s the matter?”

  ”Our goal is to hunt a dream wanderer. It is worth 100 trial points. As long as you can get it, it will basically stabilize the top three.” It showed a very skilled smile when facing the’flame of sin’:

  ”According to the agreement between me and Mr. Yasen, the key parts after hunting the monsters belong to you, which will be used as a voucher for you to exchange points. However, in the whole process, it is not entirely my contribution. After all, we are collaborators. Right?”

  Jaime froze for a moment, and hurriedly replied: “You are right, we are working together!”

  After answering this sentence, James straightened his chest, with a faint feeling of raised eyebrows. It seems that the other party was photographed by Mr. Yasen’s power and power. He must be respected in terms of status. Both parties are collaborators, but he is not. The vassal of the other party!

  Next After James saw’Du Bonner’ hearing his answer, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and in a tone that could not be rejected, he said: “Very well, we are indeed collaborators. The front is ancient The place where the giant eats, also known as the banquet, is home to dangerous dream wanderers.”

  ”This is the secret message I got from a certain channel in the clan-you don’t need to know the source.”

  ”With my personal strength, it’s a little troublesome to deal with it alone, but it’s much easier with your help.” Sulman gave a slight pause, and then he kept under James’ increasingly uncomfortable eyes. Smiled:

  ”As the main attacker, I need you to help me create a suitable mobile phone meeting.”

  ”How. How to create?” James subconsciously said.

  Sulman pointed at him and threw a short word–



  Jim’s face instantly turned pale, and he wanted to kill himself a few minutes ago so that he could swallow that sentence back!

   There is one more in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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