The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 68: Yin virtue: 0

It’s windy.

Several plastic bags flew up in a whirl, one on the roof, one hanging on the treetops, making a lot of noise.

Xu Le turned and left.

At this moment, the sobbing of a little girl came from behind.

“After a few more days like this, Dad will die!”

“It’s useless to blame Beibei, woo woo woo…”

It’s clearly an immature child’s voice, but it’s heartbreaking to hear it!

Xu Le’s figure suddenly froze for a moment, and when he turned around, his face was full of surprise.

“This little thing… what did you just say?!”

Xu Le has always known that Xu Beibei has a secret.

This secret should involve her two identities.

As long as you untie it, all problems can be solved.

But Xu Le never thought about it.

This matter actually has something to do with me!

“What the **** is going on?!”

“Why do I die if I don’t catch ghosts?”

Xu Le felt that this matter was unprecedentedly absurd.

He really couldn’t figure out the connection between catching ghosts and dead people.

Could it be that she knows her true situation? !

Xu Le was taken aback by this thought.

But after thinking about it, he quickly ruled it out.

Even black and white impermanence, a seductress who specializes in dealing with souls, can’t see through him, so how could Xu Beibei have such a cultivation level.

If he really had this ability, he wouldn’t have been whipped by a female water ghost back then.

So, there is only one possibility.

The father she mentioned was not referring to herself.

It’s Xu Le, the dead ghost…

There is reason for Xu Le to make this conjecture.

On the day the time travels over, Xu Le, the dead ghost, happens to pass away.

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Le came back from the dead.

Including Xu Le himself thinks that this is a coincidence.

But now it seems that it is not so simple.

Xu Beibei must have done something for this, even now she is still insisting, otherwise it is impossible to explain why she said those words.


When he sat up from the stroller, he frightened the two nurses fainted on the spot.

Then, the entire corridor was filled with screams.

Snow-white walls, panicked doctors, screaming nurses, Nan Xiaoxi covering her mouth in shock, and Xu Beibei sitting on a bench with her head tilted.

That was the first picture he saw when he opened his eyes that day.

Messy, but true.

At that time, he was so busy accepting the memory of his new body that he didn’t pay attention to the surrounding situation at all.

In retrospect, it was indeed a bit wrong.

The most wrong thing is Xu Beibei.

When a six-year-old girl sees her father passing away, crying is the correct response. How could she faint?

Even if she fainted, it is normal, so why is there no one around her to support her?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t make sense.

And most importantly, there seemed to be a circle of white mist faintly swirling around Xu Beibei’s body at that time.

The hospital is a place full of yin, and the walls are white, and he is busy with other things, so he didn’t think about it at all.

But now, Xu Le suddenly had a bold guess.

Is Xu Beibei at that time experiencing some kind of opportunity?

It was this opportunity that turned Xu Beibei into a ghost?

As soon as this idea came up, Xu Le quickly searched his brains and began to frantically read his memory.

After a while, he let out a sigh of relief.

Things are exactly as he thought.

Before that day, there was not a shred of information that something was wrong with her daughter.

Things are already obvious.

Xu Beibei became a ghost messenger only after that day!

“So… what happened to her that day?”

Xu Le frowned.

I really want to go up and explain everything.

But, how to speak?

Once in contact, you will face the question of “how can you see me, Dad”.

Prevarication is definitely not a prevarication.

Show your true body?

That’s a great idea!

The relationship between each other can be explained clearly in minutes,

Finally, in a joking tone, he said, “Haha you little fool, I’m not your father, you saved the wrong person”, so what?


Xu Le could even imagine how Xu Beibei collapsed on the spot after listening to it.

If it was the time when he first time traveled, Xu Le would definitely not have any psychological pressure.

But now…

Xu Le looked down.

At this time, Xu Beibei had already got up from the lawn.

While wiping his tears, the little guy was flying at low altitude, his clothes were flying, and his little head kept looking around, obviously entering the prey-hunting mode again.

Xu Le watched her go away, then turned around and hid in the darkness, and called Hei Wuchang.

Some things are useless by guessing, he has to ask clearly.

The phone call between Xu Le and Hei Wuchang lasted for more than half an hour, during which Xu Le watched Xu Beibei running around from a distance to prevent her from having any accidents.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Le’s expression became more solemn than ever.

He obtained some very important information from Heiwuchang.

First, “Xu Le” is indeed dead, and it is even recorded in the book of life and death in the underworld.

This information is top secret, but Xu Le is a celebrity in front of Yan Jun. Secondly, he has a temporary position in the underworld. Although the honorary consultant is a false position, it is by no means comparable to an official. Three times, what Xu Le asked was his own information, which was not too much.

In any case, Hei Wuchang couldn’t find a reason to refuse.

Second, Xu Beibei’s yin virtue is 0.

From Hei Wuchang’s mouth, I learned that whether it is catching ghosts, seducing souls or transforming evil spirits, there are Yin virtue rewards. Xu Beibei catches ghosts like crazy every day, but his yin virtue is 0, which already explains the problem.

The most important point is that Hei Wuchang, as the first ghost of the underworld, was unable to find out where Xu Beibei’s Yin Dehua went. It was suspicious, really suspicious.

Before hanging up the phone, Xu Lefu went to his heart and asked again: “Yinde, can you save people?”

“How is it possible?” Hei Wuchang was stunned on the other end of the phone for a moment before saying: “Yin virtue is a branch of merit, which belongs to the currency of the underworld. You can buy things in the underworld, such as buying officials and selling… Cough, I mean , although yin and virtue come from the incense of the world, but it is useless for ordinary people to take it, so how can they save people?”

Xu Le understands, this little guy definitely spends his sinister virtues in some corner, in exchange for “father”‘s immortality. But she didn’t know that this Xu Le was no longer that Xu Le.

This secret must be solved as soon as possible!

Xu Le asked Hei Wuchang again if he could give Xu Beibei a promotion. He was willing to exchange all the benefits. He thought that Hei Wuchang would agree, but he said that he couldn’t do it.

It’s not a refusal, but an inability to do it.

“Although my brothers and sisters are in charge of ghosts, they have already developed a system for tens of thousands of years. Those who have not reached the standard of yin and morality should not be mentioned unless Yan Jun personally nominates them. Consultant Xu, if you want, I will talk to Yan Jun Your thoughts, want to come…”

“Forget it.”

Xu Le interrupted, he didn’t want the third person to know about this matter, the more people who know about it, the more people will pay attention to it, which is definitely not a good thing for Xu Beibei.

Before hanging up the phone, Xu Le told Hei Wuchang not to tell this to a third person. After receiving Heiwuchang’s categorical and swearing guarantee, Xu Le hung up the phone, and then dispersed his consciousness.

Doesn’t Xu Beibei want ghosts? It’s simple, just grab it and bring it back!

Xu Le thought it was very simple, but to his surprise, he didn’t know what was going on tonight, and there wasn’t even a wandering soul around, what a surprise.

No way, Xu Le can only activate the backup plan.

Wrapped in black mist, he quickly drifted towards the Binhai Square.

A moment later, Xu Le landed outside a certain barrier, raised his hand to grab it, and sucked out a guy in uniform inside the barrier.

“It’s…it’s you?” The man in uniform breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Xu Le.

But before he finished breathing, he heard Xu Le say: “It’s almost a prank, and I will send you down.”

“What?” The man in uniform stared wide-eyed, thinking he heard it wrong, he spit and shouted, “Didn’t you say before that you’re not a ghost?”

“Of course I’m not.”

Xu Le took the man in uniform and flew into the air, then pointed to Xu Beibei in the distance and said, “But my daughter is.”

The man in uniform suddenly realized something, and yelled: “Fuck, how can you do this, you lied…”


A hand knife interrupted his words, the man in uniform tilted his head, and simply passed out.

Xu Le looked at the guy in his hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although I sympathize with this guy’s experience, I really want to see him continue to teach those who don’t follow the rules…

But it is a ghost after all.

And the daughter just needs it again.

Such a reason is enough for him who used to act only according to his mood.

“Go with peace of mind, go where you should go.”

“The order in the world must be guarded by others.”

Xu Le whispered and pushed gently.

The body of the man in uniform flew over like an arrow, and finally landed precisely in front of Xu Beibei, startling Xu Beibei who was about to advance.

The little guy first looked up vigilantly, and saw that there was nothing unusual in the sky, so he carefully moved up to take a look.

After confirming that the man in uniform was a ghost, she suddenly broke into a smile and happily put him away.

“Ha, there are still ghosts in the sky?!” The little guy muttered like this.

After she finished speaking, she was stunned, and then she seemed to suddenly realize something, looked left and right, and finally raised her little head, and shouted in a certain direction in the air: “Is that you, Peppa Pig?”

After waiting for a long time, there is no response.

Xu Beibei sighed depressingly, rolled his eyes and said, “It’s like this every time, I help but don’t show up, but thank you anyway! Peppa Pig!”

After finishing speaking, I took the ghost to report.

Looking at this scene,

Xu Le was silent for a long time.

How about going to her for a showdown?

Peppa Pig…what the **** is this name? !

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