The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 21: Too young!

Looking at the flames in the sky, Xu Le covered his chest, his right hand holding the broom trembled slightly.

If it wasn’t for his physical condition, he really wanted to take that guy back and slice it up for study.

How could such a coincidence happen?

The extremely impactful images, the vigorous and vigorous handling style, and the vigorous leap before leaving, all overlapped with a bad figure in his memory.

If it is true, it makes sense.

That idiot likes to do things the most, and it’s always a big scene.

Explosions, fires, car accidents… are his favorites.

From the glimpse just now, Xu Le saw too many similarities.

I just can’t figure out how the same guy can exist in this world.

Or, it also crossed?


Xu Le suddenly thought of something, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

He subconsciously looked at the scene of the car accident.

“There, it must be its handwriting…”

This thought flashed in his mind, Xu Le couldn’t keep calm anymore, dropped his tools, and ran over quickly.

There are quite a lot of people at this point, and they use flying, which is too shocking.

A moment later, Xu Le arrived at the scene of the car accident.

This is a three-way intersection, the street lights are as bright as day, and there are occasional vehicles passing by.

Xu Le had a faint light in his eyes, standing by the side of the road and looking around.

On the concrete floor, the water stains hadn’t completely dried out, and the remaining blood stains were clearly visible. The scope was so large that it was shocking.

In the distance, there are scorched black traces from the rubbing of the wheels, one can imagine how tragic it was before.

Xu Le took a few steps forward, squatted down beside the green belt, and reached out to take something from the leaf.

This thing is as thin as a hair, the whole body is pitch black, and the tip is slightly curled.

It looks like the hair of some kind of creature.

Xu Le rubbed it in his hands, and seemed to realize something.

Then take it under your nose and smell it.

Then rubbed again,

Take another sniff.

A moment later, he was shocked to find that…

Can’t tell!

Xu Le threw away his hair in disappointment, straightened up, and prepared to take a walk around the scene of the second accident.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

Gu Yueer.

She was wearing a slightly **** short-sleeved suit, and her trousers were changed to denim. Her slender legs alternated rhythmically.

The same dress, the same temperament.

It’s just that it’s different from when she was eating, but now she looks a bit embarrassed.

The hair is all messed up, and some even stick to the face. The white short sleeves were stained with gray and black in several places, as if they had just crawled out of a mine, they were dirty.

Only her hands are still so crystal clear and pleasing to the eye.

To Xu Le, it seems that this girl has just experienced a fierce battle, or a hard struggle to escape from death, it is simply extremely miserable.

Gu Yue’er also noticed Xu Le at this time, with a look of surprise on her face, as if wondering why Xu Le was here.

But soon, she calmed down, lowered her head, and quickened her pace.

It seems that he doesn’t want to meet Xu Le face to face.

“This is you, just came back from digging coal?” Xu Le greeted casually.

Knowing that there is no way to pretend anymore, Gu Yue’er raised her head and glared at Xu Le: “I want you to take care of it, you are a softie!”

The attitude is simply not too bad.

Xu Le opened his mouth, and found that he was speechless!

He finally knew why this girl had such a big prejudice against him.

Seventeen or eighteen years old is the age group who has a vague concept of values ​​and outlook on life, but cannot fully explain them.

They will rely on their instincts to judge the good and evil of a thing. They seldom have adult intrigues, they are unconstrained, and they hate evil.

Facing the things they dislike, they will not pretend and never hide it.

Through Aunt Wang, Gu Yue’er can easily know who Xu Le is.

Nan Xiaoxi’s house.

The money belongs to Nan Xiaoxi.

Even the clothes on her body were bought by Nan Xiaoxi.

Proper soft rice man…

Therefore, there is a perfect explanation for that look full of contempt.

Gu Yue’er’s attitude made Xu Le a little dumbfounded, but he wasn’t going to care about his attitude with a brat.

When the two were intertwined, Xu Le suddenly asked: “Didn’t you just run out of the fire scene? You are in serious condition, why don’t you go to the hospital?”

Xu Le is not a warm-hearted person. This question is just a feeling that he has eaten his mother’s food, so he has to express it no matter what.

But people obviously don’t appreciate it.

Gu Yue’er paused for a moment, and said angrily, “It’s none of your business!”

After finishing speaking, continue to bow your head and walk.

The two passed each other.

This time, Xu Le didn’t go up to make fun of himself, shook his head, and walked towards the scene of the fire.

So he didn’t notice that Gu Yue’er’s clothes were on the back of her shoulders.

Two short hairs fluttered in the wind.

When Xu Le came to the scene, the fire had been brought under great control.

There were a lot of people at the scene, and those who held water pipes, those who carried fire extinguishers, and those who rescued people all performed their duties. The masses were sweating profusely and were full of energy, as if they were fighting a flood.

This scene surprised Xu Le.

In his impression, people in the world are indifferent, unreasonable, and will only sweep the door.

However, people in this world are so enthusiastic.

At this time, it was only ten minutes before the explosion, and the fire trucks hadn’t arrived yet. With their own strength, the masses quickly controlled the fire, which was incredible.

After secretly helping them suppress a little fire, Xu Le grabbed an uncle who seemed to be the most desperate, and couldn’t help gossiping: “Hi, may I ask if this shop is yours?”

The uncle glanced at Xu Le.

Xu Le didn’t wear a suit tonight, but was dressed in casual clothes, but he has a straight body and good looks, which makes him feel very upright.

The uncle probably thought of something, his face straightened, and he said righteously: “This house does not belong to me, but it is the duty of our citizens to do what is right! As the saying goes, if one party is in trouble, all parties will help, as long as everyone gives a little love …”

Xu Le was dumbfounded: “…”

Uncle, did you go to the wrong set?

The uncle talked for a while, and when he saw Xu Le’s expression was wrong, he suddenly realized something, and asked tentatively, “You… are not a reporter?”

Seeing Xu Le shaking his head, the uncle pushed Xu Le away angrily: “It’s not a reporter, you asked Mao, did you almost burn my house without watching the fire? Go, go!!!”

After speaking, he turned his head and ran away with the poke in his hand.

I didn’t expect such a thing to happen to gossip for the first time, Xu Le was so embarrassed.

But he wasn’t so bad that he would get angry because of this kind of shit, instead he helped put out the fire together.

When the fire truck came, the fire was completely out, but no one laughed.

Because, dead.

The deceased was a strong man with a wide body and a fat body, with a gold necklace hanging around his neck.

His surname is Jin, and others call him Fatty Jin.

Fatty Jin was brought out after the fire was completely extinguished, and he was already dead at that time.

The fatal cause was not inhalation of poisonous fumes, but his stomach was disembowelled, various organs leaked all over the floor, and he died so badly that he could no longer die. His eyes were wide open, as if he had seen some terrifying scene before he died.

Xu Le noticed that Fatty Jin’s chest wound was stained with a few black hairs, and he suddenly became concerned.

Fatty Jin’s death frightened a group of people, and only a small group of people were left pointing and poking around, looking like “I knew it a long time ago”.

Xu Le let go of his spiritual sense and listened for a while, and he probably understood.

Fatty Jin has a very bad reputation in this film. It’s fine to eat, drink, prostitute, gamble and beat his wife. The key point is that the two have divorced, and this guy still visits him every now and then to make trouble.

This store was opened by Fatty Jin’s ex-wife. Fatty Jin would come here and wander around when he had nothing to do, and would take a lot of money with him before he left, as if this was his home.

What’s more, sometimes when he is in a bad mood or drunk, this guy will hit someone. If you beat your ex-wife, if the child is here, beat them together.

The police have dealt with it several times, but this guy is not afraid, and after he came out, he beat him even more fiercely.

The ex-wife did not dare to call the police because of his lust.

The residents and merchants nearby all saw these things and dared not speak out.

Fatty Jin came again today. His ex-wife and children were not there, so he forced his way in.

Unexpectedly, what he opened this time was a door leading to hell.

The police on duty rushed over upon hearing the news, and when they saw Jin Dapeng on the ground, they all collapsed.

There was a major traffic accident in the afternoon, and the body hadn’t cooled down yet. Another one died here. What happened here?

Not long after, the police left with the body, but the crowd was still chattering.

Some people said that Fatty Jin died well, some said that the murderer was too cruel, and some said that the ex-wife who didn’t know about it until now was pitiful, there are different opinions.

Before leaving, Xu Le heard an old man sigh with emotion in a low voice: “Retribution, this is all retribution! It’s a pity that I don’t know which hero is doing justice for the sky, tsk tsk…”

Xu Le left without saying a word.

At this moment, he is 100% sure that the murderer is undoubtedly a certain idiot!

Only it will do some insane things in the name of doing justice for the sky all day long, just to satisfy its perverted bloodthirsty desire!


Do justice for the sky?


Old man, you are still too young!

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