The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 189: Flying coffin outside the sky

Yan Jun and his party came and went in a hurry, it seemed that they were not helpful at all, but in fact, it was true.

Nan Xiaoxi’s life and death are uncertain, the impostor is lying on the bed, and everything is business as usual.

Except, Mirror Demon’s movements are bigger…

In the next two days, the “blindness” phenomenon did not stop, but intensified. The “disaster area” moved from the city center all the way to the surrounding areas, and then developed towards the neighboring provinces, like the spread of the plague, which is hard to prevent.

Car accidents, fires, explosions, all kinds of accidents emerge in endlessly, causing countless casualties, and property losses are even more astronomical. The most terrible thing is that it is still expanding, regardless of its destructive power or attack surface, it far surpasses the natural disasters of the past few hundred years, it is appalling!

The news media knew they couldn’t hold back anymore, so they simply attracted attention and let go of the propaganda. During this period, I do not know how many experts like “Fang Zedan” jumped out to refute the rumors, but with little success.

Soon, the news flew out of the country and spread all over the world.

Politicians from many countries have sent condolences, expressing their concern, and asking whether some tariffs can be reduced or exempted, and how to promote economic and trade cooperation between the two countries in various ways. Among them, the United States, the former world hegemon, and its two henchmen, the Yin Kingdom and the French Kingdom, are the most considerate.

As a superpower among developed countries, Huaxia often faces the trouble of “purposefully offering courtesy”, but it can’t directly refuse, which will make it look petty and annoying.

While dealing with foreign bastards, Huaxia executives made emergency arrangements for the disaster area: dispatched a task force to investigate the root cause of the disaster, and asked local functional departments to abide by their duties and do a good job in resettlement. As the saying goes, disasters are merciless and people are merciful…

At the same time, “relevant departments” were instructed to communicate with supernatural beings to obtain more information.

So on this day, a group of people headed by Lao Wan contacted Jiu Ye and other ghost chiefs.

Then, they were shocked by the information they received…

Before this, no one knew that this disaster was continuous—in just two days, there were more unknown “mirror people” in the world, and it was shocking to think about it.

Jiye learned these news from Yan Jun after attending the emergency meeting of the underworld. After the meeting, he mobilized ghost messengers to carry out large-scale patrols, and at the same time contacted the so-called mirror man. The result surprised him, all the soul-hunting techniques were useless. If he had had contact with Xu Le, Xu Le would definitely tell him: Don’t bother.

In the past two days, Xu Le has come into contact with not ten but eight “mirror men”. After many contacts, he learned that these guys seem to have become “human beings” in the true sense. The body is useless. Of course, this is on the premise that Xu Le doesn’t intend to hurt them.

Because of these bad things, Xu Le’s life was also affected.

As Nan Xiaoxi’s nominal lover and also the last person who had contact with Nan Xiaoxi, he had to explain Nan Xiaoxi’s “disappearance”. Fortunately, the time was short, and with the Nanzhendong station, no one dared to question anything.

On the second day, Yan Jun brought a piece of news that surprised Xu Le.

“… According to historical records, the Mirror Demon does not belong to this world. It came together with an extraterrestrial meteorite, which is essentially a part of the meteorite. If the meteorite body is found, I believe it will have a suppressive effect on the Mirror Demon. It’s a pity that the meteorite’s whereabouts have been unknown since it was short-lived in the pan, and there is no news about it. My name is Xiaobai, and they searched through a page of information, but they couldn’t find any clues. Consultant Xu, if you have any information about this, please contact me as soon as possible ” Yan Jun said so on the other end of the phone, with an extremely sincere attitude.

The last sentence is please, but it is actually more like a polite sentence.

The meteorite has been lost for too long, and all major forces are secretly looking for it. Hundreds of years have passed without any progress. To this day, except for a few big shots, few people still remember that meteorite.

To sum up, Yan Jun didn’t believe that Xu Le would have such news at all.

Xu Le knew this well, but he didn’t say anything, because he didn’t know what a feather meteorite was.

Until, the sentence before Yan Jun hung up the phone——

“Oh, by the way, according to rumors, the meteorite seems to have been transformed into an ice coffin by a certain monster. Consultant Xu can start from this aspect.”

After leaving this only clue, Yan Jun cut off the call, and while wiping his sweat, he arranged tasks with the ghost officials.

Today’s Hell is particularly busy, because it is the first joint exercise between Hell and Blood Sea in three thousand years, which is of great significance and far-reaching impact.

The reason is, of course, to give Mirror Demon a blow.

What that guy did has seriously disturbed the order of the world and the underworld. In just two days, an unknown number of people died, and an unknown number of “false ghosts” came to the underworld, causing extremely serious damage to the reincarnation system. Influence. In short, things have reached the point where they have to be taken seriously.

With the tacit approval of the emperor, the leaders of the underworld and the sea of ​​blood started a joint exercise for the first time.

At this time, the wasteland at the gate of Yanjun Palace has been transformed into a temporary martial arts arena by a great spell, and ghost soldiers dressed in black gather here. They have the same slogan and uniform movements, and they can be smelled from far Intense murderous intent.

Further outside, there are passionate cheerleaders. They hold banners made of minced meat and human skin, and write “Warmly congratulate the compatriots in the sea of ​​blood for coming to the underworld”.

Of course, the banner would be more serious if there were no offal hanging on it.

The outermost circle is the meat-eating ghosts watching. They gnawed on the minced meat and limbs they dug up from their bodies, while making weird “yo yo” noises.

In short, today’s underworld is really very lively.

When it was around two o’clock in the morning in the human world, a group of “ghost officers on duty in the human world” represented by Master Jiu, brought their subordinates to the scene one after another, and the ghost squad force further expanded. The onlookers have been squeezed out a thousand meters away.

Blood Sea’s troops arrived at the scene at this time. Led by a man in a strange costume, the overwhelming blood sea ghost soldiers rode the dark clouds and came to the sky with a murderous look, which shocked many ghost people. Compared with the ghost army, the blood sea ghost soldiers’ killing intent is stronger and their momentum is stronger.

If you have to make a comparison, it is probably the difference between the temporary labor team in the police station and the active soldiers in the regular army… As the head of the temporary labor team, Yan Jun felt his face was hot, and he secretly decided in his heart that he must take time off We must grasp the style and discipline.

The rendezvous of the troops was completed soon, and Yan Jun received the leader of the other party very “enthusiastically”.

“Ouch, Suwen Blood Sea Troops have always been brave and good at fighting, and their aura is astonishing. Seeing them today really deserves their reputation, tsk tsk!” Yan Jun said with a fake smile.

The Sifang ghost emperors in the back looked at each other with embarrassment when they heard the words. Everyone knew that Yan Jun took care of the sea of ​​blood before.

But the new Lord of the Blood Sea didn’t seem to be angry either. After a chuckle, he pointed down and said, “Compared to Lord Yan’s ghost army, we are far behind. Look, there is a headless man over there.” , and there are no legs, wow, there are even underage girls, tsk tsk tsk… I would like to ask, Lord Yan Jun, are you… sure it is not a juggling team?”

“Your sister is juggling!” Yan Jun immediately yelled indistinctly.

The blood sea lord was not stage frightened, and replied: “At any rate, he is a big boss. In front of so many subordinates, can you be gentle?”

“Sister juggling!” Yan Jun straightened his suit and tie and said.

Lord of the Blood Sea: “…”

If Xu Le was present at this time, he would be able to understand why Yan Jun’s throat is hoarse. When these two are together, they roar and attack endlessly. No matter how good their voice is, they can’t stand it…

After a while, the two were separated by their respective subordinates, and the mobilization meeting was able to continue.

The mobilization was over, and the small bosses entered the channel connecting to the mirror world according to the allocated channel.

That’s right, this joint exercise will be held in the mirror world. If not, how can the mirror demon be deterred?

Everything was carried out in an orderly manner, which fully demonstrated the two leaders’ control over their subordinates, which should be something to be proud of, but for some reason, Yan Jun always felt that something was wrong.

Yan Jun didn’t think of anything until he saw the face of the new Blood Sea Lord.

Looking at the empty martial arts arena, Yan Jun’s mouth twitched wildly, and his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

Looks like… got into trouble again? !

There is only one underage girl in the team of ghost messengers, who can guess who the other party is talking about with her toes, Yan Jun suddenly feels that his life is hard…

As long as he thought of Xu Le’s appearance when he was in awe, Yan Jun felt his teeth ache, and quickly called the judge back, signaling him to find Xu Beibei. Fortunately, this passage was temporarily built with the help of the Great Emperor’s power, and there will be no danger in the short term.

I’m afraid it will be a long time…

Knowing that the matter is of great importance, the judge quickly left in a cold sweat.


At this moment, suddenly there was a violent sound of breaking through the air above, the judge who heard it was stunned, and subconsciously followed the sound.

When seeing that thing in the sky clearly, all the ghosts and monsters in the audience were stunned!

It was a coffin.

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