The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 182: Xu Le Culture

The guy with an ethereal figure came in. It was wearing a white robe, a tall hat on its head, and a long red tongue swaying constantly on its shoulders. It was Bai Wuchang and who it was.

A group of ghost messengers came in together with him, each of them was full of murderous spirits with seductive ropes in their hands. But I don’t know if they have just experienced a battle, they look very haggard, and most of them have traces of fighting in one way or another, showing a little embarrassment.

“Consultant Xu, leave ghosts behind!”

Bai Wuchang stuck out his tongue and said with a sneer, he looked very much like a first-year junior high school freshman who ran to the basketball court to ask his seniors if he could play basketball with him, he was polite but nervous, and all the ghosts looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this really the unsmiling old man in the legend, who can beat ghosts half to death with a single strike, with extremely cruel methods, and there are very few people in the whole underworld? !

The ghost messengers opened their mouths wide, expressing that they could not accept it.

In addition, they couldn’t believe that the guy in front of him with the potential of a little boy was actually the legendary Consultant Xu?

How is it possible? !

The ghost messenger would be surprised when he heard the word Consultant Xu, which is not surprising at all, because the name Xu Le has long been known to every household in the underworld.

Since the blood sea incident, the word Xu Le has quickly spread throughout the underworld as if it had grown feet. In particular, his deeds of being tough and bloody, were broken down into five chapters and forty-eight chapters by a guy with great literary talent, and the storytelling was serialized in Naihe Qiaotou. The influence is so great that it is amazing.

In addition, Xu Le’s influence in the underworld officialdom is even more terrifying. Those who witnessed Xu Le’s demeanor at the beginning were all ghosts from the underworld without exception. Xu Le’s every move full of strong visual impact shocked them deeply. Compared with the boring text narration among ghost people, they The impact is naturally greater and far-reaching.

In today’s underworld, if any public official has never heard of Xu Le, he will probably be dismissed as a different kind and be excluded. Even Xu Beibei was deeply impressed, and couldn’t help but secretly marvel, praying that he could have some contact with this great man.

The word Xu Le, in today’s underworld, is like a golden signboard, shining brightly wherever it is placed. Its influence is so great that according to research, it seems to surpass the legendary monkey. The organization recognizes it as the number one Internet celebrity in the underworld today, not one of them.

After all, that monkey caused destruction in the underworld, while Xu Le singled out the entire sea of ​​blood. The destructiveness caused by the two is not at the same level. More importantly, the monkey ran away after committing the crime and has not shown up until now, while Xu Le is still alive and well, so it is clear at a glance which of the two is stronger and weaker.

When the legend of Xu Le became known to more and more ghost people, a new wave of imitation began. They imitated Xu Le’s way of speaking and handling things. Music culture” can be said to be a kind of star effect.

After the “Xu Le Culture” broke out, everyone from the officials to the flat-headed ghosts rushed to imitate. It is hard to find a sword, but the profit is gratifying.

Things are far more than that. Most of the imitators are aggressive and ruthless. After learning the “Xu Le Culture”, they are even more irritable and unbearable, and they will be stubborn when they encounter unpleasant things. In the beginning, it was a one-on-one fight, but later they summoned friends and formed cliques, and before they knew it, it became a group battle, causing countless casualties and causing great hidden dangers to the law and order of the underworld.

Seeing these current situations, some old ghosts couldn’t help but sighed a long sigh, because they all thought of some past events: Many years ago, a certain movie series of “The Old and Dangerous Guy” also achieved such an effect… World Wind Day Down!

Because the transmission speed was too fast, when the high-level officials in the underworld reacted, they were a little confused.

Everywhere, you can see gangsters and gangsters holding long swords to provoke troubles. The vicious atmosphere is comparable to the era of war.

Especially at such an important moment when the end of the year is approaching, if the emperor catches him and educates him, he may not be able to live a comfortable life.

Then the upper echelons quickly joined forces to wipe out all kinds of messy gang halls with thunderous means, and threw all the participants into the frying pan. On the one hand, the leaders of various jurisdictions organized the ghost people, launched a new round of rectification of “emphasizing civilization, fostering new styles, and being good ghosts”, and actively carried out lectures on “how to follow stars correctly”, which has a wide influence and almost affects the entire underworld.

In this way, the ghosts who didn’t know Xu Le at first also knew the existence of this number, and the name further became popular.

Some people hate it, some people like it, and so on.

Actually, it didn’t take long from the rise of these gangs and their sabotage to the official crackdown, but the influence they caused was enormous.

What’s worth mentioning is that Xu Le didn’t know about these **** things from the beginning to the end, let alone participated in them.

From this point, it can be seen that he had a lot of ghost fans in that battle.

In this way, it is not surprising that these ghost messengers can know Xu Le. They were just wondering, how could Xu Mao’s legendary advisor seem so approachable?

Aren’t all stars supposed to have a strong aura, shrouded in purple aura, and glittering with golden light, so you can’t look directly at them?

The ghost messengers looked at each other, and they could read confusion from each other’s eyes.

Xu Le didn’t know that in this short meeting, so many messy thoughts would flash through the minds of the ghost messengers. If he knew, he would probably be shocked.

Of course he has no time to deal with this now, Bai Wuchang said three times “keep ghosts under his hands”, Xu Le couldn’t lose face, put down his hands, weighed the things in his hands, and looked at Bai Wuchang: “It’s not a ghost .”

“How is that possible?!”

Bai Wuchang was stunned, and exclaimed: “We have been chasing it for a long time, we can’t make mistakes!”

It turned out that Bai Wuchang had received the news long ago that a group of unknown people used the mirror as a cover to kidnap people and newly dead ghosts indiscriminately.

Can’t say they lost, but anyway, they never succeeded. These guys are too cunning.

So along the way, Bai Wuchang and his party have worked hard, but they have no credit.

Just as he was thinking about going back to move rescuers to intensify the attack, he saw Xu Le caught one of them, which made Bai Wuchang very happy, so he hurried over, ready to arrest him and torture him.

But now Xu Le told him that this thing is not a ghost, how could Bai Wuchang not be surprised?

“It’s not a ghost…then what is it?”

“It’s nothing, but they can be anyone.” Xu Le sighed and added: “Theoretically, as long as there is a mirror, they can do evil.”

“…” Bai Wuchang was stunned, with a dazed expression on his face.

Xu Le sighed, and pointed to the mirror behind him: “Have you heard of the Mirror Demon?”

Bai Wuchang suddenly widened his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and pointed to the ball in Xu Le’s hand with an expression of disbelief: “Mirror… mirror demon?” Judging by his appearance, he seemed to know something.

“If it’s really it, then it’s troublesome! Are you sure? Isn’t this guy dead long ago?” Bai Wuchang asked incoherently, with a tense expression on his face, Xu Le was very speechless, you are a soul ecstasy , can you be more reserved!

However, it is not unacceptable.

After all, the mirror demon is one of the great evils of the ancient times, and Bai Wuchang is just a mere ecstasy messenger.

Seeing Bai Wuchang’s broken face, Xu Le was about to say a few words of relief, but unexpectedly, his phone vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was Nan Xiaoxi’s call. After thinking about it, he went to the side to answer it.

During this period, Nan Xiaoxi called several times, but Xu Le hung up on them all. Xu Le reckoned that if he didn’t answer another one, he would have to face the mountain torrent and tsunami when he went back.

“Xu Le, when will you… come back?” But unexpectedly, Nan Xiaoxi’s voice was exceptionally gentle, and there was a faint hint of inexplicable taste in her tone, Xu Le was fascinated by it. .

Xu Le looked at the situation on the scene, and had no choice but to go back after a few minutes, and Nan Xiaoxi hung up the phone in satisfaction.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Le and Bai Wuchang handed over the thing in their hands. It’s useless to keep it for yourself. Since the other party wants it, just give it to them. By the way, ask this guy about the Mirror Demon.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Nan Xiaoxi put her hands on her chest and took a few breaths to calm down a little.

At this time, she was sitting on the bed with her back against the head of the bed, wearing pink pajamas, her long hair was messily draped over her shoulders, and she was holding the phone tightly in her hand, constantly taking deep breaths.

The desk lamp was a little dim, shining on her pink pajamas, refracting a charming luster, making the atmosphere of the whole room pure.

Looking at the time on the phone, Nan Xiaoxi took a deep breath.

She was a little nervous.

After she settled her daughter down, she ran to Xu Le’s room. At this time, she was curled up in Xu Le’s bed, sniffing the smell of mite corpses on the quilt that had been exposed to the sun. Feeling extremely excited.

I was thinking about what kind of opening remarks would be more suitable for Xu Le when he came back…

Nan Xiaoxi suddenly thought of a very serious and terrifying matter——after tossing about for so long, will the makeup change?

Realizing this, Nan Xiaoxi’s expression turned serious.

“Hurry up and make it up!”

Taking a deep breath, Nan Xiaoxi carefully lifted the quilt and got out of bed. The temperature was extremely low late at night in November, and she shivered from the cold. She instinctively wanted to take out her coat and put it on, but she stopped half way through her hand, because she saw a man’s coat hanging on the back of the chair. Nan Xiaoxi He was stunned for a moment, then, in a strange way, he picked up his coat and put it on his shoulders.

Sniffing the good-smelling washing powder on the clothes and inhaling, Nan Xiaoxi somehow thought of something, her pretty face blushed immediately, and she chuckled lightly, like a happy little woman.

After taking the cosmetics, Nan Xiaoxi went to the bathroom and got dressed up in front of the mirror. In order not to wake up her daughter, she moved very lightly.

Xu Beibei came back at this time. Looking at the crimson mother, the little guy showed a confused expression, but in the end he stopped watching and went back to sleep with a yawn. Good boy, go to bed early and get up early… Tomorrow is school!

After a while, Nan Xiaoxi put away the tools in satisfaction, wiped her hands, and walked out of the bathroom lightly.

At this moment, the huge mirror on the sink behind her quickly blurred, turning into a vortex in the blink of an eye, but there was no sound.

In the “vortex”, a pair of pale hands stretched out silently, and grabbed Nan Xiaoxi’s back…

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