The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 18: Chefan

It was dusk, and from time to time at the end of the street came the shouting of vendors and the whistling of cars, making it as noisy as a city.

At this end of the street, a father and daughter hugged each other quietly, and the golden sunset fell on them, like a delicate oil painting.

“Daddy is here, Beibei is not afraid!”

Xu Le patted her back slowly, comforting her softly, the feeling in his heart was a bit hard to describe.


Of course there are.

But not outrageous.

It’s like when you are bitten by a mosquito, you will be depressed and dumbfounded, but you will never get angry at the mosquito.

Xu Le now only cares about whether the little guy is scared or not.

To his surprise, he saw his daughter purse her lips and say, “Papa, can you…don’t fight.”

“Bebe is so scared…”

“Papa promised that Beibei would never fight again…”

“Bebe can repair the house, and bebe is good at painting, papa, don’t leave bebe to fight, okay…”

Crying with a childlike voice, it hit Xu Le’s heart word by word, which surprised him.

This is what the little guy is afraid of?

Afraid that he will find someone to fight?

That’s right, with the character of the dead ghost before, I guess he just picked up the kitchen knife and went to fight for his life.

It’s normal to fight in a few words and go to the hospital. This kind of reckless behavior on the street is also the main reason why he is not favored by the Nan family.

At the same time, it also brought an indelible shadow to Xu Beibei’s childhood.


Xu Beibei threw herself into Xu Le’s arms, muttering and talking incoherently.

The little guy’s eyes were already red and swollen, and the tears, like broken pearls, ran across his face and fell on Xu Le’s shoulders.

A pair of small hands tightly grasped Xu Le’s lapel, as if afraid that he would run away.

Xu Le opened his mouth.

At this moment, he seemed to understand many things.

In fact, she can live a better life with her mother.

Staying here, I’m afraid I can’t let go of my **** father, right?

Thinking of this, even Mr. Xu Le, a big ghost who has always claimed to be indifferent to all kinds of life, can’t help but feel a little touched, as if a certain string in his heart was gently fiddled with by a small hand.

It feels kind of weird.

Xu Le nodded: “Okay, Dad promises you not to fight.”


The little guy raised his head and looked at Xu Le suspiciously, his eyes were still red, but the tears were already showing a tendency to stop.

“What you say is what you say.” Xu Le promised.

Actually, from the very beginning, he didn’t intend to do anything.

In the afternoon, he was going to pay off the debt. Just because the “righteous banknotes” obtained by “walking for the sky” a while ago were all cash, and he was too lazy to save them, so he had to go there himself.

Unfortunately, the current situation has been caused.

Xu Le has always relied on his status, but when others bully him, he still has to react a bit.

As a result, before he left, Xu Beibei stopped him and cried, so he gave up his plan to do it himself, and instead asked a few little ghosts to teach him a lesson.

Death crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes are hard to forgive!

Facing Xu Le’s promise, the little guy still had a look of disbelief, his head shook like a rattle, then he stretched out his little finger and ticked Xu Le: “The pull hook is the only one!”

“Okay.” Xu Le stretched out his hand.

Then, two fingers, one big and one small, hooked tightly together.

“The hook cannot be changed for a hundred years. Whoever changes is the little yellow dog, haha!” After Xu Beibei finished speaking, she burst into tears and smiled. She put her arms around Xu Le’s neck and kissed him on the forehead: “Baba speak Count it!”

“Mmm…” Xu Le nodded, and after finishing speaking, his heart was shocked.

Just a second ago, a familiar warm current came from the bottom of his feet, repairing his body a little.

“This is… the little guy in the daytime, does he have this function?”

Xu Le opened his mouth in surprise. He always thought that only by helping Xu Beibei catch ghosts at night can he restore his body.

But now it seems that he is still narrow-minded.

Combined with Xu Beibei’s emotional changes before, Xu Le suddenly had an idea.

But before it could be implemented, there was an exclamation from the side.

“Hey, Xiao Xu, what’s wrong with your house?”

Xu Le looked up and saw a bloated woman walking towards her. She was wearing a baggy coat with a look of shock on her face.

“It’s okay, just a little misunderstanding.” Xu Le stood up and explained to the other party.

This person is Aunt Wang who lives at the end of the street. She was Nan Xiaoxi’s full-time nanny when she was young, and she retired a few years ago. She has a very good relationship with Nan Xiaoxi, so after she moved here and learned about Xu Le, she visited Xu Le and Xu Beibei every now and then.

But the former Xu Le didn’t accept her kindness at all.

The current Xu Le doesn’t have the habit of taking the initiative to make friends. Therefore, Xu Le has never had any contact with the other party after traveling for so long, it’s just that there is such a person in his memory.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Wang came here again today, she is really enthusiastic.

Looking at the unrecognizable house, Aunt Wang groaned and said angrily, “Who did this…it’s so wicked, and that’s not what you want for money!” After speaking, she asked Xu Le: ” Do you want to call the police?”

“No need, it’s just a misunderstanding, let him go.” Xu Le said lightly.

Aunt Wang probably thought of something, and nodded: “That’s right, I’m afraid things will be more troublesome after entering the police station.” She could tell that she had completely misunderstood, but Xu Le didn’t bother to explain.

“Both of you, father and daughter, haven’t eaten yet, right? I saw you were at the door just now. Let’s go and come to my house.” Aunt Wang warmly invited.

Xu Le did not refuse.

Aunt Wang’s house is not big, but it is very clean, everything is in place, the tile floor is spotless, and it looks very comfortable.

There is a home theater opposite the sofa. There is a photo of two people on the TV. In the photo is Aunt Wang and a little girl. The little girl looks very delicate.

Obviously, this is not a complete family photo, but it makes sense for Aunt Wang.

Nan Xiaoxi once told Xu Le, the dead ghost, that Aunt Wang was single and never married until she retired, but she adopted a daughter. Come to think of it, the girl in the photo is the adopted daughter.

“These things were all helped by Xiaoxi. Hey, that girl cares so much for my old lady, she doesn’t know how to repay her… Hey, don’t stand still, sit down, Beibei What do you want to drink?”

As soon as she entered the room, Aunt Wang talked endlessly, then brought a lot of temporary drinks for Xu Beibei, and played a cartoon for her, and then told her: “Don’t eat too much, eat in a while Already.”

“Got it…”

The little guy’s tears haven’t dried yet, and now he’s holding a bunch of snacks, laughing and laughing, making Xu Le very speechless.

After setting up the father and daughter, Aunt Wang went into the kitchen and got busy.

Xu Le was drinking the half bottle of drink handed over by the little guy while checking the news on his mobile phone.

After a while, the door suddenly opened.

A slender figure walked in, with brisk steps, like a civet.

As soon as Xu Le looked up, he saw a girl in front of him.

This is a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, delicate features, and a hint of obsequious obsequiousness between her brows.

She was wearing a slightly tight school uniform, but even so, it could not conceal her exquisite curves. Her waist is very thin, giving the impression that one hand can go around it.

It looks almost exactly the same as in the photo. That’s right, she should be Aunt Wang’s adopted daughter.

When Xu Le was sizing up the girl, the other party was also looking at him, frowning slightly, as if thinking about something.

For a moment, she showed a dazed look, and then said frivolously, and said in a strange tone: “Oh, rare guest, what kind of wind is it today that brought your old man here?”

It can be heard that she has a lot of opinions on Xu Le, very big.

If you think about it, this is a way for a daughter to vent her anger for her mother.

Xu Le could even imagine that it was a sin for the little girl to have an unpleasant scene with her mother because of herself.

Seeing that Xu Le was silent, the girl took another step forward and asked with a half-smile, “What are you doing here today?”

Xu Le noticed that her little hand hanging on the right had been making irregular movements in the air, or swinging back and forth, or drawing circles.

Her fingers are very white and slender, and the skin is so tender that it almost drips water. Under the illumination of the light, it seems to reflect light. It is hard to imagine that there are such crystal clear hands in the world.

There were bursts of cooking sounds from the kitchen, and the attractive aroma of the dishes gradually became stronger.

Xu Beibei held Wangzai Milk and looked at Xu Le, then at the pretty young lady, her little face was full of confusion, as if she was wondering about the relationship between the two.

Xu Le adjusted his clothes, looked back at the other party seriously, and then spit out two words:


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