The Mighty Little Shennong Chapter 811: Dig graves

After inquiring about a lot of information, Zhang Bin did not stay with Lin Youlan for much longer, and he did not even ask her the secret method of spiritual immortality.

Worry about her being suspicious.

He is 100% sure that even if he asks, Lin Youlan will not impart the immortality of the soul to him.

He must find another way if he wants to obtain the immortality of the soul.

He is also very sure that he can practice the immortality of the soul.

Because he has been practicing Jingxin Xuan Gong, and with the help of Xiaoqing, his progress is rapid, and his soul is very pure.

He returned to the Bronze City and entered the suite he was assigned to.

What made him secretly breathe out is that the suite is also specially built, and there are many talismans burned on the wall.

You can’t peek inside from the outside.

You can also display Do Not Disturb on the door.

Then no one will bother you to practice.

The suite has three bedrooms and one living room, which is still very spacious and comfortable.

Zhang Bin entered the cultivation chamber and checked it carefully, and asked Tutu to check it too.

No monitoring instruments or magic weapons were found.

He just sat cross-legged and began to analyze it carefully.

Netherworld’s high-levels are all living ghosts, so they established the Netherworld Clan and cultivated disciples to take the place of dead ghosts to save them.

The method used is to deceive and tempt.

The way to seduce talented disciples is to use the soaring fairy world and beautiful spiritual girls.

The way to seduce the spiritual girl is to live one more life and go to the fairyland with her lover in the future.

And Zhang Bin now also speculates, how did the living ghosts of the Nether Gate appear?

They practiced the immortality of the soul and the magic of the Hundred Tribulations during their lifetimes, and their souls became extremely powerful.

They may have lived two lives because they have the ability to get sea agate.

However, if the body is bred using sea agate, and after living a lifetime, it will no longer be possible to use sea agate to live a third lifetime.

So, after their bodies die naturally, they become living ghosts, and living ghosts can’t live forever, because Heavenly Tribulation will become stronger and stronger.

No matter how genius is for a dead ghost, it will be difficult for them to get through.

So, in the end they still died under the catastrophe, but they could live for thousands, even tens of thousands of years.

And after some of their descendants died, they became new living ghosts.

Nether Gate has been passed down from generation to generation like this.

How powerful are the living ghosts?

It is estimated that Lord Ghost is the weakest living ghost.

However, he can also deal with Yuan Ying realm Dzogchen masters.

The other elder must be more terrifying.

As for the sect master and deputy sect master, they must be terribly powerful.

It can be seen from the sun and moon in the sky.

No, no, Nether Gate is more than just living ghosts.

There are also extremely powerful monks, they are descendants of living ghosts!

Maybe, there are many monks in Bronze City who are descendants of living ghosts, and they know the secrets of living ghosts.

I also know the ultimate secret of the Nether Gate.

However, there is no way to know that these people are descendants of living ghosts.

They are among all the disciples.

In the future, after their fall, they will be new living ghosts!

To subvert this sect is not so easy, it may take a long time.

Thinking about this, Zhang Bin became more and more worried.

I am alone and alone, it is too difficult to subvert the Nether Gate.

More help must be found.

However, who among the disciples of the Nether Clan is competent?

Possibly, Ding Tianxia are descendants of living ghosts.

Possibly, Lin Youlan is also a descendant of the living ghost.

“How to break the game? Such an evil school must be destroyed as soon as possible.”

Zhang Bin muttered anxiously in his heart.

It took a long time before he thought of a choice.

He pressed a special button to make the door display Do Not Disturb.

He took out a teleportation array from his dragon pond.

In the secret room, the teleportation was activated without hesitation.

There was no accident, only a white light flashed.

He disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, he appeared in the teleportation formation of the Golden City.

He first made friends with his women.

Then I went to the Daqingshan to mine more than 10,000 spirit stones.

I went to Yanjing again through the teleportation array, and made friends with Mi Yiyao.

He just went to Han Bingyun’s grave.

Staring wide-eyed at this grassy grave.

I also muttered in my mouth: “Han Bingyun, I’m sorry, I am going to dig a grave today, I must confirm whether you are really dead.”

He took out the **** and dug up the tomb in twos or twos.

Before opening the coffin, a smell of corpses leaked out.

It smells so bad that Zhang Bin almost vomits.

And his heart was cold for a while, Han Bingyun was really dead, and the body was rotted, Princess Samuel of the Nether Gate was not Han Bingyun.

The only person who might be worthy of his trust will also be ruled out.

I really can only deal with the ghost gate single-handedly.

And if Princess Samuel is Han Bingyun, then she will definitely not be a descendant of a living ghost.

Because it is impossible for a living ghost to prevent her descendants from practicing since childhood, and it is impossible for her to engage in scientific research.

Ten thousand steps back and said, if Han Bingyun is a descendant of a living ghost, she would definitely be able to learn the magic of the immortality of the soul.

Her soul must be very strong, and there will be no problem with strengthening based on it, and she will not have the urge to eat human flesh and drink human blood many times.

Neither will cooperate with the gene-enhanced person to retaliate against Zhang Bin, because she can easily kill Zhang Bin as long as she lets the living ghost out.

Then he can join forces with Han Bingyun to subvert Netherworld together.

Unfortunately, Han Bingyun is really dead, and the body is rotten and smelly.

“Master, you should open the coffin to have a look, so that you can thoroughly verify whether the corpse inside is a cold ice cloud.” Tutu said in Zhang Bin’s mind.

“Can’t it be verified now? The coffin is still the same, and the tomb has not been destroyed. The corpse in the coffin can only be cold ice clouds. Could it be someone else?” Zhang Bin said in amazement, “Nothing. I need to open the coffin to see. I don’t want to see her decayed body again, and in my memory, she is still that stunning beauty.”

“If Han Bingyun really resurrected, would she put another corpse in the coffin to confuse you?”

Tutu Does she have to do this? “

Zhang Bin said in amazement.

“Of course it is necessary. She is worried that you will continue to hunt her down, because you know that she has become a genetically enhanced person. If you marry another genetically enhanced person and have children, you will give birth to many more terrifying genetically enhanced people. It may lead to the extinction of mankind. Only if you know that she is completely dead, you will not chase her.” Tutu sighed.


Zhang Bin himself sighed. If a year ago, he knew that Han Bingyun was not dead, he would definitely hunt her down, and even if it didn’t help, he would arrest her and imprison her.

He bit his teeth, using the ability to shoot objects in the air, and opened the coffin with a click.

A decomposed female corpse appeared before her eyes.

The clothes are rotten, the meat is rotten, and the bones are exposed.

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