The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm: 124. Brain Hole Scroll: The Day of Becoming a Child (Three in One), the fastest update to the latest chapter of [Quick Wear]!

Ye Junge has been with Ye Junjing for a lifetime. He has always been in love. Before he died, Ye Junge had a twin mark on the soul of his lover. The mark will carry their love. When they meet in the next life, even if they don’t have the original Memory, will love each other as before.

Of course, the form of expression is: love at first sight.

The twin mark is a contract of equality, but there is no absolute equality. The kind planted by Ye Junge has been modified by him. Ye Junjing’s Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng will be reincarnated according to which world he goes to. To which world. The original twin mark was the mark shared by mortals and beloved in Ye Junge’s original world, in order to achieve the legendary life together.

After death, Ye Junge returned to the system space, the space was still the same, and Ye Junge was too lazy to change the scene of 004, he just wanted to go to the next world to see his lover now.

[Ding! Jin. Jiang. Wen. Learning. Chengdu-Home First-Send Welcome to support the original version, the contribution value is settled below, please wait…]

[Ding! The host gets a total contribution value of 32,500, and the host can use the system store to consume points in exchange for other items]

“Open the mall.”

Ye Junge looked at the items in the mall and felt that there was nothing needed.

【Junjun, you can buy a place to put things, and the system database also needs to be activated with points. 】

“Then open a space, what is the database?”

[Database is something that you can query all information at any time, but the newly opened first-level database can only check the information of your world, and the query is relatively vague, and the information provided is not too detailed. Jin. Jiang, Wen, Xue, Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support the genuine opening of the database, you can use points to upgrade, the secondary database can at any time inquire about the relevant information of the world that has been experienced, and can be classified inquiries, information More elaborate. The three-level database can inquire about Jin, Jiang, Wen, Xue, cities in all worlds at any time, with complete data and very comprehensive. 】

It seems to be a good thing.

Ye Junge nodded calmly: “Open it.”

[Ding! The portable space has been opened, and the consumption contribution value is 3000. The system database LV1 has been opened and the consumption contribution value is 5000. Do you want to upgrade the database? Upgrade consumption contribution value 10000]

“Not to be upgraded for the time being.” Ye Junge refused, and then clicked on the physical enhancement in the system store. This page includes some strange and strange ability enhancements, such as charm value, affinity, and so on. You should compare the tasks It’s useful, anyway, the contribution value is so profitable, and it looks like Jin Jiang, Wen, Xue, Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support the genuine. These abilities can also be brought to his original world, so it is better to exchange these points, so as not to One day the system is gone, and the others will be gone.

Ye Junge looked at his panel.

Charm value: 90 (+)

Affinity: 30 (+)

Credibility: 45 (+)

Commander power: 80 (+)

Softness: 65 (+)

Resilience: 30 (+)

Stability: 100

Lucky value: 50 (+)

For a bunch of weird abilities, the upper limit is 100. Clicking on the small plus sign at the back will add one point. Except for the lucky value, which consumes one thousand contribution points, all others consume one hundred.

Ye Junge has 24,500 contribution points left, which is exchanged for 5 lucky points. In addition to the charm value, the commanding power, and the calmness that has been full, the other Jin. Jiang. Wen. Learning. Chengdu-home first-welcome to come Supporting genuine attributes were exchanged for 25 points, spent 15,000 contribution points, and only 9500 were left. This is still 004 reminding him that maybe the next world may suddenly need some special items, which can be kept for purchase.

Ye Junge thought about it, anyway, according to the meaning of 004, the next world will not be difficult, and these attributes can be used slowly later.

“What the **** is softness?”

004 coughed with a guilty conscience: [It is… the sensitivity, flexibility and resilience of the body when Jin Jiang Wen was studying in the city…]

The pitted Ye Junge:…

Looking at the softness of 90, Ye Junge just wanted to haha.

“So why is my softness at 65 in the first place?” His original body couldn’t be so high.

004 is even more guilty: [Because…this is the newbie package I gave you…]

“Lying.” Ye Junge sneered.

[…QWQ I confess! The newbie gift package is actually another Jin, Jiang, Wen, Xue, city, but I privately changed it to 50 points of softness, 嘤嘤嘤I was wrong, Junjun, don’t be angry! Do you think 50 points of softness are also five thousand contribution points anyway! More valuable than the novice gift pack! How nice I am to you! 】

Ye Junge thought of his chrysanthemum, which could not be used seven times a night, haha, is it now ten times a night?

I used mind-reading 004 to make a deadly opening: [In fact, the more the softness goes, the more effective it is. The 90-point softness is not only ten times a night, but 20 times a night! 】

Then I was shot flying by Ye Junge.

=Ship=So uncomfortable, I want to kill.

Jin Jiang Wenxuecheng obediently hid, leaving only the sound to continue.

[Junjun, do you want to enter the next world? Didn’t you imprint Ye Junjing? Don’t you want to see his reincarnation soon? 】

Ye Junge smiled coldly and let it go for a while: “Enter the next world.”

[Ding! Automatic selection of task world, world level range: E level, please wait…]

[Ding! E-class world has been selected, type: Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. City, difficulty: E. 】

[Ding! Transmission deduction contribution value 1000, the current remaining contribution value: 8500]

[Ding! Start transmitting…10,9,8…3,2,1. The transfer is complete, I wish you a good time! 】

Ye Junge opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling. This is a spacious and simple room with a simple and capable layout, and it looks very comfortable.

[Ding! The plot and character memories have been delivered, please receive them in time! 】

This time is a youthful campus romance. The heroine Yan Xiaoxiao was originally the only daughter of the Yan family, the richest man in the world. When she was four years old, she was lost for some reason. Later, the Yan family adopted a girl and took her daughter’s The name was given to her in order to express the thoughts of her biological daughter. This Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Du-First Family-sent a welcome to support the original version and later the vicious female No. 2 Yan Xiaoxiao. That’s right, the hostess should have been called Yan Xiaoxiao, but because the hostess was young and slurred back then, the aunt of the orphanage didn’t make it clear when she asked her what her name was. The aunt heard Yan Xiaoxiao.

The situation of the hostess in the orphanage is not very good, because the orphanage is very poor, and after the hostess came, he did not receive many friendly eyes. After all, one more child would cost more. Because of poverty, few people came to the orphanage, and the hostess stayed until she was eight years old. When he was eight years old, the orphanage ushered in the Yan family’s capital injection. Yan’s parents heard that someone had lost their children and found them in the orphanage. Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support the original version. Thinking of my daughter, I decided to invest money in all orphanages across the country. Even if I can’t get my daughter back, I won’t let her live too hard.

Don’t ask why the Yan family can invest money in all the orphanages every year without going bankrupt. It can only be said that novels are not very reliable.

After that, the children in the orphanage gradually got better, and the hostess was very grateful to the Yan family. But at that time, Jin Jiang Wenxuecheng had already started to remember things, so he was not adopted until almost adulthood. But the heroine has always worked hard, and even admitted to the prestigious aristocratic college with her excellent grades, exempting all tuition fees.

The story begins here.

Yan Xiaoxiao and Yan Xiaoxiao, two princes known as twins on campus, are in the same class.

Yan Xiaoxiao is arrogant and bright, but she is more careful. Everyone who has sinned against her will be severely taught by her supporters and classmates. In severe cases, the other party can’t stay in school and voluntarily withdraw from school, but she belongs to the Yan family. Miss, no one dares to oppose her. Except for the male protagonist Wang Minyu, one of the two princes, Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. Cheng Du-First Family-welcome to support the original as a school hegemon, how can the male protagonist succumb to the mere female partner? The male protagonist is dismissive of the female lead, and it is this maverick attitude that makes the female partner look at the male lead instead, not to mention all kinds of de-identification, but also to correct any girl who shows good to the male lead. It was so miserable that no one would dare to miss the hero.

When the heroine came to school for the first time, she happened to encounter the heroine bullying her classmates, and went up to speak up, but she offended the heroine. Jin Jiang Wenxuecheng was not afraid of power and disputes with the heroine. I saw that the male protagonist became interested in the female protagonist, but most still felt that this woman was stupid and not afraid of death.

The boy’s little interest in the female lead was discovered by the female partner. From then on, the new hatred and the old hatred made the two more similar, and also made the male lead more interested in the female lead. Later, the two gradually became attracted to each other. , Became a couple that everyone envied. The heroine was also escorted by the Jinjiang Wenxuecheng city and stayed with her.

From the time when the male and female protagonists met to fall in love, the female protagonist will of course experience such as the male protagonist’s mother throwing cheques, the female partner’s various framing, and the gentle male partner’s silent protection of Jin Jiang Wen Xue. Cheng Du- The family first-issued welcome to support the original, until the heroine was recognized by the Yan family, the identity of the female partner’s adopted daughter was exposed, and the Yan family could no longer tolerate Yan Xiaoxiao, who persecuted their biological daughter. The female partner was not only sinned. Ren Nong was ruined and died tragically in the red light district. There is no resistance between the male and female lords, and the HE of the United States and the United States.

Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng played by Ye Junge is the other of the twins on campus, and is also the second male. A rich man with a cool appearance and gentle heart, his family background is similar to that of the male lead.

The original protagonist was named Song Ke. In the original work, the heroine helped the heroine when she was miserably trimmed by the heroine. Later, she was gradually moved by the heroine’s frankness and strength, and fell in love with this optimistic girl. After the male protagonist was with the female protagonist, he was jealous of the female protagonist’s special treatment of Song Ke, and secretly dealt with Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. Cheng Du-First Home-Welcome to support the genuine Song family enterprise. Fortunately, the Song family will soon When the heroine was unable to support it, the heroine was recognized back to the Yan family. With the heroine’s gang leader, the Song family not only did not go bankrupt, but grew stronger and stronger, making it a lucky male partner.

When Ye Junge woke up, the plot happened to be on the day when the heroine and the male partner met. Ye Junge sorted out the memory and plot, Jin Jiang Wenxuecheng roughly planned the future arrangements, and then got up to take care of himself. He is not going to change the first encounter between the two.

[Ding! It was discovered that the side quest “Strategic Yan Xiaoxiao” made Yan Xiaoxiao’s favorability reach 100. Will you accept it? 004 suddenly said, Ye Junge accepted the task, and at the same time heard someone arguing not far away.

“Yan Xiaoxiao, what do you really think you are! Don’t look at your poor, how can you compare with us?” Yan Xiaoxiao’s attendant No. 1 Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Duo -First of my family-Welcome to support the original version. Looking at the heroine with disdain, Yan Xiaoxiao stood a little behind her, surrounded by a group of girls, her high chin looked very mean.

“You!” Yan Xiao laughed unclearly, just about to refute, another follower jumped out and mocked: “It’s so blind that you have a name that resembles Xiaoxiao, I see, you are a joke! No wonder it is laughing.”

Yan Xiaoxiao is completely angry. She only has this name left to her by her parents in the memory, and she is absolutely forbidden to insult her Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng.

Ye Junge watched the play for a while, then returned to his expressionless expression, and walked over to hold the Yan Xiao who was about to get angry.

“Didn’t you ask me to tell you the topic? Why are you still chatting with others here? Hurry up, I won’t have time to talk after class later.” Ye Junge said lightly and glanced at it. Yan Xiaoxiao, with a bad complexion, took the person and left.

Yan Xiaoxiao was taken away before he could react. When Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng recovered, he heard this classmate who had always been cold and cold say to him: “Leave away from them in the future. Well, temper your temper. The students here are basically rich second-generation students. You can’t afford to provoke them.”

Yan Xiaoxiao was not convinced. Originally, she was unhappy when she was interrupted. This person actually made her swallow. She wanted to say something, and Ye Junge said again: “What? Do you think what I said is wrong? Do you think Over time, Jin Jiang. Wen. Learning. Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support the original version. You are happy to be against them. What if they are so embarrassed and angry to deal with the orphanage? In order to bring up their own place, you Excuse me?”

Yan Xiaoxiao was speechless. She found that Ye Junge was right. She was just looking for death by doing so. She was just a little orphan. Even if Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng found her biological parents, she might not be able to do it. How about that group of people, no background, no money, nothing, she didn’t deserve to be so crazy.

“Thank you.” Yan Xiaoxiao thanked her hoarsely, and ran away in shame.

[Ding! Yan Xiaoxiao’s favorability degree +25, the current favorability degree is 25]

So this is what Ye Junge finds strange. In the original work, Yan Xiaoxiao never thought about dealing with the orphanage, nor did he think about using the orphanage to threaten Yan Xiaoxiao and Wang Minyu to separate Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Du- First-timers-welcome to support the genuine, is this because Yan Xiaoxiao is too stupid or is she too upright to use this method? However, someone like Yan Xiaoxiao is probably not linked to integrity.

Ye Junge slowly came to his class, just stepping in on the bell, and throughout the day, he could feel the hostess’s eyes from time to time, and he took it back when school was over.

It didn’t take long for Ye Junge to leave Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng and was stopped by two girls. Others looked at him and thought it was a conversation. They either left uninterested or watched with interest.

“Thank you for coming with us, Xiaoxiao wants to see you.” The girl was originally impatient, but when she saw Ye Junge’s appearance, she recognized that this was one of the twins on campus, and her attitude immediately improved. After all, Yan Xiaoxiao has a good family background. Don’t be afraid of the Song family, they don’t have such courage in class.

Ye Junge nodded and asked them to lead the way. This meeting happened to be able to complete some of the content planned in the future.

Obviously, Yan Xiaoxiao didn’t put Ye Junge or Song Ke too much in her eyes. She originally felt that with her family background and beauty, no matter which man she wanted, she would definitely be able to catch it. Put her in the eye, one ignores her. Jin. Jiang. Wen. Learning. Cheng Du-Home First-It doesn’t matter if you come to support the original. Of course, the man she likes is the better the personality, so what is Song Ke? She was not considerate or gentle, she was cold all day long, and now she still dared to protect the woman she was going to deal with. If she didn’t tidy up her meal, she thought she didn’t dare to touch him.

Ye Jun looked at Yan Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on a bench with a chin and scorned herself. He stood in front of her. It was obvious that she was looking down on her, but he seemed to be looking down on her, arrogant. She looks like a real queen fan.

Unfortunately, it is a fake. Ye Junge thought maliciously.

“Song Ke, are you trying to fight me?” Yan Xiaoxiao looked at him disdainfully.

Ye Junge glanced at her casually: “Do you think I should be afraid of you?”

Yan Xiaoxiao frowned: “Your Song family is only in Jinjiang Wenxuecheng. Why do you think you can treat me with this attitude?” Do you think you are Wang Minyu? ?

Thinking of her prince charming, Yan Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but blush. The next second she saw Ye Junge’s dead face, and she felt bad again.

“Why?” Ye Junge stepped forward and pressed down and stared at her, seeing that she leaned back uncomfortably, lowered her head to her ear, and said softly: “Just because you are not strict at all. Family’s daughter.”

Yan Xiaoxiao hurriedly pushed away from Jinjiang Wenxuecheng, sternly and sternly scolded: “You are talking nonsense! How could I not…” After speaking, she didn’t dare to say it again for fear that some girls around him would hear it.

Yan Xiaoxiao has a guilty conscience. She had never suspected that she was an adopted daughter. She always thought that she was the proudest little princess. At the age of 12, she sneaked into a room that her parents had never allowed her to enter. ..

It can be clearly seen that this is a little girl’s bedroom. The oversized room is filled with pink dolls and all kinds of gadgets. Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome Supporting genuine products is devoted to the love of the elders for their daughters. But in Yan Xiaoxiao’s memory, he had never lived in this room. Obviously, this was another girl’s room.

The room was spotless, and the most senior maid in the family came to clean it every day. Other Jinjiang, Wen, Xue, and other cities were not allowed to enter. There were many new toys inside, although no one lived. But nothing is missing.

Such love makes Yan Xiaoxiao jealous, so why, as the only little princess in the Yan family, doesn’t have this treatment? Her parents are kind to her, but for the sake of Jin Jiang, Wen, Xue, Cheng Du-Family First-Welcome to support the original version, she will also neglect her, but she will definitely go to that room for an hour when she comes home every day. She originally thought It is a study room where confidential documents are placed. Needless to say, the servants, the young servants respect her very much, the older servants will only regulate her with the etiquette of the family lady, but respectful but not kind at all, they will frown a little if she does the wrong etiquette Correct her mercilessly. Although Grandpa Butler was very kind to her, he was also like a routine. When she went to visit other young ladies’ houses, she found that other people’s butlers, uncles and Grandpa butlers, all regarded her as the head of the family. -Welcome to support the genuine, why did it change here? In the past, she deceived herself and thought that the Yan family was too rich, so grandpa the housekeeper did not dare to go beyond, but she knew it was not. The housekeeper looked like a kind elder in front of her parents, and only herself was different.

Now she knows why.

No wonder they treat her like this, no wonder their parents only give her money, think of it to tease her, think of it as if there is no one, no wonder that room does not let you in, no wonder…

She finally knew who the picture of the **** the big wall in the room was. It was her parents’ biological daughter!

Yan Xiaoxiao had guessed in her heart that she might be Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng, but she would not believe it, preferring to think that she was because of a twin sister who died, or her parents had died before she was born. Daughter, not herself is the Yan family’s fake lady!

Because of this kind of speculation, Yan Xiaoxiao has always been a little inferior. She can only cover her lack of self-confidence with a proud mask and arrogant temperament, and then she becomes this Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Duo. -Home First-Welcome to support the genuine temperament. All the people who didn’t follow her, she felt that it was because they looked down on them, so she had to use extreme means to deal with them, so that no one would dare to disobey her.

Why did she deal with Yan Xiaoxiao? Of course it is not as simple as the obvious reasons, who made Yan Xiaoxiao so similar to her name! And it looks a bit like the picture of that girl.

Ye Junge held Jinjiang Wenxuecheng leisurely, watching her face change from blue to purple, her expression getting more and more ugly, and he guessed it. He had long felt that Yan Xiaoxiao’s arrogance was not really arrogant, but to cover up inferiority. After a test of words, she found that she really knew that she was Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support the genuine , And I’m afraid I’ve been in the Yan family and I’m not very satisfied, so I just need to find an opportunity to disclose the news of the hostess to the two Yan family.

Ye Junge no longer paid attention to Yan Xiaoxiao who was immersed in his thoughts, and went home directly with his bag. Yan Xiaoxiao was unaware of everything in the outside world, so naturally he did not stop him. Seeing that Yan Xiaoxiao hadn’t said that he was not self-assertive, the other attendants went very smoothly.

“What’s wrong with Xiaoxiao?” Girl A asked Yan Xiaoxiao who was in a daze.

Girl B shook her head: “I don’t know what Song Ke said to her, her face is so ugly.”

Girl C smiled happily: “Who told her to teach Song Ke a lesson or look at her like that? What else can she do besides having money in the family? It depends on Jin Jiang Wen. If you don’t put Song Ke in the eyes of the city, she deserves it too.”

The other girls glanced at each other and didn’t answer. They didn’t dare to speak ill of Yan Xiaoxiao.

Yan Xiaoxiao cleaned up and stood up and looked at them. She didn’t say anything, but she remembered what Girl C said. She planned to find a time for someone to clean her up. Don’t think she didn’t hear her. what!

There hasn’t been anything else in the past few days. It’s just watching the relationship between the male and female protagonists get better and better, and the female partners have all kinds of deaths, just like staged a Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng.

On this day when Ye Junge came home, the old butler, uncharacteristically, was already waiting at the entrance of the manor.

Yes, the manor.

Although Song Ke’s family is not the richest man in the world, it is the richest man in country Y. His ancestors were married to the royal family and aristocrats of country Y. His family has a prominent family background. There is a very large Jin Jiang Wen. Chengdu-First Home-Welcome to support the original version. Of course, there is also a big castle in China, just inside this very huge manor. This manor is a big exaggeration, there is even a forest inside, but it is better to say that it is a huge forest.

This unscientific novel world is full of various unscientific existences and so on. Ye Junge said that he has adapted well.

Now, the butler is standing at the door to greet him, bends down and salutes respectfully, and then asks him to park and take a look at the very expensive Jin Jiang Wenxue city-the distance from the entrance of the manor to the castle It’s far enough to be picked up by car.

Ye Junge twitched his mouth and told himself to calm down. He hadn’t seen anything in the world of cultivating immortals, although he wanted to fly directly into the castle in a small scale.

To be honest, the castle is a bit like a maze. At least Ye Junge almost lost his way after accepting the memory of the original owner. He just didn’t know if the person who designed the castle had any evil intentions.

The car drove at high speed for ten minutes, and then stopped in front of a quaint and solemn castle. A young man who had never seen it walked over quickly, opened the door and carefully waited for Ye Junge to get off.

“Are you?” Ye Junge stood lightly beside him and looked at this face-to-face Jin Jiang Wen Xuecheng, but he didn’t show it.

The touch of the twin mark told him that this was the reincarnation of his family’s old attacker.

The man is tall and sturdy, with a well-cut butler’s suit worn on his body to make his figure more visible. The handsome look and the gentle smile of the spring breeze make people feel good at first sight. Jin Jiang. Wen. Xue. Chengdu. -Home-first-Welcome to support the original version, but Ye Junge’s focus is on his figure. The man looks healthy, his white shirt is close to his body, and the shape of his abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen.

Well, the future of sexual happiness has fallen.

Ye Junge calmly thought about harmony.

The man smiled and bowed to salute, stretched out his hand in front of Ye Junge, and when he put his hand up, he softly bowed his head and kissed, and said in a pious tone: “Hello my master, I am yours The new housekeeper, Mo Sheng.”

A shallow kiss made both of them a little touched. Mo Sheng’s heartbeat was fast, and the hand holding Ye Junge could not help but tighten tightly, a little reluctant to let go of Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng Du-Jia Shou -Sending a welcome to support the original, a voice told him: “It’s him! This is the person!” The satisfaction of finally finding the treasure, almost moved tears in his eyes.

Ye Junge looked at the hands held by the two, his white palms were circled by his lover’s big bronze hands, and the pleasing effect brought by the contrast of colors made him a little lost.

At this time, the old housekeeper came over with Ye Junge’s schoolbag, and the two quickly returned to their senses. Mo Sheng pretended to naturally let go of Ye Junge’s hand, leaving the red one held by Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng. Somewhat embarrassingly, he looked away.

“Master, this is Xiao Mo who came back from abroad. I will take care of you in the future.” The old housekeeper turned a blind eye to the strange atmosphere between the two.

“What about you? Are you going abroad to take care of your parents?” Ye Junge asked.

The old housekeeper’s tone was a little guilty: “No, my young master, I’m old, I’m afraid I can’t take care of the young master, and my son took me home to take care of me, so I sent a new housekeeper to take care of you.”

Ye Junge’s tone is a bit sad: “Then you should rest well and take care of yourself after you go back. I have housekeeper Mo here, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“Yes, young master, please take care.” The old butler bowed, handed the bag to Mo Sheng, watched the two enter the castle, and then got in the car and left. His luggage was already there before. Taken away by his son.

Ye Junge walked inside and followed Mo Sheng’s words. He knew more about his lover. Although he could check it from the database, he still wanted to hear his lover tell him: “I thought I would change the housekeeper. Come to a grade-old one.”

Mo Sheng didn’t mind his idioms at all, but rather willingly offered his message: “I asked myself to return to China to take care of the young master.” In fact, he had a sudden hunch these days, Jin Jiang Wen. .Learning. Cheng Du-Home First-Welcome to support genuine If you do not return to your country, you will miss the most important treasure in your life. This premonition is inexplicable, but extremely strong.

Mo Sheng looked at his master nervously when he finished speaking, for fear that he might misunderstand what bad intentions he had made.

Ye Junge smiled with satisfaction. It seems that the imprint has worked: “I’m glad you are willing to come and live with me.” Ye Junge turned his head and looked at him calmly, the gentleness in his eyes seemed to drown people.

Mo Sheng’s heart jumped, suppressing the urge to circle people into his arms, and smiled in response: “This is my honor.”

Ye Junge returned to the bedroom on the second floor. The light in the castle was actually not very good. Although the genius wiped the black, it was still a little dark when the curtains were opened. It was better after turning on the light.

Ye Junge took a bath, leaning against the floor-to-ceiling windows, slowly sipping red wine, and admiring Mo Sheng in the garden downstairs who was bent over and carefully picked flowers.

It was originally a silly action, but the man has a special sense of beauty when he does it. The action of carefully plucking looks pleasing to the eye. Ye Junge stared at the man’s waist fiercely, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work.

It seemed that he was aware of Ye Junge’s sight, and Mo Sheng straightened up and looked up in his direction, with Ye Junge’s eyes facing each other.

Mo Sheng’s heart beats a bit faster, especially when Ye Junge saw his confusing smile when he raised his head, making him blood flow down, feeling the reaction of his body, and Mo Sheng looked away in embarrassment.

Ye Junge smiled more happily, his eyebrows were bent, not the least cold in the usual days, he drank the red wine in the goblet, and when he looked at it, the man was gone. Looking at the deserted garden with a little regret, he turned around and closed the curtains and walked to the soft bed.

“Are there any tasks?” Ye Junge went to school these days except for watching theaters. It was boring. His plan had to wait for the heroine and the heroine to establish a relationship before implementing.

[Ding! A random mission “Love token” is found. Please give Mo Sheng a private item of you. Will you accept it? 】

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