The Magical Blacksmith Chapter 45: Jiaolong Risotto

   Picking up a daughter-in-law was just a joke. Zhang Ye found that the girl who had fallen from the sky had no cultivation base, and she seemed to be seriously injured with a weak aura, so she picked her up and ran into Lingtai Town.

  In the blacksmith’s shop, the girl was lying quietly on the bed. She looked fifteen or sixteen years old, with icy muscles and bones, and she looked like a world-renowned face.

   Zhang Ye watched this scene, holding the pill hesitated.

The shopkeeper of the    medicine shop passed the pulse to the girl, saying that it was not a major problem, but it hurt her vitality, so she prescribed a few vitality pills for Zhang Ye to take care of her.

   It’s just that the shopkeeper has repeatedly told that the medicine that the monk eats is too strong for mortals and needs to be transformed into a pill and swallowed. In addition, if the girl can’t drink the medicine by herself, it’s best to feed the medicine from mouth to mouth by the monk to control the potion. The direction of the flow, otherwise the lungs will accumulate water, which is especially dangerous for the comatose mortal.

   Zhang Ye held the pill and didn’t start, just to see if the girl could wake up and drink the medicine by herself, but waited and waited, she showed no signs of waking up.

   “Hey, the doctor’s parents are so happy!” Zhang Ye wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, brought a bowl, and melted the pill.

   With a mouthful of warmth, Zhang Ye’s heart is rippling, fucking, Xiaoye’s first kiss. But he still remembered the importance of saving people and guided the girl to slowly swallow the potion.

   After taking a few bites, the girl suddenly opened her eyes and met Zhang Ye.

  咚咚, Zhang Ye swallowed the potion. As a cultivator, he choked himself and coughed red, but he quickly explained: “Girl, I found you fainted on the side of the road, so I took you. Come back, this was just feeding you…”

   Before Zhang Ye had finished speaking, the girl sat up and interrupted Zhang Ye’s words: “I have endured you for a long time!”

   Zhang Ye thought he was going to be beaten, and quickly protected his self-confident face, never thinking that the girl just grabbed the medicine bowl, took a sip of the potion, and threw Zhang Ye onto the bed.

   Before Zhang Ye could react, a cherry mouth came over fiercely, Xiang Tong pried open Zhang Ye’s mouth, and poured a big mouthful of potion…

   The girl finished feeding the potion, stood up coolly, wiped the stain on the corner of her mouth, and said bitterly: “Let you feed me such a bitter medicine, it’s even!”

  What the hell? Zhang Ye was shocked by the girl’s sturdiness.

   “Hey, where is this?” After the girl bullied Zhang Ye, she looked around, full of curiosity.

   “This is my home.” Zhang Ye came back to his senses, paused, and asked, “What is your name, where do you live, and I will take you back.”

   The girl frowned, as if thinking about something: “Hey, who am I? Where do I live, why don’t I remember anything…”

  The girl patted her forehead, and suddenly stared at Zhang Ye fiercely: “You, tell me, who am I?”

   Zhang Ye looked awkward, I know who you are and still ask you.

   Zhang Ye thought that this girl had lost her memory, she immediately became guilty, and tentatively said: “You are my maid named Shunliu, don’t you know?”

  The girl gave Zhang Ye a white look: “I am amnesia, and I am not stupid. You clearly said that I was dizzy on the side of the road.”

   Zhang Yesheng has nothing to love, and points to the door: “You are good, you are good, you are good, now that you are all right, hurry up and get out.”

   The girl akimbo her hips, and angrily said: “I am amnesia, so you can put me on the street with confidence, people are so cute, what if I get taken away by bad guys?”

   “Then what do you want?” Zhang Ye felt that something was going on.

   “I will live here before the memory is restored.” After the girl finished speaking, she lay on the bed with enjoyment, “This room will belong to me.”

   Zhang Ye took the girl and dragged it outside: “It’s kind of good to save your life, so I dare to rob my house, do you know how expensive the house price is now?”

The    girl struggled for a while, and had no strength to fight back: “I found you, so I don’t have pity for Xiangxiyu at all? It’s a big deal, I’ll allow you to sleep with me.”

   “I’ll grant you uncle!” Zhang Ye opened the back door and threw the girl out, “I grant you permission to sleep on the street.”

   After finishing talking, Zhang Ye thought for a while, took out a few spiritual stones and threw them to her: “Go to the inn by yourself.”

   The girl was holding a few pieces of spiritual stones, she was about to close the door when she saw Zhang Ye, her eyes rolled, and she cried loudly: “Woo, you have no conscience, you just ruined someone, so you’re going to chase me away. Go, I still have yours in my stomach…”

   “Fuck!” Zhang Ye saw the neighbors all approached and pulled the girl back into the house.

   The girl entered the house and smiled triumphantly: “Well, have you decided to serve this lady well, right?”

   Zhang Ye gritted his teeth: “Miss? Do your spring and autumn daydreams!” Zhang Ye put the broom on the side into the girl’s hand, “From today, you are a maid. You don’t work, you don’t give you food, no Give you water!”

   “I protest!” The girl was indignant and threw the **** on the ground.

  ”If you love to do it, get out of here as soon as possible!” Zhang Ye was too lazy to pay attention, and walked to the forge, “In addition, from now on, your name is Xiaoen.”

  The girl is akimbo, her face is bulging, Xiaoen, what an unqualified name!

   Zhang Ye opened the door for business, but it was actually delayed for a long time. Several Jindan cultivators wandering nearby saw this and immediately jumped in: “Boss Zhang, didn’t you say that you don’t want your child to open until the full moon? Hurry?”

   Which pot does not open or mention which pot, Zhang Ye’s face is dark: “I am in a bad mood today, should you come back another day?”

   “Don’t, boss Zhang, can’t I be wrong if I am wrong.” Who can parry Zhang Ye’s mood weapon? The monks quickly pleased, and took out attractive spirit stones.

   Not much time, there was clinking iron in the forge, and the girl pretended to sweep the floor with a broom, and walked into the shop with curiosity.

   The monks looked at the girl, although they did not dare to speak, their spiritual thoughts were violently intertwined.

  ”Who is this girl? Han Ling’er is always helping in the forge?”

   “You all remember that Boss Zhang said that the children will be open again after the full moon. Wouldn’t this be Boss Zhang’s child?” A monk had a big brain and made such a guess.

   “It makes no sense, whose child grows up so fast?”

  ”Strictly speaking, this is called Xidangda, so Boss Zhang is in a bad mood!”

   “That’s it, I mean everything looks green…”

   The monks looked at Zhang Ye with pity.

   Before Zhang Ye had forged a sword, suddenly a voice rang like a silver bell: “Haha, it turned out to be an iron striker, what do you pull!”

   The girl slammed the broom on the ground, her head held high.

   The monks took a deep breath, fucking, they deserved to be Boss Zhang’s daughter. They dare to say that Zhang Ye is an iron man, bullshit!

   Zhang Ye’s face was a little twitched, and he walked to the front desk with a sword and gritted his teeth. When the monks saw this, they hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: “Boss Zhang calms down. The child is still young and naive. He will kiss him when he develops feelings.

  ”Speaking of which, the daughter is really handsome, how can I be willing to fight…”

   “Child?” Zhang Ye understood, with a sullen expression, “I am so young and handsome, how can I not be a father and daughter, okay?”

   The monks are startled, isn’t it Boss Zhang’s child? So it’s a wife. The girl looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. She’s still a mortal. Boss Zhang is a beast. You can do it all?

   Zhang Ye saw the monks’ weird gazes, and knew that they wanted to get crooked again, and immediately shouted: “She is the maid I picked up. Her name is Xiaoen. She has amnesia. Do you know her? Give it to me. Take away.”

   The monks looked at each other and looked at the girl. They seemed to be familiar, but they didn’t know each other. The Jindan monks said, “Boss Zhang, we will help to find out later to see if anyone has lost the population.” /

   Zhang Ye nodded, he had to send this guy away quickly, it was too annoying.

   Immediately, Zhang Ye said to the girl: “Xiaoen, no matter what I do, remember your identity, you are a maid, and if I dare to come here to disturb me in the future, I will hang you up and beat you!” /

   “Cut…” The girl was noncommittal about Zhang Ye’s threat, but she still raised her broom and walked toward the backyard with her head upright.

   The monks secretly gave a thumbs up, finally someone dared to confront Zhang Ye.

   Zhang Ye was about to forge the sword. Just when he walked to the stove, Xiao En folded back again: “Zhang Ye!” After listening to the monks’ discussion, she knew Zhang Ye’s name.

  ”I…I…” Zhang Ye hated being disturbed when he was forging a sword. He was so angry that he almost smashed his hand with a hammer. “Didn’t you tell you not to bother me?”

   “I’m hungry!” Xiao En said angrily.

   As a foundation-building monk, Zhang Ye has been able to bigu. It’s okay if he doesn’t eat for several days, but Xiaoen is a mortal and needs to eat. Zhang Ye endures his anger and said, “There’s firewood in the kitchen and rice in the jar. Go by yourself. Do it.”

   Xiaoen has a cute face: “But I won’t.”

   “You…” Zhang Ye was so angry that he scratched his hair a few times, “Wait for me!”

   Zhang Ye finished forging the sword on his hand and handed it to the monk: “It’s closed today~ Although the monks have gone twice, they dare not say anything. Zhang Ye is going to close the door and hang on to the maid. One after another persuaded: “Boss Zhang, the kids are not sensible, they talk but don’t use their hands…”

   But Zhang Ye’s face was dark, he closed the door, and then walked towards Xiao En viciously.

   Zhang Ye gets fierce, Xiao En is still a little scared: “You…what do you want to do?”

   “What do you do?” Zhang Ye asked in a spirited voice, “It doesn’t depend on what you want to eat?”

   Don’t look at Zhang Ye’s ferocious and unkindness. In fact, his nature is not bad. Xiaoen is a mortal and will die if he doesn’t eat. Since she is taken in, she naturally has to take this responsibility and support her from the backyard. The corpse pangolin can tell Zhang Ye’s character.

  Huh? Xiaoen understood what Zhang Ye meant, smiled sweetly, thought for a while and said: “I want to eat Jiaolong risotto.”

   Zhang Ye was stunned for a moment, and felt that it was a mistake to ask Xiaoen, so he went straight into the kitchen and started a fire to cook.

   In addition to being able to forge, Zhang Ye is most confident in cooking. He has lived in the mortal world for ten years. Just entering the foundation-building period, I rarely cook by myself. After all, it’s not interesting to eat alone.

  Not long, three dishes and one soup are served. The ingredients of the spirit world are much higher than those of the ordinary world, and the fragrance is tangy, which makes the mouth full of energy.

   Xiaoen swallowed, but stubbornly said: “Zhang Ye, I just want to eat Jiaolong risotto.”

   “I love to eat or not!” Zhang Ye received a bowl of rice, and he started to plan it out. Xiaoen couldn’t hold back it, and sat down at the table, eating with chopsticks and chopsticks, regardless of her size. , I did three bowls of rice, it seems that I was really hungry.

   “Don’t you just want to eat some dragon risotto?” Zhang Ye laughed when he saw this.

   “Isn’t this giving you face…” Xiao En ate vaguely.

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