The Magical Blacksmith Chapter 426: Riding a tiger is hard to get off

Zhang Ye has integrated the forging skills of the eight forging tribes in the monster world, and has a deeper understanding of the creation artifacts, but he did not immediately go to other universes to continue absorbing forging skills, but searched for Murong Hongzhuang in the monster world .

If there is something close to Murong Hongzhuang, perhaps Zhang Ye didn’t have to work so hard, but he has experienced life and death many times in the Xuanhuang Universe, and many things have long since disappeared, so there is nothing to do with the current Murong Hongzhuang.

Of course, Zhang Ye also spent a lot of money to ask those well-informed people to help inquire, it is better than searching alone.

On this day, a person known for news approached Zhang Ye and said that there was news about Murong Hongzhuang.

“Master Zhang, we finally found the Murong Hongzhuang you want to find.” The contact person paused and continued, “It turns out that Murong Hongzhuang has changed his name to Yi, but…”

Zhang Ye’s expression was shocked, and he said, “But it’s okay to say that compensation is not a problem!”

The contact person said: “It’s not a question of compensation. I think Mr. Zhang is also infatuated with that Murong Hongzhuang, but if you really see her, I’m afraid you will be disappointed!”

Zhang Ye’s heart was tense, and he handed the Chaos Lingbao that was offered as a reward to the contact person, and said: “Please keep talking.”

The contact person got the Chaos Lingbao, with a cunning eye in his eyes, and then he sighed: “Na Murong Hongzhuang, renamed Li Xiaorong, has been married to Sir Sirius as his wife, I persuade Master Zhang to give up.”

Zhang Ye was heartbroken, but he didn’t believe it was true: “Oh? Take me to see.”

The contact person said: “Master Zhang must think clearly, that that day, Lord Wolf Star, but one of the strongest demon generals under the Realm King, even if you want to compare with Lord Yinghuo Star, really want to pass?”

This contact person was just talking nonsense and deceived Zhang Ye to offer a reward. What if Zhang Ye was the late Emperor of the Immortal? Once he got in with Lord Wolf Star that day, there would be no time to control where the contact person went.

The contact person made this idea, saying that Tian Lang Xingjun’s wife was the Murong Hongzhuang Zhang Ye was looking for, and he did not refuse to hear that Zhang Ye was going to visit Sirius Monarch’s mansion.

“The younger one can only take the son to Sir Sirius’s mansion gate. Whether he can enter, or see Li Xiaorong, is not a small range of ability.” The contact person said.

Zhang Ye was in a state of confusion at the moment, without thinking about it, nodded, and followed the contact person to find Sirius’s mansion.

“Next Zhang Ye, please see Li Xiaorong.” Since Murong Hongzhuang’s alias is Li Xiaorong and married as her wife, Zhang Ye didn’t dare to disturb her life rashly, so he respectfully asked outside the door to pass it on.

The concierge saw that Zhang Ye was the immortal emperor’s later stage of cultivation, so he didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately reported to his wife.

The contact person is afraid that the matter will be revealed, so he bid farewell at this time: “Master Zhang, since the little one has been brought here, then don’t disturb you and the two will reunite for a long time.”

Zhang Ye nodded, and the contact person ran away.

Not long after, the concierge returned: “My wife said that she didn’t know you, please go back.”

Zhang Ye was stunned, thinking that Murong Hongzhuang would not see him. Apart from sorrow, but also a little angry, I just want to see Murong Hongzhuang, there is no other meaning, after all, she already has a new family, but now Murong Hongzhuang avoids seeing, so that Zhang Ye’s repeated patience gushes out.

“In this case, I’m offended!” Zhang Ye went straight forward and walked into Sir Sirius’s mansion gate. The gate house was shocked and wanted to stop it. Zhang Ye stretched out his hand and waved it back in the corner, unable to climb for a long time. stand up.

As soon as he entered the palace gate, a team of armored demon soldiers attacked Zhang Ye. Zhang Ye held a sword, and a few whirlpools beat these demon soldiers to pieces. Zhang Ye was mad and roared: “Li Xiaorong, come out and see me!”

Speaking of the day, Lord Wolf Star and his wife Li Xiaorong were in love with their concubines, tasting tea and admiring flowers. Suddenly they heard Zhang Ye’s voice, a little startled, and his subordinates reported: “Return to Mr. Xing, Madam, there’s a man named Zhang Ye. The people who broke into the Xingjun Mansion by force, threatened to see his wife!”

Mr Sirius looked dumbfounded: “Madam, do you know Zhang Ye?”

Li Xiaorong said: “I don’t know him.”

Sirius Junxin said, could it be that the lady who was looking for the little white face while I was away? This is all here!

Li Xiaorong was startled, how could he not see what Sir Sirius was thinking, he was furious, and grabbed Sir Sirius by the ears: “Fart your old lady!”

“I didn’t say anything!” Sir Sirius was cleaned up by his wife, holding a weapon, and preparing to go to Zhang Ye for a fight. Whether it was a little white face or other reasons, he came to the door, no Maybe it doesn’t matter.

“Dare to break into my Sirius Mansion and look for death!” Sirius Monarch waved his mace and hit Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye saw that the person came from the later stage of the immortal emperor’s cultivation. He already knew that this person was Sir Sirius, but when he saw Sir Sirius was dark and ugly, he felt grief and indignation for Murong Hongzhuang.

Zhang Ye’s heart moved a bit with real fire, and he chopped it away with all his strength.

Because Zhang Ye went mad, the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure in his hand was thrown out without money. That day, Lord Wolf Star was powerful and could not recruit so many Hongmeng Supreme Treasures. He was defeated in a moment and was restrained by Zhang Ye.

“The hero, please forgive me!” Sir Sirius was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, so he had to beg for mercy.

“Hey, just this ability, are you worthy of Li Xiaorong?” Zhang Ye cursed so Sir Sirius wants to cry without tears, who the **** can handle your style of play? .

At this time, a female voice sounded: “I don’t know why the little girl provokes you, so she bullied my husband like this?”

Zhang Ye looked back, a graceful woman was full of anger, Zhang Ye asked: “Who are you?”

“I am the Li Xiaorong you are looking for!” Li Xiaorong said angrily.

“You are not Li Xiaorong!” Zhang Ye scolded.

“She is Li Xiaorong.” Sir Sirius took a word next to him.


“Are you not Murong Hongzhuang?” Zhang Ye was a little more sober.

“I said, I’m Li Xiaorong!” Li Xiaorong gritted his teeth with anger. Does this man understand human words?

Just when Sirius Monarch’s Mansion was in a mess, it was said that Murong Hongzhuang was leading his hands to search for Zhang Ertai’s whereabouts. As everyone knows, Zhang Ertai returned to her real name after choosing the eight major families and went to find Murong Hongzhuang, so she There is no clue.

Flying in the air, his subordinates suddenly reported: “Look at Mr. Yinghuxing, Mr. Sirius seems to have been beaten.”

Murong Hongzhuang stared at it, almost unable to maintain the flight. The young man who was beating Sirius Sirius was exactly the same as Zhang Ye.

“Let’s go down and take a look!” Murong Hongzhuang finished giving orders, turning into a rainbow light, and fleeing towards Sirius Monarch Mansion.

Back to the present, Zhang Ye was a little hard to ride a tiger. He already understood that he might have misunderstood something, and that the contact person must have lied to himself.

Just as I didn’t know how to step down, a light flashed, and a woman in red came with a large group of armored demon soldiers.

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