The Magical Blacksmith Chapter 317: Follow the miracle

Later, Zhang Ye and Mr. General Secretary talked about the specific matters of the new department, and set the ruined Lingbao Division North Campus as the address of the new department. As for the name, Mr. General Secretary said that it doesn’t matter what the name is, and Zhang Ye is happy. .

Because the new department needs to operate independently, the issue of income distribution is particularly important. Zhang Ye suggested: “Lingbao Division belongs to the official department and does not have to pay taxes. Although the new department belongs to Lingbao Division, after all, it operates independently. Turn over the completed tax to Lingbao Division.”

The commercial tax rate of Nantianfu is 20% of the income. Zhang Ye did business under the banner of Lingbaosi, and it was impossible for him to do nothing, so he distributed profits to Lingbaosi in the name of tax.

Only when the agreement is made now, there will be no trouble in the future, otherwise the new department will be better, and Lingbaosi will be jealous and stretch out his dirty hands.

However, Mr. General Secretary didn’t seem to be optimistic about this new department, and said generously: “It’s not easy to set up a new department, so there is no need to distribute profits to Lingbao Division. I will explain this to Mr. Tianzun alone, it shouldn’t be a problem .”

Zhang Ye looks weird, you don’t want this, I hope you don’t regret it.

Since people don’t want the 20% income, Zhang Ye also likes to hear: “Thank you, Mr. General.”

In this way, the new department was finalized with the head of the head office, and the establishment can be started after the official document of Tianzun Mansion comes down.

Before this, the Director General did not order the cessation of layoffs. The people on the roster will become the first batch of employees of the new department. They will go or stay at that time, all of their volition.

Except for Zhang Ye, several directors gradually handed in the roster, but Zhang Ye didn’t move at all, so he still did what he was supposed to do.

The employees of Zhang Ye felt that the chief executive was good, and they dared to openly resist the orders of the chief executive.

The employees under other managers are a little envious, and the chief manager is a good manager for the sake of the grassroots.

As for the second director, he looked at the jokes completely. Of course, he didn’t know that Zhang Ye had discussed the new policy with Master Chief, and he thought that Zhang Ye was digging his own grave. If you disobey the command of the Chief Secretary, even the Chief Chief cannot afford the consequences.

Two more days later, the Chief Secretary reconvened the four chief directors.

The second chief looked at Zhang Ye with a cold eye. The deadline for the orders of the Chief Secretary has passed. This high-level meeting made it clear that the chief executive was going to have an operation.

The three and four chiefs kept shaking their heads. He thought that the chiefs were personal talents. He never thought that he would fight against the chiefs just before he took office and look for death.

After a while, Mr. General Secretary arrived late, holding three rosters in his hand. This is the list of layoffs handed in by the two, three, and four directors.

Master General instructed everyone to sit down, and then said: “Lingbao Division has reduced the staff and got the approval of Master General. The second, third, and fourth directors are indispensable!”

General Manager 234 bowed his hand and gave a humble voice. The second general manager gave Zhang Ye a sarcastically. Mr. General Secretary named the general manager 234 and praised him, but he didn’t mention the general manager. It seems that Zhang Ye’s end will be very different. It’s miserable!

Speaking of this, Mr. General Manager directly handed the three rosters to Zhang Ye, and the triumphant expression on the face of the Second General Manager suddenly froze. What did Zhang Ye do with the rosters who worked so hard to screen?

At this time, the head of the general secretary took out an official letter and handed it to Zhang Ye: “The proposal of the general manager has been highly praised by the Lord Tianzun. This is an official document of approval.”

The other three general managers worked hard to streamline their staff, and only got the approval of Lord Tianzun; and the proposal of the general manager was highly praised by Lord Tianzun, which was not a bit higher.

The second manager is particularly at a loss. Did he miss something? Hurriedly asked: “Dare to ask Master Chief, what proposal does Chief Chief have?”

Master Chief was stunned: “Didn’t the Chief General tell you?”

“No.” The second manager became more and more confused.

“I thought Master Chief would say.” Zhang Ye smiled harmlessly.

Master General Manager understood something, pondered for a moment, and directly announced: “That’s right, the layoffs of the Lingbao Division are imperative, but the general manager sympathizes with his subordinates and recommends the establishment of a new department to accept these layoffs and retain the establishment. However, Lingbao Division will no longer allocate funds to allow them to operate on their own and make themselves self-reliant…”

When the three and four directors heard this, they looked at Zhang Ye in amazement, thinking that the director would lose in this clash with perfection. Unexpectedly, the director had already taken action and accepted the layoffs with the new department. Very clever.

Why do you say that? Because the second manager worked hard and tried to weaken the chief manager’s power on the grounds of layoffs, the result was that after so long a hard work, they all made wedding dresses for the chief manager. With one more department under the chief executive, his influence will be much stronger.

Thinking of this, the third and fourth director pityingly glanced at the second director.

The second general has a hideous look. As the party concerned, he understands the relationship. No wonder the general manager was indifferent two days ago. It turned out that he played such a move.

The second director was really unwilling. Even if he wanted to set up a new department, why would he be assigned to the name of the chief director? The second director wanted to compete, but he suddenly calmed down again.

In the overall operation of Lingbao Division, the profit is not enough to be distributed. It splits into a department and still wants to be self-reliant? Isn’t this looking for death!

The second manager understood that the new department was actually a hot potato, so he didn’t worry anymore, but took a gloating look at Zhang Ye. His current thoughts are similar to those of the head of the head. Zhang Ye did this, just playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

The three or four directors realized afterwards and frowned slightly. The move played by the director seemed very clever at first, but in fact it was a faint move, or even a dead game.

As for Zhang Ye, is it possible to live the dead chessboard? With the knowledge and judgment of the managers, the possibility is almost zero.

The General Secretary routinely asked about the opinions of other directors. What else could the other directors say, pretending to be confused, and even touted Zhang Ye fiercely.

In order to show fairness, Mr. General asked if other directors wanted to join the new department. Everyone shook their heads like a rattle and refused to touch the hot potato.

“In this case, the affairs of the new department will be fully delegated to the general manager, and the meeting adjourned.” Mr. General Manager finally said.

When he came out of the hall of the general secretary, the second general called Zhang Ye: “General manager, there is something unclear below, I would like to ask the general manager for advice.”

Zhang Ye said: “But it doesn’t hurt to say.”

The second manager pretended to be confused: “I kept a batch of beans at home, but they were improperly stored and damp and sprouted. Should I throw them away?”

Zhang Ye understood that the second manager was talking about beans on the surface, but in fact he was talking about Lingbaosi’s problem. The laid-off employees were just beans that had sprouted. It was useless to satirize Zhang Ye with his hands.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: “Congratulations to the second manager, you can eat fried bean sprouts.”

The second manager was stunned, not reconciled: “I am old, I can’t be fried as bean sprouts.”

Zhang Ye smiled again: “Then plant it in the ground, and you will have new beans in the coming year.”

The second general can’t wait to slap himself in the face, why do you want to compare with beans, but he is difficult to ride a tiger, even more unwilling to let the wind fall, and said: “But then I don’t want to eat beans anymore?”

“Then grind it into tofu.”

“Was the tofu spoiled?” The second manager’s expression became more and more ferocious.

“Eat stinky tofu.” Zhang Ye laughed, ending the conversation, and strode away, leaving only the second manager standing on the spot with a blue face.

“Stubbornly, it depends on how you end up!” The second manager cursed bitterly.


In the Lingbao Division, the layoffs caused panic. Many people knew that they were on the roster in advance, and they were ashamed of their hearts. They waited for the ultimatum and left.

But somehow, a news broke that people who were on the roster were not laid off, but transferred to a new ministry.

Some people doubted, some were pleasantly surprised, the more news about the establishment of a new department, the later.

It turned out that those who were on the roster were to be fired, but the general manager was sympathetic to his subordinates and suggested setting up a new department. The new department started commerce and retained the immortal establishment, but it was unable to get the funds of the Lingbao Division, and the new department personnel were self-reliant.

Some people are optimistic and some are not optimistic, but those who are on the roster are still very grateful to Zhang Ye. If it weren’t for the chief executive, they would have to go out.

Although many people have skills, the fairy world is highly competitive, and you may not be able to find a suitable job. The new department set up by the general manager can be taken in, and the establishment can still be retained.

But those who have not been on the roster began to whisper: “Such a big Lingbao can’t support these wastes, and want to be self-reliant? Stop it!”

“I don’t think the chief executive has any good intentions. I want to use these layoffs to gain some word of mouth. How can I really care about their life and death.”

“Within a month, the new department must be finished.”


There are all kinds of things. Those who are on the roster dare not say anything. After all, the new ministry does not have the financial support of Lingbao Division, and it is indeed difficult to develop.

On this day, Zhang Ye summoned the staff of his own department. Five hundred layoffs still had to be taken out, but Zhang Ye did not insist on it. He was willing to stay. Those who were willing to stay in the treasure division would stay, and those who were willing to go to the new department. Just go.

Of course, Zhang Ye also briefly planned the future of the new department, threatening to receive better treatment than Lingbaosi in the future.

Zhang Ye said a lot to his men, but no one said anything. Although they are Zhang Ye’s subordinates, they dare not say clearly that they will die if they go to the new department, but if they go to the new department to start a business, how can they be stable now.

How can Zhang Ye not know what everyone thinks, it seems that his own ideas are too simple, so he said: “The above order must be reduced by 500 people. Since there is no voluntary, we will draw lots for the sake of fairness. .”

Zhang Ye knows that most of his subordinates are hard-working talents. Anyone who quits is biased. He draws lots to decide to stay, and no one blames anyone.

When I heard that the lottery was about to be drawn, the subordinates looked a little ugly, but they also knew that it was inevitable. It was better to know that other departments under the general manager had more aggressive methods.

Everyone thanked the general manager. By luck, it was a rare fairness.

When Zhang Ye ordered people to bring the lottery box ~ someone in the crowd said: “General Manager, the subordinate father and son are willing to go to the new department.”

Zhang Ye Xunsheng saw that this person he knew was the Deacon Han who reformed Lie Xiannu. He laughed at himself: “I hope the general manager will not dislike the little old man’s clumsy hands.”

Two days ago, Deacon Han wanted to sacrifice his position in exchange for his son to stay in the R&D department, but now he wants to take his son to the new department?

Zhang Ye asked: “Deacon Han, are you sure you want father and son together?”

“My father and son believe in the chief executive!” Deacon Han’s voice was very loud, indicating that he was not trying to flatter, and he thought so in his heart, otherwise it would be impossible to be so confident.

Since they believe in Zhang Ye, it is impossible for Zhang Ye to believe in himself, so he nodded: “Okay, you guys get out.”

Deacon Han dragged his son out of the crowd and stood beside Zhang Ye.

At this time, another person said: “I also believe in the chief executive!”

The king’s master stepped forward, and everyone exclaimed. After all, the king’s master is at the level of the master, and the boss who is only one level lower than the general manager is willing to go to the new department?

Zhang Ye looked at his leader and nodded slightly: “You have work.”

The king arched his hands and stood on Zhang Ye’s side.

Zhang Ye looked at everyone present: “Are there any volunteers?”

I don’t know if it was infected by Deacon Han and Lord Wang. More and more people raised their hands and volunteered to go to the new ministry.

After all, Zhang Ye has risen from a small apprenticeship to the position of chief executive in three or four months. His existence is a miracle, and he is also an idol of many people. There is no reason to distrust the chief executive and is worth following.

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