The Lord’s Empire Chapter 1564: Wolf City Jade, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Lord’s Fight against the World!

There were a few werewolves who reported the news. Zhao Fu didn’t take the shot. He glanced at the captain of the guard next to him. The captain of the guard understood and led people to catch up, killing the remaining Azure Werewolf.

The two beautiful women and their guards looked at the scene with shocked faces. They only felt that Zhao Fu was terrifying, and the soldiers of Tier 510 actually killed them with a single sword, as if the terrifying Saint Realm was not so casual.


They were also a little surprised, Zhao Fu is so powerful, then they don’t have to worry about any danger, their lives are saved.

Zhao Fu’s eyes fell on the two beautiful women, and he chuckled, “Come with me!”

The two beautiful women nodded shyly. The gentle woman gave the little man in her hand to their guards, and those guards knew what Zhao Fu did to directly violate their two wives.

The little boy didn’t know. He watched his mother leave and cried out, “Mother! Where are you going?”

Mrs. Gentle blushed. Naturally, she could not personally say with Yun Yu, a man other than his father, and said softly, “Ling’er! Wait a minute, mother will come out soon, this adult just wants to do with her mother It’s just a game.”

When the little boy heard the game, he exclaimed in excitement, “Mother, I also want to participate.”

Mrs. Gentle replied in a shy and soft voice, “You have to wait until you grow up to participate. You are too young now. Just listen to your mother and stay there.”

The little boy was disappointed, but he still obediently responded.

Then, I saw his mother and Erniang, following the man into the exquisite carriage. His mother and Erniang screamed happily, feeling very happy, very happy, and very excited.

The little boy thought to himself that the game that the mother and Erniang played with that man must be very fun, otherwise the mother and Erniang would not be so happy, just want to play this game when they grow up.

Zhao Fu looked at the two slutty werewolf beauties under him with a smile, savoring their taste, and scratching their pair of snow-white wolf ears and tails, and they were even more excited.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu hugged the two beautiful women and learned their names. The charming woman was named wolf honey and the gentle woman was Lang Xiaorou.

Wolf’s honey panted in Zhao Fu’s arms and said, “My son! You are so powerful, you are countless times stronger than my dead husband. Now it feels like we are taking advantage of you.”

Lang Xiaorou flushed, un’ed, she started to serve Zhao Fu with the idea of ​​letting the little boy live, but she didn’t expect to be so happy, and she didn’t expect that she also has that slutty side, and now she is somewhat unable to Facing the little boy, he already felt sorry for his father.

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “Then you have to serve me well from now on, and what treasures do you have on your body?”

Now because of the awakening of the alien emperor star, Zhao Fu is more interested in everything, because everything may be an opportunity.

Lang Xiaorou took out a piece of wolf-shaped white jade, started talking, “Master! This piece is wolf city jade, a relic token, and the other two cities also have such a token. As long as you gather three tokens, each One year can open a lost werewolf temple.”

“This token is also one of the reasons why the group of Azure Werewolfs keeps chasing us. Now the son saves us, then we will give you this wolf city jade.”

Zhao Fu took Jade Pei and looked at it, and then felt that there was something to do.

Giving Hushan Niu Liuyun a few Dark Token cards, Zhao Fu asked about the locations of the two cities, then turned into a stream of light and flew away.

Lang Xiaorou and Wolf Mi guessed that Zhao Fu should have snatched the other two tokens, but he was also a little worried, “Is the son facing countless werewolves in the two cities alone, will it be a bit dangerous?”

The other women smiled at ease, “You don’t know how powerful we are. There is no difficulty in destroying the two cities with his power.”

This made Lang Xiaorou and Wolf Mi feel a little surprised, and their feud might have to be avenged.


In Azure Wolf City, a huge rumbling sound sounded, and a horrible breath spread like a violent wind, sweeping across the city. The expressions of fear displayed by countless people did not understand what had happened.

A brawny werewolf who looked a little bit fierce, came out from the side with an army of werewolves, his face was a little ugly, and he exclaimed, “Who is your Excellency? Why do you come here so powerfully?”

Zhao Fu sneered, started talking, “You don’t need to know the dead!”

The brawny werewolf had already in his heart, and he ordered an attack loudly. Arrows shot at Zhao Fu quickly, and swords and swords lighted towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light, his face was a bit disdainful, the sword in his hand slashed hard, and a huge **** sword light flew out, with terrifying power, it split all the arrows and sword light that came. Falling into the crowd, countless people’s bodies were split into several segments, and the screams continued.

The brawny werewolf’s face turned pale, and he understood that even if the whole city added up was not Zhao Fu’s opponent, he directly ordered the other soldiers to rush up, and then quickly fled back.

Countless soldiers roared and rushed towards Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu waved and cut out sword lights. In the early stage of continuous shooting, those sword lights easily chopped an individual into pieces without any resistance. The blood has already The ground is stained red.

Seven or eighty thousand werewolf soldiers were killed by Zhao Fu in this way, and the scene was bloody, emitting a strong smell of blood.

Zhao Fu caught up with the runaway werewolf man and said contemptuously, “Do you think you can escape?”

The werewolf brawny roared and burst out all his power to rush towards Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu casually pierced his chest with a sword and died.

The remaining group of people looked terrified, either fleeing madly, or knelt on the ground, expressing their willingness to surrender at the feet of Zhao Fu’s, and there was chaos around them, all kinds of crying and screaming.

Originally the most powerful werewolf city here, in front of absolute power, it was so unbearable that it was easily destroyed without any chance of fighting back.

Zhao Fu reached out and found a piece of wolf city jade on the brawny werewolf. He was not taking care of the other werewolves. He came to the city lord’s mansion by himself. He wanted to taste the City Lord Madam leaving, but later found out that the werewolf city lord doesn’t care about women. interest.

Heard, Zhao Fu came to the last werewolf city with a hint of disappointment.

The fact that Azure Wolf City was easily wiped out quickly spread here. Countless werewolves all gathered together, holding weapons in their hands, and preparing to resist the unknown and terrifying strong with a serious face.

At this time, many werewolves were also uneasy, wondering if they could resist the strong man. I heard that the seven or eighty thousand soldiers of Azure Wolf City were slaughtered by the strong man in an instant. They may not be able to resist it. Don’t come.

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