The Lord’s Empire Chapter 1265: Joint Force, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Lord’s Fight against the World!

The falling angel was startled, and stretched out a black energy mask emitting black light to wrap around the falling angel’s body.


The black and **** sword light slashed on the energy cover, emitting a loud sound, the sword light disappeared into a huge sword wind, and the black energy cover was cracked a little bit, and a small wound appeared on the palm of the falling angel. , A trace of blood flowed out.

The Angel of Falling Angel is not only not angry, but has an expression of surprise. Because of the power of Zhao Fu’s, she does not need to be restrained by Void Vestige.

Because of Wu Wu’s delay, Zhao Fu quickly recovered some power and directly used the power of Emperor Killing Sword.

The falling angel smiled and stretched out his hand, and countless dark auras gathered, forming a dark sword in the falling angel’s hand. It was pure black with a suction force, as if it could swallow everything. Where it was, the light was dim. a lot of.


With a wave of the sword in the hands of the falling angel, a huge black streamer was pulled out, like a wave, and it was cut to Zhao Fu, with a shocking momentum.

Zhao Fu’s huge power was injected into the Emperor Killing Sword, and the Emperor Killing Sword shot a strong sword light. Similarly, Zhao Fu cut out with all his strength, and a huge black blood sword light flew out.


A huge sound erupted, and the two sword lights collided together, and the sword lights shot in all directions, forming a huge sword energy storm. Everything around was cut into pieces by the sword energy, and the ground was full of sword marks, very messy.

The sword qi storm spread, Zhao Fu stepped back under the force, but the falling angel remained motionless, showing her strength.


Another burst of breath sounded, and a cyan beam with terrifying power flew toward the falling angel. The falling angel didn’t even look at it, and slashed out with a backhand sword to smash the cyan streamer. , Turned into countless light spots disappear.

Wu Wu appeared in the sky with blue flames all over his body, looking at the falling angel with a serious face.

Boom, boom…

A loud rumbling sound resounded everywhere, Zhao Fu and Wu Wu attacked the falling angel together, the sword glow and the fist prints shot in all directions, the falling angel faced the two attacking together, responding calmly, with no expression at all. tension.

The situation was not only beyond the expectations of the two of Zhao Fu, but also beyond the expectations of those who watched the battle from afar. They originally thought that Wu Wu gave up and the emperor won, and everything should end. They did not expect that the angel fell at this time. appear.

Besides, the power is extremely terrifying, and the emperor and Wu Wu together can hardly defeat her, which shows how terrifying her power is.

At the same time, they are also very curious about the identity of the falling angel, and why she can appear here? And the unscrupulous attacking people, without the slightest restriction, is not like those goalkeepers before.

Although they don’t know it, they consciously stepped back because the falling angel was obviously very evil. If they were discovered by her, they would definitely be attacked. Her power and two peerless arrogances are invincible, then they There is only a dead end.

Syndra looked at the falling angel with a shocked look. Although she had never seen the falling angel, judging from the breath of the falling angel, she understood that the falling angel was the first layer of the God of Darkness.

Her strength is extremely terrible. There have been several attempts to break through the Void Vestige limit and return to Divine Spirit World, but every time she ended in failure, she was finally suppressed by Void Vestige in the deepest layer.

But now she actually ran out, and she broke through the first layer of restrictions, appeared in 2nd level, and wanted to **** her own master. If her master fell into her hands, it would be almost a mortal result.

clang clang clang

Zhao Fu swung a sword with all his strength, black and **** sword lights, with the power to destroy everything, and fiercely flew at the powerful falling angel. The cold killing intent made the sky cold.冽.

Boom, boom…

Wu Wu exudes a huge momentum, and his fists are constantly punching out, bringing out large afterimages, one after another, huge fist marks, with destructive power, like a violent storm, and hit the falling angel.

Faced with the attack of the two, the falling angel sneered and spread out twenty-four black wings to form an energy shield with countless falling angels printed on both sides.

The attacks of Zhao Fu and Wu Wu kept banging on the energy cover, making a huge sound, streaming light everywhere, and a powerful storm came out, but it could only make the energy cover split a few holes.

The falling angel saw that the strength of the two slowly weakened, and his face became more sneer, and he also launched an attack.

I saw the twenty-four black wings of the falling angel spreading out, emitting a strong light, and a dangerous force emanating from the black wings, making the hair stand upright.


Twenty-four black wings burst out with a strong black light, which shocked the sky. A black streamer, with a terrifying Dark Power, shot out of the black wings. The number reached one hundred thousand, which was enough to burst the sky. .

Zhao Fu and Wu Wu were both surprised. Zhao Fu took out Emperor’s Domain, and Wu Wu also took out a blue energy shield, and the two defended with all their strength.

bang bang bang……

The black streamers shot fiercely on the defensive cover, causing the defensive cover to tremble constantly. Zhao Fu and Wu Wu vigorously maintained the defensive cover, but the number of black streamers was too much, and eventually both of them were shot back to the ground.

Zhao Fu coughing out a mouthful of blood, looking at the falling angel with an ugly face, her power is too strong, with her own power now, she is not an opponent at all, unless the six golems are combined.

Because it has just merged before, it has caused a lot of damage to the body. If you continue to merge now, your body will absolutely not be able to withstand it. Maybe you have not successfully merged, and you will die.


Zhao Fu got up from the ground, the Emperor Killing Sword pointed directly at the sky, a huge sword light shot into the sky, the entire Emperor Killing Sword World, countless killing sword intent gathered quickly, now only the power to use the power of Emperor Killing Sword World.

The sky was instantly dyed blood, and a black blood magic circle emerged from the sky with huge power. Power of Heaven and Earth continued to gather, and the magic circle emitted a more intense black and blood light, shooting in all directions.

An overwhelming sword intent poured down like a flood, and everything was submerged in an instant. Under this sword intent, the whole world became a dead silence.


Wu Wu let out a roar, half squatted on the ground, his right hand claws, his left hand grasped his right wrist forcefully, countless cyan lightning burst around, the ground cracked, Power of Heaven and Earth gathered quickly, and a terrifying force was emitted.

A marble-sized cyan ball of light emerged in Wu Wu’s right hand, and then absorbed all the power around it, and it quickly rotated and became larger, and its aura became more and more terrifying. The last ball of light became the size of a fist. With a force capable of destroying the world.

The falling angel felt the attack of the two, and her expression became serious, because she knew that the two of them were terrible, and she also exerted all her strength.

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