The Legend of Futian Chapter 1046: The truth is piercing

   Seven days later, in the Summer Palace, the mighty and powerful gathered.

   The various forces in the Xia Emperor Realm came together, with a mighty force and a strong lineup. Of course, with the exception of the Xia Emperor’s direct forces, many of the top forces in the Xia Emperor Realm came voluntarily, and there are still many big forces that did not participate. For example, this time Liheng Tianjian repair did not participate.

   God’s Valley and the Xiao family are the most powerful. After all, they have an extraordinary relationship with Emperor Xia, and naturally follow in the footsteps of Emperor Xia. Even though Emperor Xia does not personally participate in this matter, this time the princess will go to the air world to participate in the war. It’s already a sensation.

   This is Princess Xia Qingyu, who participated in a direct confrontation between the emperors for the first time, and Xu Sheng was not allowed to lose.

   The Xiao family is the imperial concubine Xiao family, and both are the elders of the princess Xia Qingyu, who naturally assists him with all his strength, Xiao Sheng will start from this battle and formally enter the Summer Palace.

  The same is true of the Gods Valley. The owner of the Gods Valley is the former genus of Emperor Xia. The third generation of descendants, Gongsunzhong, has a deep admiration for the princess Xia Qingyu. Although he dare not show it in his heart, he still has extravagant expectations. .

  Today’s coming forces, the people of the upper realm are in their respective camps, and the strong in Kyushu are in separate camps.

   Ye Futian has also arrived, in the camp of Kyushu.

   is not just Ye Futian, they naturally don’t need to say much for the rest of their lives. Yaya, Lisheng, and the village chief will all go this time. The empty world should be suitable for Yaya to practice.

   Xia Qingyu stood on the stairs in front, looked down into the sky, and said: “This time going to the air world, the people of Kyushu Heavenly Selection will be directly controlled by Ye Futian, and they are a camp.”

   Hearing his words, the sages of Kyushu all glanced at Xia Qingyu, and the princess of the dark road really valued Ye Futian and gave the selected characters directly to Ye Futian to rule, but this is also normal. Ye Futian’s current talent and strength, as well as identity and qualifications, are completely qualified. Apart from him, there is no more suitable candidate.

   But from this it can also be seen faintly that Xia Qingyu’s importance to Ye Futian.

   The top forces of the Xia Emperor Realm, any force itself is as strong as a cloud, and there are many strong subsidiary forces that follow, forming a group of its own, naturally controlled by the best descendants of those top forces, such as Xiao Sheng and Gongsun Zhong, Xuanyuanlu and the others, and now Ye Futian and the others, plus the people of the Chosen from Kyushu, although the number is still small, they can form a team on their own and fight against the camps of those top forces.

   As for the Summer Palace camp led by Xia Qingyu, there is no need to say more, and this is not all the power. Now two armies have descended into the air world.

   is not only that, in the sky, Emperor Xia also has his own power.

   Although the empty world is not as vast as Xia Huangjie, it is also a complete world.

   The people of the Kyushu Heavenly Choice heard that they were ruled by Ye Futian. Some people had no opinion, but there were also some ideas in their lives. They thought they were following the princess, but now they follow Ye Futian?

   It seems that Ye Futian has traveled farther than they did, and he has no ordinary relationship with the princess.

   “Princess.” At this time, a guard came and bowed to the top of the stairs and said: “Yao Xi, the saint of the Immortal Palace of Yaotai, come to see you.”

   “What is she here for?” Xia Qingyu’s voice was cold. Although Yaotai Immortal Palace is also a top power in the Xia Dynasty, it is not very close to the Summer Palace. It is located in a remote place, far away from the Summer Palace. , But recently, Yao Xi seems to run this area often, and she doesn’t know what she intends to do.

   “I said I wanted to join the army in the war.” The guard said.

   “Let them come in.” Xia Qingyu said.

   “Yes.” The guards bowed and left. Not long after, Yaotai Immortal Palace and a group of powerful men came under Yao Xi’s leadership. They attracted the attention of countless people in an instant. After all, Yaotai Fairy’s appearance is extremely outstanding. Especially Yao Xi, like a fairy like a fairy, is extremely stunning.

  ”Yaoxi has seen the princess.” Yaoxi leaned slightly to pay her respects, her graceful posture, and her every move reveals a sense of beauty, which is fascinating.

   Xia Qingyu looked at the beautiful and moving fairy character, with a cold voice: “Is the Yaotai Immortal Palace only the sage and the strong come?”

  ”Back to the princess, the battle for the air world is now the battle of the sage. If the battle of the holy path really breaks out, there will be an army of his majesty. Therefore, Yaoxi only brought the sages to the battle to help the princess.” The voice is still soft and has a wonderful charm. Even though Xia Qingyu is a woman, she still has to admit that this is a fairy, but the voice of speaking is charmed to the bones, making people feel ripples.

  ”After arriving at the stewardess, follow the deployment.” Xia Qingyuan said.

   “Yes, princess.” Yao Xi nodded.

   After all, she smiled and lifted up her steps, and walked to a side direction, where people from Kyushu gathered.

   Yaoxi’s clear and pure eyes have a faint smile, which makes her heart beating.

   “Master Ye meets again.” Yao Xi smiled at Ye Futian.

  ”Fairy.” Ye Futian nodded in return.

   The people of Kyushu saw this scene with a weird look, and looked at Ye Futian speechlessly. Who is this bastard? How come to Shangjietian for such a short time, the princess favors him, and now he is like this When the peerless fairy character arrives, the first thing to greet is not the top figure of Shangjietian, but to greet him, this……

  Don’t say he was from Kyushu, Ye Futian didn’t understand it himself.

  ”Recently, there was a rumor from Xia Huangjie that Ye Gongzi was defeated in the thirty-three battle of Li Hentian. However, Yao Xi didn’t believe him. When she saw Ye Gongzi today, she wanted to ask Ye Gongzi how this battle was? “Yao Xi smiled. Xia Huangjie is rumored that Ye Futian was defeated. If you ask another person, it might seem a bit rude. If Ye Futian is truly defeated, it will be more like a deliberate humiliation, so no one will actively ask such questions. .

   But Yao Xi opened her mouth and spoke with a demeanor. No one thought there was anything wrong with it, let alone regarded it as humiliation, but really trusted Ye Futian.

   In fact, many practitioners in Shangjietian also wanted to know the specific situation of this battle, so they all looked at Ye Futian.

   “I won, and Wang Chuan won.” Ye Futian said.

   In this battle, he has made a breakthrough in his state of mind, and his realm has become deeper, and Wang Chuan has changed his state of mind, transcending the sacred, and crossing the sacred path.

   Therefore, they had no losers, they all won.

  If there hadn’t been anything happening in the 33rd heaven, maybe he would bluntly humiliate Li Hengtian, but he hasn’t done so now.

   Yaoxi’s eyelashes flashed, her bright eyes looked at Ye Futian, and she smiled lightly: “Although I don’t know what it means, since Ye Gongzi has won, then he has won.”

  ”Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. How can both of them win in battle?” Shenxiaogu Gongsun Zhong said, even if there is a draw between the battles, it can only be said that the two are undefeated, Ye Futian The words are a bit absurd.

   Ye Futian looked at Gongsun Zhong. The Xiao family wanted to train Xiao Sheng to enter the Summer Palace, follow Xia Qingyu, and become Xia Qingyu’s most trusted right-hand man. Therefore, he was very obsessed with Xia Qingyu and Xia Huang’s focus. , Then what is Gongsun Zhong’s attitude towards himself?

   is it because Xiao Sheng wants to marry his sister Gongsun Ni?

   Or, is there a reason similar to Xiao Sheng?

   “If you can reach the realm of Wangchuan one day, you may understand.” Ye Futian did not explain, but said bluntly.

   This sentence is equivalent to saying that Gongsunzhong’s realm is not as good as Wangchuan.

  While Wang Chuan went down the mountain with a sword of tens of millions to punish the people who left the emperor that day, many people believed that Mou Chuan was the first person in the Xia Dynasty, even the princess Xia Qingyu might not be able to win Although Gongsunzhong also has the reputation of being extremely sacred, he is also inferior to Wangchuan.

   But it was the same thing in his mind, Ye Futian said this in public, and it was a bit of a shame.

   Moreover, Ye Futian claimed that he and Wang Chuan were both victorious, which meant that they were placed in the same position. Now that Gongsunzhong is inferior to Wangchuan, is it also that Gongsunzhong is inferior to Ye Futian?

   Gongsun Zhong stared at Ye Futian and calmly said: “Since Wang Chuan has already broken into the sacred state, my realm is naturally inferior to him, so what about you?”

   “Li Hentian thirty-three heaven, Ye Futian and Wangchuan fought, Ye Futian won.” At this time, a voice came out, making everyone’s hearts tremble.

   Everyone turned their eyes one after another, looking at the person who was speaking, and it was the unparalleled figure on the stairs, Xia Qingyu.

   The Thirty-Three Heavenly Battle, Xia Qingyu personally witnessed. Who dares to question her words?

   In that battle, Ye Futian won.

   The eyes of everyone present were all frozen. Many people speculated that Ye Futian was defeated, and some people speculated that the draw was drawn. Therefore, Ye Futian kept silent and even said that both of them won.

   No one thought it was Ye Futiansheng.

  He won, why did Wang Chuan break the border and enter the Tao?

  Why did he feel so down that day when he went down the mountain, he seemed to be thinking?

   Why did Ye Futian never humiliate Li Hengtian again?

   Many people are puzzled, Yao Xi’s eyes looked at Ye Futian, showing a touch of splendor.

   “Even if Miaochuan is defeated, he enters the Tao with defeat, throws the shackles of happiness, and sees through the victory and defeat. IndoMTL. Wrong.” Xia Qingyu continued, her voice was calm, but every sound was whipped in Gongsun Zhong’s heart.

   Xia Qingyu continued: “Do you have any questions?”

   Gongsun Zhong’s mood was shaken. If only the news that Ye Futian had defeated Wang Chuan, it would not have affected him. However, a simple conversation today made him fall into a trap. Finally Xia Qingyu’s announcement of this battle undoubtedly hurt his heart even more.

   Ye Futian won without arrogance. He kept silent about the battle. He even claimed that Wang Chuan won. He asked, trying to get Ye Futian to admit his defeat. In front of Xia Qingyu, the two were in contrast Make a judgment.

   Many people glanced at Gongsun Zhong with some sympathy. Although Xia Qingyu didn’t have a word of reproach, but the trap he dug by himself, Xia Qingyuan just simply announced the truth of the battle, and it was enough to hurt him.

   “Everyone in the world misunderstood that battle and claimed that Ye Palace Lord was defeated. However, Ye Gongzi never explained. Today, he said that both of them won. This attitude…” Yao Xi looked at Ye Futian with a smile.

   “Go.” Before she finished speaking, Xia Qingyu interrupted her voice and spoke coldly, making many people startled!

  PS: I saw that someone didn’t quite understand how the map of the upper bound was distributed. I will describe it in the official account later, so I won’t waste any ink in the text! …


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