The Legend of Bimeng: Section 85 ‘Old’ Hero Saves Beauty, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 85 ‘Old’ Hero Saves Beauty

Without any nonsense, the boy just drew out his sword and went to kill him. However, it is obvious that although the old mage has not entered the holy realm at that time, it is not what a little guy who is only 20 years old can do!

Furthermore, the old mage is not a good person. He is used to being domineering in the Griffin Kingdom. Suddenly he saw a guy coming out to disturb his leisure. Naturally, he suddenly became furious. How could he hold it back? With a few flashes of lightning, the poor guy was turned into a roasted pig. If the child hadn’t come from an excellent family and had a lot of protective magic jewelry on his body, he might have died on the spot. But even so, he was seriously injured on the spot and would have to lie down for at least several months to recover.

However, although the old mage had a good fight this time, he also stirred up a hornet’s nest! After all, he is Ruili’s serious fiancé. You slept with his wife and beat her half to death. Is this going too far? If it were ordinary people or some nobles of the Griffin Kingdom, given the power of the Stephen family, they would naturally be able to deal with it. But the problem is that he is a great nobleman of the Guangming Empire. This period also involves the relationship between the two countries, so naturally he cannot take it lightly.

Without any protest from the Empire of Light, the old mage’s father quickly came to apologize in person. Not only did he pay a large sum of money in compensation, he also ordered the old mage to apologize and directly announced that he would be banned for five years!

You must know that the old mage’s father was also a very prestigious Dharma Saint, with the same status as the old mage now, so the sincerity shown by his actions is quite sufficient. Moreover, generally speaking, nobles would not beat or scold their children. At most, they would ground them. But for ordinary mistakes, the grounding would only last for a few months. For example, like the old mage, it would only last for five years. That is indeed a very high standard. Punished.

Looking at the face of the old mage’s father, and the king of the Griffin Kingdom also coming forward to apologize, it was enough to give him face, so he reluctantly tolerated it. The poor child excitedly came to see his wife, but was beaten badly and lay back in misery. The look was really pitiful. For a time, almost all human nobles were full of sympathy for him, and the old mage became a heinous person.

However, the matter was not over yet. Ruili, the woman who caused the trouble, was eventually taken back by her family. Half a year later, the old mage, who was confined in the magic tower, received a letter from Ruili. This letter was personally sent by Ruili’s good friend, the current Fire Law Saint Luna.

Luna went to the Empire of Light to visit Ruili after her accident, and it took a lot of effort to see poor Ruili. At this time, Ruili had been imprisoned in a stone tower by her family because she almost caused a dispute between the two countries. She could only drink water and eat bread all day long. Her father told her seriously that if she could not completely eliminate the man’s grievances, she would I will be imprisoned alone until death.

However, Ruili did not blame the old mage for this. The letter she sent to the old mage was very short. To be precise, there was only one sentence, ‘I’m sorry for not being able to save our child! I love you and will never regret it! ’

After receiving the letter, the old mage burst into tears. At that moment, his heart was completely occupied by this woman thousands of miles away. Damn it all, such as the dignity of the family and the relationship between the two countries! That night, the old mage resolutely sneaked out of the magic tower, taking a few treasures from his father’s inventory along the way.

A month later, the old mage did something that shocked the entire continent. He single-handedly entered the Imperial City of Light and snatched Ruili out of her home. In fact, this does not mean that the old mage is very capable. The main reason is that he deliberately waterproofed it. After all, Ruili was very popular. Although she was punished, it was entirely because of the family’s face. In fact, many family elders loved and protected her. So when the old mage went in, the masters of those families simply followed the story and even pointed out the way on purpose. Otherwise, the old mage would definitely be there.

As for the other masters of the Bright Empire, they will not go out easily. They don’t even care about Ruili’s own family members. So wouldn’t their actions mean that a dog is meddling in other people’s business? There is no benefit at all except offending the Ruili family in vain. Who would be so stupid?

Furthermore, Lao Xie’s father also had many friends in the Empire of Light, among whom he also secretly contributed and deliberately diverted the imperial capital’s security forces, which enabled the old mage to succeed in this feat.

However, not everyone supports the old mage, especially Ruili’s fiancé’s family. Their child’s fiancée was seduced by the old mage, and the child was beaten half to death by the old mage. How can he feel better if he has to swallow his anger? ? So they had been holding back their anger for a long time, but this time the old mage dared to enter the imperial capital to rob people. Isn’t this a clear slap in the face to them? You know, no matter what, Ruili is still their daughter-in-law in name only!

So, Ruili’s future father-in-law, her fiancé’s father, a holy knight of light, led the family’s masters and chased after the old mage and the others along their escape route. After all, he is a local snake, and the old mage is dragged down by the sick Ruili, so of course it is impossible to escape.

However, the old mage is a responsible person after all. Facing the strong man chasing after him, he still stood up despite knowing that he was outmatched. As a mage, he issued a life-and-death threat to the seventh-level holy knight. The challenge of fighting. The condition is that Ruili be given a way to survive.

Perhaps it was out of the master’s arrogance, or perhaps the other party really looked down on Ruili. In short, he promised that no matter what the outcome of the duel was, he would not pursue Ruili’s fault, and agreed to terminate the engagement and give her her freedom. body.

So, under this situation, the old mage and the paladin who had been famous for decades started a desperate battle. The battle was very dramatic. At the beginning, the old mage was no match for him. After all, he was only at the peak of level six at that time. But after he was injured and fell to the ground, Ruili’s heartbreaking cry inspired him. , the old guy actually advanced at that critical moment.

You must know that the sixth-level Archmage and the seventh-level Dharma Saint are completely different concepts. There is a huge gap in strength between the two, which cannot be bridged by ordinary people. Among hundreds of great mages, only a few can advance, which shows how difficult it is. But once you advance, your combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

If a sixth-level mage can still be considered a tie with a warrior of the same level, then the winning rate of a wizard after level seven against a warrior of the same level will increase to over 70%. Although the old mage had just been promoted and was injured first, in terms of strength, he was no longer inferior to the other party. If nothing else happens, this war should be a lose-lose situation. But the problem is that when the old mage came, he stole several treasures collected by his father and used them at the most critical moment of the battle. As a result, he successfully killed the opponent. Although he himself was scarred, he won the victory after all and was successfully promoted to Dharma Saint.

However, although the old mage successfully won the duel, he also offended the entire Bright Empire. Although the men of that family kept their promise of the duel and did not embarrass the two old mages, this incident still aroused great anger from the upper echelons of the Bright Empire.

After all, the person who died was a strong man from the holy realm. He was a treasured antique in every country, and he was also the head of a noble family. He died unjustly at the hands of a junior. Of course, the Bright Empire was not happy. You just kidnapped your wife and ran away, but you still dare to kill people. Isn’t this equivalent to slapping the Bright Empire in the face in public? That’s too arrogant!

So after receiving the news, the top leaders of the Bright Empire were furious and immediately sent out experts to chase after them. The seriously injured old mage and Ruili were quickly captured alive. He also sent a letter to the old mage’s father and the emperor of the Griffin Kingdom, asking them to express their attitude.

It was only then that the father of the old mage who was practicing in seclusion found out that his son had run away and caused such a big trouble. Fortunately, he was not angry to death. But no matter how angry you are, you still have to control it? After all, this is his own son, and he is especially present. He has become a holy place when he is only over 80 years old. He has a bright future!

In desperation, the old mage’s father personally went to the Empire of Light on behalf of himself and the emperor of the Griffin Kingdom, and spent an unknown amount of money on everyone’s behalf before he calmed down their anger. The man’s family made secret contacts and promised to unknown conditions in exchange for their understanding. It was obvious that he had suffered a heavy hemorrhage.

In the end, the old mage was released, but this guy still refused to leave, so he directly said, ‘Either take away the two living people, or take away my body, you decide what to do! ’

The old mage’s father was almost angry to death, but there was nothing he could do? My son is over eighty years old, and he is not a child. He is still a strong man in the holy realm. He definitely means what he says. In desperation, the old mage’s father had no choice but to beg Ruili’s family again. He didn’t know how much it cost this guy to actually take Ruili away.

However, after this incident, Ruili was officially named by the family and took back her surname. So until now, she only has a first name, but no surname.

After returning, the old mage’s father did not allow them to marry. After all, things during this period were too tortuous, and he was afraid of stimulating the emotions of the Bright Empire. After all, if someone dies over there, you should immediately hold a wedding here. Isn’t this too much? And because of this incident, the relationship between the two countries has also been cast into a shadow, and the old mage has become a notorious figure. For the sake of his safety, his father imprisoned the old mage here in Lanfa Branch.

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