The Legend of Bimeng: Section 795: Persuading to Surrender, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 795: Persuading to Surrender

The man named Caspat glanced at the person opposite, and then suddenly pointed at the spiritual demigod archmage Kablon and said: “Kabulun, what’s the matter? You don’t know how to say hello to an old friend when you meet him. ”

“Is it really you?” The demigod archmage Cabron exclaimed with disbelief on his face: “Caspat, you, didn’t you die more than a thousand years ago?”

“Did you see me die?” Caspat rolled his eyes at him and said, “If you didn’t see it, don’t lie!”

“But your lifespan had reached its limit at that time, and you were seriously injured in that war. When we looked at you, we all agreed that you only had a few years to live at most, and it was impossible to live for a thousand years. Nian!” said the demigod archmage Cabron in complete confusion.

“Under normal circumstances, I am indeed dead, but when I was dying, the master suddenly sent people to find me. They told me that as long as I believe in him, I can live forever!” Caspat He said calmly: “At that time, I didn’t want to believe in an evil god, but I didn’t want to die even more. So I became a believer of the master when I was desperate! The result was very satisfying to me. As you can see, I not only succeeded He survived, and more than 500 years later, he broke through again and reached the peak of demigods!”

“Ah, this, is this true?” When everyone heard this, they immediately started talking.

“It must be true!” Demigod Archmage Cabron replied on behalf of Caspat: “At least I can guarantee that Caspat a thousand years ago was indeed a dying senior demigod warrior. , and now he has become a peak demigod!”

“Ah, I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Oh my god, since there is such a good thing, it seems that we can think about it carefully!”

“It’s a waste of time to think about it. I think we should go there now? If we hesitate any longer, maybe we will be killed by them instead!”

“Yes, looking at this situation, it seems that Po Lasse and the others are in trouble. We can no longer be with this sinking ship, lest we be dragged down by them!” There are many guys in the dark realm with evil mentality. existence, so under the temptation of the other party, an unstable situation began to arise.

When Tustaman saw this, he immediately knew that something was not good. He had to fight back. Otherwise, he would be killed by the surrounding ‘friendly forces’ before the other party came over. Thinking of this, Lao Xie turned his eyes and looked at the Bollas couple.

They obviously did not expect this to be the case, and they could not help but frown tightly, and at the same time they were secretly on guard to avoid being attacked by friendly forces around them. Looking at their looks, Lao Xie knew that these two people had no choice but to protect themselves.

In desperation, Lao Xie had no choice but to stand up again and said: “Caspart, right?”

“It’s me!” Caspat turned his face and said, “What do you have to say?”

“I don’t dare to take advice. I just want to ask, after you believed in that evil **** and was successfully extended by him, did you have no side effects at all?” Tustaman said with a smile.

As soon as Lao Xie asked this question, everyone immediately became quiet and looked at Caspat expectantly.

Caspat did not expect Tustaman to ask such a tricky question. He suddenly felt in trouble and had to frown and look back at the blood-red fallen angel Lancer, obviously wanting to ask his superiors to give him an idea.

Seeing this, Lancer, the fallen angel of blood, could only shake his head helplessly and said: “Okay, I admit, our method of extending life is not so perfect, and it does have some adverse effects. However, these little side effects Compared with its huge harvest, it’s nothing! If you don’t even have a life, then everything is in vain, right?”

“Maybe! But then we have to see what the side effects are?” Tustaman asked calmly.

At this time, Lao Xie had already vaguely felt that the other party’s purpose seemed to be not only to occupy this plane, but also to win over everyone present. After all, the number and quality of the masters here are extremely high, and they also control several artifacts. If they can be conquered, this will definitely greatly enhance the strength of the evil god.

Furthermore, despite the fact that the evil god’s subordinates are very powerful, they are not much better than their opponents. There is no problem in defeating Lao Xie and the others, but it is a bit difficult to kill them. The legendary level masters were fine, they had trouble running even if they wanted to. But it’s different for demigod masters. They have many life-saving tricks. Once they try to escape, no matter how powerful the subordinates of the blood-based evil **** are, they won’t be able to stop him. And once they escape, they will definitely resent these evil gods’ men, and they might make a sneak attack at some point. This is obviously a huge trouble.

Furthermore, if the opponent is forced to fight back desperately, he will definitely suffer heavy losses. Therefore, Lancer, the Bloody Fallen Angel, did not dare to push too hard, fearing that Tustaman and others would jump over the wall in a hurry.

After hearing Tustaman’s words, the Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: “Actually, the side effects are not very big, but they will change our attributes and make our body In the state of blood. As a result, our body strength will be reduced, and because of its dark attribute, we are more afraid of light spells. However, this is also a benefit. Dark body attributes are afraid of light. At the same time, the resistance to dark and undead spells is greatly enhanced. Moreover, although the liquid body is not strong enough, it makes us no longer afraid of ordinary physical attacks, let alone piercing us. Cut off the head, or cut it into pieces, and we can heal again!”

“You must have already experienced this when fighting our vanguard, right?” Caspat added: “With such a powerful immortal body, why should we care about being afraid of light spells? What?”

“Wow, there really is an immortal body!”

“Great, with such a powerful body, who should I be afraid of in the future?” Upon hearing this, many guys immediately showed surprise and started talking.

Seeing this, Lao Xie hurriedly said: “Don’t listen to his nonsense. How can there be any immortal bodies in the world? If they are really immortal, then why have we killed so many of them in these days? Don’t you think so? Were all those killed pheasants? ”

“This~” After hearing what Lao Xie said, everyone woke up.

When Po Lasse saw this, he immediately helped: “That’s right, their blood bodies seem not to be afraid of swords, and can transform into blood mist to escape at critical moments, but in fact they are not as powerful as they say! That kind of body is too fragile and can be easily broken. Once it is broken, the damage will be increased several times because the attack area of ​​the fragments is too large! Are they all finished like this? ”

“That’s so right!” Mrs. Turner also said quickly: “Don’t be deceived by them. You are all masters above legend. You should understand that in a battle at our level, how can we There are pure physical attacks, not to mention magic attacks. Even warriors don’t use swords to attack, right? What I’m afraid of is the fighting spirit! Don’t you realize it?”

“Yeah! It looks like this! Yesterday, I used my fighting spirit to smash a legendary demon of bloodline alive.”

“Oh, this shows that the body of this bloodline is not omnipotent, right?”

“Nonsense, how can there be an invincible body in the world? If it were true, wouldn’t they have dominated the world long ago?” Everyone then started talking again.

Seeing this, Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer angrily glared at Tustaman and Polaser, who had ruined his life, and then sneered again, “Everyone, don’t be fooled by these idiots. I admit that blood The body is slightly weaker in defense, but don’t forget that its main function is not to defend, but to escape, transforming into blood mist to escape, and abandoning part of the body to escape. With such a body, at least you can survive on the battlefield. Live a few more lives! You must have concluded from the battles in the past few days that our people are very difficult to kill, right?”

“Yes, that’s true. These guys made of blood are really difficult to kill. I chopped off their heads several times, but they all escaped unharmed. They seemed to be only slightly injured. That’s all!”

“Yes, I have the same feeling. The most annoying thing about them is that they can abandon their bodies like geckos. Last time I used magic to imprison half of a guy’s body. I thought he was dead, but who knew he was He actually gave up the imprisoned half of his body and let the other half escape with the space ring. As a result, we didn’t get any benefits and had to hunt him down for another day to kill him!”

“Their skill of transforming into blood mist is also very annoying. It can possess ordinary soldiers and launch surprise attacks. One of my buddies was fooled and killed!”

“To put it this way, it seems that this kind of blood has many benefits for the body!” Everyone immediately started talking again.

After hearing this, Lancer, the Bloody Fallen Angel, was overjoyed. He didn’t give Tustaman and Bo Lasse a chance to spread rumors, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, “Everyone, everyone, I have another piece of news to tell you. In fact, our body has more than just these benefits! It also has the biggest benefit, which is that it advances very quickly! ”

“Huh? Advance quickly?” Upon hearing this, everyone immediately widened their eyes and showed expressions of surprise. Many people even couldn’t help opening their mouths wide and sticking out their tongues.

In fact, it is no wonder that they are so rude, it is because the temptation to advance is too great! You must know that except for those races such as the dragon race with noble blood, among ordinary races, almost everyone who can become a legendary master is a great genius.

But even these geniuses, who are rare in thousands of years, will lose most of their lives on the road to becoming demigods. Only about one percent of them have the chance to become demigods.

Even after becoming a demigod, not everyone has the opportunity to advance to the peak level of demigod. Most of them died during the advancement process because of their longevity. For example, Caspat just now, if he had not used secret techniques to transform his body and greatly extend his lifespan, he should have died long ago, and he would never have reached the peak of demigods in this life.

Among the more than a hundred demigods invited by Lao Xie, there are only five or six people at the peak level of demigods. This ratio is already considered very high. Under normal circumstances, among hundreds of people who advance to the level of demigod, only one can reach the peak of demigod status. Only after reaching the peak of demigods can one be qualified to ignite the divine fire and become a god. In other words, among the more than 100 other people, there is probably no one who can become a peak demigod in the future.

In this case, the Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer suddenly threw out a bait that could increase their chances of advancement. You can imagine how excited they would be.

“Dear Lord Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer, may I ask, if a peak legendary master like me joins you, what is the chance of becoming a demigod, or even a peak demigod!” A guy couldn’t wait to shout.

Blood Fallen Angel Lancer smiled slightly and said: “After joining us, the chance of becoming a demigod is 30%!”

“Ah, it turned out to be one-third. Oh my God, this is thirty times higher than the normal one percent!” A guy immediately exclaimed. Others couldn’t help but gasped.

But Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer sneered: “Actually, this is my humble statement. This ratio only refers to those who rely on their own abilities and use time-consuming methods to perform hard training. If you have the courage, we There is another way that allows you to break through 80% to 90% of the record in a short period of time!”

“Ah~” As soon as Lancer, the Bloody Fallen Angel, said this, everyone in the audience immediately exclaimed.

When Po Lasse saw this, he was the first to jump out unconvinced and said: “Bragging, how can there be such a high chance? If you had this ability, would you still only have 200 demigods? Why not Turn all the three thousand legendary masters behind you into demigods?”

Bolase’s words immediately aroused everyone’s questions. “Yes, since there is such a high chance, why not make your own legendary master into a demigod first?”

“Haha, are you bragging?”

“I know these demons are not serious, and they don’t care about bragging!” Everyone then started laughing.

But Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer immediately snorted coldly: “Hmph, what do you know? With my status, do I deserve to brag?”

Caspat also said solemnly, “Everyone, I can swear on my honor that everything Bloody Fallen Angel Lancer said is true! Cabron, you should know that I never brag!”

Seeing that Caspat said the same thing, everyone immediately looked at the demigod mage Kabulun with doubts. One of the guys asked: “Lord Cabron, who is that Caspat? Is he trustworthy?”

Kabulun frowned, and then said: “Caspat is a glorious knight. In the two thousand years that he and I have looked at each other, he has never told a lie. The Eight Creeds of Knights , Caspat has never violated anything, it can be said that he is the most trustworthy comrade I have ever seen!”

“Ah, that’s it! Then his words seem to be trustworthy!”

“Bullshit! The Knight of Glory is a profession of the Holy See of Light in the justice camp. He is a high-level knight in the light camp, but he has degenerated into a devil! It can be seen that his heart is not as perfect as he shows. So his words are not Worthy of our trust!” The crowd quickly divided into two groups and started arguing over this matter.

When Kaspat heard the strong man from the dark domain doubting himself, a look of pain appeared on his face. Then he raised his head high and asked directly to Kabulun: “Kabulun, I just want to ask you one question, do you believe me?”

The demigod archmage Kabulun looked at the knight who was depraved but still proud with a complicated expression, and said with a wry smile: “When we were fighting side by side, you were seriously injured countless times in order to protect me while casting spells. But I am rarely attacked. Based on this, I have no doubt about your qualifications! Caspat, my friend, no matter what you become now, I will respect you and believe in you!”

“Thank you!” Caspat said excitedly. After saying that, he let out a cry, and a cloud of blood mist sprang out, directly covering his body tightly.

Although he covered it up quickly, masters such as Tustaman, the Brosers and the demigod mage Cabron were able to keenly capture the tears welling up in his eyes. Obviously, this strong man doesn’t want people to see his weak side!

From Caspat’s performance, everyone can feel that there seems to be a lot of unspeakable secrets behind why he turned his back on the light and joined the demon family.

Although he was on the hostile side, Lao Xie still admired this knight who could trust the demigod archmage Kabron so much, so he couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed: “What a pity for a good man! Alas, everyone has their own abilities. It’s a difficult sutra to recite!”

When Lancer, the Bloody Fallen Angel, saw that Kabulun expressed his trust in Caspat, he immediately said with great joy: “Everyone, even Caspat has vouched for it, you should believe it now, right?”

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