The Legend of Bimeng: Section 757 Revealed, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 757 Revealed

“But you weren’t just~” the demon lord immediately said in surprise.

“Haha, that’s just a trick!” Demon Lord Cossato said with a sly smile: “There are so many artifacts in this plane, how could I just give up on one?”

“Ah, I understand. It turns out that you intend to cheat and get the artifact and then fall out immediately!” the demon lord suddenly realized.

“No, no, no, you idiot, I am a great demon king. With my status, how could I possibly do something contrary to my promise right away?” The demon king Cossato hates the iron. The way.

“But, you just said clearly that you would not give up other artifacts?” The guy immediately said in surprise.

“Nonsense, of course I won’t give up other artifacts, but I can’t do anything to fall out immediately after getting it.” Demon Lord Cossato finally pretended to say: “Why don’t I have to wait for a while before falling out? ! ”

“But we have millions of troops and it’s not easy to move. If we all return to the demon plane and want to go out again, who knows when?” A demon lord frowned and said: “Sir, What if something happens during this period?”

“Haha, what do you know!” Demon Lord Cossato immediately laughed and said: “To tell you the truth, I still wish that something would happen to them! You know, the Beast King and the Naga tribe are already completely It’s just because we are here that they won’t fight to avoid taking advantage of us. But if we leave, do you think those guys will have any concerns?”

“Definitely not, then they will definitely fight!” A demon lord immediately shouted in surprise: “Ah, I understand, it turns out that your intention is to retreat to the demon plane and wait. Let these two major forces kill each other, and then you will come out to take advantage after they are exhausted?”

“Haha, that’s what I mean. It seems that I still have a few smart people under my command!” Demon King Cossato then laughed and said: “Young men, please prepare, wait for the Nagas to Send the artifact, and we’ll leave right away. Leave this place to them to kill each other!”

“Yes~” Everyone immediately shouted happily.

However, a demon lord suddenly frowned at this moment and said: “Sir, what will happen if the people in Naga City do not agree to your conditions?”

“What should we do?” Demon Lord Cossato immediately snorted: “If they are really ignorant, then I will cooperate with the Beast King and destroy them first!” His words were clear. There was an immense chill, and all the demon lords present couldn’t help but shudder.

While Demon King Cossato and others were still trying to trick him into obtaining the artifact, his messenger, the Abyss Demon, had already flown to a certain castle in the Kingdom of Mobile God under the light of dawn. .

The guardian of the castle saw an abyss demon flying over with his hands raised. He was startled at first, and then subconsciously sounded the alarm. But when the person in charge of the castle arrived, he immediately discovered that he was just a messenger delivering a message. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come alone.

Finding that it was a false alarm, he immediately scolded the subordinate who made the fuss, and then led some people to meet the flying abyss demon. This abyssal demon is more than three meters tall and wears high-end armor made of fine steel fused with mithril. Just by looking at it, you can tell that he has a very high status.

In fact, he is indeed not an ordinary abyss demon. He who can follow the demon king Cosato for a long time is not the kind of low-level tribesman who only knows how to fight and kill. He is a rare wise man among the abyss demons. Not only does his strength reach the legendary level, but his knowledge and wisdom are also extremely outstanding. Otherwise, the demon king Cosato would not be able to send him out with confidence.

“My name is Berbick, and I am the messenger of the Demon Lord Cossato. I have brought you a message from the Lord, and I need to tell it to your leader in person!” Berbick said in relatively standard Continental. .

The person in charge of the castle could tell from the other person’s words and temperament that he was not an ordinary person, and immediately realized that this matter was extremely important. Therefore, he did not dare to put himself in too much trouble and immediately sent someone to temporarily arrange him into the guest room. At the same time, he used magical means to transmit the news to the Elf King who was on duty during the day.

Sure enough, after receiving the news, the Elf King sent a reply almost without hesitation, asking the general to **** the abyss demon Berbick to meet in Naga City.

The general naturally did not dare to neglect, so he immediately took Berbick on his journey. After several teleportations by space magic arrays, Berbick finally arrived at a gorgeous manor high in the Kingdom of Mobile God. There, he was personally greeted by Pete, the great elder of the Yu clan who was also a legendary master. Then he was led by Pete to a gorgeous hall. Inside were the top brass of the coalition, a dozen legendary masters, plus Lao Xie, Catherine and others.

Of course, the three chairs in the middle belong to Natasha, the Elf King and Lao Xie. Everyone else can only sit next to him.

After the abyss demon Berbick came in, he first saw Natasha sitting in the middle seat. He couldn’t help but frown and said: “Huh? Your leader is actually a woman?”

Berbick’s words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among many people, especially Natasha. She snorted coldly and said: “What, do you have a problem with women?” Natasha had no reservations as she spoke. He suppressed his murderous aura.

Immediately, Abyss Demon Berbick felt as if he was being pressed down by a huge mountain. Even though he was also a legendary master and used all his strength to resist, he was still crushed to death. Seeing this result, Berbick’s expression finally changed. No matter how stupid he was, he could see from this that the extremely beautiful woman in front of him was far more powerful than him.

Demons are a race that worships strength. He can look down on women, but he cannot look down on masters who are stronger than him. So when he saw how powerful Natasha was, he immediately put away his teasing expression and said solemnly and respectfully: “Dear strong man, please forgive me for my offense just now!”

“Yes!” Naturally, Natasha was too lazy to chat with an errand messenger. She waved her hand directly and said calmly: “I heard that you are here to deliver a message on behalf of the demon king Cossato?”

“Yes!” Abyss Demon Berbick nodded immediately: “Our Lord asked me to bring you a message!”

“What are you talking about?” Natasha asked calmly.

“He said, your Majesty the Beast King has joined forces with us adults. If we merge together and attack from both front and back, no matter how powerful your city is, we may not be able to withstand it!” Abyss Demon Bobbie Ke Dao.

“Ah, this **** bastard, actually joined forces with the Burning Legion to deal with us?” Although everyone had already guessed that the Beast King had joined forces with the Burning Legion, that was just a guess after all. But today, it was the first time that the abyss demon spoke about this matter seriously. After hearing this, they were naturally very unhappy. Many grumpy people ignored the occasion and began to curse directly.

Natasha had a calm look on her face. She waved her hand gently to stop her subordinates from shouting, and then said: “Is this all the Demon Lord has to say?”

“No, of course not!” Abyss Demon Berbick hurriedly laughed: “In addition to telling you this fact, our Lords also have another thing to discuss with you. If you are willing to accept our Lords’ kindness, then , I think we may be able to win peace!”

“Win peace? With the Burning Legion?” After hearing this, Natasha immediately said in a funny voice: “Is this possible?”

“Of course it’s possible. In the face of interests, nothing is impossible!” Abyss Demon Berbick said with a smile.

“Well, what you said makes sense!” Natasha then said, “Then, let me first hear what the Demon Lord’s proposal is?”

“It’s very simple. We adults only need one thing. As long as you are willing to give it to us, then we adults are willing to swear to heaven to evacuate this plane immediately and never come back again!” Abyss Demon Berbick said hurriedly.

“Really?” Natasha frowned, and then said: “What does the Demon Lord want?”

“My lord wants you to become an artifact of this city!” Abyss Demon Berbick said proudly.

“Huh?” When the people around him heard this, they were immediately shocked and started yelling and cursing. But Berbick remained unmoved and just stared at Natasha.

After Natasha heard this condition, she was slightly stunned. Then she lowered her head and thought for a moment, then waved her hand to stop everyone’s abuse, raised her head and said to Berbick: “How do you know this city is a piece of cake?” Artifact?”

“Haha, dear sir, this is not difficult to guess at all. Even if you put all the people in the continent together, I’m afraid you won’t be able to build such a city. Even if it were to be built, I’m afraid it would only take hundreds of people. Years. But you only used a day or two to create such a magnificent city out of thin air. This is obviously beyond common sense, so we adults guess that your city is actually made of an artifact. Right?” Abyss Demon Berbick said with a smile.

“Haha, I have to say that your Demon King’s knowledge is really extraordinary!” Natasha saw that the other party had already guessed the whole story, so she didn’t bother to quibble, and said directly: “Yes, this city is indeed an artifact. Made of it!”

“That’s good!” The abyss demon Berbick immediately said in surprise: “But my respected lord, are you willing to use this thing in exchange for eternal peace?”

“Eternal peace?” Natasha said disdainfully: “I don’t think that handing over this thing can lead to eternal peace. That’s just a joke!”

“No, this is true!” Abyss Demon Berbick said hurriedly: “Our Majesty is willing to swear on his soul that as long as you dedicate this artifact to him, he will immediately lead the Burning Legion away and never do it again. Come back!”

“Humph!” Natasha snorted coldly: “Even if what he said is true, the problem is that our enemies are not only you, but also the Beast King. If we hand over the city, you If we get a bargain, we can leave happily, but we still have to fight to the death with the Beast King! Can this be called peace?”

“That’s right!” The Elf King couldn’t help but sneered: “That is your peace, but for us, it is still war. And without the protection of the artifact, we may not know what a huge price we will have to pay. ! ”

“Although the devil’s plan is good, it’s a pity that he only considers himself. This obviously doesn’t work!” Lao Xie also said in a strange way.

“No, no, our Majesty has fully considered your interests!” Abyss Demon Berbick immediately smiled and said: “Everyone, please don’t forget that you are in a situation where you are being attacked from both sides by our and the Orc troops. With your strength, you can compete with any of our troops alone, but if you face both of us, you will definitely lose! Therefore, your only chance now is to cooperate with us. We, and then you can fight against the beasts. With the power of the other artifacts in your hands, you will definitely win!”

“Humph, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory!” Lao Xie sneered: “After we fight the orcs to the death and both sides suffer, you can come back and take advantage, right?”

“No, no, there is absolutely no such thing!” The abyss demon Berbick hurriedly denied it when he heard the old evil tell the secret in his heart. But the nervous look on his face still showed a slight hint of weakness. When Lao Xie, the Elf King and Natasha saw this, they naturally understood it all at once.

However, although they all saw that the demon king had evil intentions, they did not immediately expose the abyss demon Berbick. On the contrary, Natasha deliberately pretended to be inscrutable and said: “Oh, this matter is really big! Although I am the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, it is not easy for me to make decisions directly. I think it is better to do this. You wait outside for a while, I will discuss it with several other coalition leaders, and then let you know the result?”

“Okay!” Abyss Demon Berbick readily agreed, and then he was led to a side hall to be entertained.

In the hall, after the abyss demon Berbick left, it immediately became as lively as a vegetable market, and a group of legendary masters expressed their opinions one after another.

Elder Weibo of the Naga tribe was the first to stand up and said: “Sir, you must never believe these **** demons. They never mean what they say. Even if you hand over the artifact, they will not Give up the invasion of our plane!”

“Yes, sir, you must not hand it over!” Several other people also shouted.

However, before they finished speaking, another elder from the Elf tribe stood up and said: “Everyone, although the demons of the Burning Legion are not trustworthy, I feel that temporarily handing over the artifact to get a peaceful beast The opportunity for the tribe to fight alone is not a bad thing!”

“What do you mean?” Elder Weibo asked immediately.

“What I mean is very simple. As the abyss demon Berbick said, although our strength is good, we really cannot fight against the coalition forces of the Burning Legion and the Orcs at the same time! You know, their combined number, even They exceed ten million, which is more than the total population of our three tribes!” The Elf elder said helplessly: “So, in this case, our best way is to stabilize one side first and then concentrate on it! Use all the power to defeat the other side in the shortest possible time. In this way, even if the Burning Legion turns its back, it will be too late! ”

After hearing what he said, everyone immediately began to think deeply, and seemed to think that his words made sense.

However, Elder Weibo frowned and said: “Your plan seems to make sense, but it is too difficult to implement. First of all, we can’t be sure when the Burning Legion will fall out. If they get the artifact, they will fall out immediately. Wouldn’t we? Losing such a good defensive weapon in vain? Secondly, the army of the Orcs is not just a small one. As you said, there are millions of them, and there are even more experts among them, and they also have the help of the artifact War God Frightening Drum. . I don’t think we can easily defeat them in a short time! Once we get into a stalemate with them and the Burning Legion comes back, we will be finished!”

“Elder Weibo, you overestimate the fighting power of the beast clan!” The elder said with a smile: “As far as I know, after the Beast King killed the chief priest this time, he immediately took up this position himself. This is different from It was contrary to the tens of thousands of years of tradition of the beast tribe, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many priests. For this reason, the Beast King even carried out a series of purge activities at the God of War Cliff, killing all the priests who opposed him, although he used force to force out the dissatisfaction. The suppression continued, but it still caused signs of instability within the priesthood. In addition, this time he took it upon himself to ignore the mainland convention and insist on uniting the Burning Legion to attack the coalition forces of various countries. This was really outrageous, even for many of the three war clans. People also have opinions on this. These have greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the orcs!”

“It is also worth mentioning that the food crisis of the beast clan has become more and more serious with the continuous mercenaries of the Beast King. So what we are facing is a beast that lacks food and clothing and has no food. Fighting troops, no matter how many people there are in this kind of team, it will not help!” The Elf clan elder smiled and said: “As for the artifact, the God of War Fright Drum, it is not worth mentioning. They have an artifact, but compared to How many artifacts do we have? Not counting the three major artifacts of the elves, Sun God Bow, Moon Wheel, Star Damage, Lady Light Natasha and Lady Stephen, there are at least ten artifacts for each of us. So many. With the help of so many artifacts, it’s not easy to defeat a mere Beast King!”

After listening to the words of the elven elders, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all became silent. It’s just that his eyes glanced at Lao Xie from time to time. After all, he was the master of the Mobile Divine Kingdom, and it was only up to him to decide whether to give this artifact away. It’s just that Lao Xie was too fierce. Almost no elders present dared to tell him to give away the artifact, so naturally they all had no choice but to shut up.

When Natasha saw this, she immediately knew there was something fishy about it. Others can be silent, but as the master, she naturally cannot sit still. In desperation, she could only shake her head with a wry smile, then turned to ask Lao Xie: “Stephen, do you think what this elder said makes sense?”

“That makes sense!” Lao Xie nodded happily, and then said: “His analysis is so thorough that it is very close to the truth!”

When everyone heard what Lao Xie said, they were immediately overjoyed. Natasha said directly: “Since you think what he said makes sense, then do you think you can give your artifact to the demon king Cosato temporarily?”

“Do you still need to ask? Of course not!” Lao Xie immediately shook his head firmly and said: “No one can try to take advantage of my artifact!”

After hearing Lao Xie’s unexpected answer, everyone present was almost furious with him. Natasha rolled her eyes and said in confusion: “Since you are reluctant to part with the artifact, why do you still say what this elder said is right?”

“What he said is right!” Lao Xie shrugged: “It’s just that, although I agree with his analysis, it does not mean that I agree with his approach!”

“Stephen, what do you think?” Natasha immediately frowned and said: “My idea is very simple. Moving the Kingdom of God is of great importance and cannot be sent out under any circumstances!”

“Since you are reluctant to move the Kingdom of God, do you think we can resist the coming alliance of the Orcs and the Burning Legion?” Natasha asked.

“Tch!” Lao Xie curled his lips disdainfully and said: “Do you still need to ask? With the Mobile Divine Kingdom here, what can they do if they join forces? What’s more, the elder just said that the Beast King led Although there are many people, they are powerful but weak in appearance. We need food but not food, and we need morale but not morale. There is no need to worry about them!”

“Is that so?” Natasha frowned and said, “Stephen, tell me the truth, how powerful is the Mobile Kingdom? Can it stop an army of more than ten million?”

“As long as there are enough magic crystals, not to mention tens of millions, even 100 million, or even a billion troops, there will be absolutely no problem!” Lao Xie smiled and said: “To tell you the truth, this tree under our feet is a The lair that the middle **** refined for himself was once garrisoned by 200 million strong troops, and it had fought against armies of countless gods. Although it is now weak and can only exert 10% of its power, it is not this ordinary. The miscellaneous fish can shake it!”

“Really?” After Natasha and everyone heard this, they immediately said in surprise: “Is the Mobile Kingdom so powerful?”

“Don’t worry, you can’t be wrong!” Lao Xie then said solemnly: “However, I have to tell you that the Mobile Divine Kingdom is famous among the gods. If the news that it is in my hands spreads, no I know how many gods will come to **** it, so everyone must keep this matter secret and never spread it out!”

“Yes, we understand!”

“Don’t worry! We promise not to tell anyone!”

“The people present are all old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years. They keep their mouths tight and will definitely not leak it!” Everyone immediately assured them. Most of them seemed extremely sincere, but there was only one guy with a strange light shining in his eyes. This man was the great elder of the Elf clan!

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