The Legend of Bimeng: Section 418 brings surprises, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 418 brings surprises

The total number of volunteers remaining on the third line of defense exceeded 100,000, and only some of them were regular troops. Most of them were injured. Even if they escaped, they would not be able to continue fighting, and their injuries might be aggravated by the bumps. , even life-threatening. So they simply stayed and helped command other peasant armies who voluntarily stayed behind.

Most of these farmers are people from the areas where the undead are raging ahead. Some of their family members were killed by the undead, and some voluntarily stayed to stop the undead in order to protect their wives and children who walked slowly. In short, they all had reasons to stay. For their respective goals, they all forgot the fear caused by the undead, willingly put down their farm tools, picked up unfamiliar weapons, and stood firmly on the city wall, forming a A great wall of flesh and blood.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the commander-in-chief of the third line of defense, General of the Light Empire, hereditary earl, Lord Kester, all four of his sons were killed in the earthquake disaster on the front line, and he even went to the front line to visit his sons. Unfortunately, his wife also died, and now he is all alone. With the hatred of his country and family mixed in him, he resolutely gave up the opportunity to return to the rear and chose to stay here. Under his leadership, a group of officers who had a big hatred against the undead also stayed. In this way, at least those farmers have some organization and will not collapse at the first touch.

As time went by, small groups of undead troops began to appear one after another. They were all pioneers who opened the way. They were not large in number and not strong in strength. They just tentatively launched an attack on the third line of defense. However, this tentative attack did not intimidate the desperate human troops, and they were quickly killed by the troops led by Kester.

Although this level of damage is nothing to the undead troops, it still greatly boosted the morale of the coalition forces and made them know that the undead are not invincible.

The desperate resistance of Kuster and others did play a certain role. At least the undead army’s unrelenting advance was contained. At least until they gather enough numbers and strength, they will not be able to cross the third line of defense and attack the people on the opposite side. This bought a lot of time for those who evacuated.

Just when the people on the third line of defense were fighting **** battles with the undead to buy time. The Allied Forces Headquarters in the Imperial City of Light also welcomed a guest from afar, the little princess of the Griffin Kingdom, Lan Snow.

Because Catherine didn’t want her to complete the task too easily, she didn’t tell her about the teleportation array on the third line of defense. Instead, she specifically told her to cross the third line of defense and fly to the Imperial Capital of Light. Hand-deliver Catherine’s letter to the Allied Commander.

So, the stupid Lan Snow really spent several days flying to the Imperial Capital of Light, and then asked to see the commander of the coalition forces.

Due to Lan Snow’s special status and urgent military concerns, she easily met the Elf King. Seeing that the commander of the coalition forces had changed, Lan Snow was just stunned for a moment, and then handed Catherine’s letter directly to the Elf King.

At first the Elf King was wondering why Catherine would send someone with the status of the little princess Lan Snow as a messenger. When he took the letter and looked at it, he was so frightened that he jumped up from his chair.

“Oh, no, **** it!” The Elf King immediately asked: “Is little Stephen also with Princess Catherine?”

“Yes!” Lan Sinuo nodded.

“Ah!” The Elf King was so shocked that he almost fainted on the spot. To know. Lao Xie is the king of star elves. So far, he is the only star elven royal bloodline who has appeared, and he also possesses the artifact Star Loss. Therefore, Lao Xie carries with him new hope for the revival of the elves, if anything happens to him. Then he really wants to die.

Seeing the Elf King being so rude, the clever Lan Snow also saw that something was wrong and hurriedly frowned: “What’s the matter? What happened? Your Majesty the Elf King?”

When Lan Snow said this, the Elf King knew that she probably didn’t know what Catherine and others were doing. So he asked tentatively, “When your sister sent you to deliver the letter, did you say where she would go?”

“She said it!” Lan Snow said immediately: “She said she would follow me and rush here, compared to the fact that she is still on the road now!”

“Really? That’s good!” The Elf King shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. He was certain now. Lan Snow was definitely deceived to protect her. As for the real purpose of Catherine and Little Stephen, it must be to assassinate the Lich King!

Although the Elf King also knew that the Lich King was very weak at this time, and admired the courage and courage of Catherine and Lao Xie, he still couldn’t help but curse in his heart. He didn’t care much about Catherine’s life or death, but it was different for Lao Xie. The Elf King would even rather die himself. He also didn’t want anything to happen to Lao Xie, the future hope of the elves.

Unfortunately, things have gotten out of control now. It was completely out of his control, because it was impossible for him to rashly send precious manpower to search for Catherine and the others in an area controlled by millions of undead. That would be nothing but death. It makes no sense at all.

The current situation is exactly as stated in Catherine’s letter. The Elf King really has nothing to do except pray for them.

Just when human society was in panic due to the strong advance of the undead army, the leader of this undead natural disaster, the Lich King, was full of sorrow.

First, he used his immortal body to tempt a cardinal to fall to him. Then break through the first line of defense. After all the countries in the mainland are shocked by this incident, they will definitely assemble the strongest force to confront themselves on the second line of defense in the shortest possible time. I slowly waited for their main force to be assembled quickly, and then directly used a long-planned forbidden spell earthquake to completely destroy the second line of defense, and at the same time kill the million-strong army inside like a rotten corpse. In one fell swoop, the entire continent’s resistance was weakened by less than half.

In this way, the Bright Empire has a third line of defense, but no one can defend it, which is equivalent to giving it away. When the time comes, your undead army will march straight in and take the Bright Empire directly. Haha, it is said that there is no need to fall. How long can the Emperor of Light resist his own army of nearly ten million undead in this situation with no troops left? As long as he breaks through the Guangming Imperial Capital, he will have a firm foothold on the mainland.

When the time comes, I will be able to stabilize the people of other countries through peaceful negotiations. Presumably they are not willing to fight with me for the sake of a dead country. In this way, you can create the most favorable conditions for your own development. When the time is right in the future, we will start to encroach step by step. One day, it is not impossible to occupy the entire continent by ourselves.

Such a generous act was so wonderful that every time the Lich King Sadness thought about this, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, and he almost forgot about the internal injuries caused by releasing the forbidden curse.

However, a piece of news recently disturbed the Lich King’s sad mood, that is, there are still humans defending the third line of defense, so that the previous few attacks were beaten back. This situation was completely different from what the Lich King had expected before. According to his previous assumptions, once things reached this stage, humans would decisively abandon the third line of defense, so he only sent a small number of troops. Assault on the third line of defense, the large force was divided into two parts and marched along two main roads. Their purpose was not only to occupy, but also to collect various corpses along the way to expand their strength.

But what the Lich King never expected was that there were some brave men among humans who were not afraid of death. They would rather give up the hope of survival themselves and create a safe condition for the people behind to evacuate. Their presence immediately disrupted the Lich King’s melancholy battle plan, forcing him to reunite the scattered troops and prepare to storm the third line of defense.

In fact, there is nothing we can do about it, because the Lich King, like humans, cannot afford to wait. He must capture the Imperial City of Light before the next batch of elite reinforcements from various countries in the mainland arrive. Otherwise, once the opponent gathers enough strength, he will be the one at a disadvantage.

It is under this circumstance that the battle on the third line of defense will be extremely fierce. Because the Lich King was so impatient that he couldn’t even wait for the troops to fully expire before he issued the order for a general attack. As a result, the undead’s attacks were not very powerful, and they were beaten back by the human defenders time and time again.

Of course, even if the undead’s attack is not strong enough, casualties on the human side are inevitable. Especially those farmers who were not very good at fighting suffered heavy casualties. If a strong belief had not silently supported them in their hearts, the defense line might have been breached long ago.

Hearing the news of the defeat on the front line, the Lich King was also anxious, so he urgently ordered his subordinates to speed up. Under the protection of a large number of guards, he himself quickly headed towards the front line.

Because Lich King Sorrow is still in a weak state and his strength has been greatly reduced, he has many more guards than usual. There are more than 2,000 powerful death knights alone. Each of them has the strength of a human knight of level 4 or above. The leader and several of his deputies are all masters of the sanctuary.

In addition, there is also a 300-strong Lich Mage accompanying them. They are at least Level 6, and there are dozens of Sanctuary level mages.

Just these two powerful **** troops are enough to intimidate tens of thousands of human troops, not to mention there are hundreds of thousands of other undead patrolling around to ensure the absolute safety of the Lich King Melancholy. Under this situation, the Lich King Sorrow himself believed that it was impossible for anyone to assassinate him.

However, a bold princess and a fearless young king are about to bring a big surprise to the Lich King Sorrow.

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