The Legend of Bimeng: Section 412 Witt City, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 412 Witt City

The front line against the undead is the second line of defense, which is more than two thousand miles away from the Imperial Capital of Light, and is separated by a third line of defense. Under Catherine’s urging, Lao Xie and his party drove for seven days and finally arrived at Witte City. This is an important pass on the third line of defense. Witte City with a population of 200,000 was selected as the third The location of the headquarters of the three lines of defense.

According to the requirements of the military department, Catherine and others need to report in Witte City and carry out supplies at the same time. In addition, they also need a qualified guide during the future march.

This is because the terrain between the second line of defense and the third line of defense is extremely complex. It is a continuous plateau. In addition, it is sparsely populated and densely jungled. It is very difficult to travel through it. Therefore, a professional guide must be available to lead the way. Only then.

As the eldest princess of the Griffin Kingdom, Catherine’s identity will cause a sensation no matter where she is. In addition, Lao Xie is a level 7 magic beast and a magic explosive spider. This combination of beauty and beast is naturally more eye-catching. So before they arrived in Witte City, their reputation had spread. When people arrived, they found that there were tens of thousands of people who came to welcome them, and the people in the city were afraid that they would mobilize.

However, Lao Xie keenly discovered that although there are some young and middle-aged people here to maintain order, no matter from their unfamiliar salutes or shy expressions, it can be seen that these people are just wearing clothes. The newcomers in military uniforms, and those veterans became officers without exception, and the number was very small. From now on, it can be seen that the elite soldiers on the third line of defense have been exhausted. Now the troops here are just showpieces, and they may not even have 10% of the combat effectiveness of the original troops!

After seeing this, Lao Xie couldn’t help but frown slightly and said to himself. This is a typical desperate move! If the frontline is defeated, there will be no reserve team capable of fighting at the back. Even if there is a third line of defense, it will not help at all! It’s completely in vain! This method of fighting is too risky. I wonder if the coalition commander was kicked in the head by a donkey!

However, although Lao Xie discovered something was wrong, he was an outsider after all. Although his status is high, it is not high enough to enter the coalition command system. And he also knew that even if he objected, it would only be in a low voice, which would only lead to a burst of ridicule, which would not help at all. So he simply turned a blind eye.

A large number of nobles gathered outside the city of Wit. Almost all the officials from the lord of Wit. below were here. Even the person in charge of the coalition command here did not dare to take action. Come and greet in person.

After a routine of greetings, they invited Catherine to give a speech again. Obviously, Catherine’s speech in the imperial capital last time was too wonderful and left a deep impression on them. So I planned to ask Catherine to help boost morale.

Katherine naturally did her part, as if she had been well prepared. Anyway, her speech this time was even more passionate and provocative. So much so that at the last moment, everyone present had tears in their eyes and chanted Catherine’s name crazily. The atmosphere was so intense that it was unbelievable. Even someone like Lao Xie was almost made to cry by Catherine. In the end, I had to use my power to adjust my breath, and then I could barely suppress this urge.

But even so, Lao Xie couldn’t help but admire him secretly in his heart: ‘She is truly worthy of being a princess, she is invincible in deceiving others! I’m afraid Catherine is one of those natural-born politicians! ’

After the warm welcome ceremony. Lao Xie and others were welcomed into the city. Naturally, a sumptuous banquet followed. Lao Xie originally wanted to have a feast, but unexpectedly, he soon ran into a middle-aged man wearing a magic robe, interrupting his eating plan.

I saw this man saluting the old man respectfully: “Is this your Excellency, Earl Stephen?”

“Yeah, who are you?” Lao Xie immediately frowned and asked.

“Hello, I am a disciple of Lightning Dharma Saint. The teacher asked me to invite you to meet him!” The man saluted.

“Huh? Is the old guy here?” Lao Xie asked in surprise.

“Yes, please come with me?” the man said. Made a gesture of please.

Lao Xie is naturally not afraid of him. Just follow him swaggeringly, of course. Lao Xie is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Although he doesn’t care on the surface, he is secretly on guard. Although this person has no flaws, he is a tough guy after all. In this city that he is completely unfamiliar with, there is no harm in being careful.

But Lao Xie was obviously overly worried. This person honestly brought Lao Xie to the Magic Society in Whit City, which was a small magic tower. Then before he could speak, there was a message from Lao Xie inside The mage’s voice said, “Why did the **** get here? Come up here!”

The person leading the way suddenly showed a wry smile, but Lao Xie didn’t care at all. He rushed in directly and came upstairs in a few steps. Soon he saw the old mage in a luxurious rest room.

“Why are you here?” Lao Xie said as he sat down opposite the old mage, picked up the exquisite pastries on the table and ate them.

“I didn’t come here specifically to find you!” the old mage said with some annoyance.

“Why are you looking for me?” Lao Xie immediately asked in confusion.

“Alas!” The old mage sighed, and then suddenly said: “Let me ask you first, what do you think of this undead natural disaster?”

“It seems very ordinary!” Lao Xie said lightly: “However, I always feel that it is not that simple!”

When the old mage heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said: “Why is it not so simple? Tell me a reason!”

“It’s just a feeling!” Lao Xie shrugged, and then said: “On the way, I read all the deeds in the Lich King’s life. According to my understanding of the Lich King’s sadness, he is a great commander. Although all the natural disasters of the undead ended in his defeat, each time he defeated the weak and the strong, causing great losses to mankind, and he was able to bring the most elite troops and a large number of looted weapons when he returned. Return the supplies. If the goal of the war is to conquer the city, then he will lose. But if the goal is to plunder, then he will be the winner!”

Lao Xie then continued, “My personal opinion is more inclined to the latter, so I think the Lich King is an extremely powerful character. Therefore, it is difficult for me to imagine that such a continent has been disturbed for thousands of years. The restless guy will be defeated so easily!”

“Well said, great!” The old mage immediately said excitedly: “Your views are the same as those of our old guys. In fact, many people who have met the Lich King know how powerful he is. , this guy is not only powerful, but the most terrifying thing is his endless tricks! If you want to suddenly make a big comeback from him when you are at a huge disadvantage, it is simply impossible! trend, it only means that this guy is digging a hole for us to jump into again!”

“Maybe!” Lao Xie shrugged, and then suddenly said: “Now that you know it, be careful. Why are you coming to me?”

“Oh, don’t mention it!” The old mage said angrily: “We know it, but many, many idiots don’t know it. They think the Lich King is vain. They must drag the troops up at the risk of their lives. Fight against the Lich King! ”

“Ah?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately cursed: “Isn’t this an idiot? The most taboo thing in war is to go all-out! If we lose in the decisive battle, I’m afraid there will be no more in the whole continent. Here’s a chance to make a comeback! Whose idea came from this?”

“Pope of Light!” The old mage then sneered disdainfully: “He has only taken over as Pope less than 20 years ago, and yet he is so self-righteous that a kid who has never even seen the face of the Lich King actually has the nerve to mock the Lich King. Idiot! Oh my God, has he forgotten how many of his ancestors died at the hands of the Lich King? Even the first-generation religious crown became the Lich King’s crown! He actually forgot all these things! Oh! He even boasted that “Bi Qi succeeded in one battle”! I mean, he is an idiot!” The old mage was almost exasperated when he spoke.

“Yes, he is indeed a fool!” Lao Xie suddenly said: “But since you know he is a fool, why do you still listen to him?”

“Well, you don’t know, our coalition has rules.” The old mage then explained: “Due to the existence of the three major natural disasters, the coalition of various countries needs to organize once every few decades. In order to avoid confusion in command , so there has long been a clear set of commander identification procedures, that is, whichever country fights, the leader of that country will automatically become the supreme commander, and all reinforcements must obey his command. The undead disaster occurred in the Empire of Light. , so the Pope automatically becomes the supreme commander! Even if we have opinions, we must obey his orders!”

“Damn, isn’t this a delay?” Lao Xie immediately said angrily: “What kind of **** rule is this?”

“Actually, this regulation is quite reasonable. You think, the countries where natural disasters occur must be the most familiar with such natural disasters and the most nervous. Let them be the highest command, and naturally the combat effectiveness of the coalition can best be exerted. Just like this undead The people of the Bright Empire obviously know the most about natural disasters than we do, and they are also the best at fighting against them. We are familiar with the burning natural disasters launched by demons, so we are the most suitable to command the coalition forces, don’t you think so? explained.

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