The Legend of Bimeng: Section 18: Getting into trouble, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 18 Got into Trouble

After returning to his hometown, Lao Xie lay comfortably on the bed and began to flip through the book called the Assassin’s Skills Collection. Soon, he was attracted by the contents.

According to this book, assassins have three main types of skills: martial arts, shadow and traps. Among them, the martial arts category surprised Lao Xie the most, because Lao Xie himself was considered a master of martial arts, but he had never seen such a strange martial arts. Such a discovery undoubtedly made him excited.

The biggest highlight of the assassin’s martial arts skills is accumulating energy. As we all know, when we hit someone, we will definitely receive a reaction force. If this force is too strong, it may even hurt our wrist. However, the assassin’s martial arts skills can use a special technique. , use the magic power in the body to extract this reaction force, forming a ball of light energy floating around the body. Up to three of these light energy **** can be accumulated, each one having twice the power of the previous one.

In other words, the power of the first ball is equal to my full blow, then the power of the second ball is equal to twice the power of the first ball, and the power of the third ball is equal to four times the power of the first ball. strength. After accumulating the power of three balls, you can use another method to hit them all in one breath, plus one of your own attacks, which is equal to eight times your own attack.

Of course, at the beginning, the accumulated power will definitely not be too high, but even if each ball only accumulates 30 to 50% of the power, it is very scary. Moreover, since the accumulation of this kind of power is transformed by magic power, there is no upper limit. As long as your magic power is high enough and your skills are good enough, you can accumulate more than ten times or even dozens of times the power. Such a terrifying blow could kill even a dragon instantly.

Moreover, accumulating ordinary power is only the initial stage. In addition to accumulating ordinary power, assassins can also convert these accumulated powers into various familiar elemental energies. What they can fight out in this way are all kinds of Such a spell. Of course, in general, ice, fire, and electricity are the main ones.

Only then did Lao Xie understand why the old master said that this set of exercises was the most suitable for him. Because Lao Xie himself has four arms, and the final blow of the assassin’s martial arts from accumulating energy to the most powerful one takes exactly four attacks to complete. In other words, Lao Xie can use three arms to accumulate energy, and then use the last arm to strike the final blow, thus unleashing the most powerful damage in just an instant. But the other two-armed people can only charge up their energy once in one attack, which is far worse than Lao Xie. Just thinking about the terrifying scenes of Lao Xie launching the most powerful eight times attack again and again makes people excited!

In addition, the assassin’s main weapons are claws and stabbing swords, which are suitable for people with agile bodies and long arms. Lao Xie is undoubtedly the best among them. His body is as agile as a monkey, and his arms are ridiculously long. They can reach his knees and soles of his feet. How can he not be too long? Moreover, his Behemoth arm also comes with Behemoth’s claws and even weapons, so he is simply born to be an assassin!

In addition to martial arts skills, Lao Xie also likes the traps in assassin skills. Their traps are not the kind of garbage that is slowly placed with materials, but a magic trap made entirely of magic power. With just a wave of his hand, it can be produced. It is not only fast, but also very powerful. If combined with the alchemy skills Lao Xie has learned over the years, as well as his own understanding of war. Hehe, I’m afraid an alien version of mine warfare will soon take place.

As for the last shadow training, Lao Xie is also interested. Because this skill can create a stand-in that is exactly like me, and can even use my various abilities. With this, it will be much easier for Lao Xie if he wants to do something shady in the future!

In view of this, based on the principle that stones from other mountains can attack jade, Lao Xie immediately began to learn assassin skills. Of course, the first step was to learn the skills of accumulating energy and exerting force in martial arts skills. .

Actually, Lao Xie was fond of close combat and practiced hard for hundreds of years, so he was extremely accomplished in martial arts. Although the assassin’s martial arts skills were a little different from those he had seen before, they were all within the scope of martial arts after all. So after groping for a while, Lao Xie quickly mastered the secrets and performed them according to his own understanding. Transformed and developed.

Lao Xie was fascinated by this study. It took almost three full days before he finally understood the mystery. Then, he couldn’t wait to start the first experiment at his residence.

I saw Lao Xie’s legs slightly bent, standing on the ground like stakes, and then he let out a soft drink, and struck the two Behemoth arms in the middle. There was only a soft pop sound, and two light green energy **** It appeared next to him out of thin air and kept spinning around him. This is Lao Xie’s own invention. You don’t have to hit others. You only need to fight with your own palms to directly lend two energy balls. However, these two energy **** are elementary, and Lao Xie is a newbie. Practice, only borrow 30% of the energy.

Then Lao Xie double-clicked again, and sure enough, this time there were two more energy balls, doubling the energy of the previous one, reaching 60%. It seems that if you attack each other like this, you can gather double the energy at the same time. As soon as he saw this situation, Lao Xie’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn’t wait to hit each other for the third time. Suddenly, two more light green energy **** appeared. The color of these two energy **** is darker, and the power contained in them is obviously much greater, reaching 120% of the power of Lao Xie’s blow.

Seeing this situation, Lao Xie immediately laughed excitedly, because if he followed this idea, he could double the final explosive power again, and there was no need to hit others to accumulate energy in advance, as long as he had accumulated it Directly launch the strongest attack and kill the opponent with one hit.

Thinking of this, Lao Xie couldn’t wait to try the power of this attack, but there were no targets around. He couldn’t try it on his younger brother, right? In desperation, Lao Xie had no choice but to raise his fists, and then smashed them to the ground. He only heard a loud bang, and then Lao Xie felt that his feet were empty and he fell down.

Lao Xie was startled at that time. He didn’t expect that it was empty below. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly. With a slight lift, he fell steadily to the ground without any harm. After he landed, he looked around, and saw mountains of supplies everywhere, including weapons and armor, food, and many unnamed equipment, which seemed to be used to defend the city. Lao Xie was puzzled and didn’t understand why there were so many supplies hidden here. Could it be that the old mage has evil intentions and wants to rebel?

Just when Lao Xie was feeling strange, he suddenly heard the old mage’s angry roar above his head: “You **** bastard! Do you want to demolish all my magic towers?” It turned out that Lao Xie was The mage was about to discuss teleportation with Lao Xie, but as soon as he came in, he saw Lao Xie raising his hand and smashing the ground, exposing a large hole three to four meters in diameter in the entire floor. The old mage felt distressed and ran to the hole to curse.

Lao Xie felt a little embarrassed when he heard it, but who was he? He’s from a big devil background, he knows he’s wrong but he can’t admit it, right? So he curled his lips and said: “Damn, you didn’t say that the shabby place you gave me to live in was unsafe and a shoddy project, and you still had the nerve to accuse me of causing trouble?”

“Oh my God!” the old mage shouted angrily: “Take a look for yourself, the ground is more than two feet thick, and it is all made of magic-reinforced stone slabs. It can allow several tons of monsters to run around on it. , you still have the nerve to say it’s not safe, my sun, do you think you are Behemoth?”

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