The Legend of Bimeng: Section 149 Unexpected Harvest, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 149 Unexpected Harvest

It was a dark and windy, eerie night. Outside the headquarters of the Black Dragon Guild in the City of Chaos, layers of black shadows suddenly appeared. One of the tall men in black was secretly raising his head and silently observing the situation in the castle.

This castle covers an area of ​​about dozens of acres. It is square in shape and divided into two floors, the inner and outer, just like the Chinese character “Hui”. The outer fortress is 15 meters high and five to six meters wide. It is all made of bluestone and is very strong. The inner fortress is even higher, with five floors and more than 40 meters, with a tall spire in the middle.

At this time, although the main force of the pirates was transferred away, the pirates who had gone through countless battles not only did not relax their vigilance, but doubled the number of patrols. On the inner and outer city walls, more than 200 people patrolled back and forth. At the same time, there are more than 100 secret sentries densely packed in every dark corner of the castle. Many of them have demons with a keener sense of smell than dogs. As long as anyone dares to come in, they will definitely be the first to be discovered.

However, such a tight defense, although it will cause a lot of trouble even for the strong men in the holy realm, but for Lao Xie, it is like a fake. The reason is very simple, because the jumping knife is in Lao Xie. Evil hands.

I saw a hazy white light on the highest spire of the castle, and then Lao Xie sneaked in easily. Although there were more than 300 guards around, their eyes were all focused on the outside, and they did not pay attention to the spire behind them at all. In fact, no one even noticed the faint light emitted when Lao Xie arrived.

After successfully sneaking in, Lao Xie smiled evilly at the people below, and then took out a bottle of transparent potion from his arms, which was the psychedelic drug ‘No. 4’ refined by the old mage. Since Lao Xie used it several times, he became particularly interested in this kind of thing, so much so that he ordered Paz to rush to make it day and night. Anyway, Lao Xie had no shortage of materials, so if he didn’t have any, he would go directly to the old mage to get it. Therefore, the production of No. 4 was almost never interrupted. To this day, Lao Xie has actually accumulated a lot of number fours in his hands. Before coming this time, he knew that there would be a fierce battle, so he deliberately brought all the No. 4s.

However, in the previous battle, Lao Xie’s side was located on a cliff by the sea. The wind above was very strong and the direction was unpredictable, which was not conducive to the use of this kind of thing, so he held back to no avail.

Until today, Lao Xie finally found a chance. The headquarters of the Black Dragon Society is located in the center of the city, and it is completely enclosed with almost no wind. It is perfect for using this thing. Naturally, Lao Xie would not miss this opportunity. He quietly poured the liquid in the bottle evenly from above. Before it fell to the ground, all the droplets evaporated into gaseous state, slowly filling every room in the entire castle. corner. Soon, those sleeping people and the secret whistle in the corner completely became comatose, and they would not wake up even if gongs and drums were played outside.

As for those patrolling at the top of the city, Lao Xie would naturally not miss them. He gently waved his palms a few times, blowing a gust of breeze, and slowly blew the gaseous No. 4 to the top of the city below. Soon, people outside were surprised to find that those who were still patrolling seemed to be suddenly possessed by an evil spirit. They began to stagger and walk unsteadily, and finally fell to the ground one after another. Some people were even unlucky. He fell from the top of the city and was smashed into a pulp alive.

Seeing this scene, the people in the ambush below were almost all dumbfounded, but fortunately, they were also very good warriors after all, so they quickly realized that there was obviously something wrong inside, and they were undoubtedly good at attacking. opportunity, so they rushed out of their hiding places and headed straight for the main entrance of the castle.

At this time, the huge city gate was slowly opening. When everyone passed by, they happened to see the tall back of Lao Xie. Upon seeing this situation, those people rushed in impatiently, fearing that the people inside would wake up, but unexpectedly Lao Xie reached out to stop them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a gust of wind blew from inside the door, and several guys at the door fell down. The people behind him were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated with panic on their faces.

“What are you afraid of? It’s just a psychedelic drug!” Lao Xie couldn’t help laughing and scolding. As he spoke, he lowered his head and took out another medicine bottle, poured out a little liquid and applied it under the unconscious man’s nose. Soon, all the people woke up.

Then Lao Xie threw the antidote to those people, and then ordered: “Kill first, get the goods later, be quick with your hands and feet, and don’t make too much noise!”

“Yes!” Everyone agreed immediately in unison.

Next, more than 400 people who had wiped out the antidote rushed directly into the castle. Perhaps, many of them could not defeat a demon in single combat, but now, they can kill those demons as much as they want. Guy, didn’t meet any resistance. In just ten minutes, most of the pirates on the periphery were killed. Only dozens of masters deep in the inner castle still retained a certain strength because No. 4 failed to fully penetrate. Relying on the familiar terrain and the traps here, he constantly caused trouble for everyone.

However, these guys obviously cannot be the opponents of Lao Xie and others. With the help of some experts provided by Chris Chen and Konstani, Lao Xie fought his way to the core of the inner fortress. In the end, Lao Xie forced the opponent to a stone gate.

Stepping on the corpses and blood on the ground, Lao Xie came to the stone gate leisurely, smiled and said to the four sixth-level demon warriors who were still resisting: “You guys, aren’t you? Are you bringing me here on purpose? Are you afraid that I won’t know the location of your treasure?”

When the demons heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. Only then did they feel that it was inappropriate to introduce Lao Xie and others here. However, now that the matter is over, they have nothing to fear. So he said angrily, “Damn bastards, you will know later how stupid it is to offend the black dragon!”

“Tch!” Lao Xie sneered disdainfully: “I’m afraid there won’t be another Black Dragon Society in the future. Are you still so arrogant?”

“You’re talking nonsense. Our Black Dragon Club has a great cause, how can you resist it?” a guy said angrily.

“I hate guys who are incompetent but still arrogant and talk nonsense!” Lao Xie said in disgust, and then waved his hand lightly. Behind him, Kerry and dozens of masters immediately rushed forward.

The four guys obviously couldn’t resist so many people. However, knowing that they were going to die, they directly chose to turn around and commit suicide. With a stroke of their weapons, all the internal organs of the four people flowed out and sputtered. On that stone wall. Suddenly, the stone wall seemed to have come alive and began to absorb the flesh and blood crazily. Even the corpses of the four demons were eaten by the stone wall.

Seeing this scene, Lao Xie immediately realized that there was a conspiracy, and hurriedly recalled Krischen and others who wanted to attack the stone pillar. Just after those people came back, the stone wall exploded with a bang, gravel flew everywhere, and dust spread everywhere, making Lao Xie and others retreat in embarrassment. After a moment of turmoil, the real owner finally appeared. This person turned out to be a red-haired strong man from the holy realm, the red-haired evil demon Tian Feng Shishiro.

It turned out that after this guy was forced to reveal his hands, his body was still severely injured by the Elf Sword Master. In order to save his life and treat his injuries, he only had time to give a few words to his subordinates. Then he rushed back to the Black Dragon Society headquarters in the City of Chaos without even looking back. There was no time to explain anything, so he hurriedly retreated to recuperate. It is precisely for this reason that the people of the Black Dragon Society still don’t know who defeated Tianfeng Shiro. They only know that Tianfeng Shiro was injured when he ambushed the Hercules family, and they don’t know anything else. . Therefore, they did not send anyone to settle the Stephen family. As a result, the pirates did not notice the arrival of these dangerous guys like Lao Xie at all, so they were caught off guard by Lao Xie. If the pirates had known that Lao Xie had entered the City of Chaos, the situation would not have been so bad.

Originally, Tianfeng Jushiro had to run for his life after being seriously injured, so that his injuries worsened and he could hardly move after he came back. If it weren’t for the powerful physique of the devil, he would have been finished. And if the injuries on his hands and body are to be fully treated, it will take at least several years. However, the four people who had just died knew that they would not survive. In order to allow Tianfeng Shiro to escape and avenge themselves, they simply gave up their bodies and souls and channeled all their essence through that special face. The wall was passed to Tianfeng Jushiro. So much so that Tianfeng Jushiro now not only completely grew a new arm, but also recovered about 60% of his fighting spirit. Although he lost his weapon Tianxie Sword in the last battle, based on his current strength alone, he can be regarded as a master among masters. At least ordinary sixth-level warriors may not be able to defeat him.

Youdao said that “enemies are extremely jealous when they meet”, especially Lao Xie, the guy who made him break his arm and run away, which made Tianfeng Shirojiro hate him to the bone. He said to Lao Xie fiercely: “Damn it Stephen, you actually chased me here! Do you want to kill them all?”

“Haha, misunderstanding!” Lao Xie said with a smile: “I just came to rob, but I didn’t expect to meet you! How can I put it, this is called hunting rabbits with straw, what an unexpected harvest!”

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