The Legend of Bimeng: Second Chapter 246: Another Trouble, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Second Chapter 246: Another Trouble

The Augustus family has its own auction house, so the venue for this transaction is naturally in its own shop. This is not only the auction house of the August family, but there are also high-end jewelry processing workshops, warehouses for various precious materials, and guest rooms for temporary residence of senior personnel, etc. It can be said to be a very important base for the August family. .

But now, such an important place was smashed into ruins by the old mage with a lightning strike. Moreover, as if the old mage had measured it beforehand, he specifically targeted the Augustus family’s territory, leaving the buildings of other nearby families almost unscathed. Seeing such a scene in front of everyone, who can still not understand what is going on?

Although the Augustus family knew that the old mage was deliberately causing trouble, they had no way to cause trouble for him. After all, they are helping your family catch thieves. Even if you break something, you would be embarrassed to ask them to compensate you, right? What’s more, it is obviously impossible for the August family to bring shame on the old mage and ask for compensation.

The reason is very simple, because the old mage is not the only one who is responsible for the destruction. You know, the other masters of the Holy Domain were also in a hurry to chase Lao Xie just now. They were all unconventional masters. In order to rush for time, some kicked down the door and broke the window. The heavy armored sword master It even broke through a wall happily. So, if the August family wants to ask the old mage for compensation, what should others do? If everyone breaks something while walking, we can’t just ask the old mage to pay for it alone, right? If the August family dared to be so unreasonable, then the old mage would definitely not mind smashing them again.

It is obviously impossible for the August family to demand compensation from all of them. In that case, not only would it be a loss of face, but it would also be extremely unwise to offend so many masters at once. As long as they haven’t reached the point of being idiots, they will never do this. Therefore, the August family’s dumb loss is definitely settled this time.

Obviously the old mage knew this, so after releasing the spell, he proudly showed off to other mages. Although those people knew that the old mage was deliberately causing trouble, their relationship with the old mage was naturally deeper than that with the August family, so they all cooperated with the old mage and kept praising the old mage for his magic. How good it was, it made the old mage laugh out loud. After a few more words of greeting, everyone dispersed.

On one side, Frank, the patriarch of the August family, had to force a smile to thank him for his presence and generosity, and then sent him off in person. Even when the pastor reattached his son’s amputated limb, he had to put it aside for a while before going to visit, which made him feel very depressed. What happened next made Frank even more depressed and vomited blood.

It turns out that since the old mage released the eighth-level magic Thunder Heavenly Prison, known as the Small Forbidden Curse, everyone present thought that the murderer was definitely dead. If such a powerful spell were used for one minute, , even if the sword master is inside, he must have died long ago. Therefore, when everyone saw the scene of Lao Xie being swallowed by lightning, they all thought that the matter was over, and then they all left.

However, when the Augustus family mobilized hundreds of people and searched in the ruins for three days, not only did they not find the stolen treasure ‘Ring of Tenacity’, but they also failed to find even a single part of the murderer’s body. part.

Logically speaking, this is obviously impossible, because the ‘Ring of Tenacity’ is a sub-artifact that has undergone special processing during refining. It is extremely strong and should be able to withstand such a level of lightning spells. After all, the damage caused by lightning spells to metals is relatively low. Moreover, even the murderer himself should not be completely informed, because the opponent’s claws are extremely hard and can even compete with the sword full of fighting spirit of a sixth-level master. Obviously, such a hard thing should not be completely destroyed by lightning spells, even if it is The murderer’s whole body was turned into ashes, so these claws should at least leave some fragments, but there was no trace left at the scene.

Undoubtedly, after these two situations occurred, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the murderer was not dead at all, but escaped with the ‘Ring of Tenacity’.

This conclusion was a huge blow to the August family. Anyway, after receiving the news, Frank vomited three liters of blood on the spot, and then fell unconscious.

You know, the Augustus family originally wanted to rely on this thing to save the family from crisis, but the result was great. The thing was robbed, the son was injured, and in the end it was used to help the boss’s business. It was really a loss. Madam, she lost her troops again! In particular, the destruction of the auction house and the workshop behind it worsened the already troubled economic situation of the August family, and they were not far from bankruptcy.

Fortunately, the Augustus family has been passed down for hundreds of years, and the ancestors of the family have also produced masters at the sanctuary level, so the family is still very knowledgeable. After it was clear that the ‘Ring of Tenacity’ was lost, they quickly held an auction while the nobles who came here had not left, and sold a set of top-quality dwarf armor worn by their ancestors’ sword masters, plus Some other things, and eventually hundreds of thousands of gold coins were collected, which alleviated the family’s financial crisis in one fell swoop. However, although they finally got through the difficulty in this way, it was just a matter of maintaining their relationship. If they wanted to regain their strength, it would probably not take more than ten years.

That day, under the cover of the old mage’s lightning, Lao Xie successfully used his jumping knife to escape. Because the lightning was too dense at that time, it was like a wall blocking the sight of everyone in the yard, so no one saw that Lao Xie had left, only the old mage who released the spell.

After coming back, Lao Xie casually threw the ‘Ring of Tenacity’ to the old mage. He was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth and kept praising Lao Xie for his filial piety.

In fact, the old mage originally planned to come back and scold Lao Xie. Who told Lao Xie to act without saying hello? But when he saw that Lao Xie was robbing him, the old mage was immediately moved, so he simply forgot all his complaints.

Then the old mage hurried back to carry out the transformation. After all, the ‘Ring of Tenacity’ was stolen goods. He couldn’t just show it around with him every day, right? So it had to be modified beyond recognition. Of course, this kind of work may be difficult for others, but it is extremely simple for the old mage. He just wrapped another layer of mithril on the outside of the ‘Ring of Tenacity’, and then carved some new protective magic on the mithril. The runes and void gems were also covered by fragments of other blue gems, so that their appearance changed drastically. After some processing by the old mage, the ‘Ring of Tenacity’ turned into a silver-white protective magic bracelet. Even if it was thrown into Frank’s hand, he was guaranteed not to recognize it.

After settling the matter, the old mage returned the favor and promised Lao Xie to personally go to the Ice Mage Saint and ask for the goblin mortar blueprint in her hand. It’s been a long time since the last official conflict between Lao Xie and the little princess. The other party’s anger must have dissipated. Moreover, the little princess now has a very good relationship with Lao Xie. Coupled with the old mage’s face, he should be able to get the blueprints. of.

Sure enough, things went very smoothly, almost as the old mage and Lao Xie thought. The Ice Master did not make things difficult for the old mage this time. He just gently blackmailed the old mage into an elite-level monster, and happily took it away. The drawings were given to the old mage.

Seriously speaking, their blueprints are more valuable than these elite-level gods and monsters. After all, there is only one blueprint in the entire continent, but there are many elite gods and monsters. Moreover, if the monster is destroyed, it will be gone, but the blueprints can produce countless goblin mortars. In comparison, the blueprints are naturally more valuable.

After getting the blueprint, the old mage began to study in seclusion, making it difficult for even Lao Xie to see him. Naturally, Lao Xie would not disturb him. In fact, he was happy to entertain himself.

Since Lao Xie’s public robbery, everyone present has confirmed that the murderer is not little Stephen. Therefore, all the spies from various forces outside the Stephen family have almost disappeared, which makes Lao Xie become more relaxed. He was either flirting with the little siren in the castle all day long, or playing with Vivian, and sometimes messing around with the little princess. Anyway, he lived a wonderful little life.

However, it’s like Lao Xie’s retribution for being a devil. His good days usually don’t last long anyway! No, just a few days after Lao Xie cleared away his suspicion, an uninvited guest came to his door in the afternoon of that day.

The visitor is Akash, the patriarch of the Hercules family. According to the relationship between Lao Xie and Konstani, he should be regarded as Lao Xie’s father-in-law. Therefore, the old mage did not dare to be careless about his sudden visit. , hurriedly put down the experiment in his hand and came out to receive him, because he knew that ordinary trivial matters would be handled by Fatty. Unless something big happened, the other party would not come to the Magic Tower to look for him.

Lao Xie happened to be in the castle, so the old mage called him out to accompany the guests. After the three of them exchanged greetings, they sat down in the living room.

At this time, although the serious matter has not been said yet, both the old mage and Lao Xie are sure. Something big must have happened to the other party. Because Duke Akasha’s face was pale, and cold sweat was oozing out from time to time, which was completely different from his usual calm and commanding image.

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