The Legend of Bimeng: Operation 334, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Operation 334

After finishing these things, Grand Duke Shiratori, who was a little tired from traveling all night, ate something and fell asleep in the temporarily vacated bedroom. But not long after he fell asleep, he heard someone knocking on the door quickly.

At this time, Grand Duke Shiratori was awakened and was immediately upset, but he also knew that his men could not disturb him unless there was nothing serious, so he could only brace himself and said: “Come in!”

Then, a man who looked like an adjutant came in. Just as he was about to salute, Grand Duke Shiratiao couldn’t wait to ask: “What happened? Why did you wake me up at this time?”

“I’m sorry Grand Duke, it’s a magical message from Chief Buton. He said it’s extremely urgent and you must reply immediately!” With that, the adjutant sent a sealed envelope.

“A letter from Teacher Buton?” Grand Duke Shiratori was suddenly startled, and hurriedly took the letter over, then opened it and read it carefully.

As the thrilling lines of text came into the eyes of Grand Duke Shiratori, his expression became extremely ugly. After finally reading the letter, he slapped her so hard that the table next to her was broken into pieces. The loud noise made the adjutant tremble in fright, and then the guards of the White Bird Archduke also appeared one after another. They thought something had happened.

The Grand Duke Shiratori waved his men away with a frustrated expression, then covered his forehead and began to think. After a while, he made up his mind, then got up, walked to another table, sat down, picked up a pen and paper and started writing a letter. After writing, he read it again. He sighed helplessly, then sealed the letter, and then said to the adjutant: “Send it to Buton immediately, it is also urgent!”

“Yes!” When the adjutant heard that it was so urgent, he did not dare to hesitate at all and hurriedly took the letter. He turned around and ran out.

“Alas!” Grand Duke Shiratori looked at the adjutant’s back, sighed and said to himself again: “I hope this can survive this disaster, but I’m sorry, son, dad, I can only sacrifice you!”

As he spoke, Grand Duke Shiratori, a sword master, couldn’t help but burst into tears. This strong man didn’t even cry when his father was forced to death by the Stephen family. It was because of his skill and ability. Stabilize the Shiratori Principality, which is on the verge of collapse. But today, he had to personally order the execution of his only son. The pain of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man to his death had already made him extremely sad, but the person who did it was himself, which naturally made him feel even more guilty. As for crying on the spot.

However, after all, Grand Duke Shiratori is a perseverant person, after crying. He quickly replied, only to see him suddenly raise his head and mutter to himself fiercely: “The Stephen family, the August family, please remember me. One day, I will make you pay the price!”

A few hours later, the letter written by the White Bird Archduke was delivered to Buton through special means. Buton tremblingly came over to take a look. I saw clearly written on it, ‘Send out the Dark Bird and White Bird Knights to completely destroy the castle. No one inside is allowed to be spared, including Lan Shite! ’

Although he was well prepared, Buton couldn’t help but burst into tears after seeing this order with his own eyes. Stoke on the side was shocked when he saw this. He hurriedly said: “Teacher, what’s wrong? What order did my elder brother give?”

“See for yourself!” Bouton casually handed the order to Stoker.

Stoke took it over and glanced at it, and then said in shock: “What? Even Lan Shite wants to be killed? Why is this?”

“Because Lan Shite has caused a big disaster. If he doesn’t die, I’m afraid the White Bird Principality will be implicated!” Buton said helplessly: “For the sake of the country, the Grand Duke has no choice but to kill his relatives out of justice!”

“Ah!” Stoker said in shock: “What on earth did Lan Shite do?”

“He robbed the goods of the Stephen family and the Hercules family!” Buton explained with tears.

“Oh!” Stoker took a breath and said: “He was actually responsible for the robbery of millions of gold coins? Damn it. Doesn’t this **** want to live? How can he provoke these two powerful people without any trouble? Family? Ah. No wonder the Stephen family wanted to kidnap him even if they attacked the castle. Oh my god, what happened to Lan Shite? It’s only been a month or two since the robbery, and they came here! Is he an idiot? He doesn’t know how to wipe his **** after eating!”

“Of course he knows how to wipe his ass!” Buton then said harshly: “This **** deliberately left clues and pointed the finger at Long Ling. He didn’t even think about it, is that guy Long Yan easy to fool? As a result, this It only took a little more than a month for people to find out, and now Long leads tens of thousands of troops to gather at the border, just to demand an explanation from us!”

“Oh my god!” Stoker couldn’t help but cursed, “Lanshit is such an idiot. Not only did he offend the two major families of the Griffin Kingdom, but he also poured dirty water on our marriage alliance. He Do you want to kill his aunt who married Long Yan?”

“It’s too late to say anything now!” Buton said helplessly: “The only thing we can do for Lan Shite is to let him die with dignity!”

“But, if Lan Shite dies, the matter is over?” Stoker asked in confusion.

“Of course it’s not over, but relatively speaking, we are much more relaxed. After all, all the evidence is in the castle. As long as Lan Shite is destroyed together, it will no longer be able to prove Lan Shite’s involvement in that incident. “This is a robbery.” Buton said calmly: “In this case, as long as the dragon leaders send some things and deal with it, they can get rid of it. After all, they didn’t lose much, but we lost the Grand Duke’s only son. Coupled with what your sister said, I’m sure the Dragon Leader won’t embarrass us too much!”

“But there are still the heirs of the Stephen family and a lady of the Hercules family in the castle. If we kill them, the two families will probably not let it go?” Stoker said worriedly.

“Huh!” Buton snorted coldly: “What’s the point? Don’t forget, this time they attacked our castle and kidnapped Lan Shite. Afterwards, we can definitely say that it was their The barbaric act killed Lan Shite, and we demand an apology and compensation from them! As long as the evidence of robbery disappears, then we are the right side. No matter how brutal the Griffin Kingdom is, it still needs to be reasonable, right?

“But the problem is, that old guy from the Stephen family doesn’t seem to be a reasonable person?” Stoker said worriedly.

“What can he do alone?” Buton said disdainfully: “As long as we bribe the top management of the Griffin Kingdom and ensure that the Griffin Kingdom will not go to war with us, then we can get through this! Even if that old **** No matter how powerful he is, can he destroy the White Bird Kingdom alone?”

“Oh, of course he can’t do anything to destroy the White Bird Principality, but what if he comes to us? Then who can stop him?” Stoker said with some fear, “Even the eldest brother can’t beat him. Huh?”

“It doesn’t matter!” Buton sneered: “When the time comes, I will arrange for important figures in the country to hide! Hum, our relationship with the Chaos Knights has always been good, and we send a large number of gifts every year. Now is the time When it comes to using them, why don’t we hide in the Principality of Chaos? I don’t believe that he dares to kill people at will under the eyes of Dongfang Bubai!”

“Ah, yes, yes!” Stoker’s eyes immediately lit up when he heard this, and he smiled: “Teacher, you have thought carefully. As long as Dongfang Bubai is guarding him, no matter how powerful the Lightning Dharma Saint is, he will definitely Don’t dare to act wild!”

“It’s good that you understand!” Buton nodded, and then said: “Now let’s work separately. I will arrange for your family members to be transferred to the Principality of Chaos, and you will mobilize the troops and strive to bring them home tonight. I destroyed them all!” Buton then said in a serious voice, “Remember, although those stolen goods are valuable, they are hot potatoes. You must not be greedy and burn them all, otherwise they will be discovered. We are all dead, understand?”

“Understood!” Stoker said hurriedly and solemnly.

“Just understand!” Seeing Stoke’s serious look, Bouton knew that he had indeed listened. He was somewhat relieved, then waved to him and said: “Then go get ready!”

“Yes!” Stoker nodded, then hurriedly turned and left.

Late at night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the breeze is blowing.

Suddenly, hundreds of men in black appeared outside the castle, taking advantage of the moonlight to sneak towards the city wall. These people’s movements were as agile as cats, fast and silent. The daggers in their hands were all as black as ink, and did not reflect any light even under the bright moonlight. At a glance, it was obvious that these were assassins who had received professional assassin training.

After arriving at the city wall, they climbed up easily with the strength of their hands and feet without using any climbing tools.

Those hanging on the city wall naturally discovered these people, but no one of them made a sound, and instead showed excited smiles. It turned out that they thought these men in black were here to save them, and some even couldn’t help but whisper, “Brother, hurry up, I’ve been hanging for a day, and I can’t hold it anymore!”

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