The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 860: Repairing the Mobile Kingdom, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 860: Repairing the Mobile Kingdom

Seeing the terrifyingly huge Cloud City, Mara immediately exclaimed, and he hurriedly said: “Master, this, is this your main temple?”

Mara has been staying in the Mobile Kingdom since she was brought here by Lao Xie, and knows nothing about the outside world. So it’s not clear what Lao Xie’s family background is at this time.

Lao Xie was too lazy to talk to him and said directly: “Don’t make a fuss, there are too many such things in the Guangming Clan!”

“Oh no, the Light God Clan is too powerful!” Mara couldn’t help but said in surprise.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, I will arrange for someone to transport the materials for you!” After Lao Xie finished speaking, he directly activated the space spell and arrived in Yunzhong City in an instant.

After Lao Xie arrived, Hegna had already directed Yunzhong City to stop near the giant tree. Lao Xie didn’t say much nonsense, and directly waved his hand to her and said: “Send those things over according to the material list Mara asked for! Mara will tell you what to do!”

“Yes!” Hegna agreed hurriedly, and then directed her men to deliver the materials.

It must be said that angels with the ability to fly, combined with a large amount of space equipment, can transport items incredibly fast. The mountains of materials in the warehouse were transported to the giant tree in a short period of time.

Because there was too much material, Mara couldn’t digest it for a while, so he could only temporarily pile some of it in his warehouse. Then, the excited Mara began to repair herself.

Under the command of Mara, hundreds of angels flew to a huge platform specially created by Mara, and piled the magic crystals in their personal space items onto the platform. It was only then that Lao Xie clearly realized how much he had asked the teacher for.

The platform created by Mara is several miles in diameter. Hundreds of angels kept throwing magic crystals down, and soon they piled up into hills hundreds of meters high. You know, this is not an ordinary thing, but a magic crystal, a magic crystal that is more expensive than gold!

Looking at the tens of thousands of tons of magic crystals of various series piled up, Lao Xie, who had seen this for the first time, couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

But Mara didn’t care about this at all. After the magic crystals piled up, it immediately formed a black hole in the middle of the square. The black hole automatically emitted a suction force and slowly swallowed up the surrounding magic crystals.

As a large number of magic crystals were swallowed up, the entire giant tree immediately felt as if it had taken stimulants. It began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the sound of rattling, thick branches spread out in all directions, and new castles were formed on the canopy. At the same time, the old castle was also getting bigger, especially the highest castle in the middle, which doubled in size in just a few minutes.

The biggest change was in the edge areas. After receiving enough magic power, Mara began to expand crazily. The tree crowns with a radius of hundreds of miles were constantly expanding. Whenever the tree crowns extended horizontally to the extreme, It will grow thick branches again and take root down to the ground as a pillar of support.

Mara has received enough supplements and has grown very quickly, but no matter how fast he grows, it is impossible to fully recover in a short period of time. His growth also takes time. About a month later, the giant tree’s canopy had covered an area of ​​at least 5,000 miles and reached a height of more than tens of thousands of meters. From the top of the tree, you can feel the thinness of the air. As for the supports below it, there are too many to count.

Until this time, Mara had consumed one-third of the magic crystals on his list. After the giant tree grew to this extent, Mara was no longer satisfied with just the magic crystal. He began to ask the angels to add other materials to him while adding the magic crystal. The addition of these materials did not speed up the expansion of Mara, but it added many buildings with different properties and functions to the canopy of the giant tree.

For example, with the teleportation arrays scattered throughout the tree canopy, you no longer need to fly slowly when moving on the tree canopy, you can just teleport directly. In addition, there are many types of special greenhouses on the canopy. This is where rare medicinal herbs are grown.

Lao Xie was somewhat interested in that, so he took Hegna and his confidante to visit. I found that the greenhouse created by Mara turned out to be all kinds of strange things, including all kinds of things. Some greenhouses are completely cold in winter and have nothing to do with the word “warm”. It is so cold inside that it can freeze and crack the steel. Some magical species that like extreme cold need such conditions to grow.

Some greenhouses are completely filled with high-temperature special magma. The so-called special magma means magma that is completely different from ordinary magma. Ordinary magma is the product of high-temperature melting of soil, but the magma in Mara’s greenhouse is the product of the melting of several rare ores, several of which are more valuable than mithril. There is not one such magma pool, but dozens. Each magma is different. Some are mineral magma, and some are metal melted magma. Different magmas are suitable for different magical species.

In addition to these two abnormal special greenhouses, Mara also built greenhouses with different poisonous gases, greenhouses with different liquids, greenhouses with different soil formulas, and there are tens of thousands of greenhouses. Each is several hundred meters square. Fortunately, the space for the giant tree is big enough, otherwise I wouldn’t know how to fit it in.

According to Mara, these greenhouses are actually his greatest wealth, because with these greenhouses, he can cultivate precious medicinal materials from different planes in large quantities. The cultivation methods of these medicinal materials were worked out slowly and painstakingly by his old master, which is the result of his hundreds of thousands of years of experience. Even the Light God Clan cannot have such a complete training method, because the Angel God Clan is too strong and has enmity with many planes, so they cannot be like the God of Travel Mala, who can enter and exit various planes at will, and Feel free to research the cultivation method of medicinal materials unique to that plane.

For this, not only Travel, but even Hegna must admit it. At the same time, they also deeply admired the God of Travel. It was really amazing that a person could research the cultivation methods of so many precious medicines.

Of course, a greenhouse alone is not enough, you must also have seeds. But this was not a problem for Mara, because the seeds were all readily available. In order to make a comeback, Mara will naturally not give up these treasures. Saving seeds doesn’t consume much power anyway, so he kept a little of each type of seed. After the greenhouse was established, Mara immediately directed the angels to start planting.

Fortunately, there are many people here at Laoxie, otherwise it would be difficult to find someone to manage the greenhouse. But now he doesn’t have to worry about this at all. As soon as Lao Xie gave an order, tens of thousands of pharmacists from the angel tribe came here and became Mara’s subordinates. Each of them is responsible for managing a greenhouse. With a certain foundation, they quickly mastered the usage of their own greenhouse and the medicinal materials suitable for planting under Mara’s explanation. They also received a certain number of seeds and began large-scale planting.

Thankfully, Mala has no physical body. After absorbing a large amount of materials and magic crystals, Mala’s abilities as an artifact soul have also greatly increased, and he has the ability of tens of thousands of clones. Mara, who has differentiated into countless rays of light, can easily handle a massive amount of work. He can teach tens of thousands of angels how to plant while chatting with Lao Xie, and he can also command other angels to add different materials to him. Even Lao Xie is envious of this ability to have countless incarnations.

As the giant tree was restored, Mara grew in size and made more demands. The impatient Lao Xie soon got tired of watching Mara grow up all day long. Therefore, after Mara’s restoration work was generally on track, Lao Xie left Hegna to assist Mara, but he left here and quietly came to a temple under his name.

The Magic Temple covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. It is a production temple specially used to refine various magic tools. All the equipment of the angel legion under Lao Xie, whether it is armor, weapons, or various Almost all life and production tools are produced here.

A demigod alchemist named Mabry is in charge of everything here. This angel looks very steady, has the demeanor of a scholar, and is extremely knowledgeable. It is said that he is over 50,000 years old. Although his combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of Lao Xie, in terms of knowledge, Lao Xie cannot even compare to him.

When Lao Xie came here secretly, Marbury was conducting a very important alchemy experiment. Even though Lao Xie was his highest officer, he didn’t look down upon him after disturbing his experiment.

When Marbury was called to the front by Lao Xie, he even forgot to greet him and asked hurriedly, “Sir, what do you want to see me for?”

His first words when he saw Lao Xie fully revealed his dissatisfaction. Such disrespect was considered a serious crime in the Guangming Clan. If Lao Xie got angry, he could be severely punished. . So that everyone who saw this scene couldn’t help but sweat for him.

Fortunately, Lao Xie had no intention of pursuing Marbury. He knew that such a person who was completely obsessed with his own field did not have any malicious intentions, but just had a simple mind. Lao Xie has always been very tolerant of these treasures.

So he was not angry, he just smiled and said: “I have a design for something and I need you to help me build it!”

“Sir, you can just find someone here to handle such a small matter. There is no need to bother me, right? You know, my time is very precious!” Marbury said with some displeasure.

“Haha, I’m afraid you are wrong!” Lao Xie said calmly: “This thing of mine cannot be made by just looking for someone. I’m afraid even you may not be able to produce it. ! ”

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