The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 742 False Alarm, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 742 False Alarm

The origin of the sub-artifact Purification Blade has been completely forgotten in the long history, and no one knows which strong man made it. However, since its appearance, it has continued to create miracles under the hands of successive masters. Especially its previous master, the human sword **** known as the undefeated East, has fully exerted the power of the Purification Blade. Two demon lords died under this sword.

Today, in the hands of the new owner Catherine, the Purification Blade once again exerted its powerful combat effectiveness, especially its own purification spell, which not only dispelled all the spell effects on the demon lord, but also made him fall into Being troubled by the purification spell, his lightning-fast figure suddenly turned into a snail.

After Catherine succeeded in the sneak attack, she was not frightened by her opponent and ran away. Instead, she retreated while attacking the opponent with petrifying rays to further slow down the opponent.

Even if the demon lord is a legendary master, he still suffered a big loss in this situation where he was unable to prevent himself. First he was slowed down by the purification spell, and then he was hit by a petrification ray, and his body was immediately paralyzed.

And the ghost Mountbatten who was chasing after him naturally would not miss this opportunity. He took the opportunity to rush forward and used his claws to chop the guy into several pieces on the spot, killing him instantly!

However, even though this guy is dead, Catherine’s situation has not become safe yet. Because other demon lords also regarded her as the biggest threat at this time, and they also wanted to **** the artifact bow and arrow in Natasha’s hand, so they unanimously focused their firepower on Catherine. The remaining three or four demon lords worked together to release three powerful fire spells, intending to kill Catherine on the spot.

As soon as they completed the casting action, they saw three fire dragons shooting out from their hands and rushing towards Catherine. Catherine was shocked when she saw this. She knew that with her own strength, it was impossible to catch the blows of the three legendary masters. So she didn’t dare to take the fight, and quickly used the Chaos Knight’s trick, the real phantom, to create a clone and stay in place, attracting the three fire dragons, and Catherine’s body immediately stretched out its wings and flew high.

In fact, until now, the fact that Catherine, the eldest princess, has wings has been a secret to most people in the Griffin Kingdom. Unless absolutely necessary, Catherine is absolutely unwilling to show her wings in public.

And now was the time, if she didn’t fly away to avoid it, she would definitely be beaten to death on the spot. So in complete defeat and desperation, Catherine could only resort to this method to escape. As for the aftermath, we can only talk about it later.

Because the Chaos Cult’s unique skill is also a great skill, it is extremely deceptive. In addition, the fire dragons released by the demon lords are only very powerful in terms of power, but have no specific wisdom. Together, these are As a result, the three fire dragons were unable to distinguish the real enemy. They blew Catherine’s phantom into pieces and buried hundreds of human warriors with it, but Catherine herself was not affected at all.

The demon lords only saw Catherine flying in the air safely after a violent explosion, while her fire dragon disappeared. This strange situation immediately made them furious. You must know that they are legendary masters after all, but Catherine is only level five. Three legendary masters tried their best to kill a level 5 rookie. If word got out, they would really have no shame in showing off.

In anger, the three of them no longer cared about face, and all used their ultimate moves. One of them released a fire cloud with a radius of one kilometer, and smashed it down on Catherine’s head, while the other one sprayed out a powerful blast. The pillar of fire, which was more than ten meters thick, rushed directly towards Catherine. The last guy released a bolide with power reaching level 12.

Seeing the three legendary masters going crazy, the old mage’s face turned green with fright. Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away. Even though he was stronger than Mountbatten, he was still stupid at the time. With such powerful third-level ultimate moves released together, he could only choose to dodge them. If he resisted, he would probably go in raw and come out cooked.

Of course, for Barton, with his flexible speed, it is not difficult to dodge these three attacks, but for Catherine, it is simply a nightmare. She didn’t even have a chance to dodge. It felt like she was completely surrounded by flames, with no chance of escape.

And just when she was in despair, a thunderous roar came from far away: “No~~~~”

After Catherine heard this, she suddenly felt energetic, as if she had a telepathic connection. She hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw Lao Xie flying thousands of meters away. Looking at Lao Xie’s anxious eyes, Catherine felt both sweetness and guilt in her heart. In the end, she just said, “I’m sorry, dear, I’m afraid we have to meet again in the next life!”

As soon as Catherine finished speaking, she was immediately hit by a pillar of fire, her whole body burned on the spot, and then she was enveloped in a cloud of fire, and finally she was hit by a bolide. Everyone saw that the location where Catherine was staying turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. After the flames dissipated, only two things were left there, the Purifying Blade and the artifact Petrified Eye. The artifact was better, with no damage, but the purification blade was burned red and seemed to melt. As for Catherine, there was no trace of her. Apparently reduced to ashes.

With such a method of death, not even a single corpse could be found. Even if Lao Xie had a god-level resurrection scroll, there would be no place to use it! In other words, Catherine is considered dead and cannot die anymore.

Seeing this scene, all the humans present were dumbfounded. The old mage and others burst into tears, while the other warriors turned into fools without any fighting spirit.

As for the demons, they were naturally very excited and started howling crazily. Even the three demon lords were no exception. Of course, what they value most are the two items left behind by Catherine, especially the artifact bow, which makes them even more coveted. As soon as they saw Catherine’s death and the loss of the artifact, they immediately rushed towards the Petrified Eye as if they had taken stimulants.

However, just when these three people were about to touch two things, an extremely angry roar came from afar!

“You three bastards, I will tear you into pieces!” With a thunderous roar, a figure covered in red and white flames instantly appeared beside them.

At this time, Lao Xie was like a rampaging bull. He saw the whole process of Catherine’s murder from a distance, and even heard the beauty’s last farewell words. The grief and anger in his heart was like a tsunami. Full of anger immediately erupted like a volcano.

Feeling Lao Xie’s anger, the brand of light in his body also seemed to show signs of compromise, and actually actively merged into Lao Xie’s body, causing the latter’s overall strength to increase crazily like an explosion.

I think that the brand of light was transformed by an orthodox **** after all, and contained almost all the power of that god. Although in a short period of time, Lao Xie only swallowed and absorbed less than 30%, it was all in one fell swoop. Raising his strength to the level of a demigod. Fortunately, Lao Xie has a special physique and has the powerful Behemoth bloodline. Coupled with the acquired jade refining skills and hard training, his physical strength is already as strong as that of a demigod, and he is able to withstand so many attacks. Strength, if it had been anyone else, I’m afraid it would have exploded long ago.

After absorbing the power of the Brand of Light, Lao Xie’s body also changed further. At this time, he was more than five meters tall. The structure of his body was no longer simple bones and muscles, but a mixture of various materials. A semi-energy body of this type of energy, the whole body is exuding white and red flames, and lightning flashes on the surface of his body from time to time.

Behind him is a pair of seven or eight meters long wings of light. His arms are as thick as one meter thick and can touch the ground. The ferocious muscles on them are scary to look at. In addition, there are five-finger straps. The sharp claws about half a foot long made Lao Xie’s overall image full of cruelty. Even when the cruel demon lord stood in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel a chill.

Seeing such a terrifying enemy suddenly appeared in front of them, whose strength seemed to have reached the level of a demigod, the three demon lords were instantly frightened. They knew they were no match for them, so they hurriedly wanted to escape, but , how could Lao Xie, who was already furious, let them go?

With just a simple step, Lao Xie mysteriously came to a demon lord, reached out with one hand, grabbed his neck like a chicken, and then lifted him up. .

In fact, that guy knew that Lao Xie was coming to arrest him, and as a master of melee combat, his ability should not be underestimated. When he felt Lao Xie’s attack, he also wanted to resist, but the problem was, no matter he No matter how you dodge, you can’t escape Lao Xie’s grasp. This is not only because the strength gap between the two sides is too large, but more importantly, it is also because the fighting skills gap between the two sides is even greater.

You know, before Lao Xie traveled through time, he was a top evil cultivator. His best skill was close combat. As the strongest tribulation master on earth at that time, Lao Xie’s strength at that time was equivalent to half of those here. The peak **** is a true demigod master.

So although his strength has skyrocketed now, he can still fully exert his fighting power. With the ability of a peak demigod master, it is naturally not difficult to catch an ordinary legendary master.

After Lao Xie caught the guy, he didn’t talk nonsense to him at all. He strangled the guy’s neck with one hand and at the same time directed the evil-proofing flames in his body, whether it was the Holy Fire of Light or the Suzaku Divine Fire, towards him. Attack inside the body.

Although the demon lords themselves are masters of fire, they have no resistance at all to the flames emitted by Lao Xie. Because after all, they are all people from the evil camp, and their bodies are filled with the evil spirit of death and violence. What this kind of evil is most afraid of is the evil-fighting flame in Lao Xie’s body. This is the so-called light restraining darkness.

Lao Xie’s flame itself is his nemesis, and his strength is several times stronger than the opponent’s. In this way, Lao Xie’s flame breaks into the opponent’s body like a bamboo, and in his body Raging.

Such burning is simply more terrifying than any torture in the world. The guy who was so arrogant just now is as cowardly as a wimp. He is crying for mercy because of the pain. Lao Xie was unmoved at all, and continued to burn him fiercely until he was reduced to ashes.

When Lao Xie was cremating that guy, he did not forget to chase the other two. Although he was holding an extremely burly man over four meters tall, it did not affect Lao Xie’s speed at all. Although his body seemed huge, it was extremely light. He looked like a wisp of smoke. He floated like a ghost for a few times before catching up with a guy. Then Lao Xie grabbed him with his other hand and continued to chase the third one.

When he caught up with the third one, the first one had also been cremated. Lao Xie happened to have his hand free to catch him and cremate him as before. In just a few breaths, the three legendary masters died in humiliation at the hands of Lao Xie.

Lao Xie’s tough, cold-blooded appearance was like a nightmare, deeply engraved in the hearts of those demons who saw this scene.

The coach is dead, and there is such a terrifying enemy ahead. How can the remaining members of the Burning Legion dare to continue fighting? They immediately receded like the tide, looking like they were frightened by someone.

However, although the Burning Legion wants to run away, humans don’t want to let them go yet! Especially the old mage and others, who loved Catherine extremely much, but now they are watching Catherine turn into ashes. Their psychological grief and anger are beyond words. Naturally, they are not willing to let them go like this. They don’t know who started it, and they are still wailing. The human troops on the mountain rushed down together. The old mage and several other saint domain masters were also among them.

However, Lao Xie, who should avenge Catherine the most, did not follow him. Instead, he came to the place where Catherine died, took a deep breath, and then looked up to the sky and roared: “In my name, come back, Catherine~ ~~~”

Just as Lao Xie roared, thousands of white lights bloomed from his head. The dazzling and magnificent light reflected Lao Xie’s big head like a sun. Everyone was shocked by this amazing scene.

What happened next made everyone even more horrified. After Lao Xie finished his roar, the originally clear sky immediately changed color. Countless black clouds gathered from all directions, covering the sun in an instant. , at the same time, gusts of dark wind suddenly raged on the Wailing Mountain. The strong wind blew many soldiers unsteadily and had to hug each other to avoid being blown away.

When the dark clouds gather to a certain extent, lightning begins to appear in the clouds. The lightning flashes were very sparse at first, but as time went by, they became more and more numerous, so that eventually a layer of lightning formed outside the clouds.

When the lightning gathered to a certain extent, they hit the ground together as if they had made an appointment, hitting the place where Catherine died. The lightning did not cause any damage there, but slowly gathered into a large egg made of lightning as if it was spiritual. The egg was several meters high, like a small house.

This whole process lasted for several minutes. The egg composed of lightning gradually faded away, revealing what was inside. It was a beautiful woman, who turned out to be Catherine who had just been burned to ashes by the demon lord!

At this time, she looked the same as when she was not in trouble. There was no difference in her clothes or appearance. The only difference was that her eyes were closed now, as if she was asleep. But Lao Xie, who was not far from her, felt his heart sink because he discovered that Catherine had no heartbeat or breathing. In other words, the Catherine he resurrected with the Great Prayer Technique given by the God Lord was just a corpse.

Just when Lao Xie was extremely frustrated and thought that his resurrection had failed, the dark clouds in the sky surged crazily again, and they kept spinning. Soon, a huge vortex was formed in the sky. As they got closer, a transparent figure flew out of the whirlpool, and it looked like it was Catherine. I saw her throwing herself straight towards her body on the ground.

But not long after she flew out of the whirlpool, a huge grimace made of dark clouds suddenly popped out of it. He looked angrily at Catherine who was going away, and shouted angrily: “No, You are dead! Your soul belongs to me! Who is interfering with the laws of nature? I, the **** of death, will curse you forever~”

Before he finished speaking, Lao Xie, who had been waiting impatiently, raised his hand and shot out a blazing white light, hitting the ugly black face hard. The Holy Fire of Light has a strong ability to restrain the death magic of the God of Death. In addition, this grimace is just a ray of distraction from the God of Death. It has no strength at all, and naturally it is no match for Lao Xie. Everyone saw a puff, and the black grimace was shattered by the white light and disappeared without a trace.

However, at the moment when the ghost face collapsed, the God of Death still noticed the existence of Lao Xie, so he took advantage of the last moment before the collapse and roared: “Damn bastard, I remember you, I remember you Stay here! Let’s wait and see!”

“Tch, who would be afraid of you idiot?” Lao Xie cursed disdainfully, and then hurried to Catherine’s side. At this time, the transparent shadow, Catherine’s soul, had attached itself to her body, and Catherine, who was originally silent, finally woke up. I saw her slowly opening her beautiful eyes, and the first thing she saw was Lao Xie’s concerned face.

“Ah~” Catherine did not see Lao Xie, who was more than 5 meters tall, before she died. It was Lao Xie who became the result of being stimulated after Catherine’s death. So when she first saw Lao Xie’s face, which was bigger than the washbasin, Catherine screamed in fright.

At this time, Lao Xie also realized that there was something wrong with his appearance. He quickly and awkwardly put away the energy around him, restored his original appearance again, and then said with a wry smile: “My dear, I flew more than a thousand miles. Will you repay me with your screams when I save you?”

“Ah~” Catherine was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at her body happily, then shouted excitedly, threw herself into Lao Xie’s arms, and said loudly: “Oh my god, do you know? I fell asleep just now and had a dream. I dreamed that I died and was burned alive with fire. My body turned into ashes, and my soul came to the kingdom of the God of Death. He said that I had a very high I have the potential to become his subordinate, and he even said that if I perform well, he will marry me as his concubine!”

“Bah!” Lao Xie scolded directly: “Let that **** go to hell! He didn’t even take a pee and look in the mirror to see his own virtue. How dare I steal a woman? I can’t live. Impatient! ”

“Haha, you are so funny, it was just a dream~” As soon as Catherine said this, she suddenly felt something was wrong and looked around hurriedly. As a result, she saw that she was still on the battlefield, and there were everywhere below. They were all corpses, and there were traces of being burnt by powerful fire magic under his feet.

“This~” Catherine scratched her head and said to Lao Xie with a wry smile: “Dear, was I dreaming just now?”

“I’m not very clear about this!” Lao Xie shrugged and said: “I only know one thing. You were indeed killed by three demon lords just now. Your fragile body was simply unbearable in front of their powerful magic. With one blow, you were completely reduced to ashes before I could rescue you!”

“Nonsense, I’m obviously fine?” Catherine said hurriedly, “Look, I don’t even have any burns, how could I turn into ashes?” As she said, she also exposed her white arms to the old man Look evil.

Lao Xie casually took Catherine’s arm away, and then said with a wry smile: “The reason why you seem to be fine is because I resurrected you! For this, I paid a heavy price. For the next half year, , I can’t even do anything with others!”

“Really? You’re not lying to me, are you?” When Catherine heard this, she immediately said in surprise: “According to what you said, I was burned to ashes just now? As far as I know, resurrection requires a complete A corpse, no one can resurrect a pile of ashes, not even gods have this ability!”

“Yes, this is also the thing that puzzles me the most!” At this time, the old mage also rushed over, with a face full of doubts, and asked directly: “How did you do it? Why can you even What about the resurrection of Catherine who can’t even find the ashes?”

“Hey, do you want to know?” Lao Xie said slightly proudly.

“Of course I do!” the old mage said anxiously.

“Haha, but I don’t want to tell you!” Lao Xie laughed immediately.

“You~” The old mage was so angry that he was not angry to death.

But Catherine finally heard something and hurriedly said: “Wait, teacher, you just said that I was indeed resurrected by Stephen?”

“Yes, and he resurrected you in a weird way that I have never seen before!” The old mage smiled bitterly: “This kid has more and more secrets in his body! He even did it It’s something that even gods can’t do. Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

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