The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 703 The Powerful World Tree, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 703 The Powerful World Tree

“Haha~” Lao Xie couldn’t help laughing, and then he asked with a smile: “Then you didn’t think about helping your master at that time? Aren’t you afraid that after he dies, you will be left alone? “Thrown into the dark realm?”

“Of course I’m afraid, so I also want to help him. In fact, as long as he stays in my transformed tent, with the little power I have left at that time, even a group of demigod-level dark three-headed **** dogs can’t help him. There is absolutely nothing we can do to him!” Mara then said angrily: “But who knew that this idiot didn’t even give me a chance to speak. As soon as he saw those three-headed dark **** dogs, he immediately turned around and ran away, destroying my tent. He just left it there! He didn’t even think about it, how could he, a little legendary mage, outrun a demigod-level monster? What a good result, not only did he become someone else’s snack, he also made me the enemy. As a prisoner, I stayed in that dark cave for tens of thousands of years, until I met you! During this period, my remaining divine power was constantly being consumed by the corrosive air of the dark realm. If a few more days passed, maybe I became the first artifact soul to be trapped alive in the Dark Realm!”

“Haha, so I am your savior!” Lao Xie immediately laughed.

“That’s right. At least in this plane, I can absorb energy and slowly recover, but in that bird’s land in the dark realm, I can only consume my own power!” Mara then suddenly said: “But , Dear Master, although I can attack and recover, the speed is too slow. Do you think you can help me? ”

“Help you?” Lao Xie asked curiously: “What can I help you with?”

“Help me replenish the demon power!” Mara said hurriedly.

“Then how can I help you?” Lao Xie asked curiously.

“It’s very simple, as long as you pile the magic crystals under my body!” Mara smiled: “I can absorb the magic power myself and transform it into my own divine power!”

“Then what kind of magic crystal do you want?” Lao Xie frowned.

“It doesn’t matter what attribute it is, even the dark magic crystals you piled up here!” Mara replied with a smile.

“Any attribute can be used?” Lao Xie said slightly surprised: “I can’t tell, your teeth are really good!”

“Hey!” Mara said proudly, “This is one of the greatest inventions of my master, Mara, who created me!”

“The God of Travel is still good at inventing these things?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Of course, my master likes to do all kinds of fun things the most. If these things hadn’t delayed his cultivation, he wouldn’t have been so low in strength. He was beaten to death by a group of demigods. Alas, it was really too much. I’m too embarrassed to see anyone!” Mara said a little depressed.

“Oh, it’s a pity. Your own strength is the basis of self-protection!” Lao Xie also sighed with regret, and then asked again: “Then how many magic crystals do you need?”

“Dear Master!” Mara said flatteringly: “How about you give me all those things?”

“What? Give them all to you?” Lao Xie became angry when he heard this, and directly cursed: “How can this be done? There are hundreds of tons of them! And they are all high-grade magic crystals, so you are not afraid. Push yourself to death? ”

“How could it be? Even thousands of tons of high-grade magic crystals are not enough for me to eat for one meal?” Mara immediately cried out in pain: “Master, you don’t know how big my appetite is. Tell me, even if I eat all your inventory, I can only recover about 1% of my strength!”

“What? After eating hundreds of tons of high-grade magic crystals, you can only recover about 1% of your strength?” Lao Xie suddenly widened his eyes and said, “You are too good at eating, aren’t you?”

“I can’t help it, why am I so strong?” Mara said proudly.

“Strong?” Lao Xie frowned, and then immediately said: “Then let me ask you, if you eat those hundreds of tons of magic crystals, to what extent will your strength increase? Can you defeat an ordinary person? A low-level god?”

“Of course, there is absolutely no problem!” Mara immediately said proudly: “As long as you can get them in, let alone one, even three or five, there is absolutely no problem!”

“Really?” Lao Xie hesitated for a moment and said, “Well, I’ll give you those magic crystals. You must not let me down. Otherwise, you will never get them again in the future. Even a small piece of magic crystal! ”

“I understand, I understand, sir, just don’t worry!” After Mara said, the entire crystal suddenly flashed with white light, and then, hundreds of tons of magic crystal that had been placed outside suddenly appeared in the hall, paved with A few meters high.

“Haha, we can finally have a big meal!” Mala shouted excitedly while shooting out countless white tentacles made of light. These tentacles, which are hundreds of meters long and about a foot thick, are constantly stroking back and forth on the magic crystal, absorbing the energy inside.

At the beginning, the white tentacle tips will be dyed black by the dark magic crystal energy. However, as the black energy is guided along the tentacles to the crystal, the color will gradually fade until it enters the crystal. , it has been completed and turned into white. The nature of the energy also becomes completely consistent with the original divine power of the crystal during this process.

The magic crystals that have been touched by the tentacles gradually become smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye. After about half an hour, all the magic crystals in the hall had been swallowed by Mara.

Lao Xie looked at the clean ground and felt distressed. Then he said: “Mala, have you eaten?”

“Hey, it’s not bad!” Mara said proudly.

“Just eat well!” Lao Xie said angrily: “But why don’t I see any changes in you?”

“Haha, respected master, of course I have changed, and it is a huge change, but you can’t see it here! You can only see it outside.” Mara then smiled and said: “Now, please let me I’ll send you out and let you see my changes!”

As he said that, a two-meter-diameter white energy tray suddenly appeared under Lao Xie’s feet. It held Lao Xie and flew up gently. When he was about to reach the roof, a door suddenly opened at the top of the room. The round door allows Lao Xie to get out from inside.

With the help of the tray, Lao Xie quickly came outside. Immediately, he was completely shocked by the sight in front of him.

It turns out that the Kingdom of God at this time is completely different from when Lao Xie came. Not only is the area dozens of times larger, but there are also many more mountains, many of which have snow peaks, and the scenery is extremely spectacular.

What shocked Lao Xie the most was the city under his feet that was completely built on big trees. This is a peculiar city. The streets are like the branches of big trees. Each street is extremely wide, and the branches on both sides of the street are connected to tall and majestic buildings. The smallest of these buildings is tens of meters high, and the largest is thousands of meters high. The building at Lao Xie’s feet is composed of layers of exquisite houses, and even a large lake. The spiked city wall on the upper edge, to be precise, is actually a huge castle.

The big tree that carries this city covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles. It is divided into several layers and has many branches. As a result, there are so many buildings that even Lao Xie cannot count them. Only then did Lao Xie realize that the God of Glory’s statement that 30 million people lived here in its heyday was indeed untrue.

You know, Mara has only recovered 1% of his strength and can transform into a metropolis that can live in at least several million people. If he fully recovers his strength, he will definitely not be able to live in 30 million people. Problem!

Because Lao Xie was in an extremely high position, he didn’t know how long the big tree under his feet would be able to hold such a big city back. So after being stunned for a long time, he asked dumbly. Said: “Mala, how big is the big tree under our feet?”

“Master, I have to say that your question stopped me!” Mara smiled bitterly and said: “Anyway, it is as big as you see it now. If you want to ask how big it is, I don’t know how to tell you. Report! ”

“Then tell me how thick its trunk is!” Lao Xie said hurriedly.

“It now has hundreds of trunks. The trunk under your feet is the thickest, about 2,000 meters.” Mara immediately said: “Unfortunately, my strength is still too small. In its heyday, it would have had at least tens of thousands of trunks. The thickest one can be tens of thousands of meters long! The castle where you live alone can host millions of troops. That’s really spectacular!”

“There are many trunks?” Lao Xie was stunned for a moment, then understood, nodded and said: “Ah, I understand, this tree is the same as the banyan tree. When the crown of the tree is too large, it will extend its branches and insert them. On the ground, act as support!”

“I don’t know what a banyan tree is, but what you said later is correct. It did insert many branches into the ground to finally support such a large city!” Mara said hurriedly.

“This city is indeed too big, but the buildings are too scattered, and you can only walk along the branches. How inconvenient is this?” Lao Xie then frowned and said: “What if? If two neighbors on the branches want to sit together and chat, they will probably have to travel dozens of miles! ”

“Haha, Master, you have filtered it now!” Mara smiled and said: “The people who can live here are all powerful believers, and they can all fly!”

“That’s it!” Lao Xie suddenly realized, and then he was curious, “Even if this problem is solved, such a loose layout still has big loopholes in defense, right?”

“Master, the battle between gods is completely different from ordinary cold weapon battles. Once they fight, they will directly cast forbidden spells. In the face of this powerful group attack spell, the human sea tactic is useless. Therefore, this loose layout can reduce losses as much as possible. ”

“So that’s it!” Lao Xie nodded, and then continued to ask: “Then does this city have any defense measures?”

“Of course! And it’s an extremely powerful defensive measure!” Mara said proudly: “Master, now, please let me explain it to you slowly!”

“Okay, I’m all ears!” Lao Xie immediately became interested.

“First of all, we need to talk about this big tree!” Marla said proudly: “Master, you have to know that this kind of wonderful tree that can support a metropolis with a population of 30 million is definitely not an ordinary tree. In fact, , it is a product of alchemy and is definitely my master’s masterpiece!”

“Oh, really?” Upon hearing this, Lao Xie immediately asked curiously: “What is it called? How was it made?”

“This tree was named World Tree by my master, which means that it can hold up a world. The body of World Tree is the legendary ancestor of all plants, a trunk section of the Tree of Life!” Marla explained .

“Tree of Life?” Lao Xie asked in confusion: “What is this? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

“The Tree of Life is a sacred tree from ancient times. It possesses great power and is said to be the true form of the God of Life. However, in the war between the ancient gods, the Goddess of Life was lost, and her true form, the Tree of Life, was also destroyed. Destroyed, leaving only a core trunk that could not be completely destroyed. After being found by my master, he used this trunk and some other precious materials to refine it into such a big tree!” Marla explained.

“The background is not small, so is this world tree very powerful?” Lao Xie asked again.

“Of course, the World Tree is not just for support. In fact, it is also a weapon that can be used both offensively and defensively. Under my control, the World Tree can use thousands of different methods to attack incoming enemies. !” Mara then said arrogantly, “If there is another well-trained army that I can command, it will be even more incredible. Even if ten low-level gods attack, I will be sure to defeat them!”

“Really?” Lao Xie asked curiously: “You actually have thousands of different attack methods? Can you cover it up for me?”

“Of course, please come here to watch!” Mara said, directing the tray at Lao Xie’s feet to lift him to the wall of the castle at his feet. Then he said to Lao Xie: “Have you seen this wall? ?”

“I saw it!” Lao Xie nodded and said: “It’s just a row of big trees a few feet thick. I don’t see any strong protective power!”

It turns out that the so-called city walls are just neatly arranged large trees, all of which are branches extending from the branches of the World Tree. They were about tens of meters away from the ground of the castle, and there was even a few feet of space between them, enough for a horse to rush in. Obviously, the protective power of this kind of city wall was really difficult to satisfy Lao Xie.

But Mara then smiled and said: “Then please watch some of my little tricks, the first is the jungle of thorns!”

As soon as Mara finished speaking, sharp wooden thorns suddenly shot out from the trunks of the row of big trees in front of Lao Xie. The wooden thorns were more than ten meters long and the roots were about a foot thick. . It can be seen from the metallic luster on the wood thorns that this thing must be surprisingly hard.

The number of wooden thorns in this batch is very large, and each tree is almost covered from top to bottom, so that the originally sparse row of city walls suddenly became densely packed with countless wooden thorns. forest. It is conceivable that if anyone dared to rush in just now, he would definitely be stabbed to death.

Seeing this horrific scene, Lao Xie couldn’t help but secretly wiped his hands with cold sweat, and then said with a bitter smile: “It’s amazing. Are these wooden thorns on every city wall?”

“Hey, Master, you are still not brave enough! How can such wooden thorns be installed only on the city wall? In fact, such wooden thorns can be shot from any part of the World Tree. The thicker the place, the The wood thorns are getting longer and harder!” Mara then said with a wicked smile: “Also, Master, don’t be fooled by the appearance of these wood thorns!”

“What’s wrong?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately asked curiously, “Do these wooden thorns have any mechanism?”

“Of course!” Mara then smiled evilly and said: “There are small holes on the surface of these wooden thorns. After piercing the enemy’s body, I will choose different toxins according to the opponent’s race. Inject it! For those enemies with poor resistance to poison, just a little puncture of the skin by the wood thorn will kill them!”

“Insidious enough!” Lao Xie then smiled evilly and said: “But I like it! Tell me, are there any others?”

“Yes!” Mara continued with a smile: “These wooden thorns are not fixed. When necessary, I can shoot them out, just like magic missiles!”

“Haha, this is really a dirty trick!” Lao Xie immediately laughed and said: “What’s its range?”

“Oh, it depends on the size of the wooden thorns and the amount of divine power I release!” Mara smiled: “If I am willing, I can even make the wooden thorns you see fly out It’s dozens of miles away! It’s just that it takes too much energy, and the effect may not be very good, so I won’t do it like this!”

“Yes, I understand!” Lao Xie then nodded and asked again: “So, besides wooden thorns, do you have other protective measures?”

“Yes, the thousands of defensive measures I mentioned are not exaggerated!” Mara immediately smiled and said: “Look at this again!”

As soon as Mara finished speaking, he saw that the wooden thorns retracted one after another, and countless flower buds suddenly grew on those trees, and finally bloomed into beautiful flowers that were more than half a foot long. Then Lao Xie smelled a refreshing fragrance, which lifted Lao Xie’s spirit.

However, the alert Lao Xie held his breath for the first time, and then while checking his body, he said solemnly: “Is the fragrance of the flowers poisonous?”

“Haha, Master, you are worrying too much. Now is the refreshing fragrance, I don’t dare to murder you!” Mara then said again: “But if it is an invasion from outside, then I’m sorry. , Mara has no other skills, but his ability to prepare poisons is definitely one of the best. The old master travels around and likes to collect all kinds of poisons, including millions of poisons, whether they are powerful against poisons or not. I have the formula to deal with the Gods of Light and the undead, so there is almost no one in this world that I can’t put down!”

“Ha, if you say so, wouldn’t you be invincible?” Lao Xie immediately said in a funny tone.

“Oh, of course you can’t say that!” Mara said helplessly: “Although the poison is powerful, it has little effect on masters above demigods. It’s not that I can’t poison them, it can actually poison them. The demigod’s poison is too precious, and I don’t have much of it, so I can’t use it on a large scale on the battlefield. However, poisoning is still extremely effective when dealing with a large number of low-level troops. I remember that time with Neisser. During the battle with the Austrian Empire, I unexpectedly released a poison that knocked down millions of enemy troops!” When talking about this, Mara said: A proud look on his face.

“Since your toxin is so powerful, how did the people of the Nesser Offa Empire resolve it?” Lao Xie immediately couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Oh, these shameless bastards, when they saw how powerful my poison was, they simply stopped sending people and only used lifeless mechanical puppets and various summoned creatures to attack, while their great mages hid in the sky. The city used forbidden spells and magic cannons to bombard me with all their might!” Mara said depressedly: “I have all the poison, but I have no chance to use it!”

“Really?” Lao Xie thought for a while, then said: “Are you weak in long-range attack power? So you can’t do anything against their Sky City?”

“Huh?” When Mala heard this, he immediately said in surprise: “Master, how did you know?”

“Do you still need to ask? If your long-range attacks are also sharp, can you still let Sky City become arrogant?” Lao Xie rolled his eyes at Mala and said.

“Oh, Master, you are really right!” Mara said with a wry smile: “I was originally made for defense. The old master only likes to travel around and is not willing to fight with others. So when designing, The main strength is used in protection. As for the offensive ability, it cannot be said that it is not available, but compared to my defensive power, it is much weaker! It is not much against ordinary enemies, but once it is like the Sky City, Against a pure battle fortress, I showed a weakness in attack.”

“From what you said, it seems that Sky City is very powerful?” Lao Xie asked curiously.

“The Sky City is naturally powerful, but the most annoying thing is its super firepower. Each Sky City is equipped with at least tens of thousands of magic cannons, and as many as more than 100,000. When the Sky City is on When thousands of guns are fired, the power can be described as earth-shattering. Take the World Tree in front of you as an example. Even though it is so big, it can’t stop the firepower of only a dozen Sky City. A single salvo can completely wipe out this city! And we were facing a city in the sky that exceeded three digits!”

“According to what you said, just a few volleys from hundreds of sky cities would be enough to blow the World Tree into pieces in its heyday. Then how could you fight with them at that time?” Lao Xie was puzzled. asked.

“Of course we rely on people to fight!” Mara said: “You know, it’s not just the Neisseur Empire that has people, we also have a strong army! At that time, the master’s army composed of believers numbered 3 There are tens of millions of people who have become gods, and there are tens of thousands of demigod masters, so we are not vegetarians either!”

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