The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 453 Juliet is missing, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 453 Juliet is missing

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed, and Lan Fake has already set off again. And Lao Xie has been living a life of extreme ‘sexual happiness’. Apart from having enough time to practice, he just spent time with Constantine and Vivian. Although Vivian has not officially married yet, there are not so many **** rules on this continent, so under Lao Xie’s active attack, she quickly lost her virginity. And he is willing to serve Lao Xie in the Magic Tower with Constantine.

And when he got Vivian Yuan Yin, Lao Xie unexpectedly achieved a breakthrough, and his yin and yang dual cultivation method actually improved by one level, so that Lao Xie’s current magic power was no worse than that of a sixth-level master. His physical fitness has improved exponentially, and now Lao Xie is even capable of fighting against ordinary seventh-level holy sword masters. It’s just that Lao Xie didn’t tell others about the breakthrough. Instead, he hid it and prepared it as a back-up move.

This day, morning.

According to his usual habit, Lao Xie exercised for two hours in the morning light. He performed several punches and kicks with great pleasure, winning bursts of admiration and exclamation from Konstani and Vivian who were watching.

After Lao Xie finished exercising, he was covered in sweat. Constantine and Vivian each came forward with towels and gently helped him dry the sweat on his forehead. Then he took Lao Xie’s hand with a smile and forced him to take a bath.

Lao Xie also felt sticky and uncomfortable, so he went. Of course, he would not let these two stunning beauties go. As usual, when they were helping Lao Xie rub his back, they were immediately dragged into the pool by Lao Xie, followed by a burst of cooing and cursing, which was too charming to describe.

However, it was just as if Lao Xie had finally managed to make them confused and infatuated. Just when you are about to accomplish something good. The bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and two people rushed in. But when they saw the situation inside, they were frightened and ran away again.

Although they had gone out, such a disturbance still made Lao Xie and the second daughter extremely embarrassed and depressed. Lao Xie was so angry that he ran out naked and cursed: “You two bastards, don’t you know how to knock on the door when you get in?”

The two people in front of Lao Xie, one is the patron saint of the Griffin Kingdom. Lightning Saint. The other one is Arthas, the prince of the elves and the first in line of succession.

If it were another person, he would tremble even standing in front of the two of them. But Lao Xie simply ignored their dazzling identities and ran out naked, pointed at their noses and cursed. Not only did these two people not dare to get angry, they both apologized with wry smiles on their faces. In the end, Konstani and Vivian put on their clothes and came out to persuade the old evil man to leave. Otherwise, he would have to hurt these two people all day long.

A few minutes later, Lao Xie, who looked unhappy, dressed up and came outside to the living room. Ignoring the two of them, he went straight to the sofa, and then said politely: “What the **** happened? Why did you get into such a hurry?”

Obviously. Lao Xie saw that these two people had something urgent to do with him. Otherwise, given their status, they would definitely not break into the bathroom easily.

“Alas!” Alsace sighed to himself first, and then said helplessly: “There is indeed something urgent to find you. Juliet is missing!”

“What?” Lao Xie immediately sat up. He hurriedly asked: “What’s going on?”

“Ahem!” Alsace stamped his foot hard, and then said regretfully, “It’s all our fault for not keeping an eye on her.”

“Why aren’t you keeping an eye on her?” Lao Xie immediately asked in confusion: “She is a princess, not a prisoner? Why should she be kept under surveillance?”

“That’s it.” Arthas said helplessly: “Since the news that you defeated the Lich King spread among the elves, you have become Juliet’s idol. She often mentions it in front of her friends. You even hinted at it~”

When he said this, Alsace seemed to have something to hide, so he suddenly stopped.

Old Xie naturally said impatiently: “What do you imply? You should tell me quickly?”

“Oh, she hinted that she has fallen in love with you!” Alsace shrugged helplessly, and then said depressedly: “It is simply unbelievable. An elegant elf princess actually fell in love with a barbarian. People? What is this? ”

“Haha. This just shows that I have unparalleled charm. It is normal for a princess to love a hero!” Lao Xie laughed.

Alsace and the old mage looked proud when they saw Lao Xie. But they could only look at each other and smile bitterly, unable to say a word.

After the old man finished laughing, he suddenly thought of business and said hurriedly: “By the way, even if Juliet falls in love with me, it’s not a big sin, right? Why do you want to keep an eye on her?”

“Because she was too naive and trusted her close friends too much, so these words accidentally reached the ears of the great elder. As Juliet’s nominal father-in-law, of course he was not happy? So he went Ask your father what’s going on!” Alsace said with a bitter smile: “Although my father denied it, it still aroused his suspicion, so he rushed to hold a wedding for Juliet and his son.” /

“Just delay it!” Lao Xie said directly: “Didn’t I make an agreement with your father before? Let him delay this marriage as much as possible within ten years, and I will come forward to resolve it at that time.”

Alsace said helplessly: “In normal times, delaying it for ten or twenty years would not be a problem, but after what happened, the great elder was obviously suspicious and kept threatening. Naturally, my father tried his best to delay it. . But this deepened the elder’s suspicion, so he simply took a friend who heard Juliet’s secret and asked Juliet directly for confirmation. ”

“You also know that Juliet is actually still a child. How can she play like an old fox like an elder? So when she saw that friend, she immediately became stupid and readily admitted that she fell in love with you. .” Arthas then said with a bitter smile: “This has stirred up a hornet’s nest! The entire elves were alarmed! The elder then went to question my father, and he was suddenly cornered.”

“What then?” Lao Xie asked with a frown.

“My father has no choice but to place Juliet under house arrest and order her wedding to be held immediately!” Alsace said depressedly.

“Shit!” Lao Xie couldn’t help but cursed, and then said directly: “I guessed what happened next. Did Juliet suddenly disappear while under house arrest?”

“Yes!” Alsace nodded with a wry smile: “What surprised us most is that we dispatched hundreds of thousands of people and searched almost all over the Elf Forest, but we still couldn’t find her! ”

“How could this happen? A living person can be lost in the palace. Are you all pigs?” Lao Xie was so angry that he couldn’t help but cursed.

If Lao Xie had scolded him like this in normal times, Alsace would have jumped up and scolded him. But this time, Alsace just endured it silently. Being scolded willingly. It might as well be a way to alleviate some of the guilt in my heart.因为不管怎么说,都是他把最最疼爱的妹妹搞丢了,别说老邪现在骂他两句,就是揍他一顿他也只能认了。

Lao Xie then wanted to continue scolding, but Constantine hurriedly came over to stop him and persuaded him: “Okay, Brother Alsace didn’t mean it. Besides, Sister Juliet grew up in the palace after all. It’s normal for a princess who is familiar with the terrain and has great strength to escape quietly? Now that everything has happened, what’s the use of blaming Brother Alsace? Why don’t you think of a way? Get them back!”

Hearing what Konstani said, Lao Xie could only hold back the rest of his words, and then said angrily: “They haven’t found hundreds of thousands of people, so what can I do? Do you think I have clairvoyance? ?”

“Ahem!” At this time, Alsace suddenly coughed twice, and then said: “The reason why I came to you is because we found some clues, and you may be able to help us.”

“You elves have so many experts, where can I be used?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but asked strangely.

“Oh~” Arthas hesitated for a moment, and then said helplessly: “Although the elves have many masters and their footprints are almost all over the continent. But there is one place that is taboo to us, but you can easily enter. ”

“Hmm?” How smart is Lao Xie? From Alsace’s words, he immediately deduced some clues, and then said: “Are you talking about the Barbarian Plateau?”

“Exactly there!” Alsace then said seriously: “According to the clues we have, after Juliet escaped from the palace, she went all the way north, and the last trace she left was on the Barbarian Plateau. ”

“That doesn’t mean she entered the Barbarian Plateau?” Lao Xie said immediately, “Maybe she took a detour?”

“Except for the Barbarian Plateau, we have searched in all other directions and found no traces of Juliet walking.” Alsace shrugged: “So, unless she can fly, otherwise Otherwise, we can only enter the barbarian plateau!”

“Oh my god!” Lao Xie said in surprise: “Is she crazy? Doesn’t she know that the consequences of entering that kind of place are almost equivalent to suicide?”

“I don’t know why she is so persistent, but I am sure that she did go in!” Arthas then said sadly: “The horror of the Barbarian Plateau is that even the legendary masters dare not enter easily. But Juliet is only a fifth-level mage, and even the moon wheel has been taken away due to house arrest. How can she survive in it?”

“Damn, now I know I regret it, what have you done?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but cursed: “She was forced to do this by these two bastards, you and your father!”

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