The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 374: Extreme Arrogance, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 374: Extreme Arrogance

Sure enough, just as Lao Xie said beforehand, with just a few words, he scared Carlos, who was showing off his power just now, to the point where he fell down on the spot. Such a strange result was unexpected by everyone present, so much so that even the old mage, Kaz and others were dumbfounded.

Seeing that his son had suffered such a big loss and might commit a serious crime, Kaz was a little worried for a while. He couldn’t help but complained softly to the old mage: “Teacher, isn’t your grandson too cunning? This , how can you fight with someone called Carlos?”

“Alas!” The old mage couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “I didn’t expect this kid to be so cunning? But don’t worry, His Majesty still hopes that they will fight to the death, and he will never punish Carlos severely at this time. ”

“Ah, that’s good!” Kaz felt a little relieved.

As expected, the old mage guessed it. Although the emperor was very angry at Carlos for insulting his father, for the sake of the overall situation, he still did not order Carlos to be arrested and punished on the spot. Instead, he frowned and said: “This Carlos has gone too far, do you think this should be the punishment?” Obviously, his purpose in saying this was to give others a chance to plead for mercy.

At this time, it is of course not convenient for Kaz to come forward, and the Stephen family cannot express its stance because of the duel. The most suitable person to come forward is Hercules. But just when Hercules was about to plead for mercy, Frank, the patriarch of the August family, suddenly stood up and said: “Your Majesty, Carlos was just a momentary mistake. He did not intentionally insult the late emperor. Please show mercy to your majesty and give him a favor.” It’s the chance to make a difference.”

As he spoke, Frank also deliberately gave Kaz a wink, obviously saying, ‘Remember, I am interceding for your son. You have to remember my favor! ’

Kazi naturally understood what Frank meant. Although he knew that the emperor would not rebuke Carlos even if Frank did not come forward, he could not show his indifference in terms of face. He could only smile and nodded slightly to express his gratitude to Frank.

After Frank received Kaz’s gratitude, he immediately smiled. In his opinion, Carlos was on the same page as the Stephen family. So no matter who loses or wins, the two families will inevitably turn against each other in the end. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend, so of course he regarded Kaz as his ally against the Stephen family. That’s why he rushed out to plead for mercy, with the purpose of winning over the Wind Sword Master Kaz.

The emperor, who had no intention of punishing Carlos severely, naturally walked down the steps after listening to Frank’s words and said softly: “Then what do you think is the appropriate way to punish Carlos?”

“Your Majesty. Since Carlos has unintentionally disrespected the late emperor, why not punish him to copy the “Biography of Emperor Rioux” ten times!” Frank bowed and said.

“The Biography of Emperor Leyoke” is a biography specially written by the emperor in order to commemorate his father and at the same time flaunt the great achievements of the late emperor. Since Emperor Rioc was indeed very popular and died heroically while resisting the Burning Legion, many scholars at that time spontaneously participated in this matter. Every detail of the late Emperor’s life is clearly written down. The late emperor was already 102 years old when he passed away. In addition, he experienced many major events in his life. As a result, this biography was very long. It took more than 100 scholars more than 20 years to complete. Under normal circumstances. It would take a scribe several months to copy it all. If a soldier like Carlos were to copy this ten times, hey, he would definitely not be able to finish it within a few years. Therefore, this kind of punishment is both cruel and saves him face, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

The emperor was naturally very happy when he heard this, and immediately nodded and said: “Very good, Carlos, then I will punish you to copy “The Life of Emperor Rioux” ten times. Do you have any objections?”

When Carlos heard this, he almost fainted. You know, as the proud disciple of the Perfect Sword Master, he is definitely a qualified knight, so this knowledge is naturally indispensable. Of course he had heard of “The Life of Emperor Leyoke” and even read it. He clearly remembered that he had finished reading this book. It also took him nearly a month. If you copy it ten times. God, it could probably break his wrist from exhaustion. Also as a warrior. He was naturally restless, so it would be fine if he was asked to fight, but if he was asked to copy books quietly, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

But this is the emperor’s punishment after all. How dare he say no? So no matter how depressed I am, I have to bite the bullet and agree: “Yes, the guilty minister obeys the order!”

“Very good!” The emperor nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “Then get up, I’m still waiting for your duel!”

“Yes!” Upon hearing this, Carlos angrily picked up the spear and jumped on his mount again. Then he glared at Lao Xie fiercely, as if he wanted to bite to death the culprit who caused him to copy the book.

Lao Xie didn’t care, and teased contemptuously: “Carlos, it will be good for you to read more books in the future! This will save you from making such idiotic mistakes again!”

“Thank you for reminding me, I will remember you!” Carlos said through gritted teeth.

Seeing the tense situation between the two men, the emperor was extremely satisfied and said casually: “You two, do you have any other requests? If not, I will announce the start of the duel!”

The emperor waited for a while and saw that none of them spoke, so he smiled and said: “Very good, now, please go back to back, and then each walk 50 steps forward.”

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Carlos and Lao Xie began to walk back to back. Carlos walked very fast, urging his mount, almost trotting all the way for 50 steps, obviously eager to deal with the opponent.

But when he reached the place and looked back, Lao Xie was still walking leisurely. In the short distance of fifty steps, Lao Xie walked for two or three minutes, like a hobbling old man, moving forward slowly step by step.

Seeing Lao Xie like this, the ignorant audience thought he was scared, so many people began to laugh at him. Only those who were familiar with Lao Xie felt that something was wrong, but no one saw anything wrong.

At this moment, Kaz, who was also in the royal private room, was suddenly surprised to find that the old mage next to him had locked Lao Xie with his mental power. Of course, the old mage’s mental lock was very hidden. If Kaz wasn’t also a master of the holy realm, and the distance was so close, he wouldn’t have been able to detect it at all.

But this aroused Kaz’s doubts. You must know that this kind of mental power lock is actually equivalent to a magic lock. Once locked, the magician’s magic can be overwhelming, making it impossible to dodge. Under normal circumstances, this is done to those who are hostile, and the purpose is to speed up the attack.

The people who are targeted will be more or less aware of it. Obviously, during this duel, people who are targeted by external mental power will definitely be distracted. This is very unfair to little Stephen.

Kazigao didn’t understand why the old mage did this, so he asked curiously: “Teacher, what are you doing?”

“I can’t help it. I feel something is wrong. It seems that my boy is playing dirty tricks!” The old mage said with a bitter smile: “He didn’t accept my advice yesterday and insisted on beating your son half to death. I’m afraid something will happen. So I had to lock him down first so that I could stop him in time if something happened!”

“Huh?” Kaz was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: “But, isn’t this too unfair to him?”

“Don’t worry. It’s unfair to fight your son based on his strength. I’m trying to bring their strength closer by suppressing him!” The old mage said with a smile: “Besides, it was me who made the move anyway, and It has nothing to do with you, even if he loses, I will admit it!”

The old mage has already said this, what else can Kaz say? He could only smile and shake his head, ending the conversation. Since the two of them were discussing using secret methods of sound transmission, no one around them heard what they said, and they were all looking at the people on the field with their full attention.

At this time, Lao Xie finally walked 50 steps. Then, he slowly took out a large luxurious chair from the space ring and placed it on the ground. Then he sat on it carelessly, and then casually took out a large luxurious chair from the space ring. He took out a bottle of good wine, bit off the cap and took a sip. With that comfortable look, he didn’t look like he was here for a duel at all, but rather like he was here for an outing.

Everyone present was dumbfounded when they saw what he was doing. The emperor was also stunned, and then frowned and said: “Little Stephen, this is a duel. Please sit down and get ready! Don’t delay!”

“I’m ready!” Lao Xie shrugged and said, “You can start at any time!”

“What?” The emperor suddenly opened his eyes and said, “Are you going to duel with Carlos like this?”

“That’s right!” Lao Xie sneered: “To deal with such an idiot, sitting down is enough!”

Such arrogant and arrogant words made everyone present stunned, and then everyone started talking. Some said he was arrogant, some said he might have a chance to win, and so on.

But the emperor was obviously very dissatisfied with Lao Xie’s appearance, but as a referee, he could not directly speak to Lao Xie, so he could only frown and said to the old mage: “Teacher, is this person in your family the best? Too arrogant?”

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